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Theory questions in Financial Management.

1) Cash management techniques and strategies.

2) Motives for holding cash
3) Sources of working capital short term sources of funds
) !enefits and costs of holding inventor".
#) $nventor" management techniques %$&
') (eterminants of working capital
)) *actors influencing dividend polic"
+) ,perating c"cle and cash c"cle
-) Market value added and .conomic value added
1/) Cum dividend and e01dividend
11) &"pes of merger and advantages
12) ,23ectives of financial management
13) *unctions of finance manager
1) Scope of financial management
1#) (ecisions of financial management
1') &echniques of time value of mone" 4ractical applications
1)) 5elationship 2etween risk and return and C64M
1+) 4rofita2ilit" and liquidit" &rade1off
1-) $mportance of capital 2udgeting decisions
2/) .stimating cash flows
21) &heories of capital structure7 Modigliani and Miller approach ar2itrage process
22) Cost of different sources of capital

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