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Bayzat Team Bio for Website

Brian Habibi, Co-founder.

Who better to drive the Bayzat machine, than Brian Habibi. As a man with a passion for money and its
magaement, Brian believes in tracking his spending and seeing his pennies grow. With a similar mindset,
Brian co-founded Bayzat for showing ways to do the same. A B in Business Administration, Brian has
taken up an advisory role on marketing and product innovation at Bayzat. Brian also handles B!" and
digital marketing for a well established #$%& food brand across the &%%. 'nder his guidance, Bayzat
creates the kind of services that is only a distant dream in for other financial e-commerce companies. As a
marketing advisor Brian has a firm sense of trading and investment, but more importantly, he knows how to
turn financial products into an investment trend that helps clients to meet their ob(ectives.
Talal Bayaa, Co-founder.
Backed by solid e)perience in *slamic investments and e+uity, !alal co-founded Bayzat and lead the
business development, content management and production innovation teams. He boasts a B.. in
Bioengineering from the 'niversity of %alifornia and *slamic #inance ,ualification from the ecurities -
*nvestment *nstitute. !alal is also a %#A charter holder. !hrough his e)posure to a range of haria compliant
products while his tenure as director at &* Advisory and his e)perience as research analyst with
$illennium #inance %orporation, !atlal has developed a hyper consciousness of different financial products,
their benefits and economical acceptance. !his filters down into his work at Bayzat.
Nesrine Jebali, Business Development sso!iate and Content "ana#er.
.esrine is an alumnus of the %oncordia 'niversity, $ontreal %anada, where she earned a Bachelor/s degree
in %ommerce 0#inance - Accounting1. he brings her in-depth knowledge and understanding of commerce
- finance to Bayzat, supporting the business development team to ensure positive relationship with the
clients and the customers. .esrine is also a certified lifeguard and 2A3* diver. !he same level of enthusiasm
and motivation is evident in her approach to clients ensuring positive, energized client relationships. .esrine
believes in spending only after saving and she communicates the same through the content on Bayzat. he
also has a venerable knowledge of trading patterns, allowing her to make recommendations to clients on
how to best sell their products.
$a%el Wil&, 'enior $H$ Developer.
2awel is the power behind the web development division at Bayzat. He boasts a Bachelor/s in %omputer
cience and is a proficient multiple programming in 2H2, 4avascript, 2ython and %55. With 67 years
e)perience as software developer, 2awel brings a wealth of knowledge to the team. With his eye for detail
and insatiable hunger for perfection, 2awal is the watchdog of software development making each step
easier for a Bayzat user. 2awel has successfully completed numerous start-up software pro(ects in 8urope
and is also a trained advanced open water diver. !his passion of e)ploring the une)plored avenues reflects in
his work too.

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