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Engaged Learning Unit Template

Title of Project: Are YOU Ready for College?

Subject(s): Mat ! su""ort
#rade $e%el(s):#rade &'
This assignment will take between eight to ten weeks; the students will work for approximately sixty minutes a day,
two to three days a week (we are on a traditional AB blok shedule!" The students are in #ath $ support lass;
therefore the students ha%e failed the E&'T in #ath ( but obtained a #ath ( redit" )tudents will be researhing
their futures and determining if their *+A is on trak for the olleges they wish to go to" They will alulate *+A
and use standard de%iation to ompare their results with the rest of the lass" By dealing with their own independent
grades and *+A to outline their futures, the task will be authenti and indi%idual to them" ,ue to the nature of math,
diret instrution is neessary" -or the first four weeks of this unit, students will learn and refine their skills on
statistial analysis" This ulminating ati%ity is designed to fall at the end of the statistis unit"
$ear(er )escri"tio(*+(%iro(,e(t:
These students are in math $ support, meaning they ha%e failed the #ath ( E&'T but obtained a #ath ( redit
through passing the lass" By failing the #ath ( E&'T they ha%e not demonstrated mastery in the mathematial
onepts go%erned by the state" They are typially slower to proess information and retain onepts" #uh of this will re/uire diret instrution and fre/uent diret remediation and re%iew" The researh aspet will be
ompleted on our department lass set of netbooks pro%ided by our shool, so eah student will ha%e aess to a
netbook during their researh of their ollege" ,ue to the demographi that 0 teah onsistent and reliable internet is
not always a%ailable at home" Therefor most of this lesson will need to be ompleted in the lassroom" The last two
lasses will be in the ollege and areer enter to disuss their hoies and their futures" )tudents will ha%e the
opportunity to pair up with other students with similar *+As and ollege goals to omplete researh on admission
re/uirements for their hosen olleges"
Ti,e -ra,e: &ur shool is on a traditional AB blok shedule" 1e see eah lass e%ery other day; alternating
e%en with odd lasses" -or example we would see e%en lasses twie a week one week then three times a week the
following week" 1ith diret instrution being neessary, as well as onsistent re%iew and remediation on *+A
alulations and standard de%iation, the students will work one hour per day, two to three days a week for
approximately eight weeks" The final two lasses will take plae in our shool2s ollege and areer enter, and
students will be gi%en the opportunity to speak with our ollege and areer speialist"

$ear(er Perfor,a(ces:
1hen this is omplete 0 expet the students to alulate *+A and use standard de%iation to alulate and
ompare data results" The le%el of Bloom2s that will be ahie%ed will be appliation and analysis" The analysis will
ome when they ompare their data to other students in the lass, and the appliation will be when they determine if
these results are aeptable for the olleges they hoose" Attahed is a rubri 0 will use (attahment 3!" 0 expet
students to demonstrate mastery with mathematial mehanis by understanding the problem being asked, using
%isuals to explain their answers, reating a timeline of e%ents, and refleting on the proess"
Sta(dards Assessed:
The 4ET5) standards that will be addressed will inlude 4ET)5) 6a where the students will use tehnology to
loate, e%aluate, and ollet information from a %ariety of soures" This will be demonstrated when the students
researh their olleges using a %ariety of searh engines and websites" )tudents will also address the 4ET)5)
standard 3a where students will use teleommuniations to ollaborate, publish, and interat with peers, experts, and
other audienes" This will be demonstrated when the students will work ollaborati%ely with eah other to researh
their olleges and ompare data we well as onsult with outside experts" )tudents will also address 4ET)5)
standard 7a where the students will use tehnology resoures for sol%ing problems and making informed deisions"
&ne the students ha%e alulated their *+A and ompared their data, they will use tehnology to determine if they
are on trak to graduate and enter the ollege of their hoie" -urther 4ET)5) 3b will be addressed with student
researh and information flueny will be addressed as the students will loate, e%aluate, analyses and apply data
found from %arious eletroni soures" The state standards that will be assessed are8
##$,(a 5 +ose a /uestion and ollet sample data from at least two different populations"
##$,(b 5 Understand and alulate the means and standard de%iations of sets of data"
##$,( 5 Use means and standard de%iations to ompare data sets"
##$,(d 5 'ompare the means and standard de%iations of random samples with the orresponding population
parameters, inluding those population parameters for normal distributions" &bser%e that the different sample means
9o 1illiamson, :ennesaw )tate Uni%ersity, ;A4,&UT )E<E4
Engaged Learning Unit Template
%ary from one sample to the next" &bser%e that the distribution of the sample means has less %ariability than the
population distribution"

Te .oo/0 or 1(troductio(8
The unit will be introdued by showing a slide show (see attahed ++T! whih will disuss the benefits of ollege"
The slide show disusses salary potential with a ollege degree, soial benefits, networking and sport and lub
opportunities" Then the students will take a sur%ey using Ati%e 0nspire Ati%e<ote de%ies regarding moti%es to go
to ollege"

The goal of this assignment is to get students thinking about their futures" To do this, they will analy=e their past
aademi beha%iors and e%aluate their future plans" ,ue to the personal nature of this assignment, students will
in%estigate their own paths, although students will ha%e the opportunity to work ollaborati%ely with other students
with similar post5seondary goals" #astery will be demonstrated through the use of tehnology, indi%idual goal
setting, data omparison with peers, and through disussion of indi%idual future ob.eti%es" To begin this lesson,
after the ollege +ower+oint, students will list their top > post5seondary goals on an index ard (inluding tehnial
shools, uni%ersity, ommunity ollege, military, apprentieships, et!" This is to be retained for the end of the
assignment" )tudents will alulate their indi%idual *+As (attahment (!, both urrent and past, based on their
transripts that will be downloaded from our ounty2s +arent +ortal system" )tudents will then ompare their *+As
with members of the other lass, and omplete a normal ur%e graphi organi=er (Attahment $!" )tudents will
loate their index ard and begin researhing the ollege of their hoie to determine if they are on trak to reah
their goals" -inally the students will omplete a refletion (Attahment >! on this proess" To ahie%e these
ob.eti%es, students will use their own transripts pulled off of our ounty2s +arent +ortal website to alulate their
past, present and umulati%e *+As" )tudents will then submit their umulati%e *+As to the teaher and the teaher
will post, randomly, the student *+As sores anonymously" )tudents will then omplete a graphi organi=er on the
normal ur%e of the *+A sores posted" &ne the *+As ha%e been alulated, students will work in pairs or small
groups to researh the olleges of their hoie; written on the index ard at the beginning of the assignment"
)tudents may work with members of the lass who share similar post5seondary goals" The students must find the
olleges2 *+A re/uirements, )AT re/uirements, entrane essay?test re/uirements, and finanial re/uirements"
)tudents will be pro%ided with a list of suitable websites they may %isit to researh their goals" )tudents will also
ha%e the opportunity to meet with the ollege and areer speialist to disuss their goals" This will take plae during
the final lass periods" The teaher will take on the role of failitator whene%er diret instrution is not neessary, as
well as helping with error analysis during the proess" &ne aspet of the rubri (attahed below! will inlude
students demonstrating understanding of the problem" The teaher will monitor student progression through the
initial stages of the to determine whih students understand the onepts being asked, and whih student
re/uire additional support" ,ue to the indi%iduali=ed nature of this task, students will need to diret their own pae
while still meeting deadlines gi%en by the teaher" Eah task will ha%e a portion that will be turned in by the student
(*+A alulation, standard de%iation?normal ur%e graphi organi=er, timeline, and refletion! and eah will
monitor student learning throughout the proess"
,ay (
)tudents %iew +ower+oint presentation on the benefits of ollege" The students will then take an Ati<ote sur%ey
on their ollege goals and write on an index ard their top three post5seondary goals" )tudents will download their
*+As from our ounty2s +arent +ortal site and alulate their *+A using the worksheet pro%ided" )tudents will
submit their *+A alulation sheets at the end of this period"
,ay $
The teaher will post random *+A sores anonymously on the pro.etor sreen" )tudents will omplete the standard
de%iation graphi organi=er and ompare the data sets" Enrihment ati%ity8 students will alulate their =5sores to
determine where on the normal ur%e their *+As lay" )tudents will submit their graphi organi=ers at the end of the
,ay >53
)tudents will work in pairs with students who share similar post5seondary goals to use our lass set of netbooks for
researh" )tudents will omplete a refletion paper" The refletion paper will be turned in at the end of the day on
,ay 3"
9o 1illiamson, :ennesaw )tate Uni%ersity, ;A4,&UT )E<E4
Engaged Learning Unit Template
,ay 6 57
)tudents will meet with the ollege and areer enter speialist to disuss their post5seondary goals" 'ollege
readiness ati%ities will be pro%ided"
,ay @ A B
)tudents will reate a timeline using #useum Box"
The end produt that the students will use will onsist of their independent alulations of their *+A, the normal
ur%e and standard de%iation of *+A lass omparison, and their refletions" Based on these alulations and
results, students will reate a goal setting timeline to help ensure suess" This timeline will inlude *+A goals,
entrane exam dates, study timelines, and sholarship deadlines" )tudent will reate a timeline using #useum Box"
#useum Box allows students to build a desription of an e%ent; in this ase, their futures" )tudents will build their
box with B important e%ents" These e%ents must inlude when to apply for ollege, goal date for impro%ing *+A,
)AT testing dates, and ollege aeptane dates" )tudents will be graded based on their mathematial mehanis,
their normal ur%e graphi organi=er, their timeline, and their refletion answers" &ne students grasp the
mathematial onepts through diret instrution and pratie, tehnology will be used to researh and analy=e the
results and apply these results by researhing olleges" To assess the produt, a rubri has been reated (attahed
Tec(ology Resources*Ma(age,e(t:
The tehnologies that will be re/uired inlude an interati%e white board for diret instrution of alulations for
*+A and standard de%iation" The ollege sur%ey will re/uire the interati%e %oting de%ies" The use of our lass set
of netbooks will be re/uired for researh of olleges" The tehnology that will be implemented in this lesson will
help the students learn math onepts through the use of the 01B beause the students an interat with the lesson
and the teaher" The netbooks allows students to reah beyond the lassroom in terms of what they an researh and
who they an ontat" The netbooks are also proteted with firewalls to pre%ent the students from aessing
undesirable websites, as well as their internet ati%ity is monitored so it is easily determined when students get off
task" 1e will be meeting with our ollege and areer speialist to disuss future goals pertaining to ollege so that
will satisfy the standard assoiated with ollaboration with experts"
Stude(t S/ill )e%elo",e(t:
The skills that students will need to de%elop during this ati%ity are mostly mathematial mehanis" They will need
to be able to alulate *+A and standard de%iation" They will also need to be able to use that data and ompare
populations" They will also need to be able to omplete guided readings and graphi organi=ers" -inally they will
need to be able to reflet on their experiene" Tehnologially speaking, they will need to show profiieny on the
Ati<ote de%ies while they take the sur%ey pertaining to ollege interest" They will also need to be able to na%igate
the internet for researh purposes and na%igate a gi%en web page" -inally, they will need to be able to use the
internet to ontat outside experts through e5mail to disuss their future goals"
Ada"tatio(s for S"ecial 2eeds:
Adaptations that will be re/uired for students with speial needs inlude annotated harts and graphs" These will
make it easier for students with limited English to understand" 1hen gi%en the graphi organi=er, the print will be
large and the indiated boxes to be filled in will be easily found to assist students with limited sight" Also, when
ompleting their refletion, students may use #) word whih will help students with limited English profiieny"
-inally, students will ha%e the opportunity to extend this to inlude +)AT sores and omparing data
nationwide whih will assist gifted students"
Assessments throughout this assignment will be ongoing" There will be a final grade gi%en based on the rubri
pro%ided; howe%er, students will need to master eah onept as we ad%ane through this task" -or example, to
demonstrate mastery of *+A alulation students will omplete the *+A alulation worksheet (see attahment (!"
-or mastery on standard de%iation and the normal ur%e, students will need to omplete the normal ur%e graphi
organi=er" -inally students will write a refletion regarding what they learned throughout this proess" This
refetion will inlude /uestions suh as C0s your *+A high enough for you to meet your future goalsD 1hy or why
notDE and C;ow did your *+A ompare to your peersD ,isuss speifi examplesE and finally C1hat do you need
to do to ensure you an meet your post5seondary goalsD *i%e > examplesE"
9o 1illiamson, :ennesaw )tate Uni%ersity, ;A4,&UT )E<E4
Engaged Learning Unit Template
Su""orti(g Materials 8
To begin my lesson, 0 will show the Are Fou Geady for 'ollege +ower+oint whih will guide the students to open a
disussion about the benefits of ollege and the opportunities it offers" 1e will then disuss *+As, ompare data,
and researh olleges through :ids2 Hone whih will help kids rank their abilities, ompare data, and researh
olleges" )tudents will ha%e aess to %ideo tutorials suh as standard de%iation, the normal ur%e, and =5sores"
This will help them progress through the assignment" Tutorials for eah setion will be posted on the lass website
of http8??manhestermath"wordpress"om" Tutorials an be aessed at any time during this proess" This will allow
students to work ahead, or re%iew if neessary" Enrihment ati%ities will also be posted on this website if students
wish to further their researh their future goals" These enrihment ati%ities will inlude a link to the 'ollege Board
website where students may take +)AT pratie tests in reading, writing and math"
9o 1illiamson, :ennesaw )tate Uni%ersity, ;A4,&UT )E<E4
Engaged Learning Unit Template
Calculating GPA
In this activity, students will learn what a GPA is, why it is important, and how to calculate it.
Instructions: complete the questions below with your thoughts about GPA.
1. What does GPA stand for? _____________ ________________ _______________
2. What does a GPA show?
3. Why is a GPA important?
4. For each class listed on your rade report! list the rade you ha"e in that class! then i"e it
points usin the scale on the riht#
$ame of class Grade Points
)otal points ______ . total num/er of classes _____ 0 _________ 1this is your GPA2
%. Are you satisfied with your GPA? ________
a. Why or why not? __________________________________________________________
&. 3any scholarships and employers loo4 for a GPA of 3.5 or hiher. Will you 6ualify for these
scholarships or 7o/s? ________
/. ,f yes! what ha"e you done well to reach this accomplishment? ,f no! what can you do to
ma4e your GPA hiher? 18e specific 9 don:t 7ust say ;<o /etter.= What specific thins will you
/ein doin?2
9o 1illiamson, :ennesaw )tate Uni%ersity, ;A4,&UT )E<E4
A> 4.5
A 3.?
A9 3.%
8> 3.4
8 3.5
89 2.%
@> 2.4
@ 2.5
@9 1.%
<> 1.4
< 1.5
<9 5.?
F 5
Engaged Learning Unit Template
A normal curve is ________________________________________.
________% of the data scores lie between the mean and ONE standard deviation on
either side of the mean.
________% of the data scores lie between the mean and TWO standard deviations on
either side of the mean.
________% of the data scores lie between the mean and THREE standard deviations
on either side of the mean.
9o 1illiamson, :ennesaw )tate Uni%ersity, ;A4,&UT )E<E4
Engaged Learning Unit Template
Aeflection paper
1. Why do you want to o to collee? 13 ood reasons in sentence form2. ,f you do not
want to o to collee! list 3 ood reasons in sentence form
2. 8ased on your GPA! are you on trac4 to reach your first choice? -econd choice? )hird
choice? <iscuss in at least 4 sentences.
3. What chanes must /e made so your GPA will ensure your acceptance into the post9
secondary oal of your choice? <iscuss in a full % sentence pararaph.
4. What eBtracurricular acti"ities will you need to /e accepted into the post9secondary oal
of your choice? Cow can you ma4e that happen in the neBt 2 years? <iscuss in 4
%. What 2 thins are you moti"ated to do to ensure your post9secondary success?1full
sentence answer2
&. What 2 thins are you not moti"ated to do to ensure you post9secondary success? 1full
sentence answer2
9o 1illiamson, :ennesaw )tate Uni%ersity, ;A4,&UT )E<E4
Engaged Learning Unit Template
'. Why are you moti"ated to do the thins in 6uestion % /ut not 6uestion &? <iscuss in 4
2e3 Ma(cester 4ig Scool
Are YOU Ready for College?
Criteria Poi(ts
5 6 ! &
of Proble,
0dentifies speial
fators that influene
the approah before
starting the problem
Understands the
problem, but does
not demonstrate
enough to sol%e
part of the problem
or to get part of the
,oesnJt understand
enough to get
started or make
Use Of 7isuals
'lear diagram or sketh
with some detail"
'lear diagram or
0nappropriate or
unlear diagram"
4o diagram or
Meca(ics 4o math errors"
4o ma.or math
errors or serious
flaws in reasoning"
#ay be some
serious math errors
or flaws in
#a.or math errors
or serious flaws in
)hows omplete
understanding of the
/uestions, mathematial
ideas, and proesses"
)hows substantial
understanding of the
problem, ideas, and
Gesponse shows
understanding of
the problem"
Gesponse shows a
omplete lak of
understanding for
the problem"
*oes beyond the
re/uirements of the
#eets the
re/uirements of the
;ardly meets the
re/uirements of the
,oes not meet the
re/uirements of the
,emonstrates a
understanding of the
writing prompt and the matter"
,emonstrates a
basi understanding
of the writing
prompt and the matter
,emonstrates a
understanding of
the writing prompt
and matter"
This refletion
needs re%ision"
,emonstrates little
or no
understanding of
the writing prompt
and matter"
This refletion
needs re%ision"
Ti,eli(e of
The timeline ontains at
least B signifiant e%ents"
This inludes date and
The timeline ontains
at least 7 signifiant
e%ents" This inludes
The timeline ontains
at least 357
signifiant e%ents"
The timeline ontains
less than 3 signifiant
e%ents" This inludes
9o 1illiamson, :ennesaw )tate Uni%ersity, ;A4,&UT )E<E4
Engaged Learning Unit Template
desription" date and desription"
This inludes date
and desription"
date and desription"
Teacer Co,,e(ts8
9o 1illiamson, :ennesaw )tate Uni%ersity, ;A4,&UT )E<E4

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