Proposal Pro Forma

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I will need a group of people for this project including males and females. As I plan to create a series
of photographs about the fear of love. For the production stages I will also need a camera and a
tripod, I will have to use the tripod to avoid camera shake when capturing the photographs.

The location of the project can be within the college; because the college is so big it also emulates
the fear more places to run. I also think that college will be a good location because of the
different places to capture the photographs e.g. stairwells and in the atrium(s).

The techniques that I will be using are movement and out of focus.

Although these techniques movement and out of focus are quite basic I think that they work well
together to bring a message to the photograph. I feel that my focal technique will be movement as
this is what I want to stimulate in my set of images. I also want to capture out of focus in my
photographs, as it gives it an added ghostly feel to the fear in the photograph, it can also capture
light in a certain way. I want to incorporate the theme of love and fear together as I think it is
unusual for people to think about, when they associate fear with death and spiders etc.
I want to use the idea of running away to establish the fear in which I am perusing to put across, it
will also give me a chance to experiment with the different shutter speeds on the camera in order to
create a full blur or just capture the movement of one person.

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