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Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. John collects money. -

2. Anna opened the window. -
3. We have done our homework. -
4. I will ask a uestion. -
!. "e can cut out the picture. -
#. $he sheep ate a lot. -
%. We do not clean our rooms. -
&. William will not repair the car. -
'. (id )ue draw this circle* -
+ould you ,eed the do-* .
Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.
10. John collects money. - 1oney is collected 2y John.
11. Anna opened the window. - $he window was opened 2y Anna.
12. We have done our homework. - 3ur homework has 2een done 2y us.
13. I will ask a uestion. - A uestion will 2e asked 2y me.
14. "e can cut out the picture. - $he picture can 2e cut out 2y him.
1!. $he sheep ate a lot. - A lot was eaten 2y the sheep.
1#. We do not clean our rooms. - 3ur rooms are not cleaned 2y us.
1%. William will not repair the car. - $he car will not 2e repaired 2y William.
1&. (id )ue draw this circle* - Was this circle drawn 2y )ue*
+ould you ,eed the do-* - +ould the do- 2e ,ed 2y you*

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