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Crystalline Capillary Coating

POLYCAP is prot ect ion compound which wit h st ands severe leakage sit uat ion and t he chemical present penet rat e deep int o wat er bearing capillaries, react wit h moist ure t o seal of f t he
leakage even against high wat er pressure.
Field of Applicat ion
Basement ( ext ernal- int ernal), Ground Tank, Swimming Pool, Wet Area
Crystalline Capillary
(Negative & Positive)
Crystalline Process
Technical Dat a
Propert y Typical Result
Pack Size 25 kg/ Bag ( powder)
Compressive St rengt h 57.5 N/ mm2
Toxicit y Non-Toxic
Adhesive St rengt h 0.34 N/ mm2
Pot Lif e (30 C) 2 hours
Coverage 15 kg/ 100 sq- f t ( 2 coat s)
Zaw & Hnin - POLYCAP
1 of 1 12/27/2013 9:17 AM

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