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Location: southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia
Capital: Ankara

Climate: temperate; hot, dry summers with mild, wet winters; harsher
The Turkish Language:The official language, Turkish, is the first language spoken by
Meeting and Greeting Etiquette
When meeting shake hands firmly.
Friends/relations would greet with one or two kisses on the cheek
Elders are respected by kissing right hand then placing forehead on hand.
If not automatically met, greet the most elderly/senior first.
At social occasions, greet the closest one and then greet around anti-clockwise.

Relationships & Communication
Turks prefer to do business with those they know and respect, therefore spend time
establishing a personal relationship.
Relationships are fostered in the office, over extended lunches, dinners, social outings.
Courtesy is crucial in all business dealings
Turks not require personal space and stand close to you while conversing.
Do not back away, as this can be construed as unfriendly.
Discussions may start slowly with irrelevant question
Extremely rude to insist your colleagues getting right to the point.
Ask about family without prying. Questions about children will be welcomed.
The Turks are proud of their country
They answer the questions about their culture and history but avoid political history.
Once a relationship has been established, communication is direct.
Eye contact while speaking with Turkish. This as a sign of sincerity.


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