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Unit Pengajian Cina,

Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Ipoh,

31150 Hulu Kinta,
PE!K "!U# I"$U!%& 'el( 01)*5+30++)
Chang -iang International .dn /hd
0, #e1uh Pegoh 'imur 0,
'aman #apangan ia,
31+50 Ipoh, Perak&
"ear General 2anager,
3n 1ehal4 o4 IPG Ipoh 5ampus, I6m 7riting to 8ou regarding a sponsorship re9uest 4or our
5oming 2oon5ake 4esti:al e:ent& ;e 7ill 1e 5ele1rating this prestigious o55asion on 10th
.eptem1er )01< at .eri 'anjung Hall in our 5ampus& 'here are man8 interesting
per4orman5es 7ill 1e presented on that night, su5h as Chinese traditional dan5ing,
singing, e=hi1ition 1ooth and et5etra&
>our 5ompan8 is 7ell*kno7n 4or Ipoh lo5al 7hite 5o44ee, e:er8one kno7s that& In order
to make this e:ent su55ess4ul and to let e:er8one e=perien5e the jo8 o4 drinking 8our
5ompan8 7hite 5o44ee, 7e 7ould like 8ou to 1e part o4 this 5ele1ration 18 sponsoring
7hite 5o44ee pa5ks and 7ould 1e grate4ul o4 the 5ontri1ution and support 4rom 8our great
;e look 4or7ards to 8our 4a:ora1le repl8 as soon as possi1le&
'hank 8ou 4or 8our 5onsideration&
>ours .in5erel8,
? >au .een >ee @

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