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Telephone Number
Email Address
Recipient's Name
Dear Mr./Ms. (Recipient's Full Name),
ub!ect" (#$R#%E %F T&E 'ETTER)
(n the )irst para*raph, +ou can introduce +oursel), i) the recipient does not ,no- +ou.
A)ter this, mention the purpose o) the letter. ($se Double #ara*raph pacin*)
(n the second para*raph, *i.e out the details i.e., the )acts that support the statement
+ou made in the )irst para*raph. /ou can end the letter -ith this para*raph or +ou can
ha.e another one, i) the in)ormation +ou -ant to con.e+ does not )it in this para*raph.
0omplete the letter b+ than,in* the recipient )or ta,in* out time to read the letter.
Respect)ull+ /ours,
(/our i*nature)
(/our Name)
Enclosure(s) (mention the number)

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