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The content of this service document is the subject of intellectul !ro!ert" ri#hts reserved b" Det Nors$e Verits AS %DNV&' The user
cce!ts tht it is !rohibited b" n"one else but DNV nd(or its licensees to offer nd(or !erform clssifiction) certifiction nd(or
verifiction services) includin# the issunce of certifictes nd(or declrtions of conformit") *holl" or !rtl") on the bsis of nd(or
!ursunt to this document *hether free of chr#e or chr#eble) *ithout DNV+s !rior *ritten consent' DNV is not res!onsible for the
conse,uences risin# from n" use of this document b" others'
The electronic pdf version of this document found through is the officially binding version
No' -'./-
Offshore Service 0odules
0A1 -234
DNV is #lobl !rovider of $no*led#e for mn#in# ris$' Tod") sfe nd res!onsible business conduct is both license
to o!erte nd com!etitive dvnt#e' Our core com!etence is to identif") ssess) nd dvise on ris$ mn#ement' From
our ledin# !osition in certifiction) clssifiction) verifiction) nd trinin#) *e develo! nd !!l" stndrds nd best
!rctices' This hel!s our customers sfel" nd res!onsibl" im!rove their business !erformnce' DNV is n inde!endent
or#nistion *ith dedicted ris$ !rofessionls in more thn 322 countries) *ith the !ur!ose of sfe#urdin# life) !ro!ert"
nd the environment'
Standards for Certification
Stndrds for Certifiction %!reviousl" Certifiction Notes& re !ublictions tht contin !rinci!les) cce!tnce criteri
nd !rcticl informtion relted to the Societ"+s considertion of objects) !ersonnel) or#nistions) services nd
o!ertions' Stndrds for Certifiction lso !!l" s the bsis for the issue of certifictes nd(or declrtions tht m" not
necessril" be relted to clssifiction'
5 Det Nors$e Verits AS 0" -234
An" comments m" be sent b" e/mil to
This service document has been prepared based on available knowledge, technology and/or information at the time of issuance of this document, and is believed to reflect the best of
contemporary technology. The use of this document by others than DNV is at the user's sole risk. DNV does not accept any liability or responsibility for loss or damages resulting from
any use of this document.
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

!hanges ) *age (
This document su!ersedes Stndrd for Sertifiction -'./-) December 3667 nd mendments November -228'
Te9t ffected b" the min chn#es in this edition is hi#hli#hted in red colour' :o*ever) if the chn#es involve
*hole ch!ter) section or sub/section) normll" onl" the title *ill be in red colour'
Main Changes
All sections hve been e9tensivel" revised nd e9tended to include ll tem!orr" offshore service e,ui!ment
*hich m" be mounted on frme or inside continer' The focus is on the sfet" of this e,ui!ment nd n"
h;rds it m" introduce to the instlltion on *hich it is !lced'
In ddition to the bove stted min chn#es) editoril corrections m" hve been mde'
Editorial Corrections
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

!ontents ) *age +
1. ntrod!ction.......................................................................................................................................... "
3'3 Reltionshi! *ith other stndrds) codes nd re#ultions ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''7
#. General.................................................................................................................................................. $
-'3 Objective''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''<
-'- Definitions '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''<
-'4 Referenced Clss Rules) Re#ultions nd Stndrds''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.
-'= Abbrevitions''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''8
%. Str!ct!ral Technical Re&!ire'ents ................................................................................................... (
4'3 >enerl''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''6
4'- Trns!ort ?ods ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''6
4'4 Offshore Instlltion Induced ?ods ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''32
4'= Securin# to offshore instlltion'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''33
4'7 :i#h Stressed ?octions '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''33
). Safet* Related Technical Re&!ire'ents ......................................................................................... 1#
='3 >enerl''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''3-
='- Environmentl Re,uirements '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''3-
='4 Noise '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''34
='= Asbestos Declrtions'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''34
='7 Electricl S"stems'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''34
='< I#nition @revention ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''38
='. Fire A >s Detection ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''38
='8 Communictions ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-2
='6 Fire Fi#htin# '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-2
='32 @ssive Fire @rotection''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''--
='33 Esc!e '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''--
='3- :etin#) Ventiltion nd Air Conditionin#'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-4
". Mod!le Ser+ice T*,es........................................................................................................................ #-
7'3 0odules for Im!ortnt Services '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-.
7'- 0odule T"!es '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-8
7'4 S!ecific Re,uirements for Functionl >rou!s'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-6
7'= Offshore Instlltions not intended for h"drocrbon relted ctivities'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4-
$. nstallation and Hoo./!, .................................................................................................................. %)
<'3 >enerl''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4=
<'- Interfces bet*een module nd offshore instlltion '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4=
<'4 Instructions for hoo$/u!(instlltion'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4=
-. and instr!ctions................................................................................................................. %"
.'3 Informtion !lte'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''47
.'- 0r$in# of E,ui!ment''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''47
0. A,,ro+al and Certification 1roced!res........................................................................................... %-
8'3 >enerl''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4.
8'- A!!liction for Certifiction'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4.
8'4 A!!rovl Schemes ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4.
8'= Desi#n Assessment '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4.
8'7 Surve" nd testin# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''4.
8'< Certifiction of e9istin# continers'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''46
8'. Retention of certifictes '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''46
A,,endi2 A.
Certificate for Offshore Ser+ice Mod!le...................................................................................................... )3
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.' ,ntroduction ) *age -
1 ntrod!ction
This Stndrd for Certifiction hs been issued in order to collect into one document suitble collection of
re,uirements *ith relevnt !!ro!rite references to vrious interntionl codes nd stndrds *hich re
!!licble to the desi#n nd instlltion of offshore service modules'
Offshore service modules re desi#ned to !erform tem!orr" services on offshore instlltions nd m" be
!lced on different offshore instlltions nd units in different ntionl *ters'
This Stndrd for Certifiction !!lies bsic re,uirements from other DNV Rules nd Stndrds to service
modules nd hs been bsed !rimril" on reco#nised !rctices for the offshore industr"' It is intended tht the
stndrd *ill be suitble for #lobl us#e' It should) ho*ever) be noted tht some shelf or fl# sttes m" hve
stricter or other re,uirements thn those #iven in this stndrd'
0odules desi#ned nd mnufctured in com!lince *ith DNV -'./- re intended to meet the bsic
re,uirements of SO?AS) 0ODB code nd DNV Offshore Stndrds relevnt to the functions of the e,ui!ment
nd s !!licble t dte this stndrd *s issued' All subject to de,ute instlltion of the e,ui!ment *hen
locted on the offshore instlltion %*hich is out *ith the sco!e of this stndrd&'
1.1 Relationshi, 4ith other standards5 codes and reg!lations
1.1.1 The International Maritime Organization (IMO)
The re,uirements in the SO?AS Code !!l" for offshore service modules utilised on shi!s nd certin flotin#
offshore instlltions' The re,uirements in the 0ODB Code !!l" for offshore service modules utilised on
flotin# offshore drillin# units) includin# jc$/u! instlltions' This !!lies irres!ective of the time such
modules re instlled nd used'
DNV -'./- is intended to meet the bsic sfet" re,uirements of SO?AS nd 0ODB code *ith re#rd to esc!e
!rovision) fire detection nd fire !rotection'
1.1.# DNV Rules for Classification of Ships / DNV Offshore Stanars!
Offshore Service 0odules tht re instlled on DNV Clssed Offshore Instlltion m" be subject to
clssifiction re,uirements) either in min clss or other clss nottions' DNV -'./- includes the bsic
re,uirements of these documents) for min clss items) *hen !!lied to tem!orr" instlltions' DNV -'./- is
not intended to re!lce certifiction to the DNV Rules for Clssifiction of Shi!s(DNV Offshore Stndrds for
!ermnentl" instlled e,ui!ment or conversions'
Chen e,ui!ment is locted on DNV Clssed Offshore Instlltion it is re,uired to be ssessed b" DNV to
ensure n" s!ects *hich interfce *ith clss s"stems hve been correctl" instlled nd to ensure tht #enerl
sfet" !rinci!les hve been dhered' This focusses on the loction nd instlltion of the e,ui!ment nd
dditionll" confirms s!ecific instlltion(hoo$/u! re,uirements detiled *ithin the DNV -'./- Certificte hs
been de,utel" ddressed' It is not the intention of this stndrd to ddress the re,uirements for
commissionin# on DNV Clss unit) these remin the res!onsibilit" of the vessel(offshore unit o*ner(
1.1.% Relationship to pre"ious re"ision of stanar
This revision of the stndrd contins multi!le u!dtes to re,uirements s *ell s encom!ssin# broder
rn#e of e,ui!ment t"!es' E,ui!ment *hich *s certified to !revious revisions of this stndrd m" not meet
ll the !!licble re,uirements of this revision'
Desi#n ssessment to !revious revisions of this stndrd shll not be conducted follo*in# relese of this
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.# .eneral ) *age /
# General
#.1 O67ecti+e
The objective of this Stndrd for Certifiction is to set re,uirements for offshore e,ui!ment modules but
focussed on the sfet" im!ct to the offshore instlltion u!on *hich the e,ui!ment is instlled'
Chen instlled nd used on flotin# offshore instlltions) service continers re subject to the re#ultions
!!licble to n offshore instlltion %i'e') I0O 0ODB(SO?AS) Clss) fl# stte nd ntionl re#ultions&'
Chen offshore service continers re instlled nd used on fi9ed offshore instlltions) ntionl re#ultions
*ill !!l"'
It hs been reco#nised tht individul inter!rettions of ll the vrious codes nd stndrds m" sometimes led
to conflictin# re,uirements' This Stndrd for Certifiction intends to !rescribe solutions *hich *ill !rovide
n e,uivlent level of sfet" s the codes nd stndrds referred to throu#hout this document'
Certifiction b" DNV !rovides document *hich m" be !resented to users of the module to document its
technicl stndrd nd sfet" !erformnce' The certificte lso defines conditions for trns!orttion to) nd
instlltion on) n offshore instlltion'
#.# Definitions
Accommodation Space
Those used for !ublic s!ces) corridors) lvtories) cbins) offices) hos!itls) cinems) #mes nd hobbies
rooms) !ntries continin# no coo$in# !!linces nd similr s!ces' @ublic s!ces re those !ortions of the
ccommodtion *hich re used for hlls) dinin# rooms) loun#es nd similr !ermnentl" enclosed s!ces'
Category A Machinery Space:
All s!ces *hich contin internl combustion/t"!e mchiner" used either for min !ro!ulsion or for other
!ur!oses *here such mchiner" hs in the ##re#te totl !o*er of not less thn 4.7 $C or *hich contin
n" oil/fired boiler or oil fuel unitD nd trun$s to such s!ces'
!uipment mass" T:
The mss in $ilo#rms %$#& of insultion nd ll !ermnentl" fitted or instlled e,ui!ment) etc'
Certified Safe e!uipment:
Certified sfe e,ui!ment is e,ui!ment certified b" n inde!endent ntionl test institution or com!etent bod"
to be in ccordnce *ith reco#nised stndrd for electricl !!rtus in h;rdous res'
ssential/safety system:
0odule inte#rted s"stems includin# re,uired utilities) *hich re !rovided to !revent) detect or *rn of n
ccidentl event nd(or miti#te its effect' This m" includeD
E li#htin#
E fire nd >s Detection S"stems
E shutdo*n S"stems
E @A(>A S"stems
E su!!lies from emer#enc" !o*er or B@S sources
E fire !rotection nd e9tin#uishin# s"stem'
#itted out mass" T#:
The mss in $ilo#rms %$#& of the continer red" for use) includin# both the structurl mss nd the e,ui!ment
mss) i'e' TF F TS G TE
3& The term Htre mssI) T) s used for offshore continers in DNV -'./3) is not suitble for offshore service
continers' The Htre mssI of service continer is fitted out mss) TF'
$as tight:
Doors) *lls or dm!ers *hich *ill mintin !ressure differentil bet*een djcent res) the llo*ble
le$#e rte *ill not e9ceed 2'7 m
( m
h t G72@.
%mportant Services:
Services !rovided b" the module to the offshore instlltion *hich re criticl to the sfet" of the offshore
instlltion or modules tht !revent) !rotect or miti#te from the effects of n ccidentl event' E9m!les m"
include ccommodtion units) emer#enc" #enertor units) *ell intervention e,ui!ment'
&ow flame spread:
A surfce) *hich in ccordnce *ith the I0O Fire Test @rocedures %FT@& Code) *ill de,utel" restrict the
s!red of flme'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.# .eneral ) *age $
0nned for more thn - hours in ever" -= hour !eriod' If the mnnin# is locted t n e9ternl !osition
re,uirements round emer#enc" li#htin# nd ventiltion re not mndtor"'
'on(combustible material:
0teril *hich neither burns nor #ives off flmmble v!ours in sufficient ,untit" for self/i#nition *hen
heted to !!ro9imtel" .72JC) this bein# determined in ccordnce *ith the I0O Fire Test @rocedures %FT@&
)ffshore container:
A !ortble continer *ith m9imum #ross mss not e9ceedin# -7)222 $#) for re!eted use in the trns!ort of
#oods or e,ui!ment) hndled in o!en ses) to) from or bet*een fi9ed nd(or flotin# offshore instlltions nd
shi!s' See DNV -'./3 for more detiled definition'
)ffshore %nstallation:
This is used s short term nd m" be fi9ed offshore instlltion) mobile offshore unit or shi! on *hich
the module m" be locted'
)ffshore service module:
A unit built nd e,ui!!ed for s!ecil service ts$) minl" for tem!orr" instlltion) on offshore instlltions'
This !!lies e,ull" to offshore frmes *ith e,ui!ment but for ese of reference *e *ill refer throu#hout the
stndrd to Offshore Service modules'
*ayload" *:
The m9imum !ermissible mss in $ilo#rms %$#& of cr#o or loose e,ui!ment *hich m" sfel" be
trns!orted b" the continer'
*ortable )ffshore +nit:
A H@OBI %@ortble Offshore Bnit& is !c$#e or unit intended for re!eted or sin#le offshore trns!orttion
nd instlltion(liftin#' @OBKs m" lso be desi#ned for subse liftin#' See DNV -'./4 for more detiled
*rimary dec, covering:
Dec$ coverin# *hich *ill not redil" i#nite in ccordnce *ith the I0O Fire Test @rocedures %FT@& Code'
-ating" -:
09imum #ross mss of the continer nd its cr#o in $ilo#rms %$#&' The Rtin# consists of the mss of the
structure) fitted e,ui!ment nd the !"lod) i'e' RFTF G @'
Source of -elease
@oint or loction from *hich flmmble substnce m" be relesed into the room or buildin# such tht n
e9!losive #s tmos!here could be formed'
Standard fire test:
A test in *hich s!ecimens of the relevnt bul$heds or dec$s re e9!osed in test furnce to tem!ertures
corres!ondin# !!ro9imtel" to the stndrd time/tem!erture in ccordnce *ith the test method s!ecified in
the I0O Fire Test @rocedures %FT@& Code'
Structural mass .TS/:
The mss in $ilo#rms %$#& of structurl com!onents) includin# both !rimr" nd secondr" structure'
Ares *hich re not mnned s defined bove'
#.% Referenced Class R!les5 Reg!lations and Standards
The follo*in# stndrds include !rovisions *hich) throu#h reference in the te9t) constitute !rovisions of this
stndrd' The ltest issue of the references *ill be used unless other*ise #reed' Other reco#nised stndrds
m" be used !rovided it cn be demonstrted tht these meet or e9ceed the re,uirements of the stndrds
referenced belo*L
E I0O Re,uirementsL
E CSC) I0O Convention for Sfe Continers
E I0O FSS) Interntionl Code for Fire Sfet" S"stems
E I0O FT@) Interntionl Code for A!!liction of Fire Test @rocedures
E 0SC'3(Circ' 3-.7 M Bnified Inter!rettion of SO?AS Ch!ter II/- on the number nd rrn#ement of
!ortble fire e9tin#uishers on bord shi!s
E 0ODB) I0O Code 0obile Offshore Drillin# Bnits
E SO?AS) I0O Convention Sfet" of ?ife t Se'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.# .eneral ) *age 0
E DNV Clssifiction Note No' 8 Conversion Of Shi!s
E DNV Offshore StndrdsL
E DNV/OS/A323/ Sfet" @rinci!les nd Arrn#ements
E DNV/OS/D323/ 0rine nd 0chiner" S"stems nd E,ui!ment
E DNV/OS/D-23/ Electricl Instlltions
E DNV/OS/D423/ Fire @rotection
E DNV/OS/E323/ Drillin# @lnt
E DNV/OS/E-23/ Oil nd >s @rocessin# S"stems
E DNV/OS/E=2-/ Offshore Stndrd for Divin# S"stems'
E DNV Rules for Shi!s @t'4) Ch'3 / :ull Structurl Desi#n
E DNV Service S!ecifiction DNV/DSS/327/ Rules for Clssifiction of Divin# S"stems
E DNV Stndrd DNV/DS/E=24/ Stndrd for Surfce Divin# S"stems
E DNV Stndrd for CertifictionL
E DNV STC 3'- T"!e A!!rovl
E DNV STC -'-- ?iftin# A!!linces
E DNV STC -'= Environmentl Test S!ecifiction for Instrumenttion nd Automtion E,ui!ment
E DNV STC -'./3 Offshore Continers
E DNV STC -'./4 @ortble Offshore Bnits'
E IEC @ublictionsL
E IEC <22.6 Series / E9!losive tmos!heres
E IEC <226- Series / Electricl instlltions in Shi!s
E IEC <386- Series / 0obile nd fi9ed offshore units M Electricl instlltions'
E NORSOK @ublictionsL
E Norso$ E/223 M Electricl S"stems
E Norso$ N/237 M Tem!orr" E,ui!ment'
#.) A66re+iations
CCR Centrl Control Room
DNV Det Nors$e Verits
E0C Electro 0#netic Com!tibilit"
EN Euro!en Normtive Stndrd
ESD Emer#enc" Shutdo*n
EB(EEA Euro!en Bnion ( Euro!en Economic Are
FA> Fire nd >s
FSS Fire Sfet" S"stems
FT@ Fire Test @rocedure
IEC Interntionl Electro/technicl Commission
I0D> The Interntionl 0ritime Dn#erous >oods Code
I0O Interntionl 0ritime Or#nistion
I@ In#ress @rotection
?E? ?o*er E9!losive ?imit
0ODB I0O Code 0obile Offshore Drillin# Bnits
0OB 0obile Offshore Bnit
@ A ID @i!in# nd Instrumenttion Di#rm
@A(>A @ublic Address ( >enerl Alrm
@F@ @ssive Fire @rotection
@?C @ro#rmmble ?o#ic Controller
@OB @ortble Offshore Bnit
SO?AS I0O Convention Sfet" of ?ife t Se
STC DNV Stndrd for Certifiction
B@S Bninterru!tble @o*er Su!!l"
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.( tructural Technical 1e2uirements ) *age 3
% Str!ct!ral Technical Re&!ire'ents
%.1 General
Service modules *ill be subject to sttic or d"nmic lods durin# trns!ort nd hndlin#) nd *hile instlled
on n offshore instlltion' Such lods m" be either e9ternl) e'#' environmentl lods) or internl) e'#' from
*inch or mchiner" in the module'
%.# Trans,ort 8oads
There re three structurl cte#ories relted to the trns!ort re,uirements' Bnits certified to DNV -'./- must)
s minimum) be certified in ccordnce *ith one of the follo*in#L
E Offshore continers certified b" DNV ccordin# to DNV -'./3 %includes I0O(0SC(Circ'8<2&'
E @ortble Offshore Bnits certified b" DNV ccordin# to DNV -'./4'
E Shi! t"!e service continers M Not for liftin# bet*een vessels nd(or offshore instlltions t se'
G!idance note 19
Offshore continers certified b" nother or#nistion shll onl" be considered for DNV -'./- modules on cse b"
cse bsis'
G!idance note #9
Ouildin# units s ISO(CSC continers *ill fcilitte interntionl trns!ort b" se) since such units cn be crried s
stndrdi;ed cr#o units on continer crriers nd other dr" cr#o shi!s' 0odules tht re not ISO(CSC continers
*ill normll" be trns!orted s s!ecil cr#o'
0odules built ccordin# to ISO frei#ht continer stndrds) ISO 3=6< must be certified to I0OKs Convention for Sfe
continers) CSC' The structurl re,uirements in ISO 3=6< nd CSC re relted to trns!ort nd hndlin#) nd re not
#enerll" relevnt for units *hen instlled on shi!s or offshore instlltions nd s such *ill be subject to the
dditionl re,uirements outlined in this Section'
Fi#ure 3 belo* defines the Reltionshi!s for Structurl ssessment
Fig!re %/1
Containers / :ario!s !se and related str!ct!ral assess'ents
%.#.1 #itional fittings for lifting
In ddition to the !d e"es nd slin#s used for offshore hndlin#) some continers nd !ortble offshore units
re built *ith e9tr sets of fittin#s for liftin# nd hndlin#' These m" include) for e9m!le) !d e"es tht re
onl" used for movin# the module internll" on n offshore instlltion' Such e,ui!ment) includin# the
su!!ortin# structure) must be dimensioned ccordin# to DNV Stndrd for Certifiction No' -'--) ?iftin#
These dditionl liftin# fittin#s must not be used to lift module to or from su!!l" vessel' This *ill be stted
in the certificte nd is to be clerl" mr$ed on the module'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.( tructural Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '&
%.% Offshore nstallation nd!ced 8oads
%.%.1 $eneral
Offshore Service 0odules cte#orised for HIm!ortnt ServiceI %s defined in -'-& shll be ssessed for non/
trns!ort relted lods i'e' service modules shll be desi#ned for the lods im!osed from the shi! or offshore
unit on *hich it is instlled'
It should be noted tht offshore instlltion induced lods re the res!onsibilit" of the end user to define) but
vendor m" select vlues for !!rovl to suit his intended client mr$et'
Allo*ble bendin# nd sher stresses shll be t$en s 3<2f
nd 62f
res!ectivel" *here f
is the
relevnt mteril fctor %reference DNV Rules for Clssifiction of Shi!s) @t4' Ch'3&
Desi#n lods nd ccelertions *ill be s!ecified in the DNV -'./- certificte' The thic$ness of *lls must not
be less thn = mm' S!ecil ttention should be !id to buc$lin# control of thin/!lted structures subjected to
com!ression stress in the fce !lte cused b" locl bendin#'
The !lte fln#es of corru#ted(stiffened/!ltes should be chec$ed for buc$lin# in ccordnce *ith DNV Rules for
Shi!s @t'4 Ch'3 Sec' 34' The com!ression stress
in the !lte fln#e) induced b" lterl !ressure nd locl bendin#
of the !lte !rofile) should not e9ceed the criticl buc$lin# stress times utilistion fctor for norml lod level
0 '
For lods !!lied on norml lod level F 2'82'
%.%.# %&ternal / %n"ironmental 'oas
For instlltion on shi!s) the stren#th *ill be clculted ccordin# to @t'4) Ch'3) Sec'32 of the Rules for
Clssifiction of Shi!s'
T*o t"!es of se lods m" be !!licble de!endin# u!on the offshore instlltion nd loctionL
E Se !ressure'
E Accelertions due to vessel motion'
These lods *ill vr" ccordin# to vessel t"!e nd the ctul loction on vessel) in #enerl environmentl lods
on 0OBs *ill be less thn those on shi!s'
Tble 4/3 nd Tble 4/- belo* define the !!licble minimum rtin#sD these re sim!lified vlues bsed on
DNV Rules for Clssifiction of Shi!s) @t'4) Ch'3) Sec'=' Chere considered !!ro!rite more ccurte lods
m" be clculted to these rules or to DNV Clssifiction Note 8'
The level of these fctors *ill ensure tht service modules cn be !lced in most loctions on most of the shi!s used
Ta6le %/1 Sea ,ress!re loads
Strength level &ocation on 1essel Sea pressure load2
?evel 3 E9!osed loction Se !ressure F 42 0@
?evel - @rotected loction Se !ressure F 37 0@
S!ecil Cse As s!ecified on certificte Se !ressure to be #reed on cse b" cse bsis
PAver#e !ressure over *hole continer *ll
Ta6le %/# Accelerations
Strength level 1essel Type
Accelerations .m/s
1ertical .'ote/
5 4.6 a
4.9: a
?evel 3 :i#h ccelertions
F 37m(s
( 7m(s

F < m(s
?evel - 0oderte ccelertions
F 34m(s
( .m(s

F = m(s
S!ecil Cse As s!ecified on certificte Accelertion to be #reed on cse b" cse bsis
'ote; Assessment shll consider com!ression nd tensile forcesD the first fi#ure is intended to m9imi;e the com!ressive effect) the second fi#ure is
intended to m9imi;e the tensile effect'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.( tructural Technical 1e2uirements ) *age ''
G!idance note9
Stren#th ?evel 3 /Se !ressures nd ccelertions *ill be suitble for instlltion on most Offshore Su!!ort Vessels'
This level should be chosen for service module tht m" be !lced in n" loction on vessel'
Stren#th ?evel - / Se !ressures nd ccelertions *ill normll" be sufficient for instlltion on F@SOs nd other
lr#er shi!s) nd for instlltion in !rotected ( lo* ccelertion loctions on offshore su!!ort vessels'
%.%.% #cciental 'oas
Offshore service modules for Im!ortnt Services m" be re,uired to be evluted #inst ccidentl collision)
#roundin# or similr events in order to ccommodte for sfe securin#' 0odules instlled on vessels *hich re
covered b" clssifiction re,uirements must be evluted for minimum lon#itudinl ccelertion of 2'7#
the for*rd direction nd 2'-7#
in the ft direction'
%.%.) Other ser"ice loas
Service modules m" be subject to other !rticulr lods s!ecified belo*) %or combintions&'
E Cind ?ods ctin# on module structure should not be t$en less thn -'7 $N(m
) unless other*ise
E Sno* nd Ice ?ods / Ice ccretion from se s!r") sno*) rin nd ir humidit" should be considered) *here
relevnt' Sno* nd ice lods m" be reduced or ne#lected if sno* nd ice removl !rocedures re
E Olst ?ods M Shll be considered if service module is to be locted in n un!rotected re close to
h;rdous re' Olst lods must be in ccordnce *ith DNV/OS/A323 unless other*ise s!ecified'
E ?ods internl to the module %e'#' *inch lods) !ressure lods) etc'& must be considered *here relevnt to
the s!ecific module t"!e'
%.) Sec!ring to offshore installation
Service modules must be ble to be secured sfel" to the offshore instlltions) either b" hvin# suitble fittin#s
for securin# or structurl !rts suitble for boltin# or *eldin# to dec$' For securin# on shi!s refer to DNV
Clssifiction Note No' 8 Sec 4'
Securin# devices nd bolts must be sfe #inst un*nted o!enin# or relese' Securin# devices such s
continer t*istloc$s m" be used) but must be mechnicll" secured in the loc$ed !osition' Onl" mnull"
o!erted t*istloc$s cn be used) not semi/utomtic or full" utomtic t*istloc$s' Securin# devices shll be
certified b" DNV'
The min !d e"es on offshore continer or !ortble offshore unit shll not be utilised s securin# !oints'
Service modules m" be stc$ed to t*o or more levels on offshore instlltions' Securin# nd su!!ort lods
bsed on the lods described in 4'4 must be t$en into ccount' Chere one continer cts s su!!ortin#
structure for nother continer) this must be considered nd evluted on cse/b"/cse bsis'
%." High Stressed 8ocations
For offshore service modules intended for lon# term use in sin#le hi#h stress loction on n vessel or mobile
offshore unit it *ill be necessr" to evlute the effect of re!etitive c"clic lodin# from vessel motions or
service lods'
Fti#ue criteri re !roject s!ecific mtter *hich cnnot be define t the mnufcturers desi#n st#e nd s
such re not covered *ithin the sco!e of this stndrd'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '#
) Safet* Related Technical Re&!ire'ents
).1 General
).1.1 Detaile Re(uirements
The detils #iven in this ch!ter describe the technicl re,uirements *hich !!l" to n offshore service moduleD
some re,uirements re #eneric nd *ill !!l" to ll units' Others re s!ecific nd shll onl" be !!lied *hen
defined in 7'
).1.# )azarous "s Safe #rea
0odules locted on o!en dec$ on n offshore instlltion shll be suitbl" rted for the ctul rtin# of ;one in
*hich the" re locted) but it is im!ortnt to reco#nise tht ll e,ui!ment is re,uired to be mde sfe in cse of
ccidentl relese of #s' This mens tht n" e,ui!ment *hich remins electricll" ener#ised or hs the
!otentil to hve surfce tem!ertures in e9cess of -22QC follo*in# shutdo*n on #s detection shll be
desi#ned nd instlled to meet the re,uirements of minimum ;one - nd in some cses ;one 3'
E,ui!ment *hich remins ener#ised durin# #s detection or !roduces hot surfce shll meet minimum of
>s >rou! IIA nd Tem!erture Clss T4'
).1.% #lternati"e solutions
Alterntive solutions m" be substituted *here sho*n to !rovide n e,uivlent or hi#her level of inte#rit" or
sfet" thn the re,uirements under this stndrd' Rustifiction of lterntive solutions shll be documented'
Chere lterntive solutions hve been cce!ted this shll be documented on the DNV -'./- certificte'
).# En+iron'ental Re&!ire'ents
0odules shll be suitble for defined environmentl conditions' Tble =/3 is !!licble to ll modules) Tble
=/- shll be considered for !rticulr modules desi#ned for Im!ortnt Services s defined in -'-'
Ta6le )/1 En+iron'ental Conditions ; All Mod!les
Outside Ambient
C to G=7QC
B! to 6<S *ithout condenstion *hen hetin# is !rovided %mounted indoors& or 322S *ith
condenstion *hen mounted outdoors'
All electricl e,ui!ment shll be selected nd instlled so s to void E0C !roblems'
Reference stndrds *hich cn be used to demonstrte com!linceL
IEC <3222/</- %Immunit"&
IEC <3222/</= %Emissions&
The m9imum o!ertionl inclintion for the module should be s!ecified' This m9imum shll be
defined t the !oint *here continued o!ertion of the e,ui!ment chn#es to level *here it
!resents ris$ to the o!ertor) offshore instlltion or if there is n increse in surfce tem!erture
be"ond -22QC' Should no inclintion vlues be s!ecified the module shll be mr$ed on the
certificte s suitble for use on fi9ed offshore instlltion onl"'
Ta6le )/# En+ironne'ental Conditions ; ',ortant Ser+ice Mod!les
1ibration level:
Ref Stndrd for Certifiction -'=
Vibrtion clss O
4 to -7 :;L 3'< mm dis!lcement m!litude %!e$ vlue&
-7 to 322 :;L = # ccelertion
E,ui!ment nd com!onents on flotin# offshore instlltions shll be desi#ned to o!erte
stisfctoril" under the follo*in# inclintions of the offshore instlltionL
All conditions ?ist --'7Q Trim 32Q
Column(stabilised <self(elevating units
Sttic Condition ?ist 37Q Trim 37Q
D"nmic Condition ?ist --'7Q Trim --'7Q
Emer#enc" condition ?ist -7Q Trim -7Q
Other vlues m" be cce!ted if justified b" clcultions for the !rticulr offshore instlltion'
Should the inclintion re,uirements stted bove not be chieved) the mnufcturer should su!!l"
detils of inclintion tht cn be chieved *ith limittions detiled in the desi#n ssessment nd
DNV -'./- certificte'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '(
G!idance note9
Ambient tem!erture re,uirements s!ecified in Tble =/3 re !rovided to li#n *ith DNV Rules for Clssifiction of
Shi!s nd DNV Offshore Stndrds' Alterntive tem!erture rn#e shll be considered on cse b" cse bsis nd
noted on the DNV -'./- certificte'
).% Noise
Chere !!licble) modules shll be !rovided *ith noise ssessment to determine the *or$in# environment
in or round the module' The noise level shll detil the m9imum sound !ressure level t 3 m from the module
nd the m9imum !oint internl to the module'
The need for herin# !rotection shll be mr$ed on units *here noise levels re in e9cess of 87dO' Audible
lrms re,uired b" other !rts of this document shll be su!!lemented *ith *rnin# becon *hen the noise
level is bove 87dO'
).) As6estos Declarations
In ccordnce *ith SO?AS Ch'II/3 Re#'4'7 nd 0SC'3(Circ'34.6 sbestos is !rohibited from n" !roduct
intended for instlltion on n" SO?AS certified offshore instlltion' No sbestos is to be used in the
fbriction of the module' An Asbestos free declrtion is to be issued b" the mnufcturer'
)." Electrical S*ste's
).".1 Safet* Re(uirements
Electricl e,ui!ment shll be desi#ned nd instlled such tht the ris$ of injur" to !ersonnel is minimised'
@rotective devices of suitble rtin# re re,uired to !revent overlod) e9cessive hetin# nd dm#e in cse of
electricl fults'
All electricl circuits for Sfet" relted s"stems shll be desi#ned to Hfil sfeI condition'
).".# Components an e(uipment
Electricl com!onents nd e,ui!ment shll be suitble for use offshore or on bord shi!s nd shll be
constructed ccordin# to relevnt IEC !ublictions or other interntionll" reco#nised e,uivlent stndrds'
Electricl com!onents locted in enclosures *hich m" need to be o!ened for ins!ection or mintennce *hile
the circuits re live shll hve covers or other*ise be rrn#ed such tht touchin# or short circuitin# of live
!rts is not !ossible'
Com!onent insultin# mterils shll be flme retrdnt ccordin# to IEC <226-/323 or e,uivlent'
).".% #rrangement + location of e(uipment
Offshore service modules re e9!osed to rou#h hndlin# nd environmentl conditions durin# trns!orttion
nd stor#e' In order to $ee! the electricl e,ui!ment sfe nd fit for use) the follo*in# re,uirements shll be
E E,ui!ment shll be !rovided *ith mechnicl !rotection to !revent dm#e durin# trns!orttion nd use'
E Electricl enclosures re normll" not to be locted e9ternl to the module' In the event tht electricl
enclosures need to be locted e9ternl to the module) then the" shll be locted in suitbl" recessed !nel
*ithin the module outer frme' The e,ui!ment in the recess shll be !rotected from dm#e durin#
trns!orttion' %e'#' use of removble or hin#ed cover !ltes&'
E Electricl e,ui!ment is to be !rotected #inst corrosion'
E A s"stem of s!ce hetin# m" be re,uired if there is chnce of humidit" or condenstion' The norml
module hetin# s"stem m" be used for this if suitble' Electricl enclosures *hich re e9!osed to the
outside tmos!here nd *hich re sensitive to moisture shll be e,ui!!ed *ith individul s!ce heters'
This is) ho*ever) not re,uired for sim!le junction bo9es'
E The hetin# s"stem shll be ctivted *henever !rcticl both onshore nd offshore'
E @ortble utilit" e,ui!ment is to be securel" fi9ed' The construction nd fi9in# of ll e,ui!ment shll result
in the module bein# ble to *ithstnd the li$el" stresses im!osed on it *hen the module is trns!orted or
E E9ternl !o*er outlets nd soc$ets shll be locted !!ro9imtel" 3722 mm bove the bse of the module'
E Internl !o*er outlets nd soc$ets nd shll be locted minimum of 422 mm bove the internl floor level'
E Soc$et outlets for rted current in e9cess of 3< A shll be interloc$ed *ith s*itch or hve inte#rl
s*itchin# so tht !lu# cnnot be inserted or *ithdr*n *hen the s*itch is in the TonK !osition'
E :oo$/u! connections shll be !rotected to minimise the effects of s!lshin# *ter' These shll be esil"
ccessible for hoo$/u! nd mintennce !ur!oses) nd locted bet*een <22 mm nd 3722 mm bove the
bse of the module'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '+
E E9ternl !nels nd(or control sttions *hich re re,uired to be o!erted b" !ersonnel durin# norml
o!ertion shll be locted !!ro9imtel" 3722 mm bove the bse of the module' Considertion shll be
#iven to the loction of control !nels nd control sttions *ithin the module so s to be esil" ccessible
to !ersonnel o!ertin# the e,ui!ment'
Connection to offshore instlltion !o*er su!!l" s"stem modules shll be !re!red for cble hoo$/u!
ccordin# to the follo*in#L
E Suitble junction bo9es re to be rrn#ed in recesses on the outside *ll' This rrn#ement m" lso be
suitble for fle9ible cble t"!es !rovided strin relief devices re fitted'
E Chere n HAI fire rtin# is not re,uired the module cn be fitted *ith cble trnsits for connection into
junction bo9es inside the module' Cble trnsits shll be instlled s to resist smo$e or fire for <2 minutes'
0odules shll hve their in/t$e circuits nd com!onents rted for defined vlues of nominl volt#e)
fre,uenc") current) short circuit level nd t"!e of s"stem) e'#' IT) TN/S) etc' This dt shll be clerl" mr$ed
t the connection !oint'
Enclosures for termintion of e9ternl cbles shll be rrn#ed such tht the cbles cn be convenientl"
connected) i'e' *ithout e9cessive bendin# of the conductor ends nd *ithout hvin# to unscre* terminls or
other !rts'
G!idance note9
The offshore instlltion should hve !re/instlled junction bo9es or soc$et outlets *ithin resonble vicinit" such
tht the modules cn be convenientl" connected'
A lod s*itch shll be mounted t the min !o*er int$e' The s*itch m" be suitble circuit bre$er) mnul
s*itch or similr) nd shll be certified sfe e,ui!ment rted for the h;rdous re in *hich it is locted but
for minimum of ;one -' If the module hs severl !o*er sources) one s*itch for ech !o*er source shll be
instlled' The s*itch%es& shll be redil" ccessible nd be o!erble outside its enclosure nd be rrn#ed nd
mr$ed in suitble mnner in order to !rovide mens for mnul locl emer#enc" shutdo*n' Ech s*itch
shll be housed in se!rte enclosure or shll other*ise be rrn#ed to enble *or$ *ithout ccidentl
touchin# of live !rts'
).".) Ingress ,rotection
0odules nd their com!onents shll hve !!ro!rite I@ rtin#s in ccordnce *ith Tble =/4'
G!idance note9
?o*er I@ rtin# %limited t I@==& m" be cce!ted if suitble !rotective covers re !rovided durin# shi!ment) stor#e
nd o!ertion other*ise com!onents shll be t lest I@ 7<' Considertion must be #iven to in#ress close to the ed#es
of the cover
)."." %lectrical s*stem main characteristics
The module m" be desi#ned for sin#le or multi!le su!!l" volt#es' The certifiction *ill verif" tht the
inte#rit" of the volt#e s"stem is mintined throu#hout nd tht the s"stems re !!ro!ritel" mr$ed'
).".$ %arthing
=.6.9.> arthing of the module structure
A minimum of t*o erth bosses mounted di#onll") suitbl" recessed nd o!!osite ech other) re to be
*elded to the min steel structure on the outside t the moduleKs lo*er !rt' Oolts for fi9in# the module to the
Ta6le )/% E&!i,'ent ngress 1rotection Re&!ire'ents
-ating Typical &ocation
I@ -2 Electricl com!onents mounted inside dr" *ether ti#ht modules
I@ 77
Bse of I@ 77 m" be #reed to in s!ecil cses) !rovided dditionl sfet" !recutions re t$en to
!revent se s!lsh both durin# trns!orttion nd instlltion' This *ill be noted on the DNV -'./-
I@ 7<
Electricl e,ui!ment mounted e9ternl to the module or instlled in non/enclosed or o!en modules
shll minimum of I@ 7<
If *ter bsed fire e9tin#uishin# s"stems re !rovided) electricl e,ui!ment for sfet"
functions shll be t lest I@ 7<
0odules *here li,uids m" be !resent shll be t lest I@ 7< or be !rovided *ith !rotection to limit
the ris$ of electricl e,ui!ment bein# in contct *ith li,uids'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '-
dec$ re not to be re#rded s n erthin# connection' 0in structurl erth boss shll be min 03-' @rotected(
@o*er Erth nd Instrument Erth shll be connected to structure vi se!rte erth bosses not less thn 3 metre
Celdin# the module to the dec$ is considered n lterntive method of erthin#'
=.6.9.3 lectrical System 'eutral *oint or Single *ole arthing
All insulted electricl nd control s"stems *ithin the module re to hve continuous insultion monitorin#'
The circultin# current shll not be bove 42 mA' In the event of n erth fult) either utomtic tri!!in# of the
ffected circuits shll occur or n lrm shll be #enerted' If utomtic tri!!in# is not im!lemented) mens re
to be !rovided for trnsmittin# the lrm si#nl to the offshore instlltion control room' If there re severl
circuits) one common lrm to the control room *ill normll" be sufficient' ?ocl #lvnic isolted s"stems
m" be erthed t one !oint'
Erth le$#e circuit bre$ers re to be !rovided in the finl sub/circuits or t suitble loction u!strem'
=.6.9.? arthing of electrical enclosures and terminal bo0es
E,ui!ment mde of conductive mteril re to be erthed either vi the co!!er brid of the cble) se!rte
erth core *ithin the cble) or vi se!rte erth conductor' Chere co!!er brid is used) this shll hve cross
sectionl re s defined in Tble =/=' Chere non/co!!er erth connections re used the cross section shll be
incresed de!endent u!on the incresed resistnce of the mteril com!red to co!!er'
:in#ed or bolted connections re not considered to be n erth therefore se!rte erth connection shll be
!rovided *here re,uired'
All erth brs shll be locted t the front of enclosures nd terminl bo9es'
=.6.9.= arth Conductors
Erth conductors shll be coloured "ello*(#reen nd shll not be used for n" other !ur!oses thn erthin#'
Onl" one erth conductor shll be connected to sin#le terminl(erthin# !oint' 0ulti!le connections cn be
mde utilisin# n erth br' An e9ce!tion to this rrn#ement cn be #rnted for com!onents locted inside the
sme enclosure *hen utilisin# terminl or crim!ed connections *hich re desi#ned to cce!t multi!le cble
E9ternl erth connections shll be secured b" minimum of 032 bolts nd indoor erth connections shll be
secured b" minimum of 08' All connections shll be ssembled *ith str *shers to !revent loosenin# due
to vibrtion'
).".- Ca-les
All cbles shll hve documented com!lince *ith the follo*in# stndrds or e,uivlent'
Ta6le )/) Earth<=onding Cond!ctor Cross Sectional Area
Condition Cross Sectional Area
Internl !nel *irin# Sme si;e s current crr"in# conductors ho*ever must be minimum 3'7 mm
Internl Sttic Oondin# 0inimum = mm
E9ternl Sttic Oondin# 0inimum < mm
Erth Conductor for E,ui!ment
.0cludes internal panel wiring/
Sme cross section s the current crr"in# conductor u! to nd includin#
3< mm
72S of the current crr"in# conductors cross section bove 3< mm
Structurl Erth Connection 0inimum 3< mm
ho*ever shll be t lest the sme si;e s the erth in the
su!!l" cble
Ta6le )/" A,,lica6le s,ecification for ca6ling
Cable Type -eference Standard
@o*er cbles
IEC <226-/472L Electricl Instlltions in Shi!s MShi!bord @o*er Cbles M
>enerl Construction nd Testin# Re,uirements
Instrumenttion nd communiction
cbles for use u! to -72V
IEC <226-/4.<L Electricl Instlltions in Shi!s M Cbles for control nd
Instrumenttion circuits 372(-72 V %422 V&
All cbles
0inimum of flme retrdnt ccordin# to IEC <244-/3/- nd IEC <244-/4/--
All cblin# for e,ui!ment used s !rt of n essentil(sfet" s"stem shll be fire
resistnt to IEC <2443/-3 or IEC<2443/43' Essentil( sfet" s"stem re defined
in -'-'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '/
=.6.:.> #i0ing of cables
Cbles re to be securel" fi9ed nd terminted in durble mnner' Cbles shll be secured t m9imum
distnce s defined in Tble =/<'
Cbles shll be secured close to the #lnd to !rovide su!!ort nd !revent dm#e to the inte#rit" of the cble
or #lnd' This shll be s close s !ossible to the cble entr" *ithout !!l"in# dditionl mechnicl forces to
the connection) nd shll not be #reter thn 32 cble dimeters from the cble entr" !oint'
0etllic ties must be used for the first securin# !oint from the #lnd t ech end' The routin# of cblin# shll
be such s to ensure tht it is !ossible to verif" the re,uired I@ de#ree for the enclosure nd tht the #lnds re
!ro!erl" mintined'
To !revent coll!se of cblin# in cse of fires) metllic ties should be utilised' On hori;ontl runs !hoto/stble
non/metllic ties m" be used !rovidin# ever" third securin# !oint utilises metllic tie' The minimum bend
rdius of cblin# shll be in ccordnce *ith the mnufcturerKs recommendtions' In the bsence of such
informtion) the cble bendin# rdius shll t minimum be s recommended b" IEC <386-/=' Reference is
mde to Tble =/.'
=.6.:.3 Conductor Si8ing
The cross section of conductors versus current rtin# is s!ecified in IEC <226-/47-) Tble A'4' Chere multi!le
cbles or conductors re lid in contct *ith ech other) the de/rtin# fctors stted in IEC <226-/47-) Tble
A'< shll !!l"'
The minimum cross section of !o*er su!!l" cbles shll be 3'7 mm
' For interconnections inside !nels) the
minimum cross section !ermitted is 3 mm
The minimum cce!tble cross sectionl re of conductors in cbles for control) dt nd instrumenttion
circuits u! to 372 V is 2'7 mm
' The circuit !rotection *hen utilisin# this cble si;e shll not e9ceed 7A'
G!idance note9
Chere dt cbles re not used in sfet" s"stems or in control(monitorin# functions *hich could led to or cuse
escltion of n incident) these cn be cce!ted in internl res do*n to 2'-- mm
=.6.:.? Terminations
All cble conductors shll be terminted in suitble crim!ed ferrule or terminl *ith onl" one conductor !er
terminl' An e9ce!tion to this rrn#ement cn be #rnted *hen utilisin# terminl or crim!ed connections
*hich re desi#ned to cce!t multi!le cble entries'
S!re conductors shll be terminted t both ends in the sme *" s erth conductors' S!re conductor
slevin# shll not be coloured "ello*(#reen) but shll be mr$ed Hs!re'I
Termintion methods shll be such tht the cross section of conductors nd bridin# is not reduced) nd tht
loosenin# is lso !revented'
Cbles shll be !ermnentl" mr$ed t ech end *ith the identifier *hich is trceble to the !!roved dr*in#s'
Ta6le )/$ Ma2i'!' s,acing for ca6le sec!ring >Hori?ontal r!ns@
)uter @iameter of
Cable .@/
Aire Braid Armour or
+n(armoured Cables .mm/
Spiral Steel Aound
Armoured Cables .mm/
Mineral %nsulated Copper
Shielded Cables .mm/
D U 8mm -22 -72 422
8 mmVDU34mm -72 472 4.2
34 mm VDU-2mm 422 472 =72
-2 mm VDU 42mm 472 =22 =72
DW42 mm =22 =72 =72
'ote: For verticl securin# of cbles) the bove s!cin# cn be incresed b" -7S'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '$
=.6.:.= Termination of braiding" armour and screens
Cbles *hich re e9ternl or e9!osed on the module shll be *ith brid or rmour' Full enclosin# the cble in
metllic cble !i!e shll be considered s n lterntive *hen brid(rmour cnnot be instlled %i'e' on !re/
fitted fl"in# leds&'
Cble bridin#) rmour nd screens re to be crried throu#h the #lnd *hen !ossible nd be connected to the
erth br t both ends' :o*ever) *hen found necessr" for function or sfet" resons) connection to erth t
the su!!l" end onl" m" be used' @lstic junction bo9es used for loo! throu#h of circuits m" be e,ui!!ed *ith
n erth br *hich is not connected to the structure) but shll other*ise be mr$ed nd used for connection of
the bridin# s n ordinr" erth br'
Chen bridin#) rmours nd screens re erthed t one end onl") the other end is to be crried throu#h the #lnd
nd connected to n insulted terminl'
).".0 .atteries
All circuits to(from the btteries re to be !rovided *ith de,ute circuit !rotection devices' Short circuit !roof
cbles re to be !!lied bet*een the btteries nd the circuit !rotection device'
Otteries locted in modules on dec$ shll be in certified sfe e,ui!ment enclosures suitble for t lest ;one
-' :o*ever) considertion must be #iven to the e,ui!ment bein# su!!lied' Chere e,ui!ment su!!lied is not
certified sfe e,ui!ment) the btteries shll be su!!lied vi n E9/d isoltor'
Otteries shll be of vlve re#ulted t"!e nd not e9ceed -22 Vh' An" hi#her c!cities or other t"!es cn
be considered on cse/b"/cse bsis bsed on re,uirements from DNV/OS/D-23'
).".( %(uipment locate e&ternal to moule
The e9ternl loction of com!onents %junction bo9es) control !nels) !i!e connections) fns) etc'& should be
voided' Com!onents tht hve to be locted e9ternll" shll be instlled *ithin the e,ui!mentKs outer frme
to void dm#e of com!onents due to liftin# nd hndlin# of the module'
If locted e9ternl to the module) electricl nd control e,ui!ment shll be suitble for use in the !!licble
h;rdous re ;one nd environmentl conditions s!ecified in ='- !!l"'
S!ecil ttention is to be #iven to electricl com!onents mounted e9ternl to modules nd *hich m" be
directl" e9!osed to sun rdition'
Rottin# mchines e9!osed to the outdoor tmos!here shll be suitbl" !rotected #inst icin#' 0otors re not
to hve n e9ternl coolin# fn unless the fn hs been ssessed s not bein# n i#nition source nd the overll
e,ui!ment) includin# the fn) meets the in#ress !rotection re,uirements'
Ta6le )/- =ending radii for ca6les
Bending radii for cables rated up to >"C/? ,1
Cable construction
)uter @iameter
Minimum internal radius of
.0 @iameter of cable/
Insultion Coverin#
Thermo!lstic or
thermosettin# *ith circulr
co!!er conductors
Bnrmoured or unbrided
B! to -7 mm = %&
W-7 mm <
0etl brid screened or rmoured An" <
0etl *ire rmoured
0etl t!e rmoured or
0etl shethed
An" <
Com!osite !ol"ester(metl lminte
t!e screened units or collective t!e
An" 8
Thermo!lstic or
thermosettin# *ith sector
sh!ed co!!er conductors
An" An" 8
.a/ 9 @ for defined circuit integrity
Bending radii for cables rated at ?.9/9.:.3/ ,1 and above
Cable construction
diameter .@/
Minimum internal radius of
bend .0 @iameter of cable/
Sin#le/core cble An" 3-
4/core cbles An" 6
')T: For cbles rted t 4'<(<%.'-& $V nd bove) em!lo" fle9ible conductor strndin# %Clss 7& nd brid insultion shields indictin# minimum
bend rdius of <D for unrmoured cbles nd 8D for rmoured cbles) in concurrence *ith the !!rovl of the cble mnufcturer'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '0
).".13 ,rogramma-le controllers
Chen !ro#rmmble controllers %@?Cs& re used for sfet" functions) the" shll be of t"!es suitble for the
environmentl conditions s #iven in ='-'
@ro#rmmble controllers %includin# the s!ecific firm*re(soft*re& *hich re used for sfet" functions shll
be demonstrted s Hfil sfeI' The mnufcturer shll be ble to demonstrte the follo*in# fil sfe conditionsL
E filure of :rd*re
E filure of In!ut ( Out!ut devices
E filure of Soft*re ( Firm*re
E loss of electricl su!!l"'
).$ gnition 1re+ention
).$.1 Re(uirements for electrical e(uipment e&pose to hazarous atmospheres
=.9.>.> Certification of e!uipment
Electricl e,ui!ment for h;rdous res shll be desi#ned) certified nd cte#orised ccordin# to the IEC
<22.6 series !ublictions or e,uivlent stndrds'
Chere inde!endent certifiction is re,uired b" the stndrds) this certifiction shll be crried out b" n
ccredited Notified Ood" or other inde!endent reco#nised institution'
Chen the letter HXI is included s !rt of mr$in# or certificte number) this indictes tht the certifiction
institution hs s!ecified s!ecil conditions for the sfe use of the e,ui!ment' S!ecil conditions tht re
de!endent u!on finl offshore instlltion shll be listed in the DNV -'./- certificte'
G!idance note9
Certified sfe e,ui!ment certifictes m" be invlidted b" un/,ulified re!irs or modifictions'
=.9.>.3 'on lectrical !uipment in ha8ardous areas.
In ddition to i#nition ris$ from electricl e,ui!ment) ssessments re re,uired to ensure e,ui!ment does not
!resent n i#nition ris$ from mechnicl %i'e' surfce tem!erture) im!ct or friction&) sttic dischr#e or
li#htenin#' Assessment for mechnicl i#nition ris$ shll follo* the re,uirements of IEC 34=<4 series or
=.9.>.? %nspection and %nstallation
Instlltion of h;rdous re e,ui!ment shll be in ccordnce *ith IEC <22.6/3=' An ins!ection !ln shll
be !rovided in ccordnce *ith IEC <22.6/3.' Records shll be retined to demonstrte tht this ins!ection
!ln hs been met durin# the life of the module'
The com!etence of the !erson crr"in# out the instlltion nd ins!ections shll be demonstrted u!on re,uest
to the stisfction of DNV'
).- Fire A Gas Detection
).-.1 Gas detection and alar' s*ste'
=.:.>.> $eneral
All ir inlets shll be fitted *ith #s detector u!strem of the fire or #sti#ht dm!er unless ll instlltions
re of certified sfe e,ui!ment nd the use of tools or e,ui!ment in the re *ill not crete n" i#nition
In certin cses it m" be necessr" to interfce the #s s"stem in the module *ith the offshore instlltion'
Detils should be !rovided *ithin the o!ertionl mnul on re,uired hoo$/u!) o!ertion nd testin#'
Non/enclosed modules *ith e,ui!ment continin# source of h"drocrbon relese shll be fitted *ith
minimum of one #s detector' Chere this is not !ossible s!ecil re,uirements shll be noted on the DNV -'./-
Certificte detilin# need for suitble #s detection to be !rovided b" the offshore instlltion'
=.:.>.3 $as detection inside the module
>s detectors *ill be re,uired inside the module if the follo*in# situtions e9istL
E At ll ventiltion outlets) if n internl source of relese is !resent'
E Inside module) if source of relese is !resent %e'#' !int stores) #s turbine enclosures) lbortor"& or if
the module contins e,ui!ment *hich develo!s hot surfce'
E Inside module) if disconnection of btter" su!!lied e,ui!ment is del"ed on loss of !ressuristion'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age '3
>s detection inside the module does not re!lce the need for #s detection t the ir inlet' The ir inlet) for
ventiltion) is the !oint *ithin the non/h;rdous re from *hich the ir is dr*n'
=.:.>.? $as detection system
The #s detection s"stem shll be c!ble of inititin# the follo*in# ctions) either throu#h n inte#rted
control s"stem or in conjunction *ith the offshore instlltionL
The #s detection s"stem shll lrm or shutdo*n *ithin 32 seconds of detectin# of #s t the !!ro!rite level'
A set of volt/free contcts for ech of the lo* nd hi#h level si#nls to the offshore instlltion CCR shll be
Chen #s detector hs been ctivted) resettin# of the #s detection s"stem shll onl" be !ossible follo*in#
mnul intervention'
The settin# of the lo* nd hi#h levels of #s concentrtion cn be djustble' The levels defined bove) for the
lo* level nd for the hi#h level) re considered to be suitble rn#es'
G!idance note9
Shelf sttes m" sti!ulte other stndrds) e'#' EN 72483) re,uires hi#h level #s shutdo*n t -2S ?E?'
@oint detectors shll not be used for ir velocities bove 3- m(s unless s!ecified s suitble from the detector
The #s detection nd lrm s"stem shll be ctive t ll times includin# durin# !eriods *hen !o*er sources
*ithin the module re shut do*n' The locl #s lrm sttion shll be connected to the sme source used to
su!!l" the offshore instlltion fire A #s detection s"stem or hve btter" bc$ed su!!l" sufficient for
-=/hour o!ertion'
G!idance note9
Should the #s detection s"stem be !o*ered from the offshore instlltion emer#enc" s*itchbord the re,uirement
for su!!l" from the btter" bc$ed su!!l" cn be reduced to - hrs' :o*ever) the btter" su!!l" %trnsitionl !o*er&
run time should be confirmed b" s bein# of the sme dischr#e durtion s the offshore instlltion min FA>
detection s"stem %*hen runnin# on btter"(B@S su!!l"&'
).-.# Fire detection and alar' s*ste'
=.:.3.> #ire detectors and alarm
At lest one fire detector shll be locted in ech re of the module *hich !resents fire ris$' This m" be
omitted in smll irloc$s *hich contin onl" miniml certified sfe e,ui!ment or no combustible mterils'
The t"!e of detector shll be selected s the best suitble for erl" nd relible detection ccordin# to the ctul
fire ris$'
The fire lrm s"stem shll be desi#ned nd instlled *ith certified sfe e,ui!ment for o!ertion in ;one 3
h;rdous re re#rdless of intended loction on the offshore instlltion'
Ta6le )/0 Gas detection and alar'ing re&!ired actions
Cause ffect
?o* level #s t the ir inlet
Rn#e 32/42S ?E?
E Audible nd visible si#nls in the module
E si#nl to the offshore instlltion CCR shll be !rovided'
:i#h level #s t the ir inlet
Rn#e 32/82S ?E?
E udible nd visible si#nls shll be #iven in the module
E fns shll be sto!!ed
E non certified sfe e,ui!ment inside the module shll be isolted
E si#nl to the offshore instlltion CCR shll be !rovided
E fire(#s ti#ht dm!ers) if fitted) shll be closed'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age #&
=.:.3.3 Modules fitted with an integral fire alarm system
A fire lrm !ush button connected to the inte#rl fire lrm s"stem shll be mounted t suitble !lce on
mnned module nd shll be mr$ed HFire lrm'I
The fire lrm s"stem shll initite ctions s defined in Tble =/6'
The fire detection nd lrm s"stem shll be ctive t ll times includin# durin# !eriods *hen !o*er sources
*ithin the module re shut do*n' The locl fire lrm s"stem shll be connected to the sme source used to
su!!l" the offshore instlltion fire A #s detection s"stems or hve btter" bsed su!!l" sufficient for -=/
hour o!ertion' See ='.'3'4 for su##ested lterntive solution'
=.:.3.? Modules not e!uipped with an integral fire alarm system.
The fire detector%s& m" be connected directl" to the offshore instlltion min fire detection s"stem' In such
cses) the module shll be rrn#ed *ith suitble junction bo9es for hoo$/u! to the offshore instlltion s"stem'
0ountin# of !!ro!rite t"!es of detectors m" be crried out s !rt of the instlltion on bord'
A fire lrm !ush button shll be mounted t suitble !lce on mnned module nd shll be mr$ed HFire
lrmI' The !ush button shll be *ired to suitble junction bo9 for connection to the offshore instlltion'
Chen the fire detection s"stem hs been ctivted ctions in ccordnce *ith Tble =/6 shll be initited b"
the offshore instlltionKs s"stem'
).-.% E'ergenc* Sh!tdo4n nitiated fro' Offshore nstallation
The module shll be !rovided *ith mens to receive n ESD si#nl from the offshore instlltion to isolte
ll i#nition sources' This m" be conducted b" tri!!in# of su!!l" to the module'
All e,ui!ment intended to st" ener#ised fter n offshore instlltion shutdo*n si#nl shll be certified sfe
e,ui!ment for ;one 3 h;rdous re'
).0 Co''!nications
).0.1 1!6lic address and general alar' s*ste' >1A<GA@
0odules tht re mnned shll be fitted *ith louds!e$er%s& tht cn be connected to the offshore instlltionKs
@A(>A s"stem'
All e,ui!ment for !ublic ddress nd lrm s"stems shll be certified sfe e,ui!ment for o!ertion in ;one 3
h;rdous res'
In modules *ith noise levels re bove 87 dOA) the udible lrm shll be su!!lemented b" li#ht si#nls s !er
the offshore instlltionKs re,uirements'
).0.# Tele,hone < T4o 4a* co''!nication
All mnned modules shll hve e,ui!ment suitble for effective t*o *" communiction *ith the offshore
instlltion CCR'
Tele!hone s"stems) if instlled) re to be connected vi the module emer#enc" shutdo*n s"stem' Certified sfe
e,ui!ment circuits re to be used for those !rts not bein# shut do*n' @A(>A ?ouds!e$ers nd tele!hones
shll not shre the sme cble'
).( Fire Fighting
0odules *ith e,ui!ment considered to be cte#or" TAK mchiner" s!ce or ccommodtion s!ce shll be
fitted *ith fi9ed fire/e9tin#uishin# s"stem'
Ta6le )/( Fire detection and alar'ing re&!ired actions
#ire @etection
%nstallation Type
Cause ffect
0odule *ith inte#rl
fire lrm s"stem
Activted fire lrm
E b" detector or
mnul !ushbutton
E Audible nd visible si#nls in(round the module *here !ersons
m" be !resent
E 0echnicl ventiltion shll be sto!!ed
E Fire dm!ers shll close
E Non certified sfe e,ui!ment inside the module shll be isolted
E si#nl to the offshore instlltion CCR shll be !rovided'
0odule *ithout inte/
#rl fire lrm s"stem
Activted fire lrm
E b" detector or
mnul !ushbutton
Offshore instlltion shll ensure the follo*in# occurL
E 0echnicl ventiltion to the module shll be sto!!ed
E Audible nd visul lrms in modules *here !ersons m" be
E Non certified sfe e,ui!ment inside the module shll be isolted
E 0odule fire dm!ers *ill close %on loss of !o*er&'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age #'
This document hs considered the t"!icl fire ris$ for ech of the defined 0odule >rou!s nd defines minimum
re,uirements for fire fi#htin# e,ui!ment in ech cse' %See 7'3& Chen considerin# fire ris$ the cte#ories
detiled in Tble =/32 shll be utilised'
).(.1 1orta6le e2ting!ishers
At lest one !ortble e9tin#uisher shll be locted inside of the module in n esil" ccessible !osition' For
modules re,uired to hve severl mens of esc!e) one !ortble fire e9tin#uisher shll be vilble ner ech
e9it %normll" not re,uired for emer#enc" e9its&'
The t"!e nd ,untit" of e9tin#uishin# s"stems shll be in ccordnce *ith 0SC'3(Circ 3-.7 nd 0ODB code
tble 6'4'
0inimum c!cities for ech fire e9tin#uisher shll beL
E 7 $# for CO- or Dr" @o*der
E 6 ltr for fom or *ter bsed e9tin#uishers'
).(.# Fi2ed e2ting!ishing s*ste's
The follo*in# fi9ed fire s"stems re cce!tedL
E Fi9ed #s fire e9tin#uishin# s"stems desi#ned ccordin# to the re,uirements of I0O FSS Code) Ch'7'
E Automtic s!rin$ler s"stems desi#ned ccordin# to I0O FSS Code) Ch'8'
E Fi9ed fom nd !ressure *ter s!r"in# s"stems desi#ned ccordin# to I0O FSS Code) Ch'< nd .'
0nul relese fcilit" shll be locted t n esil" ccessible !osition outside the module' It should hve
suitble !rotection #inst unintentionl o!ertion nd shll be clerl" mr$ed'
Automtic relese is recommended for modules continin# hi#h fire ris$ e,ui!ment'
The utomtic relese mechnism m" be) e'#') direct tem!erture sensitive device or m" be o!erted b"
si#nl from the fire detection s"stem' Fire/e9tin#uishin# s"stems *hich m" cuse dn#er or hrm to !ersonnel
shll be mnull" ctivted onl"'
If the fire/e9tin#uishin# medium is of #seous t"!e hrmful to !ersonnel the s"stem shll be desi#ned
ccordin# to DNV OS D423 A!!endi9 A Section C'
Cter bsed s"stems shll normll" hve utomtic ctivtion onl"'
G!idance note9
In order to m$e the s"stem more resistnt to flse lrms) it is recommended tht t*o or more fire detectors be used)
nd tht the desi#n lo#ic be such tht ctivtion of one detector onl" *ill not relese the s"stem) but *ill #ive n lrm
Control circuits for the fire e9tin#uishin# s"stem relese nd corres!ondin# lrms shll be ctive
continuousl") includin# !eriods *hen other !o*er sources *ithin the module re shut do*n' The s"stem shll
utilise certified sfe e,ui!ment for o!ertion in ;one 3 h;rdous re re#rdless of intended loction on the
offshore instlltion nd shll be connected to the sme source used to su!!l" the offshore instlltion fire A
#s detection s"stems or hve btter" bc$ed su!!l" sufficient for -=/hour o!ertion' See ='.'3'4 for
su##ested lterntive solution'
Ta6le )/13 Categorisation of fire ris.
Categorisation @efinition
No fire ris$ 0odules continin# no ener#" sources %i'e' electricl) chemicl or mechnicl&
?o* fire ris$
0odule for stor#e of non/flmmble e,ui!ment such s tools) mechnicl !rts nd electricl
e,ui!ment not connected to !o*er' The module itself contins onl" minimum of necessr"
electricl e,ui!ment for li#htin#) hetin#) etc' A fire is not li$el" to be su!!orted'
0edium fire ris$
0odules continin# electricl !nels) testin# e,ui!ment) *or$ s!ce for !!er *or$' 0odules
*hich re normll" mnned %not ccommodtion modules&'
:i#h fire ris$
0odules continin# cte#or" TAK mchiner" s!ces) ccommodtion modules nd stores for
flmmble li,uids' Also hi#h !o*er electricl mchiner"'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age ##
Chen fi9ed fire/e9tin#uishin# s"stem hs been relesed ctions s detiled in Tble =/33 shll occur'
).13 1assi+e Fire 1rotection
).13.1 General
The objectives of !ssive fire !rotection %@F@& re to !revent or miti#te the serious conse,uences from fire)
such s toL
E !revent escltion of fire from one re to n djcent re
E !rotect !ersonnel from the fire %het nd smo$e& nd m$e esc!e or evcution !ossible
E !rotect s"stems nd e,ui!ment of essentil im!ortnce for sfet"'
0terils to be used for the !ur!ose of !ssive fire !rotection shll be su!!lied *ith n !!rovl certificte
documentin# com!lince *ith n !!ro!rite Fire resistnt test codeD e'#' FT@ Code' Detiled informtion
su!!ortin# the certifictes sho*in# re,uired construction methods nd limittions shll lso be vilble'
:et trnsmissions t intersections nd termintion !oints of re,uired therml brriers in fire rted divisions
shll be s!ecill" considered'
G!idance note 19
An" such het brid#e should be insulted to the sme rtin# s the therml brrier for distnce of not less thn
622 mm) t"!icll" =72 mm on ech side'
O!enin#s nd !enetrtions in fire/rted divisions shll be rrn#ed so s to mintin the fire rtin# of the
divisions' @enetrtions shll be of n !!roved t"!e for the fire rtin# of the divisions *here the" re to be
G!idance note #9
Refer to SO?AS Ch II/- Re# 6 for detils on ductin# nd cble(!i!e !enetrtions throu#h fire rted bul$heds'
).13.# Restricted !se of co'6!sti6le 'aterials
E9!osed surfces in ceilin#s or n" surfces in conceled or inccessible s!ces for ccommodtion) service
s!ces nd control sttions shll hve documented lo* flme/s!red chrcteristics ccordin# to the I0O FT@
Code @rts -'
@rimr" dec$ coverin#s shll not redil" i#nite or #ive rise to to9ic or e9!losive h;rds t elevted
tem!ertures in ccordnce *ith the I0O FT@ Code @rt 7'
).11 Esca,e
).11.1 Doors
A !ersonnel door shll be fitted *here users re e9!ected to enter the e,ui!ment includin# for !lnned
mintennce' All !ersonnel ccess doors shll be self/closin#' Continer doors re not considered !ersonnel
doors unless the" re fitted *ith self/closin# device nd re c!ble of ltchin# into closed !osition'
0odules *ith mechnicl ventiltion continin# i#nition sources shll hve self/closin# doors' All other
htches nd doors shll be closed *hen the module is ener#ised'
All e9ternl doors shll o!en out*rds'
The self/closin# mechnism is to be c!ble of closin# the door *ith n over/ !ressure ventiltion s"stem in
o!ertion' This re,uirement does not !!l" to trns!ort doors or emer#enc" e9its' Doors fitted *ith self/closin#
mechnisms shll not be fitted *ith ltchin# mechnisms to hold the door o!en'
Ta6le )/11 Re&!ired actions follo4ing release of fi2ed fire s*ste'
Cause ffect
Activted fi9ed fire fi#htin# instlltion
E Automtic or mnul
E Audible relese lrm ctivted inside module) si#nl shll be different
nd distin#uishble from other si#nls
E 0echnicl ventiltion shll be sto!!ed
E Fire dm!ers *ill close
E Confirmed relese lrm to offshore instlltion control room
E Non certified sfe e,ui!ment inside the module shll be isolted
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age #(
G!idance note9
This re,uirement su!ersedes the re,uirements *ithin DNV -'./3 for doors to be ble to be ltched in the o!en
Chere necessr" to !revent unuthorised ccess) doors m" be fitted *ith loc$' In such cses !rovision shll
be mde for sfe e#ress from inside *ithout $e"'
0odules *hich !resent dditionl dn#er if loc$ed in) e'#' ir ti#ht modules or refri#ertion(free;er modules)
n lrm shll be !rovided to rise ttention of !ersonnel tr!!ed *ithin the module' The lrm shll be
su!!lied from n emer#enc" source of !o*er from the offshore instlltion or !rovided *ith btter" bc$/u!
should min !o*er be lost' The lrm shll !rovide visul nd udible *rnin# e9ternl to the module *hen
).11.# E'ergenc* e2its and esca,e ro!tes
0odules tht re mnned) nd either hve n internl re e9ceedin# -2 m
or the distnce to the e9ternl e9it
door e9ceeds 7 m) shll hve se!rte emer#enc" e9it' An" se!rte emer#enc" e9it shll be locted in n
esil" ccessible !osition nd s *idel" s!ced from the min e9it s !ossible' Esc!e htches shll hve
minimum si;e of 822 mm 9 822 mm nd be !ossible to o!en from both sides b" one !erson' Clernce shll be
!rovided *ithin the module to llo* for mnoeuvre of stretcher throu#h the emer#enc" e9it' Considertion
shll be #iven to the rrn#ement nd !osition of the emer#enc" esc!e *ith re#rd to ese of ccess nd
distnce to dec$ *hen e#ressin# thou#h the e9it' An" considertions for the user shll be s!ecified in the
o!ertionl mnul nd if necessr" mr$ed on the emer#enc" e9it'
An unobstructed route of <72 mm minimum cler *idth shll be !rovided bet*een res *here !ersonnel m"
be !resent nd e9its'
Esc!e e9its shll be mr$ed *ith !hoto luminescent mteril on both sides *ith the *ords HE0ER>ENC1
).11.% E'ergenc* lighting
0nned modules shll be fitted *ith emer#enc" li#htin# *hich shll be certified sfe e,ui!ment to ;one 3
re,uirements nd fittin# *ith inte#rl btter" sufficient for t lest <2 minutes o!ertion'
At lest one emer#enc" li#ht shll be instlled in ech room of the module *here !ersons m" be !resent'
Otter" bc$ed emer#enc" li#ht shll be fitted bove min nd emer#enc" e9its'
Emer#enc" li#htin# m" be omitted in smll ir loc$s nd in other secondr" rooms if there is no closble door
nd no !rt of the floor is more thn - m from the min room'
G!idance note9
A!!ro!rite !rocedures or some utomtic mens is to be im!lemented to ensure tht the emer#enc" li#htin# btter"
is redil" vilble nd full" chr#ed *hen the module is t$en into o!ertion'
).1# Heating5 :entilation and Air Conditioning
).1#.1 Air inlets< o!tlets
All ir inlets shll be fitted *ith #s detector before the fire or #sti#ht dm!er unless ll e,ui!ment instlled
in the module is certified sfe e,ui!ment nd the use of tools or e,ui!ment in the re *ill not crete n"
i#nition sources'
Closure mechnisms shll be fil sfe) i'e' de/ener#ise to close' Simultneous sto! of ll ventiltion fns should
be !ossible b" mnul ctivtion of one hndle) !ush button or similr control'
This mnul fcilit" m" lso isolte nd(or initite other functions) e'#') module shutdo*n( electricl isoltion'
The !osition of dm!ers shll be visible locll" t the dm!er nd on ventiltion control s"stem) if fitted'
The inlet nd outlet o!enin#s shll be rrn#ed for connection of ducts *hich cn be routed for fresh ir
su!!l"(e9hust from(to non/h;rdous re' The desi#n shll normll" be rrn#ed for loction of the fn t
the inlet end of the duct in the non/h;rdous re) thus $ee!in# the duct t n over/!ressure reltive to the
G!idance note9
For modules *hich m" be locted both in non/h;rdous nd h;rdous res) it is recommended to desi#n the fn
nd #s detector s se!rte unit *hich cn be ttched to the module or lterntivel" cn be mounted remotel" b"
elon#tion of the ir duct' One recommended method is to fit the fn unit into recess on n outside *ll'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age #+
If the offshore instlltion hs s!ecific res *hich) s result of ris$ nl"sis) etc') re considered to be less e9!osed
to #s relese) nd thus re better suited for ventiltion ir int$e) the duct should be routed to this re' This *ill be
t the discretion of the !erson res!onsible for the offshore instlltion nd the !!licble sfet" !hiloso!h"'
As stted bove) the duct should normll" hve over/!ressure) but if the fn is locted t the module such tht le$#e
into the duct due to under/!ressure cn occur) the construction of the duct should be of s!ecil #s ti#ht ri#id or *elded
construction or n dditionl #s detector should be mounted t the inlet to the module' This should be ssessed *hen
the module is instlled nd hence is left to the discretion of the res!onsible !erson on bord the offshore instlltion'
If the bove method of instlltion is utilised) the module #s detection s"stem shll be c!ble of cce!tin# t lest
one e9tr #s detector in!ut or the offshore instlltion centrl FA> s"stem should be used'
).1#.# Nat!ral :entilation
Nturl ventiltion m" be !!lied for modules intended onl" for stor#e of non/h;rdous(non/flmmble
mterils nd *hich re not mnned'
The module shll be !rovided *ith suitble ventiltion o!enin#s) locted t the to! nd bottom of the
If fire ris$ e9ists inside the module ll ventiltion o!enin#s) includin# louvers shll hve fcilities to be closed
from outside the module'
If the module is desi#ned s n o!en s$id or frme) no ventiltion s"stem is re,uired'
).1#.% Mechanical +entilation
The re,uirements for hetin# nd ventiltion s"stems for offshore continers re bsed on the follo*in#L
E @ersonnel shll hve sufficient fresh ir nd comfortble *or$in# tem!ertures'
E Ventiltion m" be used to $ee! the tmos!here free from e9!losive #sses nd v!ours' If the source of
h;rd is outside the continer) the !!licble mens of ensurin# this is to !!l" internl over/!ressure *ith
res!ect to the e9ternl environment'
G!idance note9
The sttutor" re#ultions m" re,uire ventiltion rte of minimum 3- litres !er second of fresh ir !er !erson'
The follo*in# modules re,uire mechnicl ventiltionL
& 0odules in *hich i#nition sources re !resent'
b& 0odules tht re mnned %For re,uirements for fresh ir refer to ='3-'4'3&'
c& 0odules in *hich e,ui!ment emits lr#e mounts of het'
d& 0odules *ith n internl source of relese'
The flo* of ventiltion ir shll be continuousl" monitored' Durin# o!ertion) if inde,ute ventiltion is
detected) shut/do*n shll be initited *ithin sfe !eriod of time unless the su!!l" is utomticll" restored
from lterntive fns or n" lterntive !o*er su!!l"' It is recommended tht this sfe !eriod should be less
thn 37 minutes ho*ever m9imum time shll not e9ceed the vlue bsed on the follo*in# clcultionL
Time .minutes/ D #ree volume of module .m
&( %2'.- number of occupants&
=.>3.?.> Aor,ing areas .7eating and Air Condition/
For modules *hich re mnned) sufficient hetin# nd(or coolin# is to be !rovided to ensure comfort' The
s"stem is to be desi#ned such tht the inlet ir is not distributed to the *or$ !lces unless it is conditioned %hot
( cold ( humidit"&'
The minimum re,uired ventiltion rte for *or$in# res is 3- l(s of outside ir !er !erson' The module shll
be mr$ed *ith the m9imum occu!nc"'
=.>3.?.3 Cooling of e!uipment
Outside ir intended for coolin# of non/certified e,ui!ment shll not be fed directl" onto the e,ui!ment bein#
cooled' The ir should insted be fed into the module in order to llo* for the res!onse time of #s detection
=.>3.?.? 7eating elements and air fans
:etin# elements nd ir fns locted in the inlet ir duct shll be of h;rdous re certified t"!e' This lso
!!lies to s!ce heters for modules intended for loction in ;one 3 h;rdous res' The fn bldes re to be
non/s!r$in# nd shll hve suitble !rotection #inst mechnicl dm#e'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age #-
For modules intended for loction in ;one - nd non/h;rdous res) non/certified sfe s!ce heters m" be
used !rovided the e9!osed tem!ertures hve been tested nd confirmed to be belo* -22QC nd suitble
mechnicl ris$ ssessment hs been conducted in ccordnce *ith IEC 34=<4'
:eters re to be interloc$ed *ith the ventiltion fn s*itch or flo* s*itch such tht the" cnnot be ener#ised
unless the fn is runnin#
:eters re to hve t lest one sfet" tem!erture sensor in ddition to the norml service *or$in# tem!erture
re#ultin# devices'
G!idance note9
For testin# of the m9imum tem!erture) the test volt#e should be 332S' Chere relevnt) the tem!erture rise shll
be included fter built/in fn hs sto!!ed' The tem!erture is to be mesured directl" on the hetin# elements' If the
elements re enc!sulted in metl !i!es or similr) *hich re #s ti#ht lso t the ends) the tem!erture m" be
mesured on the !i!es'
The follo*in# combintions of mterils nd clernces bet*een im!eller nd duct re considered to be non/s!r$in#L
E im!ellers nd(or housin# of non/metllic mteril) due re#rd bein# !id to the elimintion of sttic electricit"
E im!ellers nd housin#s of non/ferrous metls
E im!ellers of luminium llo"s or m#nesium llo"s nd ferrous %includin# ustenitic stinless steel& housin# on
*hich rin# of suitble thic$ness of non/ ferrous mterils is fitted) due re#rd bein# !id to sttic electricit" nd
corrosion bet*een rin# nd housin#
E im!ellers nd housin# of ustenitic stinless steel
E n" combintion of ferrous %includin# ustenitic stinless steel& im!ellers nd housin# *ith not less thn 34 mm
ti! desi#n clernce'
An" combintion of n luminium or m#nesium llo" fi9ed or rottin# com!onent) nd ferrous fi9ed or rottin#
com!onent) re#rdless of ti! clernce) is considered s!r$ h;rd nd is not to be used'
).1#.) O+er/1ress!rised :entilation S*ste's
0odules *ith i#nition sources %e'#') non/certified h;rdous re e,ui!ment& locted in h;rdous re shll
hve over/!ressure *ith monitorin#' The vlue of the over!ressure inside module shll be $e!t bove 72 @
but shll not e9ceed -22 @'
G!idance note9
It should be noted tht for !ressurised modules built *ithin EB(EEA countries this stndrd hs not been full" li#ned
*ith the essentil helth nd sfet" re,uirements of EN 72483' Chere re,uirements differ bet*een EN 72483 nd
DNV -'./- #uidnce notes hve been inserted' Chen !ressurised e,ui!ment is intended for use in n EB(EEA
member countr" it is recommended for the client to s!ecif" dditionl revie* to EN 72483 llo*in# this to be
incor!orted *ithin the Offshore Service 0odule Certificte'
Ooundr" doors shll be self/closin# nd #s/ti#ht'
Enclosed s!ces %e'#') !nels) cu!bords) cble ductin#& shll not e9ceed 32S of the volume of the module
*ithout bein# !rovided *ith dditionl mens of ventiltion e'#' louvers' If n internl source of relese e9ists
in these enclosed s!ces the" shll be !rovided *ith dditionl ventiltion re#rdless of volume'
An utomtic s"stem for control of the !ur#in# shll be im!lemented' The necessr" time for !ur#in# shll be
estblished bsed on tests nd mesurements of ir flo* on the built module'
A !ressure dro! for limited !eriod of 42 seconds durin# the !ur#e !hse m" be cce!tble' If the !ressure
dro!s for more thn 42 seconds) the !ur#e c"cle should be utomticll" restrted'
Re#rdless of sfe re or h;rdous loction) !ur#e c"cle of minimum < ir chn#es is to be !erformed before
non/h;rdous re certified e,ui!ment inside the module is ener#ised'
G!idance note9
Shelf sttes m" sti!ulte other re,uirements) e'#') EN 72483 *hich re,uires minimum of ten or five volumetric ir
chn#es !er hour for ;one 3 nd ;one - h;rdous res res!ectivel") nd tht ir chn#es shll be doubled unless
re!resenttive #s testin# is conducted'
Filure of over/!ressure ventiltion shll be lrmed t mnned loction %locl nd remote&' A !re/set time
del" of u! to 42 seconds m" be !!lied to minimise s!urious lrms *hen doors re intentionll" o!ened'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.+ afety 1elated Technical 1e2uirements ) *age #/
G!idance note9
Shelf sttes m" sti!ulte other re,uirements) e'#') EN 72483) *hich re,uires instntneous shutdo*n of ;one 3
modules or modules *ith n internl source of relese unless n e9ternl door s*itch is fitted indictin# the door hs
been left o!en'
An llo*ble del" time of 42 seconds for o!enin# the module door hs !roved to be !rcticl com!romise nd hs
been commonl" used'
On loss of over/!ressure) isoltion of the btteries m" be del"ed for u! to 32 minutes' This re,uires n internl #s
detector to be fitted for immedite isoltion of btteries on #s detection'
I#nition sources shll be isolted *here ventiltion cnnot be restored *ithin short time) t"!icll" *ithin 42
seconds nd t m9imum 62 seconds) or if #s is detected *ithin the re durin# ventiltion filure'
The follo*in# utomtic ctions shll then be inititedL
E All electricl e,ui!ment inside the module *hich is not certified sfe e,ui!ment for the corres!ondin#
outside h;rdous re shll be isolted'
E Essentil Sfet" s"stems %s defined in -'-& shll not be shut do*n'
E A loss of !ressuristion lrm is initited to the offshore instlltion control room'
G!idance note9
Shelf sttes m" sti!ulte other re,uirements) e'#') EN 72483) *hich re,uires shutdo*n of inlet nd e9trct dm!ers
u!on the occurrence of ventiltion filure nd(or loss of !ressuristion'
The s*itch for isoltin# non/certified e,ui!ment for the bove shll be certified sfe e,ui!ment for use in
h;rdous re'
An indictin# instrument sho*in# the ctul differentil !ressure reltive to tmos!here shll be instlled
*ithin the module'
=.>3.=.> Air loc,s
0odules for use in ;one 3 *hich contin i#nition sources shll hve over!ressure ventiltion nd n ir loc$'
In n ir loc$) the inner door should o!en into the module' %i'e' both doors o!en *" from the irloc$&
G!idance note9
Arrn#ements *here the inner door of the irloc$ o!ens into the irloc$ shll lso be considered !rovidin# there is
sufficient s!ce for the internl door to be closed !rior to the e9ternl door bein# o!ened'
Air loc$s shll consist of #s ti#ht bul$heds nd #s ti#ht self/closin# doors' The ir loc$ shll be mechnicll"
ventilted t !ositive !ressure #inst the djcent h;rdous re or outside tmos!here) nd the ir loc$ shll
t minimum be clssified ;one -'
Chere the irloc$ is #s ti#ht use of #s detector *ithin the irloc$ in !lce of mechnicl ventiltion shll
lso be cce!ted' >s detector shll be set to shutdo*n module t -7S ?E?'
There re no re,uirements for n ir loc$ in modules !lced in non/h;rdous nd ;one - res' :o*ever)
*here n inner door is instlled suitble !ur#in# of the s!ce bet*een the e9ternl door nd the internl door
shll be demonstrted in order to ensure tht the ccumultion of h;rdous tmos!heres cnnot occur'
G!idance note9
0odules *ith internl nd e9ternl doors *ith the s!ce bet*een not fitted *ith mechnicl ventiltion control
!rocedure shll be im!lemented to ensure tht the internl door is o!en !rior to !ur#in# commencin#'
=.>3.=.3 'on Certified Safe !uipment in *ressurised Modules
To ensure full isoltion of i#nition sources *ithin the module the follo*in# shll be !!liedL
E No btter" o!erted devices %e'#' l!to!s) dt recorders etc'& unless btteries re removed nd de,utel"
stored to !revent short circuit'
E E9!osed surfce tem!ertures on e,ui!ment shll be ssessed nd confirmed to be belo* -22QC %e'#'
ovens) heters) dis!l" monitors) com!uters) etc'&'
The bove re,uirements re to be included in the 0odules O!ertionl 0nul to hi#hli#ht the need for the end
user to com!l" *ith the bove *hen ddin# or usin# e,ui!ment *ithin n !!roved module'
For ;one 3 modules ovens) heters nd other e,ui!ment *hich #enertes hot surfce cnnot be dded to the
unit nd must be !!roved s !rt of the overll module ssessment'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age #$
" Mod!le Ser+ice T*,es
These re,uirements re intended to clrif" *hich !rts of this stndrd shll be !!lied' It remins the
res!onsibilit" of the mnufcturer to ensure tht ll re,uirements !!licble for the t"!e(functions *ithin the
module re ddressed'
Tble 7/3 defines the module t"!es s!ecified *ithin this stndrd' A module *ill l*"s be of t"!e s!ecified
in t"!e 3/6' Should functions(e,ui!ment s!ecified in #rou!s A/> be used ll re,uirements of the !!licble
#rou!s shll be stisfied' A!!licble module #rou!s shll be s!ecified on the DNV -'./- certificte'
Other t"!es of module other thn those listed here cn be included in the DNV -'./- certificte fter s!ecil
".1 Mod!les for ',ortant Ser+ices
0odules for Im!ortnt Services) defined in -'-) cn be mnned or unmnned'
E,ui!ment for im!ortnt services m" need to devite from the electricl isoltion strte#" detiled *ithin this
stndrd' A se!rte electricl isoltion strte#" shll be develo!ed for the module detilin# ho* the module
*ill !resent lrms to the o!ertor nd *ht ctions to t$e'
0odules certified b" DNV bsed on the strte#" in the o!ertionl mnul *ill hve this documented on the
DNV -'./- certificte' The !!roved strte#" *ith the !rocedure for shutdo*n of the e,ui!ment shll form !rt
of the documenttion tht ccom!nies the module'
Ta6le "/1 Mod!le T*,es and F!nctional Gro!,s
$-)+* @SC-%*T%)'

8 ?OCA? EYBI@0ENT ROO0 %Electricl&

F :1DROCAROON CONTAININ> EYBI@0ENT %tn$s) !ressure vessels&
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age #0
".# Mod!le T*,es
Ta6le "/# S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents 6ased on 'od!le t*,e
Section Title

































4 Structurl
Structurl ssessments for d"nmic lods re re,uired for HIm!ortnt ServiceI modules'
Re,uirements for Se fstenin#s shll l*"s be !!licble on flotin# offshore instlltions'
='3 / ='7 Re,uirements for these sections shll l*"s be considered'
='< I#nition @revention 3 X 4 X 4 = 3 X 4
='. Fire nd >s X X X X X X 7 X X
='8 Communictions < X . X . . . . .
='6 Fire fi#htin# 8 6 6 32 6 33 6 6 nd 3. 6
='32 Fire @rotection 3- 3- 34 3- 34 34 / 34 34
='33 Esc!e X X X X X 3= 37 3= X
='3- Ventiltion X . . . . nd 3< . . . .
='3-'= Over/!ressure 38 X / X 38 / / X /
For 0odule T"!es 3/8) bsic fire ris$ ssessment hs been mde in order to determine the bove re,uirements) for
0odule T"!e 6 or vritions on T"!es 3/8 n individul fire ris$ ssessment shll be mde b" the mnufcturer usin#
Tble =/32 for reference'
%A& 0odule T"!e 6 / De!endin# u!on function t"!e certin re,uirements in Sections ='./='32 m" be !rovided directl" b"
use of offshore instlltion s"stems rther thn inte#rl to the module' This *ill be detiled *ithin the DNV -'./- certificte'
X M Re,uirements shll l*"s be !!licble
3& Not !ermitted in h;rdous res'
-& ?eft bln$
4& Refer to ='3'-
=& The internl res of the module re clssified s h;rdous re' None cte#or" nd e9tents of e9ternl ;one round
ventiltion o!enin#s shll be determined bsed on the !roductKs emissions of flmmble nd e9!losive #ses) nd
the e9!osure time if emissions occur' Certified sfe e,ui!ment shll be for minimum of #rou! IIO nd tem!erture
rtin# T4' 0terils *ith lo*er #s #rou!s or uto i#nition tem!erture belo* -22QC shll not be stored *ithin the
module unless electricl e,ui!ment instlled is suitbilit" rted'
7& >s detection e,ui!ment shll be c!ble of detectin# relese of refri#ertion #s *hich m" be hrmful to !ersonnel'
<& 0inimum of t*o s!e$er loo!s shll be su!!lied *ith se!rte hoo$ u! !oints to the offshore instlltion to !rovide
redundnc" %i'e' one from ech redundnt @A s"stem on the offshore instlltion&'
.& A!!licble if module is mnned
8& Fi9ed fire fi#htin# s!rin$ler s"stem re,uired' @ortble e9tin#uishers distributed ccordin# to SO?AS re,uired'
6& @ortble e9tin#uishers distributed ccordin# to SO?AS re,uired' Fi9ed fire fi#htin# s"stem bsed on documented fire ris$'
32& Assessment of the ,untities A t"!e of flmmble mterils *ithin the module shll be !rovided' This should
consider the sitution follo*in# loss of ventiltion' Osed on this ssessment fi9ed fire fi#htin# s"stem sufficient
to e9tin#uish the most !revlent fire ris$ shll be !rovided' @ortble fire e9tin#uishers shll be !rovided if the
selected fi9ed fire s"stem is not suitble for e9tin#uishin# fires from ll t"!e of mterils stored *ithin the module'
33& Detils of the mterils t"!es !ermitted to be stored *ithin the module shll be definedD this *ill determine the
suitble t"!e of fi9ed fire fi#htin# e,ui!ment'
3-& Shll be continuous steel construction s minimum other*ise Refer to SO?AS Ch'II/- Re#'6 Tble 6'4 nd 6'=
should the e,ui!ment need dditionl fire rtin#s if used djcent to control sttion or combustion en#ine'
34& Continuous steel construction' All o!enin#s shll be closble from outside the module nd ll !enetrtions nd sels
shll resist fire or smo$e for <2 minutes' @lese lso refer to 7'4' for s!ecific functionl re,uirements'
3=& 0odules shll be fitted *ith loc$ble doors' %See ='33'3&
37& See ='33'3 *ith re#rd to !rovision for lrm nd esc!e if occu!nt is loc$ed *ithin module'
3<& If the module contins i#nition sources) it shll be locted in non/h;rdous res or meet the re,uirements in ='3-'=
3.& 0odules su!!ortin# im!ortnt services shll be fitted *ith suitble fi9ed fire s"stem'
38& O!tionl de!endin# u!on client re,uest
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age #3
".% S,ecific Re&!ire'ents for F!nctional Gro!,s
".%.1 Com-ustion %ngines
Ta6le "/% S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents for co'6!stion engines
Combustion en#ines desi#ned for loction in non/h;rdous res shll be constructed to
ensure tht no i#nition sources re !resent follo*in# shutdo*n of the e,ui!ment' This
re,uires confirmtion tht the tem!erture of the e9hust #s is less thn 422QC nd ll
surfce tem!ertures less thn -22QC' Should the e9hust #s tem!erture be in e9cess of
422 QC the mnufcturer cn !rovide detils of het dissi!tion on the e9hust surfce
once the en#ine hs been shutdo*n'
It shll be defined *hether the en#ine su!!orts n Im!ortnt service'
If mrine s!ecifiction en#ine is re,uired NO9 emissions shll be considered nd
documented in ccordnce *ith 0r!ol Anne9 VI
I#nition @revention
Strtin# btter" shll be connected vi n E9 d isoltor *hich *ill disconnect the btteries
on confirmtion of #s *ithin the re' Otter" terminls shll be constructed s to !revent
ccidentl short circuit' Cblin# bet*een btteries nd isoltor shll be double insulted
nd in sin#le cores' Cbles shll be mechnicll" !rotected to !revent ccidentl short
I#nition @revention M Fuel
Dri! tr" shll be instlled belo* en#ine to collect n" diesel le$s' O!ertionl mnul
to include re#ulr chec$s on levels nd em!t"in# of the dri! tr"'
E9cess diesel shll be routed bc$ to the diesel fuel tn$ nd not to the !um! feed chm/
ber' The return re in the tn$ shll be se!rted nd ventilted to void continuous #i/
ttion of diesel nd !ressure build/u! in the diesel tn$
Diesel nd lubricnt hoses shll be mde of h"drocrbon/resistnt mterils' Roints in
!ro9imit" to the en#ine shll be t!ed to !revent s!lsh of diesel onto en#ine'
:i#h !ressure fuel !i!es bet*een the fuel !um!s nd the injectors shll be double s$inned'
Diesel fuel tn$s shll meet re,uirements of I0D> code or trns!orted *ith m9imum
of 7 litres of fuel *ithin the diesel s"stem'
Diesel tn$s shll be fitted *ith mnul shut/off vlve *hich cn be closed from outside
the module' Diesel su!!l" to the en#ine shll be #rvit" fed or rrn#ed such tht the
inclintions declred in Section ='- do not cuse loss of suction'
Diesel tn$s shll be fitted *ith #u#e for mnul determintion of fuel level' >u#e
shll be su!!lied vi mnul vlue *hich cnnot be secured o!en' >u#e mterils shll
be fire resistnt'
The c! nd di!stic$ for lubriction oils shll be secured #inst comin# loose due to
vibrtion on in shi!ment'
Fire A >s ( Shutdo*n
All sfet" relief devices vlves shll be certified nd records vilble for current
>s detector shll be instlled in ir inlet'
Suitble fire detector%s& shll be locted *ithin the module'
The follo*in# emer#enc" shutdo*n functions shll) s minimum) be !rovidedL
3& ?ocl emer#enc" sto! ccessible e9ternll"
-& Remote sto! from offshore instlltion control room
4& Remote closure of diesel su!!l" vlve %outside s!ce&
=& Overs!eed
7& ?o* Oil !ressure
<& :i#h Coolin# Cter tem!erture
.& Automtic r!id closin# vlve in combustion ir inlet
Fire @rotection
E9hust !i!es shll hve fire!roof sels bet*een fln#ed joints'
Continuous steel construction module re,uired' All o!enin#s shll be closble from
outside the module nd ll !enetrtions nd sels shll resist fire or smo$e for <2 minutes'
@ersonnel doors shll be self/closin# nd continer end doors shll remin closed *hile
0odule *ith combustion
en#ines of 4.7 $C or #reter
Fi9ed fire e9tin#uisher s"stem *ith utomtic relese nd mnul relese e9ternl to the
module shll be instlled suitble for e9tin#uishin# of diesel(fuel t"!e fire' Refer to ='6'-
0odule *ith combustion
en#ines less thn 4.7 $C
A =7 $# *heeled fom fire e9tin#uisher shll be !rovided *ith the unit' This shll be
removble to llo* for loction in !ro9imit" to the min entr" to the module'
Double s$inned hi#h !ressure fuel !i!es bet*een the fuel !um!s nd the injectors re not
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age (&
".%.# #ir Compressors
Ta6le "/) S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents for air co',ressors
>enerl Re,uirements It shll be defined *hether the ir com!ressor *ill su!!ort n im!ortnt service'
I#nition @revention
All mechnicl i#nition ris$s shll be ssessed in ccordnce *ith EN34=<4' Fn belts
shll be ntisttic'
Fire nd >s ( Shutdo*n
>s detector shll be !rovided in the ir int$e to the com!ressor room or the com!ressor
Air com!ressors tht re !rt of the strt/u! s"stem for tem!orr" diesel en#ines re e9em!t
from the #s detector re,uirement'
The follo*in# emer#enc" shutdo*n functions shll be !rovidedL
3& ?ocl emer#enc" sto!
-& Remote emer#enc" shutdo*n from control room
4& Automtic shut do*n on #s detection
Fire @rotection
There re no s!ecific re,uirements for fire !rotection !rovided no surfce tem!erture in
e9cess of -22QC is !resent nd tht no i#nition sources re !resent follo*in# shutdo*n on
#s detection'
Ventiltion M Orethin# ir
Chere brethin# ir is re,uired the su!!l" ir shll be t$en from non/h;rdous re'
Air duct from non/h;rdous re shll be desi#ned nd instlled s to !rotect #inst
The ,ulit" of the brethin# ir shll be in ccordnce confirmed on n nnul bsis b" n
e9ternl lb'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age ('
".%.% Steam $enerators
".%.) /ell Inter"ention %(uipment
Ta6le "/" S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents for stea' generator
I#nition @revention / >enerl
Diesel fuel stem #enertors desi#ned for loction in non/h;rdous res shll be
constructed to ensure tht no i#nition sources re !resent follo*in# shutdo*n of the
e,ui!ment' This includes re,uirin# the surfce tem!erture of the e9hust to be belo*
422QC or belo* -22QC for ll other surfces' Should the e9hust #s tem!erture be in
e9cess of 422 QC the mnufcturer cn !rovide detils of het dissi!tion on the e9hust
surfce once the boiler hs been shut do*n'
S!r$ rrester shll be fitted in the e9hust s"stem nd shll be certified in ccordnce
*ith re,uirements in EN 384=/3'
I#nition @revention M Fuel
E9cess diesel shll be routed bc$ to the diesel fuel tn$ nd not to the !um! feed
chmber' The return re in the tn$ shll be se!rted nd ventilted to void continuous
#ittion of diesel nd !ressure build/u! in the diesel tn$'
Diesel hoses shll be mde of h"drocrbon/resistnt mterils' Roints in !ro9imit" to the
en#ine shll be t!ed to !revent s!lsh of diesel onto en#ine'
Dri! tr" shll be instlled belo* burner to collect n" diesel le$s' O!ertionl mnul
to include re#ulr chec$s on levels nd em!t"in# of the dri! tr"'
Diesel fuel tn$s shll meet re,uirements of I0D> code or trns!orted *ith m9imum
of 7 litres of fuel *ithin the diesel s"stem'
Diesel tn$s shll be fitted *ith mnul shut/off vlve *hich cn be closed from outside
the module' Diesel su!!l" to the en#ine shll be #rvit" fed'
Diesel tn$s shll be fitted *ith #u#e for mnul determintion of fuel level' >u#e
shll be su!!lied vi mnul vlue *hich cnnot be secured o!en' >u#e mterils shll
be fire resistnt'
Fire A >s ( Shutdo*n
>s detector shll be instlled in ir inlet'
Suitble fire detector%s& shll be locted *ithin the module'
All !ressure relief devices(vlves shll be certified nd records vilble for current
The follo*in# emer#enc" lrms nd shutdo*n functions shll) s minimum) be !rovidedL
3& ?ocl emer#enc" sto!
-& ?o* *ter level in the boiler %lrm ( shutdo*n&
4& :i#h stem !ressure lrm(shutdo*n
=& Remote sto! from offshore instlltion control room
7& Closure of diesel su!!l" vlve
Fire Fi#htin#
Fi9ed fire e9tin#uisher s"stem *ith utomtic relese nd mnul relese e9ternl to the
module shll be instlled suitble for e9tin#uishin# of diesel fire'
Fire @rotection
Continuous steel construction module re,uired' All o!enin#s shll be closble from
outside the module nd ll !enetrtions nd sels shll resist fire or smo$e for <2 minutes'
@ersonnel doors shll be self/closin# nd continer end doors shll remin closed *hile
E9hust !i!es shll hve fire!roof sels bet*een fln#ed joints'
Ta6le "/$ S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents Well nter+ention E&!i,'ent
>enerl Re,uirements
This is com!osite functionl #rou!) ech com!onent of the *ell intervention !c$#e
needs to be ssessed individull" bsed on its 0odule #rou! nd function' Considertion
shll lso be #iven to *hether the e,ui!ment is intended for use in n %mportant service'
Elements *hich interct *ith isoltion of the *ell shll meet the re,uirements of the
relevnt A@I stndrd'
Cinches nd liftin# e,ui!ment shll be certified ccordin# to DNV STC -'-- ?iftin#
A!!linces or lterntive suitble stndrd'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age (#
".%." Di"ing S*stems
".%.$ )*rocar-on Containing %(uipment
".%.- Drilling Ser"ice e(uipment
".) Offshore nstallations not intended for h*drocar6on related acti+ities
E,ui!ment intended for use on n offshore instlltion *here h"drocrbon li,uids or #sses *ill never be !resent
re !ermitted to re!lce certin re,uirements in this stndrd *ith the lterntives listed in 7'='3 to 7'='='
Chere lterntives re !!lied ccordin# to this Cluse) such limittions shll be noted on the DNV -'./-
G!idance note9
@ro9imit" to h"drocrbons *here ccidentl relese m" rech the offshore instlltion %i'e' *or$ reltin# to subse
*ells or !ltform su!!ort vessels& shll be considered s res *here h"drocrbons cn occur'
".).1 Inclination on Non0Important Ser"ice %(uipment
Inclintion n#les do not im!ct the sfe o!ertion of the e,ui!ment under the follo*in# conditionsL
E e,ui!ment is not used for n im!ortnt service
E h"drocrbon #sses or li,uids re not !resent'
Bnder these conditions the re,uirements for Inclintion in Tble =/3 re not !!licble'
Ta6le "/- S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents for Di+ing S*ste's
>enerl Re,uirements
Divin# s"stems shll be defined s HOuter AresI in ccordnce *ith DNV/OS/E=2- nd
The e,ui!ment instlled in divin# s"stems shll be certified ccordin# to the !rocedures
#iven in DNV/DSS/327'
@i!in# s"stems nd electricl s"stems interconnectin# modules used for divin# s"stems
shll meet the re,uirements #iven in DNV/OS/E=2- nd DNV/DS/E=24'
Fire A >s
All enclosed s!ces in the divin# s"stem shll be !rovided *ith lo* o9"#en lrms'
An" s!ces *here o9"#en is !resent %stored) used or !i!ed& shll be !rovided *ith :i#h
An" o9"#en sensors shll be demonstrted s suitble for use in helium environment'
Fire Fi#htin# 0odules *hich re !rt of the HOuter AreI shll be !rovided *ith fi9ed fire s"stem'
Fire @rotection
0odules *hich re mnned) used for control of o!ertions or essentil for recover" of
divers shll hve fire rtin# of A<2'
0odules *here ccidentl relese of #sses m" be h;rd) shll be !rovided *ith
suitble ventiltion s"stem'
Ta6le "/0 S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents for H*drocar6on Containing E&!i,'ent e.g. Well test e&!i,'ent
>enerl Re,uirements
Bsin# DNV/OS/E-23 Oil nd #s !rocessin# s"stems s reference ll h"drocrbon
hndlin# e,ui!ment shll be certified s com!lint *ith relevnt normtive stndrds in
Ch!ter 3 Section 3 Tble 3/- !!licble to the ctul function'
Cell test !c$#e instlltions re,uire dditionl Hcse b" cseI revie* bsed u!on the
s!ecific confi#urtion nd !!liction' As!ects reltin# to fire fi#htin#) fire !rotection)
ventiltion nd esc!e shll be ssessed durin# this revie*' The mnufcturer shll stte
the limittions of their e,ui!ment *ith re#rd to these re,uirements to su!!ort this revie*'
The #enerl re,uirements !!licble to the e,ui!ment from section = shll be !!lied'
Ta6le "/( S!''ar* of re&!ire'ents for Te',orar* E&!i,'ent related to Drilling ser+ices
>enerl Re,uirements
Cte#or" I E,ui!ment shll be certified b" DNV or other reco#nised 4
!rt" in
ccordnce *ith DNV/OS/E323'
Cte#or" II e,ui!ment shll be documented to meet the re,uirements of DNV/OS/E323
or e,uivlent'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.- %odule ervice Types ) *age ((
".).# .atteries
Otteries re not re,uired to be in ;one - certified sfe e,ui!ment enclosures *hen h"drocrbons do not occur'
Otteries shll be locted in btter" bo9 or loc$er'
".).% $as Detection
>s detection on the e,ui!ment or t ir int$es is not re,uired *here h"drocrbon #sses do not occur'
".).) Com-ustion %ngines an Steam $enerators
Chen h"drocrbon #sses or li,uids do not occur the m9imum surfce tem!erture of combustion en#ine
or stem #enertor shll be --2 ZC nd s!r$ rrestors re not re,uired'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec./ ,nstallation and 4ook"up ) *age (+
$ nstallation and Hoo./!,
$.1 General
Oefore the module is t$en into service) it shll be sfel" secured to the dec$ or su!!ortin# structure %See Sec'4&'
Cbles for !o*er su!!l" nd other hoo$/u!s re e9cluded from certifiction to this stndrd ho*ever should
be suitbl" !rotected) mechnicll" nd electricll") *hen instlled on site' Cblin# shll be de,utel" secured
to !revent mechnicl dm#e or short circuit nd shll not cuse h;rd to the offshore instlltion'
$.# nterfaces 6et4een 'od!le and offshore installation
To ensure correct nd suitble connections to the module) the certifiction shll s!ecif" ll relevnt interfces
bet*een the module nd the offshore instlltion' These interfces m" include hoo$ u! ofL
E electric !o*er su!!lies
E tele!hones nd @A(>A s"stems
E si#nls to nd from the control room
E utilit" s"stems) e'#') ir) nitro#en) stem) h"drulics) *ter) drins) diesel'
The s!ecifiction of interfces shll be sufficientl" detiled nd unmbi#uous tht the e,ui!ment cn be sfel"
nd correctl" hoo$ed u! to the !ermnent utilities on the offshore instlltion'
$.#.1 Signal from moule or e(uipment to CCR
De!endin# on the confi#urtion of the module) the follo*in# si#nls shll be trnsmittbleL
E >s Detection
E Fire Detection ( Fire Alrm @ush button
E Fire e9tin#uishin# medium relesed
E ?oss of !ressuristion
E Sttus of monitorin# (control s"stems on the module' These m" be connected to common lrm si#nl'
E Condition monitorin# lrms'
G!idance note9
This includes lrms from monitorin# s"stems for mchiner") !rocesses nd similr lrms' E,ui!ment) *hich hs
this locl monitorin# s"stem) m" hve condition monitorin# si#nl out!ut to the control room if the e,ui!ment cn
be o!erted unmnned'
Suitbl" certified termintion fcilities should be !rovided t convenient loction to llo* hoo$/u! to the
offshore instlltion cbles' Si#nls from modules to the CCR shll be volt#e/free contcts' Re#rdless of
loction) such termintion fcilities should be suitbl" certified sfe e,ui!ment rted for the re in *hich it is
locted but minimum of ;one -'
Chere volt#es remin on internl com!onents follo*in# shutdo*n) such e,ui!ment is to be mr$edL
EAA-'%'$" %'T-'A& 1)&TA$S MAF -MA%' A#T- M)@+& S7+T@)A':
'S+- T7AT ATM)S*7- %S ')'(7AGA-@)+S B#)- )*'%'$.H
$.#.# Signals from CCR to moule or e(uipment
De!endin# on the confi#urtion of the module or e,ui!ment) the follo*in# si#nls shll be trnsmittbleL
E Emer#enc" sto! %e'#') rottin#(movin# mchiner"&'
E Emer#enc" Shutdo*n) e'#') non/certified e,ui!ment nd(or sfet"(btter" s"stems'
E Informtion vi the offshore instlltions lrm s"stem %@A(>A s"stem(Tele!hone&'
$.% nstr!ctions for hoo./!,<installation
Instructions for hoo$/u!(instlltion of the module shll l*"s ccom!n" the module detilin#) t
minimum) the follo*in#L
E Instructions on hoo$/u! of e,ui!ment incor!ortin# in!ut volt#es nd re,uired !rotection settin#s from
the offshore instlltion'
E Descri!tion of the conditions(functions the module shll !erform nd n" sfet" !recutions re,uired to
o!erte *ithin !rescribed condition'
E 0intennce re,uirements nd !eriodic chec$s'
E Vlid certificte of liftin# e,ui!ment'
Instruction for hoo$/u!(instlltion shll be !rovided for !!rovl s !rt of the desi#n ssessment'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.$ %arking and instructions ) *age (-
- and instr!ctions
-.1 nfor'ation ,late
Service modules shll be fitted *ith both the informtion !lte re,uired b" DNV Stndrd for Certifiction -'./3
nd n dditionl Offshore Service 0odule informtion !lte' The informtion !lte ,ulit" nd !ositionin# shll
be s re,uired in <'3 of DNV Stndrd for Certifiction -'./3'
The dditionl nme !lte !!licble for DNV -'./- is #iven in Fi#ure ./3 '
Fig!re -/1
Additional na'e ,late for offshore ser+ice 'od!les
-.# of E&!i,'ent
Com!onents nd cble connections shll be clerl" mr$ed to enble trcin# to the !!roved dr*in#s'
All mr$in# !ltes nd si#nbords shll be of !ermnent nd durble construction' ?etterin# shll be of
sufficient si;e nd colour s to be esil" redble from #round(dec$ level' Si#n#e for shutdo*n or fire
!rotection s"stems shll be mr$ed in red *ith *hite letterin#' 0r$in# shll be secured in !lce b" durble
mens %i'e' stinless steel scre*s) rivets or metl bnds& Bse of !lstic cble ties or #lue for securin# of mr$in#
shll onl" be cce!ted on the bsis of documented evidence tht e9!osure to environmentl condition in ='-
shll not cuse deteriortion or detchment of the mr$in#'
Chere instlltion of e,ui!ment hs chn#ed the tre of the module from the ori#inl mr$in# !rovided *hen
certified to the !!lied liftin# stndrd) the tre nd !"lod shll be remr$ed to reflect the fitted out mss'
The follo*in# s!ecific mr$in#s shll be !!lied) *here !!licbleL
E Fuse holders shll be mr$ed *ith Am![re vlue nd circuit desi#ntion'
E Adjustble therml !rotection devices shll be mr$ed *ith the !!ro!rite settin#'
E Terminl rils shll be mr$ed *ith the !!ro!rite volt#e'
E Electricl enclosures shll be mr$ed *ith volt#e on the outside'
E Otter" bc$ed emer#enc" li#htin# shll be esil" identifible on the e9ternl of the li#htin# fi9ture'
E All o!ertor control devices(buttons nd emer#enc" sto!s shll be clerl" mr$ed *ith their function'
E Runction bo9es !rovided for hoo$/u! shll be mr$ed *ith the re,uired function(t"!e) i'e') 0in !o*er or
Emer#enc" @o*er'
E 0in isoltin# s*itches s re,uired b" ='7'4 shll be mr$ed to identif" function nd su!!l"' i'e') 0in
!o*er isoltor
E Enclosures continin# intrinsicll" sfe circuits shll be mr$ed'
E Crnin# for internl volt#es shll be mr$ed'
E @ortble fire e9tin#uisher holder shll be mr$ed *ith the e9tin#uisher t"!e nd si;e'
DN: #.-/#
Nme of 0nufcturerL
0nufcturer contct detilsL
Desi#n Assessment RefL
Dte of CertifictionL
Seril NumberL
Im!ortnt Service BseL
:;rdous Are Rtin#L
O!ertion Tem!erture Rn#eL
0inimum @ur#e Time
0nned BseL
09' No' of @ersonnel *ithin moduleL
Fitted out 0ssL
Other Certifictes(CoCL
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.$ %arking and instructions ) *age (/
0odules intended for connection to !ltform !o*er su!!l" s"stems shll hve the follo*in# dt clerl"
mr$ed t the connection !ointL
E s"stem volt#e%s&
E m9imum su!!l" !rotection vlue
E fre,uenc"
E short circuit current
E rted short circuit bre$in# c!cit"
E t"!e of distribution s"stem) e'#' IT) TN) etc'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.0 5pproval and !ertification *rocedures ) *age ($
0 A,,ro+al and Certification 1roced!res
0.1 General
Certifiction consists of the follo*in# ste!s s !!licbleL
E desi#n ssessment
E !roduction ins!ection A testin#
E ins!ection of the com!leted instlltion
E functionl testin# %if !!licble&
E !ltin# nd mr$in#
E issunce of certifictes'
DNV m" issue n HOffshore Service 0odule CertificteI %DNV -'./- certificteL Form number =6'24& for
continers *hich re desi#ned) mnufctured nd tested ccordin# to the re,uirements of this stndrd'
The DNV -'./- certificte shll stte the sco!e of DNVKs involvement nd n" re,uirements or limittions for
the use of the offshore service module' The DNV -'./- certificte *ill include reference to the !!licble
certifiction for the liftin# structure'
0.# A,,lication for Certification
An !!liction for !!rovl nd certifiction should be sent to the locl DNV office' The follo*in# informtion
shll be includedL
E A descri!tion of the t"!e of module %See Sec'7&'
E Chether the module is for im!ortnt service s defined in Section 7'3'
E Chether the continer structure is lred" !!roved nd *hich stndrd hs been used'
E The h;rdous re in *hich the continer m" be locted'
E Chether the module is #oin# to be mnned or unmnned'
E The !lce of mnufcture'
E Detils of other stndrds nd re#ultions to be covered'
0.% A,,ro+al Sche'es
If mnufcturer !lns to build onl" one module or sin#le) limited btch of modules) DNV m" #ive n
individul %cse/b"/cse& !!rovl vlid for tht btch onl"' The mnufcturer shll s!ecif" the number of
continers to be covered b" the !!rovl'
If series !roduction is intended) or if further orders for the sme continer desi#n re e9!ected in the future)
t"!e !!rovl *ill normll" be #iven' T"!e A!!rovl Certifictes re normll" issued to the mnufcturer of
the continer' If continers re mde b" mnufcturer on behlf of the o*ner of desi#n t"!e) both the o*ner
of the desi#n t"!e nd the mnufcturer *ill be listed in the T"!e A!!rovl Certificte'
For further detils on T"!e A!!rovl !rocess !lese refer to DNV Stndrd for Certifiction 3'- T"!e A!!rovl
DNV t"!e !!rovls re listed in the DNV E9chn#e on DNVKs *ebsite) ***'dnv'com'
0.) Design Assess'ent
For desi#n ssessment) the documenttion listed in Tble 8/3 is to be submitted to the DNV locl sttion' This
tble detils t"!icl documenttion ho*ever) dditionl re,uirements m" !!l" de!endin# u!on the function
of the module' Documents should be submitted electronicll") !referbl" s @DF file correctl" formtted for
!rintin#) or in three !!er co!ies) in m!le time before mnufcturin#'
In cses *here e9!erience nd(or other findin#s sho* tht sfet" h;rds m" rise in connection *ith items
not covered directl" b" the e9istin# re,uirements) DNV m" decide to determine) t n" time) su!!lementr"
re,uirements *hich shll be met in order to rech nd mintin the overll sfet" stndrd'
0." S!r+e* and testing
Surve"s re re,uired to confirm ssembl" nd functionlit" of the module in ccordnce *ith the !!roved
dr*in#s' Surve"s m" be del"ed should desi#n documenttion not be submitted in de,ute time to llo*
the ssessment to be concluded'
De!endin# u!on the ssembl" or functions *ithin the module %e'#' !ssive fire !rotection& interim surve"s m"
be re,uired to confirm ssembl" to the !!roved desi#n'
Tble 8/- detils t"!icl surve") functionl test nd documenttion revie* re,uirements' Additionl
re,uirements m" !!l" de!endin# u!on the function of the module'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.0 5pproval and !ertification *rocedures ) *age (0
Ta6le 0/1 Design Assess'ent Doc!'entation
Evidence of DNV -'./3 or EN 3-2.6 certifiction OR documenttion ccordin# to those
codes for !!rovl'
Offshore instlltion induced lods shll be defined'
Desi#n clcultions for offshore instlltion induced lods
Other documenttion s re,uired for s!ecil !ur!ose continers or for s!ecil e,ui!ment'
$eneral >enerl Arrn#ement Dr*in#
Sin#le line di#rm
Cble schedule includin# certifiction
Cirin# di#rms nd clcultions for intrinsicll" sfe circuits
Certified Sfe E,ui!ment A certifictes %Detils s !er tble O3 in DNV/OS/D-23 Sec' 33&
Oill of 0terils for @ressurised Bnits
Cuse A Effect dr*in# detilin# ll shutdo*n functions
Shutdo*n !hiloso!h" for modules *ith im!ortnt services'
Instlltion ( hoo$/u! dr*in#s
#ire @etection
Certifiction ( A!!rovl for Fire detection control s"stem
>enerl rrn#ement of the fire detection nd lrm s"stem) *irin# di#rms nd !!rovl
certifictes for com!onents) to#ether *ith the t"!e nd loction of detectors) *ith detils of
ho* the si#nls re trnsmitted
Dt sheets for fire s"stem com!onents
$as @etection
Certifiction ( A!!rovl for >s detection control s"stem
>enerl rrn#ement of the #s detection nd lrm s"stem) *irin# di#rms nd !!rovl
certifictes for com!onents) to#ether *ith the t"!e nd loction of detectors) *ith detils of
ho* the si#nls re trnsmitted
Dt sheets for #s s"stem com!onents
O!ertionl descri!tion of s"stem nd mnul
@A ( Alrm s"stem !hiloso!h"
Arrn#ement dr*in# includin# connection to offshore instlltion
#ire fighting
Identifiction of fire ris$s inside continer includin# limittion of mterils to be stores or
limittion on the *or$ to be conducted *ithin the module
O!ertionl descri!tion for fire !rotection s"stems to ddress !otentil fire ris$s
The t"!e nd number of !ortble e9tin#uishers *ith !!rovl certifictes
The descri!tion rrn#ement nd detils of n" fi9ed fire e9tin#uishin# s"stems includin#
certifiction of com!onents'
*assive #ire *rotection
Structurl fire !rotection dr*in# includin#D
E :ori;ontl nd verticl fire divisions
E 0terils to be used
E 0ethod of construction
E T"!icl method of het brid#e insultion
E Inte#rit" nd t"!es of doors bein# used
@enetrtion dr*in#s sho*in# t"!icl rrn#ements includin# mterils used for ductin#)
!i!in# or cbles throu#h fire divisions
A!!rovl certifictes for !ssive fire !rotection mteril
A!!rovl Certifictes for doors) *indo*s) bul$heds) ceilin#s) !enetrtions nd fire dm!ers
used in the construction
Esc!e routes %includin# si;es& nd li#htin# shll be sho*n on #enerl rrn#ement nd sfet"
Ductin# nd Instrumenttion dr*in#s %DAIDs& for the ventiltion s"stem
O!ertionl descri!tion of over/!ressure ventiltion s"stem if relevnt
Clcultion of over/!ressure ventiltion s"stem !ur#e time
Clcultion of ventiltion) hetin# nd coolin# c!cit"
Test dt from re!resenttive unit to su!!ort !ur#in# clcultions(method if module is sub
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

ec.0 5pproval and !ertification *rocedures ) *age (3
0.$ Certification of e2isting containers
E9istin# modules *hich hve !reviousl" been certified b" DNV m" be re/certified fter modifiction or
u!#rdin#' Such re/certifiction *ill be bsed on lred" e9istin# certifictes s fr s !!licble) in ddition
to !!rovl nd ins!ection of ne* instlltions'
E9istin# modules tht hve not !reviousl" been certified b" DNV m" in certin cses be considered for
certifiction' All relevnt documenttion shll be submitted for revie* s if the module *ere ne*' If the
documenttion is incom!lete) dditionl re,uirements m" be s!ecified b" DNV' Ech module is to be
thorou#hl" ins!ected nd tested s !!ro!rite'
0.- Retention of certificates
0.-.1 Maintenance of certificates /,erioic Inspections
Offshore Service 0odules *hich re instlled or intended for instlltion on DNV Clssed Offshore
Instlltion re considered !rt of the clss sco!e nd shll be ins!ected b" DNV surve"or t the ins!ection
intervls !!licble to the offshore instlltion'
0odules *hich re lso certified to DNV -'./3 or -'./4 re,uire nnul ins!ection ccordin# to these stndrds'
0odules *hich re bsed on shi! service continer must be subject to structurl ins!ections t the sme
intervls s hull structures'
G!idance note9
Shelf stte le#isltion or client s!ecific re,uirements m" re,uire !eriodic ins!ection of the offshore service module'
These ins!ections shll be re,uested b" the o*ner to the locl DNV office *here the sco!e ccordin# to the s!ecific
re,uirements cn be ssessed'
0.-.# Repair or Moifications
A module is considered to be rebuilt or modified *henD
E Com!onents not on !!roved desi#n re used'
E 0odifiction of e,ui!ment from the !!roved desi#n'
E Function or !erformnce is chn#ed'
Rebuilt or modified modules shll be re/certified b" DNV' The sco!e of re/certifiction shll be #reed *ith
DNV on cse b" cse bsis'
Re!ir or modifiction of structurl s!ects shll be surve"ed ccordin# to the re,uirements of the ori#inl
structurl stndrd' Note n" hot *or$ to the !rimr" structure shll be es!ecill" considered'
G!idance note9
Re!lcement of com!onents or minor re!irs to ori#inl !!roved condition / DNV involvement is not necessr"'
0.-.% /ithra1al of Certification
Should module issued *ith DNV -'./- certificte be subse,uentl" found not to com!l" *ith the
re,uirements of this stndrd) DNV m" *ithdr* the certificte for tht module'
Detiled justifiction shll be !rovided to the mnufcturer or o*ner of the module describin# the resons for
*ithdr*l of certifiction' Follo*in# rectifiction of n" nonconformit") the DNV -'./- certificte m" be
Ta6le 0/# T*,ical ,rod!ction s!r+e* and testing re&!ire'ents
Survey Confirm ssembl" of the unit in ccordnce *ith !!roved dr*in#s nd ccordnce *ith re/
,uirements in this stndrd'
Confirm certified sfe e,ui!ment is instlled s !er certificte nd ccurte to h;rdous re
Revie* mnufcturin# records to determine suitble insultion nd testin# of electricl e,ui!/
ment' Records of com!etenc" for instlltion(ins!ection !ersonnel to ntionll" reco#nised
!rocedures m" be re,uested'
O!ertin# instructions *here relevnt for sfe o!ertion of the module' Ensure n" s!ecil
!recutions for use nd limittions re clerl" identified'
#unctional Testing Function tests of essentil/(sfet" s"stems includin#) e'#') electricl) lrm nd :VAC s"s/
Function tests of shut/do*n ctions s !er !!roved shutdo*n rrn#ement'
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

5ppendi6 5 !ertificate for 7ffshore ervice %odule ) *age +&
A,,endi2 A
Certificate for Offshore Ser+ice Mod!le
DET NORSKE VERITAS AS, Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Hvik, Norway, Telephone: +47 67 57 99 00, Telefax: +47 67 57 99 11, Org.No. NO 945 748 931 MVA
Form No.: 49.03a Issue: May 2013 Page 1 of 2

Certificate No.:

XXXX -2.7-2

DNV Standard for Certification 2.7-2 (2013)
Equipment Description: Identification marking:
XXXXX xxxx
Client for certification (Name, address):
Manufacturer (Name, address):
Equipment Owner:
The Certificate is based on the following other certificates.
Transportation and lifting is covered by Certificate No: XXXX
The design is approved separately by DVR/Type Approval No: XXXX Revision X Dated yyyy-mm-dd

Module Type XXXX Functional Group(s) XXXXX

Operational Limitations

Ship Use XXXX Floating Installation XXXX Inclination Limtation XXXX Ship Use X F X F X F X F X F X Floating Installation XXXX F n Limtation X XXXX
Fixed Installation XXXX Hydrocarbon Installation Use XXXX Important Service Use XXXX Fixed Installation X H X H X H X H X H X Hydrocarbon Installation Use XXXX H rtant Service Use X XXXX

Main Supply Voltage Range XXXXX V ac/dc Secondary Supply Voltage Range XXXXX V ac/dc

Main Supply Frequency XXXXX Hz Secondary Supply Frequency XXXXX Hz
Main Supply Current Protection (max) XXXXX Amps Sec. Supply Current Protection (max) XXXXX Amps
Intended Hazardous Area Location XXXXX Operational Temperature Range XXXXX C
Gas Group XXXXX Temperature Class XXXXX
Please refer to appendix for any additional limitations
Certification statement
This is to certify that the module has been designed, examined and tested in compliance with DNV Standard for Certification
2.7-2 ( 2013). The documentation package has been stamped approved and hereby found to be complete and as built. The
certificate includes an appendix which is to be considered as a part of the certificate.

Certification is issued with/without deviations from the Certification Standard. Any Deviations are listed in the Appendix to this
certificate. The end user must satisfy themselves that these deviations from the Standard are acceptable with regard to their
intended use.

The certification has only considered the requirements of the aspects of the Codes and Standards referenced. If applicable,
compliance with any additional requirements with regards to relevant EU Directives or local legislative requirements have not
been considered however the standards referenced may assist in demonstration of compliance with these requirements.

Other Certificates/Standard covering equipment
Validity period
This certificate remains valid for the life of the module providing it is not modified or repaired (Reference to section 8.7.1 of the Standard).

Det Norske Veritas B.V.

XXXX Revision XXXX Revision
Group(s) Group(s)
X I X I X I X I X Inclination L X I X I X I X I X I X I X Inclination L XXXX I
X I X I X I X I X Important X I X I X I X I X I X I X Importa XXXX I
Secondary Supply Voltage Range Secondary Supply Voltage Range
XXXXX Hz Secondary Supply Frequency XXXXX Hz Secondary Supply Frequency
XXXXX Amps Sec. Supply Current Protection (max) XXXXX Amps Sec. Supply Current Protection (max)
XXXXX Operational Temperature Range XXXXX Operational Temperature Range
XXXXX Temperature Class XXXXX Temperature Class
any additional limitations
This is to certify that the module has been designed, examined a This is to certify that the module has been designed, examined and tested in compliance with DNV Standard for Certification
2.7-2 ( 2013). The documentation package has been stamped approved and hereby found to be complete and as built. The 2.7-2 ( 2013). The documentation package has been stamped approved and hereby found to be complete and as built. The
certificate includes an appendix which is to be considered as a part of the certificate. certificate includes an appendix which is to be considered as a part of the certificate.
Certification is issued with/without deviations from the Certification Standard. Any Deviations are listed in the Appendix to Certification is issued with/without deviations from the Certification Standard. Any Deviations are listed in the Appendix to Certification is issued with/without deviations from the Certification Standard. Any Deviations are listed in the Appendix to
certificate. The end user must satisfy themselves that these deviations from the Standard are acceptable with regard to their certificate. The end user must satisfy themselves that these deviations from the Standard are acceptable with regard to their
The certification has only considered the requirements of the aspects of the Codes and Standards referenced. If applicable, The certification has only considered the requirements of the aspects of the Codes and Standards referenced. If applicable,
compliance with any additional requirements with regards to relevant EU Directives or local legislative requirements have not compliance with any additional requirements with regards to relevant EU Directives or local legislative requirements have not
been considered however the standards referenced may assist been considered however the standards referenced may assist
Other Certificates/Standard covering equipment Other Certificates/Standard covering equipment
tandard for !ertification " #.$"#, %ay #&'(

5ppendi6 5 !ertificate for 7ffshore ervice %odule ) *age +'

Certificate No.:

XXXX 2.7-2

DNV Standard for Certification 2.7-2 (2013)

DET NORSKE VERITAS AS, Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Hvik, Norway, Telephone: +47 67 57 99 00, Telefax: +47 67 57 99 11, Org.No. NO 945 748 931 MVA
Form No.: 49.03a Issue: May 2013 Page 2 of 2





Specific Installation/Hook-Up Requirements

Structural / Locating Requirements
Sea Pressure Load XXXXXX Accelerations XXXXXX

Sea fastening shall be in accordance with drawing(s) XXXXXX

DNV Internal References

Design Review / T.A Project No. XXXXXXX Survey Project Number XXXXX

Design Review / T.A Project No.
DNV Internal References
Structural / Locating Requirements
XXXXXX Accelerations XXXXXX Accelerations XXXXXX Accelerations
Sea fastening shall be in accordance with drawing(s) XXXXXX Sea fastening shall be in accordance with drawing(s) XXXXXX Sea fastening shall be in accordance with drawing(s) XXXXXX

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