Rebetzion Letter To President Obama

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PD, Box 2248, Menioe, NY 10949 From: _Mernbers of Cong. Bits Yoo! — Oe Fag ‘Dati Noveriber 17, 2008. Phone: Pages: 3 (hel. this cover sheet) fies Hor Barack Obama, Past Hon. Senator Harry Rd Hor. Senator Mich MoCennel Hon. Senator Charles €. Schumer Hon, Sanat Kirton Narston Galbrand Pelosi el a Janet Nepattaro ‘Genera Gre H. Hoke, EE i ee HUment CForReview Please Camment CiPtesoe only C1 Please Recycie —_— ‘Sent via fe, owed by requior rat. November 18, 09 ‘bs asrnall congregation n the VMlage of Kiryas Joe, wa are wing to you today inthe ope that you Wil be able to assist us In our prodlcainant Since we do not have ery tus reresentaton Inthe Kl ‘iagectcn, weep nour coresuen yo wa getPos Epo aching. ‘Gur congregation, Bais Yoel Ghel Ata Feige, is comprised of approximatly S00 merrhore and we ‘wv the auppon of about 1800 members of ether congregations throughout the vllage OF KA. We are ‘isa partof he Ki Aliance Party. Atthis moment we ore the target of persecution being girectod at us ty the leadership of the main congregation Yetew Lav of Krys Joel is president e Mr. Abraham ‘Wiedor who Ie else the welHknown mayor ofthe Vilage of Kryas Joel, “The subject ofthis matter isthe st of our corigregasion, which ia attached to tha Back of the main _gmmagogue in the vilage. and hes been the subject in court over who is ented ownerahin of aenwitle,tthas been in daily use by hundreds of aur members for araying and religious servicas, for erly 20 yoors. “Tho painful saga begen on Cetsber 1, 2008. Attha time, &long-ewaltad decision from she appeiate court granted aur congregaton ful ownership af the buiding, The court alowed ux to continue feligious prayer serco on a minimal basis, unt! wa have a new site plan approved by the KJ Vilas. Carre, te Pu anton urea fa empoeyeai a ae an the Vilage}. ‘Understandably, the court decision was a huge Blow to the leadership of Yetav Lew who lost the ‘cane, and os revenge thay started a systemic campaign of pareecution and harassment agalnet Ur feongrogation, inthe hope thet they could make us mave out and relinquish the building to thern, (On that day, they shut down all water and olacto vill sence 18 our part of she bullding, which ‘hey have ancees to through their basement. Since was right before the hofduy of Sonos, the Jeedors of aur ecngregation hasty ranged for the expensive and temporary instalment of ustty ‘serves by running eleatfety ard water rom kiid-hearted neighbors, 80 thet we would be abe 1 ‘uncaion temporary Url aftr the holidays when we coud get tne court to order our services restored, ‘Morte holiday, a the court proceedinge drag on, Yotev Lav tied cuting aur temporary electric wea, But we hod them repalrd shorty thereaher and were aba to continue our functions, They then plugged the sewage to our building, ‘denying us the besic human and sanitary needs, not fo mention ‘the damage to the Interior of the feel due 40 the backup of sewage. ‘Outraned but determined, we quickly ordered for a temporary senfie tank to i instaed in plaoe, ‘provide us wih mrinimal sewage cence. In the pfocoes, Yetav Lav offcins started a verb fight ‘an OB worker that almost got physical not for palice ingarvention. They then bioaked al the ‘orirances, denying acces for an excavator thet wae needed t Istal the tank, ‘As a resut we had aut members and: volunteer to ‘retailed iy the wee houre oftha Cee eam ateaor een Inthe mean time, they have been harassing us by obstructing the entrances to our building, eve rain a rey boca for wae wel os Bwenteriog ember our eoraregeBo. " “They have also attampned to forcefuly eamava our septo tank, in the process of which our fences wera cons oemoted: Sas Police were epen cae In and onthe edge je, Instructed ther t leave us alone, This hee all bosn done Independant, winott any’ legal authorization ‘and wthout coreuiting wih our levers, ‘Ax coutt proeoecings usvally go, Hs wil Sal be 2 long and drawn out provast, Inthe mean time, though, tie our boi that as tha president of Yetav Lov and ae the Meyer of Kiryas Joa! Village, ‘Abrehern Wieder Is the one who can regolve this conflt a saat @rmporarily tis his respionsioMy as the holder ofthese bio major postione te execisa his infuance end bring this to a cht! and mutual agreement forthe wel-betng of he ene community, He clearly has a confie of eres, however, and hearft iven us any anon a al sinco we are

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