Personal Teaching Philosophy

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Personal Teaching Philosophy

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. (Nelson Mandela)

Meaningful Learning
One of the most meaningful learning experiences that I recall is when I was in training to become a
sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE). As a SANE you are taught not only to be able to be competent
in forensic training but it allows you to become a more sensitive, caring nurse. During training our
instructor used mock cases and mock court hearings to allow us to experience what our job would
entail. It not only allowed us to jump in and experience what we would be doing, but provided an
opportunity to display caring and sensitivity to mock victims of sexual assault during our learning
process. This type of learning allowed me to step away from the normal process of learning that I was
used to from reading, lectures, or case scenarios. This training taught me how important it is to
incorporate alternate methods of teaching for learning and I plan to instill this as a future instructor.
Teaching/Learning Process
I believe every person should be allowed alternate ways to learn that fit their style. Nursing students
should be taught by all different methods of teaching. Nursing entails so much form critical thinking,
caring and sensitivity, following rules and regulations, and being competent in clinical skills. Not one
learning theory can accomplish all that is entailed and it is important to be able to incorporate the
different learning theories in order to become a competent, caring nurse.
Environment and Teaching Strategies
I would consider an ideal teaching environment to be a mix of self-study, lecture and clinical time.
Important teaching strategies to incorporate in nursing students to facilitate learning would include
repetition, demonstration with return demonstration, case studies, self-reflection, simulation, lectures
with an emphasis on important concepts, and group participation. Not one strategy is more
important than the other. It takes many different styles of teaching strategies to become an
accomplished successful nurse.
Educator/Student Relationship
I will maintain rapport with my students by being available and maintaining competency in skills. I will
also be the type of instructor that students see and want to be like. I feel that it is very important to
maintain a practice while teaching to stay current on evidence based practice and current trends. I
feel that the teacher student relationship should be matched with understanding that we can learn
from each other. I also feel that students should be given high expectations and detailed instruction
to achieve the best that they can.
Hopes for my students and myself is that every time we have an encounter they take away
something that will always be with them to enable them to be a successful person. Also, that they
understand the importance of being caring, sensitive, and objective in not only their journey in
nursing, but also in life.

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