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Series: Hairy Bikers - Mums Know Best Series 2
Category:Baking Sweet
Programme:Family Classics
Submitted By:Sue Bleaken
Recipe Title:Boiled Fruit Cake
4 oz margarine
6 oz sugar
14 oz mixed Iruit
8 oz water
1 level tsp bicarbonate oI soda
1 heaped tsp mixed spice
2 beaten eggs
4 oz plain Ilour
4 oz selI raising Ilour
a pinch oI salt
Icing sugar
Method:Put the margarine, mixed Iruit, water, bicarbonate oI soda and mixed spice
in a pan. Bring to the boil and simmer Ior 1 minute.
Pour into a large mixing bowl and allow to cool.
Line a tin with greased greaseprooI paper.
Add the eggs, Ilours and salt to the cooled mixture and mix well. Pour
into the greased tin and bake in the centre oI the oven at 350!F (gas mark
4) Ior about 1 hour.
Slowly add water to icing sugar until the icing becomes thick enough to
coat the back oI a spoon and spread evenly over the cake.
Decorate with cherries iI you like.
All recipes have been submitted by members of the public.
The BBC accepts no responsibility for the accuracy
or the ownership of these recipes.
All recipes have been submitted by members of the public.
The BBC accepts no responsibility for the accuracy
or the ownership of these recipes.

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