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Alfaro Anaya Paola

valos Murillo Alejandra
Barrera Hernndez Leticia
Snchez Ros Cinthya Zuleyma
Statement of Earnings
Pepsico Inc.
Statement of Earnings at December 31, 2011 and 2012.
Analysis to the Income Statement
Net Revenues

During the period covering the years 2011 and 2012 a significant increase in
company sales increase was observed, because it expanded their market began to
sell new products, increased advertising due to new products, besides that sales
promotions that caught the attention of consumers were launched, and it was
through this that sales increased.

Operating Expenses
In 2012 increased compared to 2011 this is because the company had more selling
expenses and administrative expenses and increased sales because there was no
retrenchment unlike more money is invested to produce products so that total
operating expenses are high but in this case the selling outweigh the
administrative, as they target more money to manufacture the product.
Analysis to the Income Statement
Integral Result of Financing
The integral result of financing is comprised of financial products and financial
expenses, where those products are all sums earned by banking and expenses are
those expenses derived financed with borrowed funds. This state tell us that the
costs outweigh the products and therefore are paying much interest to glad we
funded with a bank.

Taxes ISR and PTU
When calculating income tax for the year is integrated income minus deductions
and employee profit sharing paid for the year. Likewise controlled to mantain
profits as income tax has been paid, hence the tax profit for the year would
decrease the income tax paid in the end to have free net profit or net income after
taxes paid.

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