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Assignment 3: Battles Weebly

After completing this assignment, students will be able to:
summarize the role of South Carolinians in the course of the American Revolution, including the
partisan warfare and the battles of Charleston, Camden, Cowpens, Kings Mountain, and Eutaw Springs.
create a Weebly to demonstrate their knowledge of the material.

In this assignment, you will create a Weebly describing the battles of the American Revolution. You will
describe the major generals, location of the battle, outcome of the battle, and its effect on the course of the
American Revolution.
1. Review the readings on the battles of the American Revolution
2. Complete the following charts from the readings to help you organize your thoughts.
8-2.4, 8-2.5 People
Battle Charts.pptx

3. Create an account in Weebly.
4. Design a Weebly outlining the Battles and people that were involved in the American Revolution.
5. Use your creativity. I do not want 20 Weeblys that all look the same.
To submit your assignment to your instructor, go to the Assignments in Edmodo. Paste a copy of your url into
the appropriate assignment and submit.

Complete this assignment before 11:59 p.m. U.S. EST/EDT on the last day of this module.
This assignment will be graded on the following:
Complete Weebly
Correct information on each battle (based on chart)
Correct information on the people involved and their views/reactions (based on chart)
Assignment correctly submitted

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