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My Comenius experiences

Unfortunately, we reached the end of the Comenius project - A good

education equals a good job. I had a pleasure to take part in a wonderful trip to
Germany involved in this project. Together with my friends from school we
visited a wonderful and eauliful
German cities ! "sterwegen,
#amurg and $remen. %f those
cities I have most liked #amurg
ecause it astonished me with its
eauty, tradition and culture.
#ere, in #amurg we spent only
two days ut we visited a lot of
interesting places. I really enjoyed
the oat ride and a visit in The
&iniatur 'underland &useum. I was also impressed y the contrast in the
architecture ecause for e(ample on the right side, there were old , prewar
uildings and on the left side, there were modern factories. $ut the most
memorale time I spent in a small town that was our goal ! "sterwegen. )uring
five days I have met many new friends from Germany, Italy, "stonia and
$ulgaria. I really liked the German school ecause it is different than polish
school. The German teachers are
very nice and congenial. I really
liked the trip with friends from
partner schools over the sea to
$remerhaven. )uring this trip we
made friends with pupils from
German school. %n the last day of
the trip we could taste traditional
German dishes. German cuisine is
very similar to *olish cuisine, and
maye that+s why it was really tasty
to me. )uring our stay in Germany,
it surprised me very much that the Germans are eating a lot of fast food and they
are drinking large ,uantities of fi--y drinks. The trip which was organi-ed with
the Comenius project I really liked ecause I got to know the culture and
traditions of Germany and also I learned many German phrases.
)uring this project I took part in
the visit of students from partner
schools. I had the opportunity to
host at my home a friend from
Germany- .erstin. It was an
ama-ing feeling to host a foreigner
in your home. In this way, I
trained my "nglish through daily
conversation with a new friend.
&y roommate was very nice,
chatty and friendly. /ll the students from foreign lands were very friendly and
nice. I got along the most with our peers from Germany and "stonia. I am also
pleased that I met friends who I met in Germany. I really enjoyed the trip to the
0wi1tokr-yskie &ountains. The
most interesting attraction for all
was the /musement *ark and
&iniature near .ielce.2tudents
from partner schools were very
satisfied with spending time
together. I rememer with
pleasure the common onfire in
.lew when we sang, played
games and talked.
I am very happy that I could take part in the Comenius project through which I
could e(plore Germany. Thanks to this project, I corrected my "nglish and
German and I got in touch with new friends from different countries. I think, this
project allowed me the contact with foreigners that have helped us to develop
our language skills .
Wiktoria Korecka

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