Edtpa Lesson Plan-1

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Brittany Williams Date: January 28, 2014

Grade and Topic: Second Grade, Science Length of Lesson: 50 minutes for 2 -3days
Mentor Teacher: Dr. Carmen Weaver School: University of Memphis

All living things are made of cells that perform functions necessary for life.
1. Given different color strips of construction paper, the student will connect the links creating a proper food chain
for animals and plants.
2. Given selected images the student will identify and write the definition of food chain, prey, predator, producer,
consumer and decomposer.
3. Given a computer and word processing software, the student will make a chart to define predator, prey, producer,
consumer and decomposer, oxygen, flower, and food chain with example images with a score of 3 out of 4 on the

TN State standard
GLE 0207.1.1 Recognize that plants and animals are made up of smaller parts and use food, water, and
air to survive.
0207.1.1 Design a new living thing and explain how it would acquire food, water, and air to survive.

Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources
and media

Construction paper
o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ-_17NbGb4
Microsoft word

Students will demonstrate and explain how living things use their parts to meet their needs.
0207.1.1 Design a new living thing and explain how it would acquire food, water, and air to survive.

Academic language is not covered
This lesson is unit 1 for the beginning of the first nine weeks.
In this lesson we will refer to our food chain and definitions to proceed into the life cycle lesson.
I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and those
who are ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course.

o Begin with an open discussion about how do plants and animals meet their needs in order to
o Provide a brief description of vocabulary with images.
o Begin to observe what plants and animals do to survive from 3 minutes of YouTube video.
o Discuss what is a food chain, while reading text together.
o However, for the next 2-3 days, the students will use images and textbook to understand food chains, and
what plants and animals do to live.


15 minutes prior to the computer activity

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:
1. Begin with introduction of the lesson, and 1. Collect materials for linking food
distibute materials for activity. chain activity.
2. Assign colors too specific classification groups 2. Students had to illustrate a specific food
within the food chain. chain with plants and animals.
3. Post images on projector for vocabulary and 3. Put the strips in a linking chain from producers
identification activity. to consumers.
4. Write vocabulary words and definitions in

Computer Session (45 minutes)

Teacher Procedures: Student Procedures:
1. Have student open MS words and science 1. Open MS word, set format to 12 font &
notebook. horizontal setting.
2. Direct students with set assignment set up. 2. Add name and title Unit 1.1 Life Science
3. Direct students to MS clip art and table 3. Insert a three- column and ten- row table
4. Monitor and assist as needed 4. Add the following column names: key
word, definition, and image
5. Place key words under the proper section
6. Place textbook definition under proper section.
7. Insert clip art from MS word that shows an
understanding of the key word.
8. Save Work
9. Repeat 5-7 for the remaining activity
10. Look over activity and correct all mistakes.
11. Print a copy for science notebook.

After Computer (30 minutes)

Teacher Procedures Student Procedures
1. Place students in groups of 3 to 4. 1. While in groups read together in front of class
the key word with definition.
2. Ask group to read off assigned one key 2. Explain 5- 10 mins what is a food chain.
word with definition.
3. Give students 5 to 10 mins to explain to class 3. Write a few sentences reflection about plants and
what is the food chain. animals; how they obtain and use food, water
4. Have students individually write a reflect- and air.
ion about plants and animals and how they
obtain use food, water, and air.


Students may volunteer to share reflections and food chains with class. At the end of class, teacher collects MS word
assignments, and gives instructions for students to place reflections in science notebook and begin to hang chains in the
classroom, while question students for inquiries and thoughts.

Provide the formative and /or summative
assessments that are part of this lesson.
Make sure there is a clear link between the
Goals and Objectives and the Assessments.

List specific modifications for students who
did not master the objectives.
List specific modifications for students who
are ready for enrichment activities.

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