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Artifact: Documentation of Critical Reading

(Annotations from LOTF and Short Stories)

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Understandings for Critical Reading (to address in Reflection)
Authors use identifiable, predictable, literary tools to create meaning.
Readers use a variety of reading strategies for understanding literature.
Readers use different strategies when reading critically than they do when reading
for pleasure.
Reading involves thinking (making meaning, making connections, asking
Longer works train us to use subjects, themes and reading strategies to create
comprehension in the midst of ambiguity (things that are unclear or have many
potential meanings).
A novels historical context and an authors writing style inform our ability to create
literal comprehension.
Knows for Critical Reading
These are things you should know in this unit. They may be helpful to you as you
address your growth toward understandings.
Know literary devices and why/how authors use literary devices to create meaning.
Know Readers Red Flags.

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