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Alicia Isaacs, (916) 224-8488

June 23, 2014
Assemblymember Perea Honors Fresno County Fallen CHP Officers
wit Hi!way Desi!nation
SACRAME"TO # Today, Assemblymember enry T! "erea#s ($-%resno) Assembly &oncurren' (esolu'ion
(A&() 1)8 desi*na'in* a +or'ion o, '-e -i*-.ay as CHP Officers Brian M. Law and Juan J. Gonzalez
Memorial Highway +assed '-e Assembly Trans+or'a'ion &ommi''ee! A&( 1)8 .ould desi*na'e '-e +or'ion o,
/'a'e i*-.ay (ou'e 99 ,rom '-e %resno0Tulare &oun'y 1ine 'o '-e 2oun'ain 3ie. A4enue 54ercrossin* in
'-e &oun'y o, %resno in -onor o, '-e '.o o,,icers!
65,,icers 1a. and 7on8ale8 made '-e ul'ima'e sacri,ice ,or our communi'y,9 said Assemblymember "erea!
6T-ese youn* o,,icers# li4es .ere cu' s-or' in '-e line o, du'y and '-eir sacri,ice deser4es 'o be memoriali8ed!
I#m +roud 'o au'-or le*isla'ion -onorin* '-em by desi*na'in* a +or'ion o, i*-.ay 99 in '-eir memory!9
5n %ebruary 1:, 2014, '-e /'a'e su,,ered a 'ra*ic loss .-en &" 5,,icers 1a. and 7on8ale8 .ere ;illed in a
sin*le 4e-icle cras- .-ile res+ondin* 'o an acciden' '-a' -ad been incorrec'ly re+or'ed as bein* in '-e o++osi'e
direc'ion! In order 'o a4oid -i''in* a +edes'rian, '-e o,,icers s.er4ed and s'ruc; a *uardrail, .-ic- caused '-eir
4e-icle 'o o4er'urn! <o'- o,,icers su,,ered ,a'al in=uries and .ere +ronounced dead a' '-e scene!
%ollo. @Asm"erea on T.i''er

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