11-25-09 Youth

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Wednesday’s service is going to run something like this after worship and


-Andy talk 5 mins

-Forum 15 mins
-Danny Murzea testimony 5 mins
-Object lesson with candles 5 mins

The forum is going to be led by the group leaders from last week, and you’ll each
talk about one of the people you witnessed to. Here are some quick
assignments to make it simple:

Raul - homeless
Lavi - cutter
Teo - atheist
John - good guy

Each person can talk about the challenges & success their group encountered in:
1) Form: how they first approached a person, tone you used, special
things you had to do etc.)
2) Content: what worked with the person? Where did the person lead the
conversation? What did you emphasize?

One group leader will lead the discussion on their particular person, but
dialoguing between each other would be neat! Also, feel welcome to call on
youth from your group and have them share too!

After this forum, we will conclude with an object lesson to remind youth that being
a light is a challenge and as we shine our light the world will try to blow it out.

Object lesson:
We’re going to have our youth group make two lines, facing each other. Then
one person will proceed to take a lit candle from one end of the line to the other.
Meanwhile, the youth will try to blow it out! So the goal is to make it to the other
side without letting your candle be blown out! 5 or so people can have a turn.

Please be at the YOUTH OFFICE ;) by 7:15 so we can recap and PRAY.

Let’s pray that God would imprint this message of EVANGELISM in the hearts of
our young people! And may we all learn to reach others with the Jesus whom
we’ve come to love so much. Soli Deo Gloria—all the glory belongs to him!


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