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Take Action Today!

Hello and welcome to Six Minutes. You know, for fifty years now I have been studying
successful people. I have observed the others, but I have studied the successful people,
and I have found out the difference in the twothe difference between the really
successful ones and the ones that are the also-rans. Successful people take action.
They move on it right away. They get an idea and they act. Sometimes it costs them,
sometimes it is the wrong action, but they always act!

If you talk to anybody that knows me they will tell you that I move on ideas really fast.
And I do that because Napoleon Hill says that is the way to make it happen. Henry Ford
said that, Carnegie said that. Alexander Graham Bell said that. You can go on and on
and on and on. All the great authors, all the great successful people have said that. The
difference between success and the also-ranssuccessful people take action.

I want you to think about that. Spend a few minutes thinking about that. And now I
want you to think of this: What have you been putting off? Act on it, right now, today.

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