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Beauty Letewasiyal

grade Lesson (4
types of clouds)
Mr. Wilson Tam
ED 662!"
Grade Level: 3
Lesson Title: Different types of Clouds
Content area: Science
There are different types of clouds. Varying cloud types have distinguishing characteristics.
Total number of students: 16 students (7 girls and 9 oys!
Number of ELL students: " students (# oys and 3 girls!
Student Learning Outcomes: $hat %ill students e ale to do as a result of this lesson&
't the end of this lesson(
Students %ill e ale to identify each ) different type of cloud.
Students %ill e ale to dra% an e*a+ple of each type of cloud.
Students %ill e ale to co+pare the differences and si+ilarities et%een the ) types of
Language Objectives:
't the end of this lesson(
Students %ill e ale to orally descrie characteristics of cirrus( stratus( cu+uloni+us(
and cu+ulus to a partner.
Students %ill e ale to read description of each ) clouds and characteristics.
Content goal(s):
Students %ill create a picture that sho%s the four different cloud types (Cirrus( stratus(
cu+uloni+us( and cu+ulus!.
Standards: $hat content standards are addressed& $hat ,S- standards are addressed&
GPSS Standards: Students %ill.
/.). 1. Descrie ho% %eather and ocean conditions are affected y 0ua+1s location and
at+ospheric conditions.
2no% that cli+ate( seasons( %eather( and characteristics of the ocean are caused y the
earth1s revolution around the sun( tilt of its a*is( rotation on its a*is( and the +oon1s
orit around the earth.
TESOL Standards:
D34'56 1. -'607'0,
Candidates 8no%( understand( and use the +a9or theories and research related to the
structure and ac:uisition of language to help ,nglish language learners1 (,--s1!
develop language and literacy and achieve in the content areas.
5ssues of language structure and language ac:uisition develop+ent are interrelated. The
divisions of the standards into 1.a. language as a syste+( and 1.. language ac:uisition
and develop+ent do not prescrie an order.
Pre!ssessment: $hat specific 8no%ledge;s8ills do students currently possess that est
prepares the+ for this lesson&
Begin the lesson by discussing the weather at the time As! "robing #uestions li!e$ %&hat is the
di''erence between the weather today and the weather yesterday()$ %&hat !ind o' an e''ect do
you thin! clouds ha*e on weather(% or %&hat ma!es one cloud di''erent 'rom another(%
E+"lain to students about the #$L chart on the board Start by ta!ing the students outside to
obser*e the clouds in the s!y As! the students to describe the di''erent sha"es o' the clouds
&hat are the sha"es o' the clouds( ,ow high are the clouds( &hat do the cloud sha"es remind
them o'( -iscuss with the class that di''erent ty"es o' clouds ha*e di''erent sha"es .louds can
also hel" "eo"le "redict what the weather will be E+"lain to the students that they will be
researching 'our ty"es o' clouds/cirrus$ stratus$ cumulus$ and nimbus
Procedure: <o% %ill you teach the lesson& Descrie ho% you %ill e*ecute the strategy to
support content learning. $hat %ill the teacher do& $hat %ill the students do& =e specific.
Strategy use0 the 1&L chart acti*ates ELLs schema by relating the content material to their
bac!ground !nowledge$ guides their reading by creating #uestions to answer throughout their
reading$ and hel"s students to summari2e and remember the material they read when they write
what they ha*e learned Teacher will use the 1&L chart to 'ind out what the students 2no% and
what they $ant to !now and lastly what they ha*e -earn about the 'our di''erent ty"es o' clouds
Teacher will write the 1&L chart on the board and also "ut it on a big "oster board as well as
"rint out co"ies to hand them out to the students 3sing 14&4L allows students to "rocess$
organi2e$ and remember the !nowledge they ha*e gained through a chart by organi2ing what
they already !now and what they ha*e learned
Teacher draws the 1&L chart on the board
Teacher will e+"lain what they 1$ &$ and L stands 'or
Teacher ta!es the students outside to loo! at the s!y
Teacher then as! students what they notice about the weather
As! students what !ind o' clouds they see in the s!y
Students will tal! about what !ind o' clouds they see
Students will write all the things they !now about the clouds under 1 section
A'ter each student share$ teacher will discus and e+"lain the 5 di''erent ty"es o' clouds
that they are going to learn
Teacher will then as! students what they want to 'ind out and !now about the 5 di''erent
ty"es o' clouds
Teacher will list all the things students want to !now about the 5 ty"es o' clouds under &
Teacher will discuss each ty"e o' clouds and show "ictures o' each cloud on com"uter
using a "ro6ector 'or English language learners as well as "rint out co"ies to gi*e them
while teacher goes o*er each ty"e o' clouds
Teacher will then discuss about the characteristics 'or each ty"e o' clouds
A'ter discussing the ty"es o' clouds and each characteristics$ teacher will as! the students
what they ha*e learn about the 5 di''erent ty"es o' clouds and the characteristics o' each
Teacher will constantly as! #uestion during class discussion to !now where the students
Teacher will then list all the things the students learn under L section
Now the 1&L chart is 'inish$ teacher will go o*er it with students Re*iew the chart one
last time to ma!e sure the students understand the lesson
!da%tations&!ccommodations for Englis' language Learners: $hat
ad9ust+ents;+odifications %ill you +a8e to the strategy or %ithin the lesson to +eet students1
Ma!e co"ies o' the 1&L chart and "ass them out to English language learners and also draw the
1&L chart on a big "oster board and "lace it in 'ront o' the class where the English language
learners can see it For the class acti*ity teacher will draw an e+am"le o' each di''erent ty"e o'
cloud on the board and big "oster board 7i*e them enough time 'or the class acti*ity Pro*ide
sam"les 'or the acti*ity 'or ELL learners
(ollo)u% !ctivit*: <o% %ill you reinforce( e*tend( or enhance the s8ills concepts of the
(+irected ListeningT'in,ing !ctivit*) +LT!
Teacher read the boo!$ The .loud Boo! to the students
Teacher then as! the students i' any o' them ha*e seen the ty"es o' clouds discussed in
the boo!
Teacher will show the students "icture o' a cumulus$ stratus$ cumulonimbus$ and
cirrus cloud ta!en 'rom online 8internet9 so that they ha*e a good idea o' what the
clouds loo! li!e
Teacher will then e+"lain to the students that they will be ma!ing their own clouds using
construction "a"er and cotton balls
Teacher will draw on the board an e+am"le o' each di''erent ty"e o' cloud that the
students need to ma!e
Teacher will demonstrate how to use the cotton balls to ma!e a sim"le cloud so the
students !now what they are su""osed to do
Teacher will tell students that they need to draw the clouds be'ore they begin gluing the
cotton balls down so they do not start gluing randomly
Teacher will tell the students they need to ma!e an e+am"le o' all three main ty"es o'
clouds: cumulus$ cirrus$ cumulonimbus$ and stratus on their construction "a"ers and
label them
The students will then begin ma!ing their clouds and teacher will wal! around and hel"
students that need it and ma!e sure they are ma!ing the clouds right
A'ter e*eryone has 'inished ma!ing their clouds$ teacher will as! 'or a 'ew *olunteers to
share their clouds with the whole class
O%tional: -ome&Communit* Conte.ts: <o% %ill you e*tend the lesson or the strategies and
s8ills learned in the lesson to students1 fa+ily or co++unity& This goes eyond ho+e%or8.
(Language E.%erience !%%roac')
For home wor!$ students are su""ose to go home and obser*e the di''erent ty"es o' clouds and
"ic! one to write about They will write what they obser*e in the s!y about the "articular cloud
and what they ha*e learned in class A'ter they 'inish writing they are su""ose to share with
'amily members about their writing
!ssessment&Evaluation: <o% %ill you deter+ine %hether or to %hat e*tent the student learning
outco+es %ere +et&
(Multimedia Tool)
One way to assess this lesson would be to use a creati*e writing e+"erience Each student should
"ic! a cloud ty"e and write about a ty"ical day 'rom the cloud;s "ers"ecti*e For e+am"le$ a
stratus cloud could tal! about hanging around close to his 'riend the earth all day and watching
the "eo"le run 'rom "lace to "lace The teacher would be loo!ing 'or the distinguishing
characteristics o' the cloud ty"es discussed in class
Another way to assess this lesson would be to go outside and ha*e the students decide what
clouds they see in the s!y This could be continued throughout the wee! with the students
!ee"ing a cloud 6ournal At the end o' the wee!$ com"are their 6ournals with the teacher<s own
Closure& /a% u%:
Bring the class bac! together as a whole by ha*ing the children "resent their cloudsca"es to the
class Ma!e sure that they e+"lain what each cloud is and its relation to the hori2on
Te.ts&materials used: $hat te*ts and resources %ill you use& =e sure to cite all sources. >ou
+ust use +aterials and resources other than te*too8s (i.e. use traditional print +aterials(
5nternet %e sites( CDs;videos( trade oo8s( non?fiction and other authentic reading +aterials!.
.onstruction "a"ers
=45 cotton balls
Bottle o' glues
The .loud Boo! by Tomie de Paola
Students will go online to the website "ro*ided by the teacher on the ty"es o' clouds
Students will clic! on the lin! to ta!e them to the website to loo! at the di''erent ty"es o'
clouds htt"0>>wwwweatherwi2!idscom>weather4cloudshtm
Students will use one multimedia tool 'or their writing "art Students will use 8Po""let9
'or brainstorming their ideas be'ore writing

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