All Rise

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Lyrics of Blue - All Rise :

Yo, yo
Yo, yo
Your honour please
Gotta believe what I say
"hat I will tell
$appene% &ust the other %ay
I (ust confess
*)ausee ha% about
+nough +nough!
I nee% your help help!
Got to (a,e this
$ere thing stop Stop!
Baby I swear
I tell the truth
About all the things
You use% to %o
)o(e on!
An% if you thought
You ha% (e foole%
I*( tellin* you now
.b&ection overrule%
$ere we go
.h baby!
.ne for the (oney
An% the free ri%es
It*s two for the lie
#hat you %enie%
All rise
All rise!
All rise
All rise, all rise!
#hree for the calls
You*ve been (a,ing
It*s four for the ti(es
You*ve been fa,ing
All rise
I*( gonna tell
It to your face!
All rise
I rest (y case!
You*re on the stan%
"ith your bac,
Against the wall
/owhere to run
An% nobo%y
You can call
)all! .h no
I &ust can*t wait
/ow the case is
.pen wi%e wi%e!
You*ll try to pray
But the &ury will %eci%e
Baby I swear
I tell the truth
About all the things
You use% to %o
An% if you thought
You ha% (e foole%
)o(e on!
I*( tellin* you now
.b&ection overrule%
.h baby
.ne for the (oney
An% the free ri%es
It*s two for the lie
#hat you %enie%
All rise
All rise!
All rise
All rise, all rise!
#hree for the calls
You*ve been (a,ing
It*s four for the ti(es
You*ve been fa,ing
All rise
I*( gonna tell it
#o your face!
All rise
I rest (y case!
So step bac, *cause
You %on*t ,now this cat
I ,now %eep %own that
You %on*t want (e to react
I lay low leaving
All (y options open
#he %ecision of the &ury
$as not been spo,en
Step in (y house
You fin% that
Your stuff has gone
But in reality to who(
'oes the stuff belong1
I bring you into court
#o preach (y or%er
An% you ,now that
You overstep the bor%er,
It*s two for the lie
#hat you %enie%
All rise
All rise!
All rise
All rise, all rise!
#hree for the calls
You*ve been (a,ing
It*s four for the ti(es
You*ve been fa,ing
All rise
All rise, all rise!
All rise
All rise, all rise!
.ne for the (oney an%
#he free ri%es
"hat you say!
It*s two for the lie
#hat you %enie%
)an*t you pay!
All rise
"hat you*ve %one!
All rise
#hree for the calls
You*ve been (a,ing
"hat you say!
It*s four for the ti(es
You*ve been fa,ing
)an*t you pay!
All rise
"hat you*ve %one!
All rise
"here you*ve gone!
.ne for the (oney
An% the free ri%es
It*s two for the lie
#hat you %enie%
All rise
All rise
-huh uhuh!
#hree for the calls
You*ve been (a,ing
It*s four for the ti(es
You*ve been fa,ing
I sai% all rise
I*( gonna tell it
#o your face
All rise, I rest (y case
-huh uhuh!

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