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Lmalyn WlLLer

3661 Cun Club 8oad - AlburLls, ennsylvanla 18011 - (610) 293 2633 - ew9263[
"#$% &$'()($* +$,-.*/ 0(123)$1 0.)2
1he Wonderful Wlzard of Cz MasLer LlecLrlclan uesales unlverslLy AcL 3 eLer uanelskl Mar 2014
1rlal of Lbenezer Scrooge MasLer LlecLrlclan uesales unlverslLy SLeven uennls nov 2013
LosL ln ?onkers MasLer LlecLrlclan uesales unlverslLy Anne Lewls SepL 2013
1he 39 SLeps LlecLrlclan/rogrammer A Shakespeare lesLlval MaLL felffer !uly 2013
Chlcago racLlcals Crew Pead uesales unlverslLy uennls 8azze May 2013
A 1ale of 1wo ClLles AssL. LlghLlng ueslgner uesales unlverslLy Wayne 1urney leb 2013
A ChrlsLmas SLory AssL. LlghLlng ueslgner uesales unlverslLy SLeven uennls nov 2012
Arsenlc and Cld Lace MasLer LlecLrlclan uesales unlverslLy laLher SchuberL SepL 2012
l Love a lano MasLer LlecLrlclan uesales unlverslLy Anne Lewls SepL 2012
Much Ado AbouL noLhlng rogrammer A Shakespeare lesLlval !ames ChrlsLy !uly 2012
CaL on a PoL 1ln 8oof rogrammer A Shakespeare lesLlval 1homas CuelleLLe !uly 2012
klng !ohn LlecLrlclan A Shakespeare lesLlval aLrlck Mulcahy !uly 2012
1empesL rogrammer A Shakespeare lesLlval !lm Pelslnger !une 2012
Sweeney 1odd LlecLrlclan A Shakespeare lesLlval uennls 8azze !une 201
Snow WhlLe LlecLrlclan A Shakespeare lesLlval Lrln Purley May 2012
AnyLhlng Coes AssL. MasLer LlecLrlclan uesales unlverslLy uennls 8azze May 2012
uance Lnsemble ConcerL MasLer LlecLrlclan uesales unlverslLy 1lm CowarL Aprll 2012
vlew lrom Lhe 8rldge AssL. MasLer LlecLrlclan uesales unlverslLy Anne Lewls March 2012
4563.)($*7 8achelor of Lhe ArLs uegree ln ueslgn/1echnology, uesales unlverslLy, May 2014
829.)25 ":(99'7 CarpenLry work, acLlng experlence, baslc hand drafLlng ablllLles, baslc renderlng ablllLles, llghL
boards (lCn, Lxpress, and lmpresslon), sLage managemenL, house managemenL, paLLernlng, draplng, auLomaLed
llghLlng unlLs
;)#21 4<-21(2*327 ennsylvanla drlver's llcense, MlcrosofL Cfflce, power Lools, baslc rlgglng, vecLorworks SpoLllghL
12 and 13, LlghLwrlLe 4
=*)21*'#(-'7 ennsylvanla Shakespeare lesLlval LlecLrlcs lnLern May Lhrough Aug 2012, May Lhrough Aug 2013
Llz LllloLL Mlke Warden Aaron Crosby
LlecLrlcs rofessor revlous Supervlsor revlous Supervlsor
610) 282 1100 exL. 1704 (313) 633 8949 (603) 276 3180
llz.ellloLL[ mr.mlke.warden[ croaar[[

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