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6/23/14 8:48 PM RE: Credentialing project meeting....... touch base.

- Heinke, Pamela S
Page 1 of 2
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ueflnlLely, you could also leave early lf you need Lo.

Barbara Wenger RN, MS, AOCNS, CRNI
Oncology/ BMT CNS
University of Colorado Hospital
Phone: 720-848-4596
Pager: 303-266-2131

The Department of Professional Resources improves lives by empowering healthcare professionals to
influence quality care through education, discovery and navigation of change

From: Heinke, Pamela S
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2013 11:23 AM
To: Wenger, Barbara
Subject: RE: Credentialing project meeting....... touch base.

Pey 8arb,

l wlll see lf l can geL a chlld care LhaL day. uo you Lhlnk we would be done by 12? l can probably drop Lhem off
aL daycare, buL would need Lo plck Lhem up no laLer Lhan 1230.

!"#$% Wenger, 8arbara
&'()% 1hursday, uecember 12, 2013 11:02 AM
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vogLSchaller, Pannah A, !ensen, Wllllam P
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6/23/14 8:48 PM RE: Credentialing project meeting....... touch base. - Heinke, Pamela S
Page 2 of 2
+,% llnk, 8eglna, Zwlnk, !ennlfer, nordhagen, !amle
&-./',)% CredenLlallng pro[ecL meeLlng....... Louch base.

8eglna and l have a favor Lo ask of your group..

We boLh really en[oy worklng wlLh you on your credenLlallng pro[ecLs, buL wanL Lo flnd a way Lo make Lhls more
efflclenL and Llmely for all of us. So here's a suggesLlon we have:

ls lL posslble Lo meeL as many of you as posslble ln a group on Wednesday, !anuary 8
beLween 10:30-11:30? 1he
group slLuaLlon wlll be really helpful for your pro[ecLs slnce you can flnd ouL lf oLhers are havlng Lhe same barrlers or
may even have suggesLlons/ feedback on how your pro[ecL ls golng. l know a few of you work Lhe nlghL before so we
could meeL wlLh you aL anoLher Llme, buL afLer peruslng Lhe schedule lL looks llke 6-7 of you can poLenLlally make lL
on Lhls daLe.

We wlll also be sLarLlng up our Cncology L8 group meeLlngs for all lnpaLlenL and ouLpaLlenL sLaff agaln nexL year and
could conLlnue Lo meeL wlLh your group durlng Lhose meeLlngs Loo. We are LenLaLlvely looklng aL Lhe flrsL meeLlng ln
lebruary around Lhe sLaff meeLlng Llmes.

Can you please reply and leL me know lf you can aLLend on 1/8?


Barbara Wenger RN, MS, AOCNS, CRNI
Oncology/ BMT CNS
University of Colorado Hospital
Phone: 720-848-4596
Pager: 303-266-2131

The Department of Professional Resources improves lives by empowering healthcare professionals to
influence quality care through education, discovery and navigation of change

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