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Stiffer penalties for employers who fail to remit

workers SSS contributions pushed

Employers who fail to remit the Social Security System (SSS) contributions of their
employees shall face stiffer penalties under a measure seeking to strengthen Republic Act
8282, as amended, or the Social Security aw!
"ouse #ill $$%&, authored by Reps! 'eri (olmenares and (arlos )sagani *arate
(+arty,list, #ayan -una), seeks to help the workers by enforcing that half of any fine
imposed on unscrupulous employers should be gi.en to the aggrie.ed employees!
(olmenares said the problem of non,remittance by delin/uent employers has
already affected 01$,000 workers since 2%0%! 2he amount of unremitted contributions to
the SSS was estimated at +3$ billion!
2he SSS filed charges against more than 0,$%% delin/uent companies in 2%02 for
.arious .iolations, (olmenares said!
According to (olmenares, thousands of SSS pensioners suffer from the .ery
inhumanly low pension of about +0,2%% per month, which is surely inade/uate to meet the
current cost of li.ing!
"e said the uncollected contributions should be used in funding increase in the
pension of many SSS members, including 4.erseas 5ilipino 6orkers, currently reeling
from intense economic crisis!
7-illions of employees are the most affected by this fraud, the go.ernment should
ensure to protect the rights of the workers who were regularly deducted their SSS
contributions but are being denied their benefits and pri.ileges because of their employers8
failure to remit their contributions,9 (olmenares said!
2he bill amends +aragraph (h), Section 28 of RA 8282 by increasing the penalty
against employers who fail to remit the funds they deducted from their employees!
:nder the bill, non,remittance of workers8 SSS contributions shall be punishable by
a fine of +2&,%%% and an additional +2%,%%% for e.ery +0%,%%% withheld and imprisonment
for no less than eight years nor more than 0$ years!
"alf of the amount paid as fine shall be gi.en to the employee whose contribution
was not remitted in addition to any ci.il damages that the employee may be entitled to, the
bill pro.ides! (;%) mrs
NR # 3507B
JUNE 24, 2014

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