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Here, Now

Barren trees under

Siege by unending raindrops,
Outside the window.

Beneath the blanket,
Sheltered within, I gaze at
The antique fireplace.

Once golden embers
Just coals in the blackened pit.
I lie back, waiting.

Hand on my belly,
Hopes and worries in mind,
Listening to the rain.

Pitter-patter, on
It goes. Reminding me of
Another time - gone.

Not many days now,
I embrace this quiet time
Of waiting, wanting.

Another Time

People forgot about
Having time to gaze at the creatures in the clouds;
Blinded by worries and woe.

People forgot about
The warm embrace of a favourite furry friend
In lonely pursuit of cold cash.

People forgot about
When going outside elicited squeals of joy,
Rather than groans of frustration.

People forgot about
The sweet fragrance of a spring day,
Locked away in their dusty, stale buildings.

People forgot about
The taste of homegrown food,
Not modified, processed, or transported half way across the world.

People forgot.
And the world continues to spin,
So people keep forgetting.

We forgot that
That which shines
May not shine forever.

All Fall Down

In the end, we all fall down
Into the dark, without a sound.

In the end, sleep be found
There in the dark, within the ground.

In the end, we are bound,
Buried and dead beneath the mound.

But where is my happy ending?

In the end,




hoping for happy endings.

Happy Endings

Stories of happy endings, are they just myths?
Silly tales for silly children. Folklore for the masses.

What of those incremental happy endings?
Vows made to last a lifetime. Victories for the nations.

Are these not happy endings?

But I cannot rely on treasured recollections.
For the perseverance of memories distort with time.

Not in the past. Not here and now.
Then where is my happy ending?

Perhaps somewhere in the future, it is waiting.
With the children and the masses.

Can my hope in you be my happy ending?

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