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The Marriage Equality Ammendment

Section 1. Equality of marriage under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the
United States or by any State on account of sex, gender, race or religion.

Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the
provisions of this article.

Section 3. This amendment shall take effect immediately after the date of ratification.

The struggle of equality of rights for the LGBT community is commonly said as
the modern day Civil Rights war. Their struggle is mostly about the right to get married.
Nowadays, marriage has become so integrated to a couples finance and daily life that it
has become a documented proof of a couples relationship.

The amendment gives full recognition of same-sex relationships through
marriage, in every state and at the federal level. This gives LGBT people the freedom
to build meaningful personal, intimate relationships without risking their families safety
and wellbeing. This also gives full eligibility for same sex couples to receive any sort of
family subsidies given by the government.

Fighting restrictions on parenting by LGBT people is critical because this
discrimination causes serious, enduring harm to the lives of LGBT people and their
children. This amendment would challenge policies and laws that prevent qualified and
caring LGBT people from foster parenting or adopting kids. With a proof of marriage, the
process of adopting a child would go much smoother because there is lesser paperwork
needed to be done to prove a substantial relationship between the couple.

There should not be a need to prevent harmless people who are in love from
building a family together regardless of their sex and gender. Voting for this amendment
would put an end to the LGBT equality war and a huge step to a better America.

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