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Brekeke SIP Server Quickstart Guide

This Quick Start Tutorial is intended to provide a step-by-step guide to set up VoIP
communication using the Brekeke SIP Server. The guide outlines a simple example using a SIP
phone and X-Lite Softphone.
Note: Section 7 "Basic Setup" of Brekeke SIP Server Administative Guide also covers the basic
set up Brekeke SIP Server.
SIP User Agent (UA)<->Brekeke SIP Server <-> SIP User Agent (UA)
What's Required?
y A simple/inexpensive LAN switch (or hub) for setting up a small LAN environment
y A Windows PC (i.e., Windows XP, Windows Vista)
y BudgeTone-100 from Grandstream
y X-Lite Softphone*. If you do not have X-Lite Softphone on your PC, you can download
it from CounterPaths webpage. (Download X-Lite Softphone)
*When using X-Lite Softphone or any other SIP softphones, you need a microphone and
speaker for voice communication.
Step 1 - Setting up Windows PC with a static IP address
Configure your PC with a static IP address: and subnet mask of
1. Click [Start]->[Control Panel], click the [Network Connection] icon.
Double click [Local Area Connection], click the [Properties] button.
2. In the "Local Area Connection Properties" dialog box, double-click the [Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP)] item.
In the "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties" dialog box, select [Use the following IP
Set: [IP address]:; [Subnet mask]:
Click [Ok] to save the settings
3. Make sure your PC is connected to the LAN switch/Hub with an Ethernet cable.
Step 2 - Download and Install Brekeke SIP Server
1. Download the Brekeke SIP Server installer from our website download page. Free trial is
After successfully installing the product, a Brekeke SIP Server icon will appear on your
PC's desktop.
2. Activate Brekeke SIP Server
Start the Brekeke SIP Server by double-clicking the [Brekeke SIP Server] icon from your
PC desktop.
Activate Brekeke SIP Server with product ID. Need a Product ID?
3. Login
Enter "sa" in both the [User ID] and [Password] fields from the Brekeke SIP Server
Admintool screen. Start Brekeke SIP Server. The Status field should indicate that the
Brekeke SIP Server is Active.
Note: If you cannot start Brekeke SIP Server, it is most likely because its listening port (5060) is
already occupied by other applications. If this happens, restart your PC and enable your Brekeke
SIP Server first when your PC is up.
Step 3 - Setting Up Brekeke SIP Server for User
The authentication for REGISTER and INVITE is enabled by default on Brekeke SIP Server,
which is set at Brekeke SIP Server > [Configuration] > [SIP] > [Authentication]. To register SIP
UA with Brekeke SIP Server authentication on, create [User Authentication] account for each
SIP UA is needed.
Do the following to set up authentication accounts at Brekeke SIP Server:
1. Choose Brekeke SIP Server >[User Authentication] >[New User], and set.
a. [User]: UA UserName.
b. [Password]: SomePassword.
c. [(Confirm)]: SamePassword.
d. [Name]: Description to remind whose auth account it is.
e. Click [Add].
f. To make sure the user authentication information is added for this user, check
from [View Users].
2. In this example, we will create Authentication accounts from SIP UA Grandstream and
In the following setup, the authentication user IDs will be the same as the phone numbers
(SIP user ID). It is requied by default settings of Brekeke SIP Server authentication.
a. Grandstream BudgeTone-100 User Authentication account at Brekeke SIP Server:
[User]: 160
[Password]: 1234
[(Confirm)]: 1234
[Name]: Grandstream
b. xLite User Authentication account at Brekeke SIP Server:
[User]: 555
[Password]: 5678
[(Confirm)]: 5678
[Name]: xLite
Note: If you donot want to authenticate users when they are registering or making calls with
Brekeke SIP Server, do the following:
1. Set Brekeke SIP Server>[Configuration]>[SIP]>[Authentication].[REGISTER]:off
2. Set Brekeke SIP Server>[Configuration]>[SIP]>[Authentication].[INVITE]:off
3. Save the settings and restart Brekeke SIP Server from [RESTART/SHUTDOWN] page
When authenticaion is off as above, the setup in step3 can be skipped.
Step 4 - Setting up Grandstream BudgeTone-100
1. Set up Grandstream BudgeTone-100 with a fixed IP address (Ex: and
subnet mask of
2. Set SIP registra IP, user/phone number and authentication information from [Advanced
Settings] tab on the phone
o SIP Server: (Brekeke SIP Server's IP address set in step 1-2)
o Outbound Proxy: (Brekeke SIP Server's IP address set in step 1-2)
o SIP User ID: 160 (the same as the authentication user set in step 3-2a)
o Authenticate ID: 160 (authentication user set in step 3-2a)
o Authenticate Password: 1234 (password set in step 3-2a)
o Name: any
o Update the settings and reboot the phone
Check Grandstream manual for more information on setting up your BudgeTone-100
phone. Most of the default settings in the Grandstream BudgeTone-100 should work.
3. Now make sure the phone is connected to the LAN switch/Hub with an Ethernet cable
From Brekeke SIP Server Admintool -> [Registered Clients], this phone is registered as
[User:] 160; [Contact URL:] sip:160@
Step 5 - Setting up X-Lite as a SIP UA
1. Set up X-Lite as a SIP UA on your PC:
a. Start X-Lite from your PC by choosing [Start]->[All Programs]->[X-Lite].
b. From the X-Lite dialog box, go to []->[SIP Account Settings]->[Properties],
Display Name: any
User name: 555 (the same as the authentication user set in step 3-2b)
Password: 5678 (password set in step 3-2b)
Authorization user name: 555 (the authentication user set in step 3-2b)
Domain: (Brekeke SIP Server's IP address set in step 1-2)
Check [Register with domain and receive incoming calls] and select
[domain] under [Send outbound via:]
c. In order for X-Lite to work as a voice communication device, you must have a
microphone and speaker(s) connected to your PC.
2. Verify that X-Lite has successfully registered with Brekeke SIP Server from [Registered
Clients] tab. You should see that the X-Lite is registered as [user:] 555; [Contact URL:]
Step 6 - Making VoIP Calls
To make a call from the Grandstream BudgeTone-100 to X-Lite, follow these steps:
1. Press [Speakerphone] button.
2. Wait for a steady dial tone.
3. Dial 555, and press [Send] button.
To make a call from X-Lite to the Grandstream BudgeTone-100, follow these steps:
1. Enter 160 and click on [Dial] button
2. To hang up, click on [hang up] button
y In this tutorial, Brekeke SIP Server is installed on Windows OS with Brekeke SIP Server
installer. For installation details on other operating system, please refer to Brekeke SIP
Server Administrator's Guide, Section - Installation.
y In this tutorial, the SIP UAs are Grandstream BudgeTone-100 (a SIP compliant phone)
and X-Lite Softphone. However, any SIP-compliant products can be used in setting up
your VoIP communications.

Dear Alexis Mangumpit,

Thank you for your interest in Brekeke's SIP Server!

Please print this page for your records and follow the instructions


Note: The product ID contains letters and numbers--copy and paste to
avoid confusion.

Username: sa
Password: sa

All documentation is available through our website. We keep
up-to-date manuals, tutorials, plug-ins, and other resources there for
your convenience.

Email your questions to:


Brekeke Team

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