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Week Date (Day) Works [pages] Quiz/Test

1 Mar. 30 (M) Introdutory !eture

Mar. 31 (T) Introdution " #irst $%peri&ents [1'10]
(gai) *T+e Daning ,ir-. [10'/0]
1an2y3tei) The Ghost Tale of the Peony Lantern [/0'30]
4pr. / (T+) T5kai) Strange Encounters with Beautiful Women [30'67]
4pr. 3 (#) 8oetry (and 8oe&s) [60'76] PRACTICE QUIZ
/ 4pr. 0 (M) 9eginnings [76'70]
Tsu:ou+i) Essence of the Novel [pd;]
#uta:atei) Drifting Clouds [70'00]
4pr. < (T) =igu+i) *,ro>ing ?p. [pd;]
4pr. @ (T+) Ay5ka) *T+e =o-y Man o; Mount A5ya. [00'107]
4pr. 10 (#) Doppo) *Meat and 8otatoes. [173'10B] QUIZ 1
3 4pr. 13 (M) A5y5) The Gold Demon [/1B'//0]
4pr. 16 (T) T5son) oung !er"s *1+i&azaki T5son2s #our Poetry
Collections. [C'1tor]
4pr. 10 (T+) 4kiko) Tangled !air [pd;]
8oetry in Traditiona- #or&s [307]
8oe&s [307'317]
4pr. 1< (#) 8oetry in t+e Internationa- 1ty-e [/@3]
8oe&s [/@3'/@0] [30/'306]
Taya&a Aatai) *T+e ,ir- Wat+er. [/76'/06]
6 4pr. /0 (M) $ssays [317]
15seki) *T+e DiEi-ization o; Modern'Day Capan. and
*My IndiEidua-is&. [317'3//]
4kiko) *4n Fpen !etter. [336'360]
4pr. /1 (T) 15seki) $o%oro I (1ensei and I)
4pr. /3 (T+) 15seki) $o%oro II (My 8arents and I)
4pr. /6 (#) 15seki) $o%oro III (1ensei and =is Testa&ent) QUIZ 3
7 4pr. /< (M) T+e Inter>ar Gears [360]
#ition [36/]
(gai) *T+e 9oat on t+e HiEer Takase. [/00'/10]
4kutaga>a) *T+e Iose. and *T+e D+rist o; Ianking.
4pr. /B (T) Hanpo) *T+e =u&an D+air. [307'3<0]
Tanizaki) Naomi I
4pr. 30 (T+) Tanizaki) Naomi II
May 1 (#) Tanizaki) Naomi III QUIZ 4
0 May 6 (M) Ao:ayas+i TakiJi) *T+e #i;teent+ o; Mar+) 1@/B. [671'
Auros+i&a DenJi) *4 #-ok o; Dir-ing Dro>s. [60/'6B0]
=aya&a Gos+iki) *!etter #ound in a De&ent 9arre-. [pd;]
May 7 (T) 8oetry in t+e Internationa- 1ty-e [7B3]
Taka&ura A5tar5 (poe&s) [7B3]
=agi>ara 1akutar5 (poe&s) [7B0'7B@]
8oetry in Traditiona- #or&s (and poe&s) [010'0/1]
1at5 =aruo) *Disourse on K$-egane2. [060'07@]
May < (T+) Miyaza>a AenJi (poe&s) [7@0'7@6]
AenJi) *T+e Hestaurant o; Many Frders. [pd;]
HeEie> ;or Mid'Ter&
May B (#) no readings MID-TERM EXAM
< May 11 (M) $ssays [060]
Ao:ayas+i =ideo) *!iterature o; t+e !ost =o&e. [060'
T+e War Gears [07@]
May 1/ (T) #ition [000]
Is+ika>a Tatsuz5) *1o-diers 4-iEe. [00<'0<7]
May 16 (T+) (oka 1+5+ei) *Taken DaptiEe. [<0@'<3@]
May 17 (#) ?no D+iyo) *4 Wi;e2s !etters. [<<@'<@B] QUIZ 5
B May 1B (M) $ssays [B16]
=agi>ara 1akutar5) *Heturn to Capan. [B16'B1B]
Ao:ayas+i =ideo) *Fn I&per&anene. [B1B'B//]
1akagu+i 4ngo) *4 8ersona- Lie> o; Capanese Du-ture.
May 1@ (T) Dazai Fsa&u) *Dee&:er B
. [000'00<]
May /1 (T+) 1+i&ao Tos+io) *T+e Departure IeEer Da&e. [<70'<<@]
May // (#) (e Aenza:ur5) *T+e Dat+. [pd;] QUIZ 6
@ May /0 (T) Ta>ara Ma+i) Salad &nniversary [pd;]
Muraka&i =aruki) Norwegian Wood I [1'B@]
May /B (T+) Muraka&i) Norwegian Wood II [@0'1@@]
May /@ (#) Muraka&i) Norwegian Wood III [/00'/@3] QUIZ 7
10 Cune 1 (M) Tezuka Fsa&u) &stro Boy (*9-ue Anig+t. on-y)
8+i--ips) 1. *D+araters) T+e&es) and IarratiEe 8atterns
in t+e 'anga o; Fsa&u Tezuka.. (a)anese *isual Culture
1upp-e&enta-M D+apter Fne) +nderstanding Comics [pd;]
Cune / (T) ,oJi&a Aoseki and Aoike Aazuo) Lone Wolf and Cu"
(Lo-u&e 1)
?&ezu Aazuo. Cat,Eyed Boy- Lo-. 1. Liz) /00B. [pd;]
1upp-e&enta-M D+apter T>o) +nderstanding Comics [pd;]
Cune 6 (T+) =agio Moto) &. &/ 0&. & Prime1 [pd;]
1+a&oon) D. *1ituating t+e Sh23o in Sh23o 'angaM
Teenage ,ir-s) Ho&ane Do&is) and Donte&porary
Capanese Du-ture.. (*C [pd;]
1upp-e&enta-M D+apter T+ree) +nderstanding Comics
Cune 7 (#) 1ada&oto Gos+iyuki) Neon Genesis Evangelion (Lo-u&e
9o-ton) D+ristop+er. *#ro& Wooden Dy:orgs to De--u-oid
1ou-sM Me+ania- 9odies in 4ni&e and t+e Capanese
8uppet T+eater.. [pd;]
no 4ui5
Cune 11 (T+) FINAL EXAM: RAITT 116, 2:3 ! 4:2

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