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Year 7- 8 Investigation

You will be required to produce an investigation on

An analysis of an electronic device that you use.

It is intended that you will undertake research to seek the information you need to produce
this report.
You can get you information from Family, books, visits to organisations, the internet.
However all work will need to be in your own words and not cut and paste. Text copied
directly from the internet will not be accepted. (Pictures are acceptable)
Students can negotiate in what form the report is presented.

The report should be at least 300 words
It will need to be handed in before the agreed due date.

The report should include all of the following in a separate chapter for each as this forms the
basis of the assessment.

-Title page including your name and form
-an introduction to the report (what it is about and how you got your information)
-A body of the report that includes
A history of what it is that you are researching
How it works
Problems associated with the product
Advantage of this product
Environmental effects and impacts
How it can be utilised
Possible future directions and uses of the product
Definition of term relating to this system (if needed)
-A conclusion (your own opinion)
-Where you got your information

Printed extracts or copied and pasted text are unacceptableyou will need to read the
information and write it in your own words
The report should include Illustrations, and charts, (and colour if possible)

Your investigation will be due on the (date negotiated by class)
Late submissions will have marks deducted, unless discussed and agreed by the teacher
Remember this is as it implies, an investigation report undertaken by you
And it should challenge you to look for new systems and find out how they work.

You can present the report in any form that suits you
It can be Hand written, typed, it can be a power point, a poster, even a presentation to the
class if you wish.

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