Forster Resume Portfolio

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Poudre School District Fort Collins, Colorado 2013 to present
Licensed Substitute Teacher
Specializing in Secondary education, grades 6-12. anages the classroo! and pro"ides instructions according
to plans as prepared #y the classroo! teacher. Pro"ides classroo! en"iron!ent, $hich pro!otes acti"e
learning. %ssists the teacher $ith all aspects o& the daily routine, including distri#uting and collecting supplies,
'eeping attendance records, lunchroo! duty, recess, etc. (or's $ith students to help rein&orce learning
o#)ecti"es. %dheres to all Poudre School District policies and procedures. *ses appropriate )udg!ent to act in
the #est interest o& students at all ti!es. Per&or!s other duties as assigned #y the appropriate ad!inistrator.
+andscape Design Consultant Den"er, Colorado 2003 to present
Project Manager/Landscape Designer
Conducted site analysis, de"eloped site plans, planting plans, #udgets and esti!ated construction costs &or
pri"ate residential landscape pro)ects. Pro)ect leader o& day la#or cre$ &or construction o& residential
landscape,hardscape pro)ects, pro"ided sta&& $ith direction. Su#contracted as dra&ting consultant &or -i"er$al'
.!pro"e!ent Pro)ect in /agle,0ail. %ssisted in generation o& design concept and roadside
re"egetation,re!ediation strategies.
Sage Design 1roup Den"er, Colorado
Project Architect/Landscape Designer
De"eloped and deli"ered Site .!pro"e!ent Plans 2S.Ps3 and Construction Docu!ents 2CDs3 &or County and
client appro"al. Coordinated $ith principal on all aspects o& pro)ect design including4 site analysis,
progra!!ing, conceptual design, !aster planning docu!ents, graphics, signage plans, grading plans,
landscape !aintenance planning and construction docu!ents 2CDs3. .nterpreted and i!ple!ented County site
de"elop!ent regulations and guidelines. *sed !ultiple so&t$are pac'ages to render dra$ings, create pro)ect
graphics and present planting plans. -epresented co!pany and participated in pu#lic !eetings,presentations.
5ota#le Pro)ects include6 Super 7arget de"elop!ent in 8ighlands -anch, Colorado. Site .!pro"e!ent Plans,
Construction Docu!ents, planting plans and !aster planning.
Carter 9 :urgess 2;aco#s3 Den"er, Colorado
Landscape Architecture Intern
Contri#uted as part o& an interdisciplinary tea! 2:uilding Progra!s3 on 7ransportation Sa&ety %d!inistration
27S%3 pro)ects &ro! sche!atic design through construction docu!ents. -esponsi#ilities include6
graphics,C%D production support, coordination $ith consultants, presentation graphics, concept renderings
and re"ie$ing #uilding plans. %lso pro"ided C%D production support to *r#an Design 1roup &or +egacy
8igh$ay pro)ect in *tah.
Charles Sch$a# Den"er, Colorado
Investment Specialist II
Pro"ided speci&ic in"est!ent ad"ice and product education to clients. %#ility to resol"e,research co!ple<
issues, e<perience contacting clients regarding !argin calls and selling out positions. Pro"en a#ility to
proacti"ely identi&y issues,pro#le!s and $or' independently to i!ple!ent solutions. /<tensi"e data entry,
account reconciliations, #an' deposits and custo!er ser"ice responsi#ilities. et,e<ceeded =uarterly #usiness
de"elop!ent goals #y &acilitating and strengthening client relationships. -esponsi#le &or assisting !anage!ent
$ith ris' assess!ent and tea! super"ision.
Call-o&-the-onth %$ard $inner6 earned recognition related to /<cellence in Custo!er Ser"ice.
5ichols %ccountancy Corp. arys"ille, Cali&ornia
Accounting Clerk/ookkeeper
aintained general ledgers 2accounts paya#le,recei"a#le3 &or !ultiple organizations and prepared &inancial
reports. Processed accurate,ti!ely payroll.
Co!!unity +egal .n&o Center Chico, Cali&ornia
Program Director !Intern"
Duties included recruiting, sta&&ing, training and de"eloping interns &or the Student +a$ Ser"ices Progra!.
-epresented students in dispute resolutions 2grie"ances and disciplinary hearings3. Participated in and
organized co!!unity education,outreach pu#lic spea'ing e"ents and &undraisers.
*ni"ersity o& Colorado at Den"er
Masters o# $rban and %egional Planning
Masters o# Landscape Architecture
7reasurer > Student Chapter o& %!erican Society o& +andscape %rchitects
-ecei"ed a$ard &ro! Dean o& Faculty &or -ecognition o& Success o& student-sponsored progra!s
Cali&ornia State *ni"ersity, Chico
&S& usiness Administration' Management (ption' minor Political Science
%utoC%D 2010, %do#e Creati"e Suite 3 2Photoshop, .llustrator and .n-Design3, S ?&&ice 200@ (ord, /<cel,
Po$erpoint and ?utloo', and 1oogle S'etch-up.

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