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Mohamad Syahid Mohd Zamani 2/26/14

4206038 HW 4

ME 5341
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering and Design

a.) The velocity along the axis starting with z = 0 and extending to z = L1 + L2.

Figure 1: Velocity along the axis from z = 0 to z = L1 + L2

Mohamad Syahid Mohd Zamani 2/26/14
4206038 HW 4

b.) The pressure at the axis as a function of z starting with z = 0 and extending to z = L1 + L2

Figure 2: Pressure at the axis as a function of z

Mohamad Syahid Mohd Zamani 2/26/14
4206038 HW 4

c.) Repeat (b) for the pressure gradient dp/dz.

Figure 3: Pressure gradient dp/dz

Mohamad Syahid Mohd Zamani 2/26/14
4206038 HW 4

d.) At the location z = L1 + 5mm, plot the velocity profile on a graph with w on the vertical axis and
the radial coordinate on the horizontal axis over the range from 0 to R2.

Figure 4: Velocity profile at the location z = L1 + 5mm

Mohamad Syahid Mohd Zamani 2/26/14
4206038 HW 4

e.) Repeat (d) at the location z = L1 + 20 mm.

Figure 5: Velocity profile at the location z = L1 + 20 mm

Mohamad Syahid Mohd Zamani 2/26/14
4206038 HW 4

Extra credit
The plots for parts (d) and (e) should display a region of negative velocity near the wall of the pipe. This
velocity indicates the presence of an eddy. Find the value of z at which the velocity profile first displays
all positive values.
In order to determine a point where eddy is first disappear, a velocity vector will be used and find the
first arrow that shows up to the right. This arrow indicates the point where the eddy disappears. The
point where eddy first disappear is 0.308m.

Mohamad Syahid Mohd Zamani 2/26/14
4206038 HW 4

The red circle below indicates where eddy first disappear; as the arrow points to the right.

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