Letter in The Times On Grouse Shooting From The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust (June 14)

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Letters to the Editor

Grouse shooting
June 24 2014
Simon Barness attack on grouse shooting (Wild Notebook,
June 21) is unjustiied! "n a #uro$ean conte%t heather
moorland o the sort maintained b& grouse shooting is one o
the rarest habitat t&$es and enjo&s some o the highest
conser'ation designations! (hese moors )ere not designated
Sites o S$ecial Scientiic "nterest in s$ite o being grouse
moors but because the& )ere grouse moors!
(hese )onderul $laces onl& e%ist because generations o
o)ners ha'e reused huge grants rom successi'e go'ernments
to drain them, ence them, $lant coniers on them, car$et
them )ith shee$ and co'er them )ith roads and tracks! (he&
did so because the& lo'ed the )ild $laces and the occasional
chance to shoot grouse!
*n the other claims in the article, it is not grouse moors but
e%treme )eather e'ents that cause looding+ in #ngland, ar
rom being slaughtered, mountain hares onl& sur'i'e on
grouse moors+ and although it is true that $redator control
does take $lace on #nglish grouse moors it is hardl& on an
,industrial scale-!
.ro$erl& conducted grouse shooting is a orce or good in the
#nglish u$lands! "t can and must do better in se'eral )a&s but
its demise )ould be a disaster or the landsca$e, biodi'ersit&
and man& small but locall& im$ortant rural economies!
"an coghill
/hairman, Game and Wildlie /onser'ation (rust

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