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Teacher: Chelsea Class: MEP1 Sunflower Week: 6 Dates: June 23-27 2!

#nu$an Weekl% &utl'ne
Sitapatr School
Th's week we are learn'n(:
C'rcle T')e *e+'ew
We went over colors for the first
time last week. Some of the students
knew the colors while some did not. I
think it is important to spend more
time on practicing the names of the
colors and the rainbow song. We will
also keep up with what we have
learned thus far this year. We will
sing the HSKT song and the Hello
Song to keep these songs fresh in
their memories.
#ct'+'t% T')e
We are still working on colors this week. We will learn the colors red, orange,
yellow, green, blue and purple.
We will be looking for things in the room and school with different colors, we will
sing the rainbow song, fly swat colors, and coloring pictures of colored obects. We
will also do a color e!periment with changing the color of milk using "#"s.
$ainbow Song
-ew .etters an/ Soun/s
This week we will start a new se%uence of &olly 'honics letters. We will learn the
sounds, actions and songs for the letters (c)Kk, *e, Hh, $r, "m, +d. We will use
flashcards and games to help the students learn in a fun and activating way.
We will continue to review the &olly
'honics letters practiced this far.
They are Ss, ,a, Tt, 'p, Ii and -n.
The students really seem to
understand the sounds and actions
to the letters. We will do a %uick
review of ust going over the
flashcards, sounds and actions
with the students before playing
learning games and activities.
Wr't'n( Pract'ce
This is not in the "*' 'rogram
Parent 0ollow 12 3 1seful
We$s'tes 3 4o)ework:

Sing , $ainbow

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