MEP2 Week6

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Anuban Weekly Outline

Sitapatr School
Teacher: Nina and Adam Class: MEP2 Week: 6 Dates: 23-27/0/20!"
This #eek #e are learnin$: Propositions
Circle Ti%e &e'ie#
We will review what has been
covered over the past few weeks.
Singing songs with the body parts,
Heads, sholders, knees and toes!.
"ont, identify colors in drawing #
classroom games.
We will review the animal and frit
Acti'ity Ti%e
$ will be introdcing classroom ob%ects this week. $ want the stdents to
become familiar with the words sed to describe their srrondings. &or
e'ample, desk, chair, pencil, sharpener, eraser, white board, rler, stapler,
(nce the class in confident in naming the classroom ob%ects we will begin
working on prepositions. $n, on, nder, behind, in front, beside.
)efore we can introdce prepositions it is important they are comfortable with
classroom ob%ects. *his will allow s to play games and activities sing both in
(e# )letters/s*un+s/'*cabulary,
Writin$ Practice Parent -*ll*# ./ / .se0ul
Websites / 1*%e#*rk:

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