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While Sati Savitri is because of man, Easy Savitri is in spite of man B L Gautam, author of Mohammed

a Mechanic & Mary a Maid.

Man invented God (the thought that theres a God), probably as serendipitously as he discovered fire.
His reward was, inter alia, full control on his female counterpart. Woman had no choice than to be a
cunning party to partly make up for her perpetual loss. The result was, man wrested the power to write
the fate of woman, and the latter had to play ball.
Man wished the woman to be an embodiment of virtues for his own gain. He made her physical purity a
grade of her sanctity because of his abhorrence to impurity, and for his avarice to not share his thing
with others. His veneration for woman was nothing but his cupidity to possess the most prized.
Imposition of satitva on woman shows the extremist character of man. In fact, man is by nature an
extremist, fundamentalist too. His behavior is liberal, only when he consciously conducts himself against
his basic makeup.
The story of sati and shiva, behind the ghastly tradition of self immolation of widows, also has its
reflection in mayhems resulting often from failed love. Woman remains the subject or the victim. In the
history of human civilization, woman never played the role of a stakeholder.
Easy Savitri ferociously holds her feminine stake in a mans world. She neither immolates herself like sati
nor submits to the sufferings.
She doesnt allow a man to write her fate. And, above all, she holds herself pure in spite of having slept
with many a man.

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