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LO1 Understanding the Creative Media Sector

Understanding the ownership and structure of the media

Discuss ownership within the film industry. (Warner Bros.; Paramount Pictures; Walt Disney;
Columbia Pictures; Universal Studios; 20
Century Fo!
There are six main film companies in the film industry which are: arner !ros"# $aramount
$ictures# alt %isney# Colum&ia $ictures# Universal Studios# '(
Century )ox"
hen a company signs and secures all of the rights of a film that they are producing* they
then have ownership over that film* so that only that company can ma+e choices,decisions
concerning the film production"
arner !ros" $ictures is the &iggest ma-or studio unit film production company and has the
highest US,Canada mar+et share at 1."1/" They also own the su&0division companies
Castle 1oc+* 2!O )ilms* 3ew Line* and Turner 4ntertainment" 4xamples of films that this
studio has produced are The 2arry $otter )ilm Series and 5nception"
alt %isney $ictures is the second &iggest ma-or studio unit* and specialises in animation
and animated family friendly films" 5t has a US,Canada mar+et share of 16"7/ and it owns
the su&division companies The Muppets Studio* Touchstone $ictures and UT8 Software
Communications" 4xamples of films that this studio has produced are Marvel 9vengers
9ssem&le and $irates Of The Cari&&ean: %ead Man:s Chest"
Universal $ictures the third largest ma-or studio unit out of the &ig six" 5t owns the art0
house,indie film production companies# )ocus )eatures* and T $roductions* and the
studio specialises in or+ing Title )ilms" 5t has a US,Canada share of 1;"7/ and owns the
animation companies# 5llumination 4ntertainment* Universal 9nimation Studios" 4xamples
of films that this studio has produced are Ted and %espica&le Me"
Colum&ia $ictures is the fourth ma-or film production studio out of the &ig six" 5t owns the
art0house,indie film production company Sony $ictures Classics* and the animation
company Sony $ictures 9nimation" The Studio has a US,Canada share of 11"'/" The su&
division companies that it owns are Sony $ictures 1eleasing* TriStar $ictures* TriStar
$roductions* and S$9" 4xamples of films that this studio has produced are '' <ump
Street and S+yfall"
Century )ox is the fifth ma-or film production studio out of the &ig six" 5t owns the art0
house,indie film production company )ox Searchlight* and the animation companies# !lue
S+y Studios and '(
Century )ox 9nimation" The Studio has a US,Canada share of
1("=/" 5t also has a su&0division company which is 3ew 1egency $roductions" 4xamples
of films that this studio has produced are 9vatar and Titanic"
$aramount $ictures is the last ma-or film studio of the &ig six" 5t owns the art0house,indie
film production company $aramount 8antage and the animation company $aramount
9nimation" The studio has a US,Canada share of ="7>/" The su&0division companies that
it owns are MT8 )ilms and 3ic+elodeon Movies" 4xamples of films that his studio has
produced are Shre+ the third and Transformers: 1evenge Of The )allen"
LO1 Understanding the Creative Media Sector
What is vertical integration?
8ertical integration is when a company &uys other companies from each section of the
production process" This allows the original company to &ecome independent and self0
What is horizontal integration?
2ori?ontal integration is when one company tries to &uy out all of the other companies in
the same sector as it to grow its own company and remove any competition"
What is a conglomerate?
Conglomerate companies are when multiple corporations that engage in different
&usinesses come under one corporate group" This often occurs in multi0industry
What is a multinational company?
9 multinational company is when a company owns or controls production or service
facilities in multiple different countries"

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