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Anthony Maiorano
10/25 Chapter 4 Lesson 2


III: Geography & V: History

3.01: Understand how to use maps, globes, and other geographic representations,
tools, and technologies to acquire process and report information from a spatial
5.02: Understand the place of historical events in the context of past, present and
5.03: Recognize major events, people, and patterns in Tennessee.


3.01c: Locate the routes of early explorers of North America on a map.

5.02a: Demonstrate an ability to use correct vocabulary associated with time
such as past, present, future, and long ago; read and construct simple timelines;
identify examples of change; and recognize examples of cause and effect
5.02b: Realize that geographic, technological, and scientific factors contributed
to the European age of exploration and settlement in the Americas.
5.02d: List the characteristics of the Spanish and Portuguese exploration and
settlement of the Americas.
5.03b: Summarize reasons for European exploration and settlement of
Tennessee and the Western Hemisphere.
5.03c: Identify accomplishments of significant explorers and explain their
impact on the settlement of Tennessee.

4.3.spi.1. Identify the routes the explorers of the Americas on a map (i.e., Columbus,
Balboa, Pizarro, DeSoto).

10/27 Chapter 4 Lesson 3

I: Culture; II: Economics; V: History
1.03: Recognize the contributions of individuals and
people of various ethnic, racial, religious, socioeconomic
groups to the development of civilizations.
2.01: Describe the potential costs and benefits of
personal economic choices in a market economy.
5.02: Understand the place of historical events in the
context of past, present and future.
1.03b: Identify the reasons for the establishment of
Spanish missions in early American history.
2.01a: Identify the economic motivations for European
exploration and colonization.
5.02a: Demonstrate an ability to use correct vocabulary
associated with time such as past, present, future, and
long ago; read and construct simple timelines; identify
examples of change; and recognize examples of cause and
effect relationships.
5.02d: List the characteristics of the Spanish and
Portuguese exploration and settlement of the Americas.

4.1.spi.2. Identify cultural groups who inhabited North America in

the 17th century (i.e., Puritans, Quakers, Spanish, French).
4.1.spi.3 Determine how various groups resolve conflict (i.e.,
school, tribal councils, courts).
The students will learn how
the Spanish increased the size of New Spain and increased
their rule in North America
Spanish settlers and Indians lived together but not also in
Practice Book pp 38; 39; 40; 41
Lesson Summary


The students will learn how the Spanish

soldiers conquered the Aztec civilization
explorers searched for gold across present day USA

Book URL

Practice Book pp 35; 36; 37

Lesson Summary
Map of America


Students will answer questions pertaining to the lesson on paper to be handed in

Conquistador: Spanish word for conqueror
Colony: region ruled by another country
Empire: many nations or territories ruled by a single group or leader
Mission: community where priests taught Christianity
Slavery: system in which people can be owned and forced into
work without pay
Convert: to change religion or belief
Revolt: violent uprising against a ruler



Pretend you are a Spanish explorer and write half page on what
you might expect to find if you were searching for Gold and
conquering along present day USA

File Name: J:\Hardy Elementary School\Lesson Plans\Social Studies\10_25_2010 Spain Explores the Americas & 10_27_2010 New Spain MS Word 1997

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