Task 5 Planning 1

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Location: York City Centre Date/Time: Monday 23

June to Wednesday 2

July (9am-4:20pm)

Equipment: DSLR Camera, 35mm Lens, Photoshop.

Multiple Exposure Movement.

I would like to experiment with how Stephanie Jung creates her photographs. I will start with
photographing down a street in a busy city, such as the Shambles or Coney Street in York. I will
take up to 15 pictures of the same scene but people and cars will be moving therefore each
picture slightly different.

After I have taken my images I will come back to college and use Photoshop for postproduction.
I will layer the multiple images together, one on top of the other, and use the opacity levels to
make them fade into each other to make it look like one image. I may also change the colour to
black and white or darker to make it look more urban. I will then highlight the buildings so they
stand out more, I will do this by using the burn tool. The bottom of the page will look ghost like
and moving towards the top of the photographs the buildings towering above the movement it
will become more focused. I will focus in on the buildings because they are what make this
urban city and the people are ghost like because they contrast with the stationary buildings.
Just for this experiment I will use the opacity levels to create the finished product.

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