HR Policies of Tcs

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Chandra Sekhar Banda
Kirti Swaroop Metta
Rajendra Gogineni
Honey Bajaj
Ravindra Chouhan
Suresh Kumawat

Company Profile

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is a part of TATA roup! "ndia#s
larest conlo$erate %it& diverse business interests'

TCS currently offers "T services! consultin! business process

outsourcin (()*)! enineerin services and "T infrastructure

About +!,,, e$ployees of t&eir lobal %orkforce are fro$ -.

different nationalities includin C&ile! (ra/il! C&ina! 0o$ania!
Australia! Me1ico! and 2unary
HR Policies

TCS continues to &ave t&e lo%est attrition rate in t&e industry

1,'+ per cent as aainst t&e industry attrition averae of about 1.
per cent

T&e co$pany believed in t&e pre$ise t&at

34ood ideas can co$e fro$ any level of t&e orani/ation and
tea$s can do better t&an t&e individuals'3

3T&e role of 20 is to provide t&e conte1t for eneri/in and

developin people to play effective roles in ensurin t&at TCS
beco$es one of t&e top lobal consultin fir$s' To%ards ac&ievin
t&is %e %ill identify! develop! facilitate! and $easure t&e &u$an
and tec&noloical processes in t&e pursuit of e1cellence' 5e %ill
foster t&e values of t&e TATA roup'

Human Resourse Planning

2u$an resource plannin involves ettin t&e ri&t nu$ber of

6ualified people into t&e ri&t 7obs at t&e ri&t ti$e so t&at an
orani/ation can $eet its ob7ectives'

"t is t&e syste$ of $atc&in t&e supply of people %it& t&e

openins t&e orani/ation e1pects over a iven ti$e fra$e'

At TCS! its $ain ob7ectives are8

9orecast )ersonnel 0e6uire$ents

:se ;1istin Manpo%er )roductively

"t is done at top level at t&e end of every 6uarter and for every
Job Analysis

"T soft%are and services $a7or TCS &as atte$pted to create a

se$ents solution to fit t&e needs of different layers of 7ob
opportunities %it&in its environs'

"t is based on

Activity to be perfor$ed

Skills re6uired for t&at 7ob

TCS is ensurin t&at t&ere is a constant supply of t&e ri&t &u$an

resources to t&e ri&t career opportunities and t&at t&ere is no
$is$atc& bet%een t&e roles and t&e available skill sets'
Recruimen and Selecion

<epends on8

Manpo%er cost


)ast data

;1ternal 0ecruit$ent can be on ca$pus or off ca$pus

*ff Ca$pus process includes recruit$ents fro$8


Associate referral process

TCS =ob )ortal



Mainly Ca$pus )lace$ents

Training and !e"elopmen

T&e primary moi"e of t&is consultin fir$ is to $ake its

e$ployees kno%ledeable about t&e on oin practices in t&eir
respective do$ains'

"t &as in place a #ell$planned inducion programme for ne%

recruits! %&ic& includes t%o $ont&s of intensive trainin at its
dedicated trainin facility'

T&e co$pany is also providin e$ployees %it& Jus $in$ime

raining! %&ic& is $ore reactive in nature and caters to t&e skills
related to platfor$! tec&noloy! application do$ain! etc' specific
to a pro7ect'

"t reinforces t&e concepts learnt durin education/induction

trainin t&rou& on>t&e>7ob e1perience'
%anagemen Sysem

TCS is reputed to be a %orld class e$ployer %&ic& al%ays cares

for its e$ployees and $aintains sound yet fle1ible 20 policies'

"ts pay packaes are desined in a %ay to acco$$odate for bot&

t&e basic and incentive co$ponents'

T&e packae is deter$ined on t&e basis of t&e level (recruited for)

and t&e a$ount of e1perience an e$ployee &as'

"t is based on t&e E&A model i'e' ;cono$ic ?alue Added Model'
Performance Appraisal

T&e $a7or ob'eci"es of perfor$ance appraisal at TCS are8

"dentifyin e$ployees for salary increases! pro$otion! transfer

and lay off or ter$ination of services'

<eter$inin trainin needs for furt&er i$prove$ent in


Motivatin e$ployees by indicatin t&eir perfor$ance levels'

"t &appens on

@uarterly (asis8 (efore confir$ation by Speed 3 online tool

2alf' yearly (asis 8 After confir$ation by Speed 4 online tool

Employee (enefis

9le1ible 5orkin 2ours

"t &as an Adoption Aeave )olicy benefits %&ic& is e1tended to

$ale associates also

T&is $eans t&at associates of bot& enders are eliible to

t&ree $ont&s paid leave after t&ey adopt a c&ild

TCS also &as ot&er add>ons suc& as sabbaticals! 7oinin spouse

overseas! part>ti$e or %ork fro$ &o$e facility! &oliday &o$es
across t&e country and %elfare trust facilitation for &i&er

Also! as e$ployees of t&e Tata roup! associates et discounts

on products and services of ot&er Tata 4roup co$panies
Analysis of TCS HR policies as a

Trainin and <evelop$ent8

Co$pany is providin e$ployees %it& Jus $in$ime raining*

for every fres&er %&ic& is $ore reactive in nature and caters to
t&e skills related to specific to a pro7ect'

T&e $ain focus of TCS Trainin B <evelop$ent is inclined $ore

to%ards t&e $ission of t&e orani/ation'


"t is better to encourae associates to attend various prora$s at
pre$ier (>sc&ools across t&e lobe'

Also if Aearnin and <evelop$ent $anaers %ork close %it&

business t&ey can develop and deliver prora$s t&at %ill $ake
t&eir associates deliver value>for>$oney to t&eir custo$ers'

Foreign Language Iniiai"e $ay &elp t&e associates to

co$$unicate effectively %it& t&e custo$ers
Analysis of TCS HR
policies as a )roup

Performance Appraisal+

)erfor$ance appraisal provides a for$at for dialoue

bet%een t&e superior and t&e subordinate! and i$proves
understandin of personal oals and concerns'

T&ey are &elpin to decide upon a pay raise %&ere (as in

t&e unorani/ed sector) reular pay scales &ave not been

Motivatin e$ployees by indicatin t&eir perfor$ance

levels and assess t&e trainin and develop$ent needs of


5e suest t&at for bi co$panies like TCS! %&ic& &as far

flun operations scattered around t&e %orld! t&ey can
create Cone co$pany! one syste$# perfor$ance
$anae$ent syste$'

T&is %ill &elp t&e appraisal syste$ to be consistent! and t&e

tea$ $eetins %ould be entirely 5eb based and ?irtual!
t&us savin ti$e'

5e &ad an e1cellent e1perience of
interactin %it& 20 $anaer of TCS!

T&rou& t&is pro7ect %e ot a reat

opportunity of kno%in t&e 20M practices
used in a corporate 5orld'
THA,- .O/

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