Abstraction A Systematic Study of Language

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Definition of Language
Sound organized into units of form and function with meaning, contextualized in
An abstraction resultant from the linguistic behaviour of its users.

A systematic study of language
We have to have the necessary medium to transfer this abstraction into concrete

Language and Culture
Language reflects a way of thinking / a verbal expression of culture.
Culture is transmitted(disampaikan) by language.
How language influences culture?
- Any language tends to emphasize the word that are considered to be
adaptively important in culture.
- E.g : Military metaphor in medicine.
The Relationship between Language and Culture
Wardhaugh (2002, pp. 219-220) :
- The structure of a language determines the way in which speakers of that
language view the world or, as a weaker view, the structure does not
(concrete realization)
(symbol & meaning)
(sound & meaning)

determine the world-view but is still extremely inuential in predisposing
speakers of a language toward adopting their world-view.
- The culture of a people finds reflection in the language they employ: because
they value certain things and do them in a certain way, they come to use their
language in ways that reect what they value and what they do.

Source :
Loga Mahesan Baskaran. (2005). A Linguistic Primer for Malaysians. Kuala Lumpur:
University of Malaya Press.
Culture and Language. Retrieved January 3, 2014, from
David Elmes. (2013). The Relationship between Language and Culture. Retrieved
January 3, 2014, from http://www2.lib.nifs-k.ac.jp/HPBU/annals/an46/46-11.pdf
Emma. (4 January 2010). The Relationship between Language and Culture. Retrieved
January 3, 2014, from http://www.lexiophiles.com/uncategorized/the-relationship-

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