Bohemian Tales

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Synopsis: In 1967, Karel Skodaek (born

in esk Krumlov (former Czechoslavakia in
1938), the narrator of Bohemian Tales is
offered a life-changing ob in !rag"e
he his!orical con!e"! an# perio# #e!ails
have $een researche# !o !he $es! of !he
au!hor%s a$ili!y in or#er !o provi#e
au!hen!ici!y !o !his s!ory& he au!hor 'as
$orn in Kons!anz( )ermany (kno'n in Czech
as Kos!nice)( in 19** no! far from !he
Konzilhaus 'here +an ,us 'en! on !rial& his
fac! sparke# an in!eres! in Czech his!ory& he
au!hor has live# in )ermany( -rance( Spain(
.us!ria an# !he /ni!e# Kin0#om& She has
$een a resi#en! of 1elfas! since +une 1992&
3ork on 1ohemian ales s!ar!e# in 1984( a
sense of comple!ion 'as achieve# only in
+une 4512 af!er !he au!hor 'as a$le !o learn
$asic Czech an# visi! !he !o'ns of 6ra0ue(
Ku!na ,ora an# esky Krumlov& he au!hor
also 'en! on a !rip !o 1ra!islava an# has live#
in 7ienna for !hree years& 1ohemian ales is
availa$le on prin!( online as 'ell as
his is a s!ory #ear !o my hear! an# in a 'ay(
some of !he narra!or%s personal e"periences
of livin0 in a ne' coun!ry mirror my o'n&
+une 4512
#rono"nced $Tsh$
% #rono"nced $a& $
' #rono"nced $sh$
( #rono"nced $"&$
Cast of characters:
Karel Skodaek - narrator
)ikola Koblar * narrator+s "ncle
,ranci Koblaro-% - narrator+s a"nt
.aria Skodaeko-% * narrator+s mother
'nabl r * narrator+s /ork colleag"e
!a-el 0arad1 * narrator+s boss
2lga 0arad1o-% * the boss+ /ife
Irina Ko-ao-% -the narrator+s landlad1
.arina Sochoro-% * narrator+s /ork
.r 0anek * narrator+s /ork colleag"e
.r 3"ml * narrator+s /ork colleag"e
4anina 5#o-ednic% * narrator+s /ork
6le7ei Illitch K"l1akin * /ork ac8"aintance
9omrade 6mmereiner * /ork ac8"aintance
:ed Somerset * /ork ac8"aintance
0ittoria ."cchieli * /ork ac8"aintance
9omrade K(n * /ork ac8"aintance
Beilermann;<e"chtengr"ber * re#orters
!eter =ngel * hos#ital #atient
4ose#h Bl"menthal * hos#ital #atient
6lfons :eimichl * hos#ital #atient
2li-ia 0oto-a * narrator+s a"nt
Stefan 0oto-a -narrator+s co"sin
:"dolf Koblar * narrator+s co"sin
<"kas 0oto-a * narrator+s "ncle
.onika >oko-ic-0oto-a * Stefan 0oto-a+s
.arelene ?aldm@ller * ac8"aintance
6ldo 9assini * ac8"aintance
Irmgard K1Aelak * a secretar1
loca!ion: Kos!elec (a fic!ional #is!ric! of
esk Krumlov (1ohemia) he name means
Chapel( an# i! is a reference !o Kos!nice& he
o!her loca!ions in !his $ook are real&
chapter 1
9nce upon a !ime( !he :e# .rmy s'ep!
across ;as!ern ;urope in !heir !anks&
<n 192=( < 'as si" years ol#& >y name is Karel
Sko#a?ek an# < 'as $orn in !he 1ohemian
!o'n of esky Krumlov on +an ,us #ay (+uly
*!h) 1938&
9n !he 9!h of >ay 192=( my class s!oo# on
!he s!ree!s of 6ra0ue 'i!h Sovie! an#
Czechoslovak fla0s !o 'a!ch !he !ank para#e&
9n !he !rain( our schoolmas!er ha# !ol# us
ho' !he :e# .rmy ha# come !o li$era!e us
from !he )erman -ascis!s& @resse# in shor!s(
$lazers( neckscarves an# caps( 'e san0 %9h(
if < coul# only e"press i! in Soun#% in :ussian&
< 'as !ol# !o s!an# in !he fron! ro' $ecause
my fa!her 'as kille# 'hen !he -ascis!s
inva#e# our coun!ry& >uch la!er in my life
#i# < $ecome a'are ho' my compa!rio!s
'ere 0lossin0 over !he fac! !ha! S!alin%s
re0ime ha# le! millions of /krainian
peasan!s s!arve !o #ea!h in 1934 an# ye! 'e
'ere a rural communi!y& >y compa!rio!s
also i0nore# for a 'hile ho' S!alin%s re0ime
an# ,i!ler%s )erman fascis!s ha# carve# up
6olan# in 1939& )ermany a!!acke# !he Sovie!
/nion in 1921( an# !he 'ar en#e# 'i!h
6olan#%s $or#ers 0e!!in0 shif!e# !o'ar#s !he
3es! a! !he e"pense of !he )erman
!erri!ories of )#ansk an# Silesia& >y
compa!rio!s 'ere e"pec!in0 our frien#s an#
li$era!ors !o 0e! $ack !o !he Sovie! /nion as
soon as !he cele$ra!ions 'ere over& 3e
'ave# fla0s an# a#mire# !he :e# S!ars !ha!
#efea!e# !he S'as!ikas&
.f!er !ha! memora$le #ay( 'e !ook !he $us
$ack !o our school near Aaze$nicky 1ri#0e&
he /S army came !o our !o'n an# 'e
'ave# /S an# Czechoslovak fla0s a! !hem&
hey !oo ha# fou0h! a0ains! !he )erman
-ascis!s& S!alin !hen le! )eneral 6a!!on kno'
!ha! his armies 'ere no! nee#e# in
Czechoslovakia !herefore !he .mericans
re!rea!e# $ack !o !heir 0arrisons in )ermany
an# .us!ria&
S!an#in0 on Aaze$nicky 1ri#0e( < looke#
#o'n !o !he river 7la!va !ha! ha# $ecome so
familiar !o me& he composer 1e#rich
Sme!ana once #escri$e# !he course of !he
river as follo's: %<! flo's !hrou0h 0en!le
pas!ures 'here a 'e##in0 is cele$ra!e#(
passin0 me#ieval cas!les an# arrivin0 in !he
capi!al( $roa# an# maBes!ically calm&% < ha# a
ne' Bo$ in 6ra0ue an# soon < 'oul# leave
Krumlov an# i!s 0en!le pas!ures& < 'as 0oin0
!o 'ork as an a#minis!ra!ive assis!an!
assi0ne# !o a 6rofessor of Ai!era!ure from
Aenin0ra#& >y 'orkplace 'oul# $e !he
6ra0ue Charles /niversi!y&
his soun#e# like a pres!i0ious pos! ye!
#ou$!s kep! na00in0 me: my Cualifica!ions
'ere me#iocre so 'hy 'as < chosenD Ena$l
a! 'ork Cuippe# !ha! !his mi0h! have
some!hin0 !o #o 'i!h !he fac! !he 6rof 'as
from !he Sovie! /nion& ,e #i# no! Cui!e
ar!icula!e !he !hou0h! !ha! our $ro!hers from
!he Sovie! /nion ha# $een s!ayin0 in our
coun!ry for !he pas! !'en!yF!'o years& Ena$l
apolo0ize# imme#ia!ely $ecause he 'as no!
suppose# !o !ell such Bokes&
,a# < $een reli0ious( < 'oul# have aske# S!
+ohn Gepomuk an# Chris! on !he Cross for
0ui#ance& <! 'oul# have ma#e sense $ecause
$o!h men 'ere pu! !o #ea!h $y an imperial
po'er& he s!a!ues remaine# silen! an# <
'alke# on&
6resi#en! ;#var! 1eneI% 0overnmen! #i# no!
e"pec! !he Sovie! /nion !o occupy !he
coun!ry& ,e ha# chan0e# !he name of his
par!y $ecause af!er 'ha! ,i!ler #i#( no
#emocra!ic par!y coul# ever name i!self
%na!ional socialis!% even if !he name implies
socialF#emocracy 'i!hin a coun!ry%s o'n
$or#ers& here are 'or#s !ha! s!ill sen# a
shiver #o'n people%s spines( hence !hose
'or#s have $ecome almos! !a$oo in every#ay
lan0ua0e %-Jhrer% (lea#er( 0ui#e( 0ui#eF
$ook)(%.nschluK% (anne"a!ion( !rainF
connec!ion) are !he mos! o$vious e"amples&
,ar#ly any$o#y 'an!s !o name !heir
chil#ren %.#olf%( nor !rim !heir mous!aches in
a cer!ain 'ay& ;ven a reli0ious sym$ol from
<n#ia scares us& he 0hos! of !he 1ohemian
Corporal haun!s us& >a" 1ro# poi0nan!ly
sai#: %< speak !he lan0ua0e of my enemy%& <n
192=( mos! )ermanFspeakin0 +e'ish people
'ere ei!her #ea# or ha# emi0ra!e#( !heir
chi#ren in e"ile ha# no family !o re!urn !o&
1eneI% 0overnmen! sou0h! !o era#ica!e
-ascism from Czechoslovakia& his also
mean! !ha! $ilin0ual si0ns an# pocke!s of
)erman lan0ua0e #isappeare#& he re0ion
'here < 0re' up use# !o $e kno'n in
)erman as !he Su#e!enlan#8Sumava an# our
hamle! use# !o $e calle# AochauFKos!elec&
.ccor#in0 !o local folklore( !here use# !o $e
a Aochau family 'ho $uil! a chapel in !he
fores!& he chapel has lon0 0one an# no$o#y
in !he villa0e is calle# Aochau& 1ein0 a
mi0ran! 'ho came !o AochauFKos!elec 'i!h
his sis!er >aria in 1919( my uncle Gikola
Ko$lar 'as Cues!ione# a$ou! his alle0iances
#urin0 !he 'ar& ,e e"plaine# !o !he
au!hori!ies !ha! he 'as $orn in 6Lzemysl in
!he former province of )alicia an# ha#
move# !o Aochau Kos!elec 'hen )alicia
$ecame par! of 6olan#& ,e ha# !hen marrie#
a CzechFspeakin0 0irl calle# -ranci +esinska
an# !hus only nee#e# !he Czech lan0ua0e&
.n!on Sko#a?ek his $ro!herFinFla' 'ho
spoke Czech an# )erman 'as kille# $y !he
,enleinis! -reikorps foun#e# $y !he
Su#e!enlan# fascis! Konra# ,enlein&
<n a rare moo# for conversa!ion( !his is 'ha!
/ncle Gikola !ol# me:
M< e"plaine# !o !he 0overnmen! official !ha!
!he family came !o Kos!elec 'hen !he
Czechoslovak :epu$lic 'as foun#e# in 1919
$ecause !hey $elieve# !ha! !hey 'oul# fin# a
ne' home !here& < only ha# serve# !he las!
year in !he .us!rian <mperial .rmy& @urin0
!he 'ar( < ma#e many Czech( Slovak( +e'ish
an# o!her frien#s& < fel! !ha! racialis! !alk an#
!herefore -ascism 'as a lo! of #an0erous
nonsense& ,i!ler #i# no! serve 'i!h our
army( !hey ha# #eclare# him unfi! so he
fou0h! !he 'ar 'i!h !he 1avarian uni! of !he
)erman army& 1raunau( !he .us!rian !o'n
'here he 'as $orn is Bus! $ehin# !he
1avarian $or#er& N
<n 192O( !here 'as !he ru#e a'akenin0 'hen
our coun!ry realise# !ha! i! 'as no! as free as
i! !hou0h!& 6resi#en! 1eneI% i#ea of
neu!rali!y 'as challen0e# 'hen !he /SS:
a#vise# him in 192O !o refuse an offer from
!he /ni!e# S!a!es !o Boin a ;uropean
economic recovery pro0ramme kno'n as !he
>arshallF6lan& Su$seCuen!ly( !he Sovie!
/nion lai# #o'n !heir o'n proposal 'hich
$ecame kno'n as !he C9>;C9G& . year
la!er( !he Czechoslovak Communis! par!y
(KS) le# $y Clemen! )o!!'al# 'on !he
parliamen!ary elec!ions 'i!h 38P of !he
vo!es& ;#var! 1eneI% Social @emocra!s
forme# a coali!ion 'i!h !he Communis!s&
he coali!ion $roke #o'n 'hen +an >azaryk
#ie# un#er suspicious circums!ances& he
forei0n secre!ary an# son of !he foun#er
fa!her of !he :epu$lic( ha# alle0e#ly
commi!!e# suici#e&
Shor!ly af!er'ar#s( 6resi#en! 1eneI resi0ne#&
,e 'as ol# an# sai# !o $e $rokenFhear!e#&
,e #ie# a fe' 'eeks la!er& Some compa!rio!s
ha# spen! !he 'ar years in ;n0lan# an#
fou0h! 'i!h !he 1s! Czechoslovak .rme#
1ri0a#e( !hey 'en! $ack !o ;n0lan# as !hey
sa' no fu!ure un#er )o!!'al#%s proFS!alinis!
/n#er Clemen! )o!!'al#( !he coun!ry
mu!a!e# in!o a sa!elli!e of !he Sovie! /nion&
his ne' 0overnmen! ali0ne# i!s policies
'i!h !he Kremlin an# #i# a'ay 'i!h !he
le0acies of !he -irs! :epu$lic& omQs
>azark%s vision of a plural s!a!e 'as
era#ica!e#& 9pposi!ion par!ies 'ere no
lon0er !olera!e#& >ila#a ,orakova from
1eneI%s SocialF@emocra!ic 6ar!y 'as
e"ecu!e# for !reason in 19=5& he $or#ers !o
!he -e#eral :epu$lic of )ermany 'ere
reinforce# an# $ecame par! of !he <ron
Cur!ain& here 'as effec!ively also an <ron
Cur!ain on !he $or#er !o .us!ria( al!hou0h(
i#eolo0icallyFspeakin0( i!s neu!ral s!a!us 'as
accep!e#& )o!!'al#%s 0overnmen! also ma#e
economic reforms& <n 1928( 19== an# 19=9(
!hree la's 'ere passe#R !hey effec!ively ma#e
priva!e en!erprise ille0a .ny mem$er of !he
li$eral professions ha# !o $e par! of a /nion(
an# 'i!hou! !he /nion( !he professional
coul# nei!her earn money( nor
manufac!ure8sell 0oo#s or services( nor
pu$lish any!hin0& .s a resul! !here 'as a
$lack marke! #espi!e !he harsh penal co#e&
he s!a!e also #eci#e# if a youn0 person 'as
a sui!a$le can#i#a!e for universi!y& he
>ar"is! !erm %Collec!iviza!ion% inferre# !ha!
lan# an# proper!y 'as confisca!e# from
farmers (%kulaks%) an# priva!e o'ners an#
$ecame 0overnmen! proper!ies& he in#us!ry
sec!or 'orke# in !he same 'ay& he aim 'as
!o achieve an e0ali!arian socie!y an#
in#us!rialise !he economy&
M<! 'as humilia!in0&N /ncle Gikola
commen!e# M < ha# !o 0ive all my savin0s an#
!he #ee#s !o my lan#s !o !he a#minis!ra!or in
char0e& .s far as < am concerne#( !hey are a
$unch of $lasphemers 'ho 'orship !heir
%:evolu!ion% as a )o#& < realize# !ha! < 'as
si!!in0 opposi!e an au!hori!y !ha! #i# no!
care a Bo! a$ou! !he nee#s of !he 6role!aria!
$u! e"pec!e# !he 6role!aria! !o chan! phrases
an# son0s learn! $y hear!& < have never
ar0ue# 'i!h !yranny&N
he Ko$lars 'ere use# !o !he va0aries of
!yrannies: /n#er an imperial re0ime(
Gikola%s paren!s !oo ha# !heir small proper!y
confisca!e# in )alicia&
he ne' CoFopera!ives 'ere calle# +&S&@&
(+e#no!nT SemU#UlskT @ruVs!vo) an# ha# !o
fulfil s!a!e Cuo!as& Some of !hese Cuo!as 'ere
a$sur# an# o$livious !o farmin0 commonF
sense& -armin0 is a$ou! crea!in0 'eal!h from
a plo! of lan#& <n!ensive farmin0 harms !he
soil $ecause of monocul!ure( an# i!s
chemicals poison !he useful insec!s& <!
e"ploi!s !he lan# ra!her !han cul!iva!in0 i!&
.s !ime 'en! on( !he +S@Ffarmers realize#
!ha! i! ma#e more sense !o pro#uce 0oo#s
!ha! are nee#e# $y !he popula!ion ra!her
!han havin0 !oo many crops of one kin#(
mos! of 'hich 'ere e"por!e#& <n 19=3( as
!here 'ere s!ill foo# shor!a0es in !he shops(
6resi#en! Sapo!ocky a##resse# !he na!ion&
,e !ol# farmers !ha! !hey 'oul# $e allo'e#
!o leave !he +S@ if !hey 'an!e# !o en0a0e in
priva!e farmin0& he -irs! Secre!ary Govo!ny
#ismisse# !he i#ea as reac!ionary( ar0uin0
!ha! such concessions 'oul# su$ver! >ar"is!
principles& <n !he en#( a0ricul!ure #ecline#
$ecause !he 'a0es in !he in#us!rial sec!or
'ere one !hir# hi0her&
Gikola Ko$lar%s career as a linen farmer
en#e# 'hen he re!ire# in 19*4& ,is 'ife
'orke# a! !he $re'ery( 'here she !ype# for
!he 'arehouse a#minis!ra!or& < 0re' up 'i!h
Gikola( -ranci an# !heir son :u#olf in a
#ilapi#a!e# an# isola!e# co!!a0e on !he
ou!skir!s of Kos!elec un!il < Boine# !he army&
chapter 2
6reVmysl co!!a0e $elon0e# !o !he s!a!e an#
my family pai# ren! on i!& <! 'as a halfFs!one(
halfF'oo#en #'ellin0& <! ha# five rooms& <n
!he ki!chen !here 'as a sink( a shelf( a lar#er
an# a !ile# lo0Fs!ove& he shelf house# an
ear!hen'are flask !ha! ha# a #eer pain!e# on
i!( as 'ell as a sCuare !in 'here .un! -ranci
s!ore# impor!an! papers an# househol#
money& >os!ly 0lass Bars con!ainin0 pulses(
min! leaves( pickle# cucum$er( flour( Bam(
oa! flakes as 'ell as seasonal foo#s!uff( 'ere
s!ore# in !he lar#er& 3e al'ays ha# a 4=k0
po!a!o $a0 an# 'e 'ere never shor! of $eer&
.s a chil#( < never #rank $eer F i! 'as use# as
a hair con#i!ioner& 3e #i# no! have a fri#0e
un!il 19*=& ha! same year( a sho'er( hi##en
$y a cur!ain( 'as ins!alle# in !he ki!chen
corner& 3e a!e our meals a! a 'oo#en !a$le
an# 'e sa! on $enches& /ps!airs !here 'ere
!'o rooms( one $e#room for !he a#ul!s an#
one for !he chil#ren& @o'ns!airs( !here 'as a
parlour 'here !he chil#ren 'ere no! allo'e#
in& he house 'as al'ays me!iculously clean
an# smel! of car$olic soap&
3hen my mo!her >aria Ko$larovQ use# !he
parlour( she ha# clo!hes an# papers sca!!ere#
every'here& /ncle Gikola an# her of!en
ar0ue# a$ou! her sloven 'ays& he pollu!e#
rural i#yll $ore# her an# she lef! for a Bo$ in
1u#eBovice& < coul# no! $lame her for
leavin0( < merely resen!e# !he fac! !ha! < ha#
!o s!ay $ehin# in !ha! crampe# co!!a0e& < #i#
no! miss her $ecause she rarely visi!e# an#
'hen she came( she al'ays ar0ue# 'i!h
Gikola& .un! -ranci !rie# !o ac! as a peaceF
maker $u! in !he en# she #i# no! $o!her any
more& >y fa!her .n!on Sko#a?ek 'as har#ly
ever men!ione#& ,e 'as pronounce# #ea# in
192* 'hen !he :e# Cross !ol# >aria !ha!
!hey coul# no! fin# him&
-ranci sai# !ha! >aria #i# no! look !oo
surprise# 'hen she hear# !he ne's& he
,enleinis!s ha# ma#e many people
#isappear& he family #i# no! like !alkin0
a$ou! !hese -ascis!s& < !hou0h! !ha! my
family 'ere co'ar#s for $ein0 scare# $y
lon0F0one enemiesW < confess !ha! from !hese
feelin0s of aliena!ion rose my a#mira!ion for
!he :e# .rmy 'ho #rove !he -ascis! $as!ar#s
a'ayW <n !he 'orl# of a chil#( !here are
heroes an# villains as 'ell as co'ar#s 'ho si!
on !he fence&
< #on%! have any par!icular recollec!ion a$ou!
!he #ay 'hen >aria Ko$larovQ #ie#& <!
happene# in 19=3 an# < 'as a! $oar#in0
school ou!si#e 1u#eBovice& < foun# ou! la!er
!ha! she #ie# in a !ram acci#en! 'hen !he
heel of her polkaF#o! shoe 'as cau0h! in !he
rails an# she fell ri0h! in fron! of !he !ram&
,er $oyfrien# in 6lVen #i# no! kno' !ha! she
'as a 'i#o'e# mo!her& 3e #i#n%! kno' !ha!
he 'as marrie# an# !ha! his es!ran0e# 'ife
an# chil#ren live# in 6ra0ue& ,e pai# for !he
funeral $u! #i# no! a!!en#& /ncle Gikola%s
an# .un! -ranci%s #evou! fai!h #isallo'e#
a#ul!ery( !herefore apar! from !he four of us
an# !he pas!or( !here 'as no$o#y a! !he
funeral 'hich !ook place on a s!ormy ni0h!
a! !he crema!ion chapel& . s!rin0 Cuar!e!
playe# %he >iraculous 1a0% compose# in
1934 $y 1ohuslav >ar!inX& >aria use# !o 0o
!o !he concer! hall 'i!h .n!on an# !hey once
hear# !ha! par!icular piece& /ncle Gikola
!ook care of !he formali!ies an# $ecame my
le0al 0uar#ian&
Go!hin0 chan0e# for me( < con!inue# my
s!a!eFsu$si#ize# e#uca!ion a! !he $oar#in0
school ou!si#e 1u#eBovice& < 'as fif!een& <
like# school an# 'as 0oo# a! :ussian( ma!hs
an# or!ho0raphy& < 'as an in!rover!e#
s!u#en! an# ha# no close frien#s&
9ne 'eeken#( as 'e 'ere sor!in0 !hrou0h
>aria%s $elon0in0s in !he parlour( .un!
-ranci fel! like !ellin0 me more a$ou! my
paren!s& She sai# !ha! !he 1ohemian china
an# !he crys!al hock 0lasses 'ere all presen!s
from .n!on !o >aria& here 'as a char!reuse
overlai# crys!al s!em 0lass 'i!h en0ravin0s( <
aske# 'he!her < coul# keep i!& -ranci
'on#ere# 'ha! !o #o a$ou! !he coffee se!
an# !he remainin0 crys!al 0lasses( < sai# !ha!
she mi0h! as 'ell sell !hem&
-ranci sai# !ha! < coul# 0ive !hese !o my
fu!ure 'ife( an# < replie# !ha! < ha# never
!hou0h! of 0e!!in0 a 'ife& >aria ha# a !rinke!
$o" of cos!ume an# silver Be'elry an# < sai#
!ha! < mi0h! keep !hose for my fu!ure 'ife&
6erhaps she 'oul# look like -ranci 'i!h
curly $lack hair an# almon# eyes& 6erhaps
she 'oul# look like >aria 'i!h lon0 #ark
hair( hi0h cheek$ones an# olive comple"ion&
<n !he #resser !here 'ere also some $ooks F
copies of !he Communis! >anifes!o in
)erman( :ussian an# Czech& <n
Czechoslovakia( Karl >ar" is kno'n as Karel
>ar"& -ranci sai# !ha! !hese $ooks $elon0e#
!o .n!on( %he 'oul# love !he coun!ry no'&%F
hence < 'on#ere# 'he!her < am name# af!er
!he au!hor& he family #i# no! rea# any!hin0
apar! from !he local paper an# !he 1i$le&
hey use# a $a!!ere# 1i$le in )erman !ha!
#a!e# from !he !imes of !he >oravian
Church( an# a more recen! Czech one&
-ranci flicke# !hrou0h a slim pho!oFal$um
an# sho'e# me some sceneries 'i!h >aria in
i!& %>aria looks very happy in !hese%( -ranci
sai#( an# a##e# !ha! .n!on ha# 'orke# as a
pho!o0rapher in 7ienna& < fel! prou# of my
fa!her: a %real pho!o0rapher%& < hope# !o fin#
a pic!ure of him in !he al$um $u! !here 'ere
none& >aria ha# #es!roye# all of !hem& 3as
she afrai# of !he ,enleinis! -reikorpsD
-ranci e"plaine# !ha! .n!on Sko#a?ek 'as
$orn .#olf Scha#en in .us!ria& ,e 'as a
mem$er of !he K6Y (Kommunis!ische 6ar!ei
Ys!erreichs)& he communis!s move# !heir
hea#Cuar!ers !o 6ra0ue in 193= 'hen !heir
par!y 'as #eclare# ille0al in .us!ria& he
Gazi 6ar!y in .us!ria le# $y .lfre#
-rauenfel# ha# links 'i!h !he ,enleinis!
-reikorps F $o!h ali0ne# !heir policies 'i!h
!he )erman Gazi par!y 'hich came !o po'er
in )ermany in 1933& ,opes for !he e"ileF
K6Y%s lai# 'i!h !he Comin!ern also kno'n
as !he hir# <n!erna!ionale F !he
in!erna!ional /nion of Communis! 6ar!ies&
>em$ers of !he Communis! 6ar!ies $elieve
!ha! !he 'orkers have no pa!rio!ic
.n# no' < un#ers!oo#&
.s lon0 as she 'as alive( >aria ha# oppose#
!o my Boinin0 any poli!ical or0aniza!ion& <
ha# $lin#ly respec!e# her #ecision& Go' <
un#ers!oo# 'hy she ha# fel! pro!ec!ive
!o'ar#s me& Gikola en!ere# !he parlour an#
sai# !ha! !he S7.S.:> (Svaz Spolucra#cis
.rma#ou F /nion for Coopera!ion in !he
.rmy) 'oul# offer me a chance of a career
$u! !hey 'ere affilia!e# !o !he Czechoslovak
Communis! 6ar!y&
< looke# a! Gikola& he li!!le man 'i!h !he
'hi!e mous!ache 'as #ifficul! !o scru!inize& <
'as happy enou0h !o apply !o !he S7.S.:>
an# con!inue my e#uca!ion 'i!h !hem& <
preferre# !he i#ea of Boinin0 !he army !o
0oin0 !o a0ricul!ural colle0e& 3e arran0e# an
appoin!men! 'i!h Ena$l Sr( !he recrui!in0
officer in Krumlov& ,e e"plaine# !ha! !his
summer he 'oul# $e !akin0 !he youn0
people !o a holi#ay camp& <n my opinion( !his
'as a more a!!rac!ive prospec! !han
spen#in0 !he 'hole summer in Kos!elec&
Go' < fel! closer !o !he 0hos! of my fa!her&
< fancie# !he i#ea of #o0 !rainin0 an# vehicle
#rivin0& < al'ays 'an!e# a #o0 !o keep me
company $u! >aria ha# never allo'e# me !o
0e! one an# $ou0h! me a fi##ly s!rin0
marione!!e #o0 from 6ra0ue ins!ea#& he
puppe! 'as calle# Kira $u! < 'as useless a!
makin0 !his 'oo#en o$Bec! a0ile& >y mo!her
reFsol# i! an# use# !he money !o pay off a
$ill& Go' < ha# a real #o0& <! 'as an Aon0
,aire# .lsa!ian calle# <na an# i! 'as no! a
frien#ly crea!ure a! all as i! $i! me an#
almos! perfora!e# my lef! han#& 3hoever
calle# !his mons!er %>o!her -i0ure% 'as as
s!upi# as < callin0 my clumsy #o0 %.0ile%& <
never 'an!e# !o o'n #o0s af!er !ha! episo#e&
he S7.S.:> !ransferre# me !o !he
au!omo$ile sec!ion an# < even!ually learn! !o
#rive& < enBoye# !his a lo!( even cleanin0 !he
he mili!ary !rainin0 'as minimal& here
'as !his fa!alis!ic opinion 'i!hin !he
S7.S.:> !ha! !he ne"! 'ar 'oul# $e
fou0h! 'i!h nuclear 'eapons& 3hen < 'as
conscrip!e#( < lef! !he S7.S.:> al!hou0h <
coul# have s!aye# 'i!h !hem& < ha# enBoye#
my !ime !here F !his is no! for everyone $u!
for a $ore# !eena0er 'i!h no purpose( life
'i!h !he paramili!aries 'as s!imula!in0&
<n 19=*( 'hen < 'as ei0h!een( < 'as pos!e# in
S!arQ 1oleslav( a !o'n in Cen!ral 1ohemia $y
!he river ;l$e& he year $efore( !he Sovie!
/nion ha# foun#e# !he 3arsa' 6ac! F a
mili!ary alliance $e!'een !he /SS: an# i!s
allies& he /SFle# G.9 ha# 'elcome# !he
-e#eral :epu$lic of 3es! )ermany 'i!hin i!s
ranks an# !he Kremlin 'as concerne#& >y
comra#es an# < 'ere no lon0er loca!e# ne"!
!o neu!ral )ermany $u! ne"! !o a s!a!e !ha!
once a0ain looke# a! our coun!ry in a hos!ile
he /S propa0an#a :a#io -ree ;urope
aime# i!s pro0rammes a! Czecholovakia an#
'as $ase# in >unich& he -e#eral :epu$lic
of )ermany also $anne# communis!s from
$ecomin0 !eachers an# ye! i! 'as allo'in0
e"ile Su#e!es !o form a 0roup calle#
%Su#e!en#eu!sche Aan#smannschaf!%&
,enlein%s follo'ers 'ere livin0 $eyon# our
$or#er& @isappoin!in0ly( 3enzel +aksch of
!he Su#e!e 9pposi!ion faile# !o challen0e !he
Aan#smannschaf! efficien!ly( 'hile his
follo'ers $len#e# 'i!hin !he res! of !he
)erman socie!y& he Aan#smannschaf! s!ill
ma#e !erri!orial #eman#s over Sumava&
he 3arsa' 6ac! posi!ione# SS45 missiles
on !he $or#er !o )ermany 'hils! in )ermany
!here 'ere G.9 missiles poin!e# a!
Czechoslovakia& 3i!hin !he 3arsa' 6ac!(
!here 'as !he %0oo# )ermany%( !he one !ha!
'as home of Karl >ar"& he o!her $ro!hers
in !he 3arsa' 6ac! 'ere 1ul0aria( ,un0ary(
:omania( 6olan# an# $i0 $ro!her /SS:&
.ll !hin0s consi#ere#( !he .rmy !ol# me !ha!
my S7.S.:> !rainin0 'as insufficien! an#
!ha! < 'as !oo sof! for ac!ive service& < en#e#
up 'orkin0 a! !he .rmy Sor!in0 9ffice&
<n 19*5( as our coun!ry #eclare# !ha! i! ha#
accomplishe# !he 6role!arian :evolu!ion an#
rename# i!self eskoSlovenskQ Socialis!ickQ
:epu$lika F he Socialis! :epu$lic of
Czechoslovakia F SS: F < applie# for a Bo$ a!
!he S!a!e 6aper >ill& he 'a0es 'ere
mar0inally $e!!er an# < !hou0h! !ha! i! 'as
!ime for me !o se!!le #o'n& Ena$l Br 'as
'orkin0 !here as 'ell an# his fa!her provi#e#
a reference& <n hin#si0h!( < !hink i! 'as a
mis!ake !o move $ack !o Kos!elec an# <
pre!!y much 'as!e# seven years of my life
!ryin0 !o make en#s mee! an# 'ai!in0 for a
council fla!& 6erhaps i! is also #ue !o !he fac!
!ha! < never foun# anyone < 'an!e# !o se!!le
#o'n 'i!h& -ar from $ein0 a #ashin0 e"F
sol#ier( < seeme# !o have !he repu!a!ion of a
$um$lin0 i#io!( or a mo#ern version of !he
0oo# sol#ier EveBk& <ns!ea# < shu! up an#
Boine# a na!ional caravan clu$ an# spen! my
spare !ime 'i!h o!her caravan en!husias!s
an# 'e 'en! a fe' holi#ays caravannin0 in
!he moun!ains an# !akin0 pic!ures of
animals an# lan#scapes& .par! from !ha! i!
'as 'ork( 'ork( 'ork&
<n >ay 19*O( shor!ly af!er !he anniversary of
!he :epu$lic( < receive# an invi!a!ion for a
Bo$ in!ervie' a! 6ra0ue Charles /niversi!y&
he le!!er 'as si0ne# <nV& (en0ineer) +anina
Spove#nicQ for 6rofessor 6avel 7ara#y
(/niversi!y of Aenin0ra#)& < ha# !o make a
choice& Shoul# < con!inue as $efore or
0am$leD < #eci#e# !o a!!en# !he Bo$
in!ervie' in 6ra0ue an# !ake i! from !here&
< visi!e# .un! -ranci an# /ncle Gikola !o !ell
!hem a$ou! !he 0oo# ne's& 3i!h !ears in
her eyes% -ranci sai# !ha! she 'as prou# of
my 0oin0 !o universi!y& Go$o#y in !his family
ha# ever $een !o universi!y& She 'en! !o
a0ricul!ural colle0e $u! !his 'as no! !he
same& his convince# me !o accep! !he Bo$ in
6ra0ue $ecause un!il no'( !he family ha#
seen me as an un#erachiever& Cousin :u#olf
#i# also 0o !o a0ricul!ural colle0e an# en#e#
up 'orkin0 in a me#ical en0ineerin0 fac!ory&
,a# he Cualifie# as a #oc!or( his paren!s
'oul# no! have $een any prou#er of !heir
son& 6erhaps( 6ra0ue /niversi!y 'oul# make
a scholar ou! of me&
/ncle Gikola sai# no!hin0& 3e 'en! in!o !he
ki!chen !o $oil some 'a!er an# prepare a
vacuum flask of min! !ea& Aa!er( as < 'as
s!an#in0 in !he 0ar#en 'i!h my sui!case an#
sa!chel( he 'ishe# me 'ell for my ne' Bo$&
>y aun! 'as cryin0 askin0 me !o come !o
visi!& < sai# !ha! < 'oul# visi! as of!en as <
coul# an# pu! flo'ers on my mo!her%s 0rave&
.un! -ranci smile# a0ain( as she fille# my
lunchF$o" 'i!h san#'iches an# 0ave me !he
packe! of min! leaves& She 'oul# have 0iven
me more provisions $u! !here 'as no!
enou0h space in my sa!chel&
.s < 'alke# #o'n !he !'o kilome!res !o
Krumlov $usFs!a!ion an# looke# a! !he
lan#scape( !hou0h!s 'ere conflic!in0 in my
hea#& he fores! 'as a noFman%s lan# 'here
!he 'olfF#o0s pa!rolle#& <n me#ieval !imes(
!here use# !o $e real 'olves in !he fores!s of
Sou!h 1ohemia& his area is s!ill popular
'i!h s!oryF!ellers( $ir#F'a!chers an#
archaeolo0is!s lookin0 for fossils an# 1oBer
relics& 3hen < 'as a chil#( < 'an!e# !o
$ecome an archaeolo0is! $ecause < passe#
!he #i00in0 si!e every 'eek on my 'ay !o
Kos!elec& 3hen < $ecame a $i! ol#er( < 0ave
up on !he i#ea $ecause < eCua!e# !his !ype of
Bo$ !o 0raveF#i00in0 'hich 'as far !oo
mor$i# for me& < ha# al'ays $een fascina!e#
$y !he i#ea !ha! !his re0ion 'as name#
1ohemia $y !he :omans af!er a Cel!ic !ri$e
'ho la!er emi0ra!e# !o <relan#&
his is 'hy %1ohemia% ('hich #erives from
!he Aa!in 'or# 1oiohaemum ) #oes no! feel
Cui!e ri0h!& he people 'ho fou0h! !he
:oman ;mpire in !he si"!h cen!ury an# la!er
move# 'es!'ar#s( 'ere a )ermanic !ri$e
calle# !he >arkomans& Su$seCuen!ly( Czech
an# his Slavic !ri$e came from 'ha! use# !o
$e kno'n as 6anonia&
.ccor#in0 !o !he le0en#( !here 'ere !hree
$ro!hers calle# :us( Aech an# Czech& :us
se!!le# in :ussia( Aech se!!le# in 6olan# an#
Czech se!!le# in 1oiohaemum& Zueen
Ai$use( so !he le0en# con!inues( 'as a
#escen#an! of Czech an# she marrie#
6rVmysl 9rac (6rVmysl !he 6lou0hman) 'ho
0ave his name !o /ncle Gikola%s na!ive !o'n&
here are many o!her !ales surroun#in0 !he
fores! inclu#in0 !he female sylvanian spiri!
'ho kills $oys an# #ances 'i!h 0irls& >any of
!hese !ales fea!ure in puppe! sho's an#
colourin0 $ooks&
he Sou!h 1ohemian fores! coul# no! $e
#evoure# nei!her $y pollu!ion( nor ci!y
plannin0 nor infras!ruc!ure $ecause !he
$or#er !o .us!ria 'as close# $y !he <ron
Cur!ain& he ne"! checkpoin! 'as eskT
7elenice some !hir!y kilome!res a'ay on !he
pa!h of !he ol# -ranzF+osefsF1ahn rail'ays
line& <n !he no man%s lan#( !here is nei!her
villa0e nor !he nee# for human $or#er
pa!rol: <n 19==( !he army $re# an animal !ha!
'as a cross $e!'een a Carpa!hian 'olf an#
an .lsa!ian& he resul! resem$le# a 'olf an#
like# !o socialize in packs& < use# !o han#le
#o0s a! !he S7.S.:> $u! !ha! crea!ure #oes
no! nee# human in!erac!ion& he
Czechoslovakian 'olfF#o0 is an efficien!
mercenary& Go! a sof! poo#le like me& .n#
so( apar! from !he occasional !rac!or( lorry or
$icycle( !here 'as no! much !raffic on !ha!
< passe# !he Chris! on !he Cross& his !ype of
monumen!s #o!s !he coun!ryFsi#e an# !he
au!hori!ies #i# no! $o!her removin0 !hem&
hey kne' !ha! !he locals cherishe# !heir
churches an# reli0ious sym$ols $u! #i# no!
really live $y !he Chris!ian fai!h unlike !he
peasan!s from yes!eryear& .f!er all( no$o#y
#resse# like !he #olls in $ri0h! folk cos!umes&
< 'as 'earin0 polyes!er !rousers( a 0rey
pullover( a fla!cap an# an oilclo!h raincoa!
'i!h a re# scarf& his 'as a prac!ical ou!fi!
for 'alkin0 in !he rain& < ha# los! some of my
ori0inal s!amina since < lef! !he army 'hen <
s!ar!e# smokin0 an# 'a!chin0 !oo much 7&
.! !he S7.S.:>( 'e prac!ise# mara!hon
runnin0 an# cyclin0& o !his #ay( < like
hikin0( an# $ack !hen( !he Bourney seeme#
even shor!er $ecause of my e"ci!emen!&
< arrive# a! Krumlov coach s!a!ion an#
$ou0h! a !icke! a! !he S.@ coun!er an# a
na!ional ne'spaper a! !he kiosk& hen <
s!eppe# on!o !he $lue an# 'hi!e Karosa
coach& < ma#e myself comfor!a$le( a!e .un!
-ranci%s cheese san#'iches( #rank some min!
!ea from my vacuumFflask& < fel! on !op of
!he 'orl#& he Ci!yW < smoke# a ci0are!!e
!hen s!ar!e# rea#in0 !he paper& < ha# a fourF
hour Bourney ahea# of me&
chapter 3
(April 1967)
%6ra0a Capu! :e0ni% F 6ra0ue !he Ci!y 'here
!he Kin0s rei0ne#& 3hen Kin0 9!!okar <<&
6Lemysl rei0ne# over 1ohemia( his lan#s
e"!en#e# as far as ries!e on !he .#ria!ic
coas!& his fac! pro$a$ly hin!s 'here !he
>ariner in Shakespeare%s %. 3in!er%s ale%
arrive# 'i!h his ship 'hen he a$an#one#
6er#i!a !he Sicilian $a$y as ries!e 'as !he
only coas!( !he 1ohemian kin0#om ever
kne'& hen( in 1=4*( !he urks an# !he
,a$s$ur0s of .us!ria #efea!e# ;mperor
Aouis <<& +a0iello& hey spli! !he empire
$e!'een !hemselves: one par! 'en! !o !he
9!!oman ;mpire an# !he o!her $ecame par!
of !he ,oly :oman ;mpire of )erman
Ga!ions& <n 1=83( ;mperor :u#olf <<&
,a$s$ur0 se! up his hea#Cuar!ers in 6ra0ue
an# !ransforme# !he ci!y in!o his feu#al
vision of a cen!re for !he ar!s( cul!ure(
sciences an# commerce& his is ho' 6ra0ue
acCuire# i!s name:he )ol#en Ci!y&
/n#er !he repu$lic( 6ra0ue has re!aine# !his
mo#us operan#i& ycho 1rahe 'ho ha# a
pros!he!ic 0ol#en nose an# 0aze# a! !he s!ars
may $e no more( $u! in 19*O( !he papers
repor!e# a$ou! 7os!ok spaceships( Aaika !he
#o0( Spu!nik sa!elli!es an# Soyuz missions&
6eople 'ere ea0erly 'ai!in0 for !he Sovie!
spaceship pro0ramme !o lan# a man on !he
moon& .n# so !o !hese #ays( a forei0n feu#al
overlor# is shapin0 !he ar!s( cul!ure( science
an# commerce F an# a$ove all !he poli!ics of
!he )ol#en Ci!y& Ena$l +r a! !he s!a!e paper
mill 'as ri0h!&
he sun 'as se!!in0 'hen < arrive# a!
-lorenc Coach s!a!ion& < coul# $arely con!ain
my e"ci!emen! 'hen < pu! #o'n my sui!case(
!ook my 'alle! ou! of my sa!chel an# $ou0h!
!he la!es! e#i!ion of !he 6ra0ue ;venin0
Ge's& < lef! !he s!a!ion !o 'ai! for my
prospec!ive supervisor !o pick me up in fron!
of near$y CafT .rco&
6rofessor 6avel 7ara#y from !he <ns!i!u!e for
,is!orical Ai!era!ure a! Charles /niversi!y
an# his 'ife 9l0a F a senior civil servan! a!
!he Sovie! ;m$assy F arrive# shor!ly
af!er'ar#s& he 6rofessor in!ro#uce# himself
an# his 'ife in perfec! Czech& ,e 'as a s!ou!
man 'i!h a rece#in0 hairlineR he ha# silver
hair( inCuisi!ive eyes an# a $ushy KarlF>ar"
$ear#& ,e 'ore a $ro'n !hreeFpiece
cor#uroy sui!& ,e looke# in!imi#a!in0 an#
even more so 'hen he volu$ly spoke in a
0ravelle# voice& he #our 9l0a 7ara#yovQ
'ore an una#orne# #arkF$lue frumpy #ress
'i!h a 'hi!e collar an# a hea# scarf !o
pro!ec! her hair from !he rain& She 'as a
'oman of fe' facial e"pressions an# even
fe'er 'or#s& .s her lar0e $lue eyes s!are# a!
me( < suspec!e# her !o have a 0oo# memory
an# !op no!ch o$serva!ional skills( hence <
remaine# on !he cau!ious si#e an# #i# no!
ven!ure $eyon# poli!e formali!ies& 3e #rove
off in an ol# 'hi!e Eko#a&
he 6rofessor 'as !alkin0 like a $ook(
#escri$in0 !he ci!y 'i!h a li!any of names
an# soun#F$i!es& he car 'en! in!o
,y$ernska S!ree!( !o'ar#s :epu$lic SCuare(
!hen un#ernea!h !he feu#al 6o'#er o'er& <!
slo'e# #o'n alon0 !he !or!uous Cele!na
S!ree!( !urne# a! / :a#nice [ %famous for !he
as!ronomical clock% an# spee#e# on !he
Krapova s!ree! alon0 !he river 7la!va [ only
!o $e slo'e# #o'n $y !he !rafficFli0h!s& hen
i! crosse# !he >anosav $ri#0e& he 6rofessor
!ol# me !o look ou! of !he 'in#o' !o'ar#s
!he famous Charles 1ri#0e an# i!s
ornamen!al s!a!ues F < coul# #is!in0uish
Chris! on !he Cross an# S! +ohn Gepomuk&
7ery fe' people 'ere s!rollin0 ou!si#e a! !his
hour& . sharp !urn on !he lef! of !he
>anosav $ri#0e le# us in!o !he >alQ S!rana
#is!ric! 'here !he couple live#&
.! !he !urn of !he cen!ury( )ermanFspeakin0
upperFclass people use# !o live in !he >alQ
S!rana& hey calle# i! %Kleinsei!e% (!he Small
1ank)& <n %'o S!ories of 6ra0ue( :ainer
>aria :ilke 'ri!es a$ou! a couple from
esk Krumlov comin0 !o 'ork for a rich
)ermanFspeakin0 househol#& < s!ru00le# !o
un#ers!an# !he finer #e!ails of !he s!ory in
!he same 'ay as )ermanFlan0ua0e learners
mi0h! have #one $efore me& 9ne !hinks( Bus!
$ecause 'e can rea# a fe' 'or#s( i! is
possi$le !o un#ers!an# a $ook&
6ronuncia!ion is easy enou0h $u! kno'in0
'ha! you are rea#in0 is !he real challen0e& <
hope# !ha! my Bo$ #i# no! en!ail an
un#ers!an#in0 of !he )erman lan0ua0e& >y
kno'le#0e of !he :ussian lan0ua0e 'as
mar0inally $e!!er& imes have chan0e# since
%'o S!ories of 6ra0ue%: in 19*O( !he
Kahes!che (my nickname for !he
Czechoslovakian Communis! 6ar!y KS)( !he
:ussian Gomencla!ure an# !he civil servan!s
'ere !he ones resi#in0 a! !he foo! of !he
,rQ# Cas!le&
he 7ara#ys live# in a yello' house in !he
Cihelna S!ree!& he 0roun# floor shu!!ers
facin0 !he 0ar#en 'ere close#& < sa' a
$loomin0 cherry !ree in !he over0ro'n
0ar#en $ehin# !he hi0h iron 0a!e& 3e passe#
!he 0a!e an# 'en! up an ou!si#e fli0h! of
s!one s!eps !o a #oor openin0 on!o !he firs!
floor& 3e en!ere# !hrou0h a narro' hall'ay
a#orne# 'i!h numerous frame# pho!o0raphs
an# pos!car#s [ !he 6rofessor lef! my lu00a0e
!here& hen 'e all se!!le# in!o !he livin0F
room for some li0h! #inner&
he livin0Froom 'as $askin0 in!o !he oran0e
0lo' from an elec!ric fire& he 6rofessor
s'i!che# on a floorFlamp( an# !his li0h!in0
0ave a !hea!rical effec! !o !he room&
he ol#Ffashione# furni!ure an# pic!ures
0ave !he 'hole in!erior an early 19&C :ussian
a!mosphere& [ a #Tcor similar !o !hese
ols!oy a#ap!a!ions a! !he !hea!re& 3hils!
9l0a 7ara#yovQ 'as preparin0 san#'iches in
!he ki!chen( her hus$an# pu! on a vinyl
recor#in0 of !he %6ra0ue Symphony% $y
>ozar!& ,e pra!!le# a$ou! himself an# 9l0a
enBoyin0 a play a$ou! >ozar! $y !he :ussian
play'ri0h! .n!on Chekhov a! !he 1lack
hea!re #o'n!o'n& hey en#e# up $uyin0
!he s!a0e se! 'hen !he pro#uc!ion en#e#R <!
'as very han#y $ecause !hey ha# Bus! move#
in!o !his apar!men!&
@urin0 !he !a$le conversa!ion( < learn! !ha!
!he couple live# in Aenin0ra# an# !ha! !hey
apprecia!e# $alle! an# :ussian li!era!ure&
he 6rofessor ha# s!u#ie# a! Aenin0ra#
/niversi!y& ,e 'as prou# of a massive
illus!ra!e# !ome of ei0h! hun#re# ei0h!y
ei0h! pa0es( an# e"plaine# !ha! his !hesis
revolve# aroun# !he Gapoleonic 3ars as
perceive# $y ols!oy& /n!il 19*3( he ha# $een
lec!urin0 in Cam$ri#0e( /ni!e# Kin0#om(
an# a! !he Aon#on School of ;conomics(
ho'ever( af!er a 1ri!ish spy calle# Kim 6hil$y
#efec!e# !o !he Sovie! /nion( !he 1ri!ish
au!hori!ies kep! a closer eye on Sovie!
aca#emics& 1a$$lin0 on like an aca#emic
#isser!a!ion( !he 6rofessor e"plaine# ho'
e"chan0e s!u#en!s from Cam$ri#0e( Aon#on
an# Aenin0ra# !ook his courses a! 6ra0ue
/niversi!y& 3oul# < $e in!eres!e# in
a!!en#in0 some of his lec!uresD <n :ussian of
course( as he ha# s'i!che# lan0ua0es&
:ussian&&& 9h yes& Go'( < sa' my Bo$
prospec!s slippin0 a'ay never!heless < ha# !o
$e hones!& < e"plaine# in :ussian ho' my
kno'le#0e of !he lan0ua0e 'oul# no! $e
0oo# enou0h !o un#ers!an# ols!oy& he
6rofessor lau0he# an# looke# a! his 'ife 'ho
smile# !hinly& ,e !ol# me !ha! my main Bo$
'oul# consis! in !ypin0 no!es on a Aa!inF
key$oar# !ype'ri!er an# on a Cyrillic
key$oar# one& < sai# !ha! < coul# rea#
:ussian all ri0h!: my previous Bo$ involve#
!ypin0 memos( minu!es an# o!her $asic
office correspon#ence as 'ell as 'arehouse
s!ockFlis!s on an ol# ;rika&
he 6rofessor conclu#e# !ha! !hese
Cualifica!ions sui!e# !he vacancy perfec!ly(
!hen he #eclare# !ha! i! 'as !ime !o re!ire
an# aske# me 'he!her < #i#n%! min# sleepin0
on !he sofa for !oni0h!D < sai# !ha! !his 'as
fine an# !hanke# !hem& 9l0a
7ara#yovQ fe!che# a Cuil! $lanke!&
chapter 4
(April 1967)
Shor!ly af!er sunrise( !he 6rofessor 'oke me
up& < 'as alrea#y #resse# up $ecause < ha#
slep! in my #ay clo!hes& ,e su00es!e# a #rive
!o a cafT for $reakfas! an# af!er'ar#s he
'oul# sho' me my ne' livin0 Cuar!ers
'here < coul# freshen up an# un'in#&
< !ook my lu00a0e an# s!ore# i! on !he $ack
sea! of !he car& 3e #rove #o'n !o !he
KQvarna Corso near :epu$lic SCuare $ecause
i! 'as easy !o park !he car !here& @urin0 !he
shor! Bourney( !he 6rofessor e"plaine# !ha!
he like# !o 'ork early $ecause nei!her !he
s!ree!s nor !he car park 'ere cro'#e#& ,e
!ol# me !o 'ai! an# 'en! in!o !he Corso& ,e
came ou! a fe' minu!es la!er 'i!h !'o
:ohliky $rea# rolls( a $ar of -i0aro chocola!e
an# !he 6ravo (\!he ru!h) #aily ne'spaper&
.s volu$le a ever( an# pourin0 real coffee
from a vacuum flask in!o plas!ic cups( !he
6rofessor !ol# me !ha! !he 'ri!er -ranz Kafka
use# !o 0o !o !he Corso !o mee! his frien#s&
he 6rofessor preferre# havin0 $reakfas! in
!he car $ecause he coul# no! $ear any
conversa!ions $efore a cup of coffee an# a
pipe& ,e re0ar#e# his car as an e"!ension of
his office an# $reakfas! room& his 'as his
'ay of sayin0 !ha! he #i# no! like
eaves#roppers& ,e aske# me 'he!her < ha#
rea# some 'ri!in0s $y -ranz Kafka& < sai#
!ha! < once !rie# !o rea# a s!ory calle#
%>e!amorphosis (#ie 7er'an#lun0%) $u! <
'as no! sure 'he!her < un#ers!oo# !he s!ory
correc!ly& @i# !he pro!a0onis! really 'ake up
as a 0ian! cockroach an# $ecome an
em$arrassmen! !o his lan#la#yD he
6rofessor lau0he# an# sai# !ha! my o'n
lan#la#y live# in !he vicini!y of / >inu!i F
Kafka%s ol# resi#ence& < sai# !ha! < 'as
honoure# !o hear a$ou! !he li!erary
3e lef! !he car a! !he Corso an# 'alke# 'i!h
!he lu00a0e alon0 Cele!na S!ree! !hrou0h
9l# o'n SCuare& 3e passe# !he ,ussi!e
yn church an# i!s fame# as!ronomical
clock( pas! an ol# $lack house covere# in
'hi!e s0raffi!i silhoue!!es& he 6rofessor sai#
!ha! !his 'as / >inu!i ,ouse an# < !hou0h!
!ha! i! 'as !he i#eal se!!in0 for !he cockroach
s!ory& 9l0a 7ara#yovQ%s sis!er <rina
Kova?ovQ( ren!e# a fla! in a 1945s
$ro'ns!one apar!men! $uil#in0 'i!h s!one
arches on !he opposi!e si#e of / :a#nice
SCuare& he 6rofessor le! us in 'i!h !he
ou!si#e key&
3e clam$ere# !'o fli0h!s of s!eep s!eps an#
'alke# alon0 !he ou!si#e corri#or [ 'e call
!hese %pavla?% [ a! !he $ack of !he $uil#in0&
<rina Kova?ovQ( a !all 'oman in her fif!ies%
opene# !he #oor af!er !he 6rofessor knocke#&
3e !ook our shoes off an# lef! !hem in !he
ki!chen& 3e follo'e# !he lan#la#y in!o !he
parlour& <n !he pas!( she mi0h! have $een a
shapely $rune!!e( perhaps 'i!h sensual lips
an# col# $lue eyes& 6erhaps she never 'as
an# al'ays looke# like her sis!er& She ha# a
#eep scar on !he ri0h! si#e of her face& She
'as 0aun!( crooke# an# 'ore hornFrimme#
BamFBar 0lasses& She 'ore a 'hi!e sha'l over
a 0reen rayon #ress an# 'hi!e $alle! shoes&
She smile# an# sai# !ha! she hope# her
appearance #i# no! #is!ur$ meR !he -ascis!s
#i# !ha! !o her& < replie# !ha! !he -ascis!s ha#
a lo! !o ans'er for $ecause !hey also kille#
my fa!her& he 6rofessor sai# !ha! !his is
e"ac!ly 'hy he hire# me: 3ha! uni!e# us 'as
a common #islike for -ascism&
>s Kova?ovQ e"plaine# !ha! she ha# $een
ori0inally lookin0 for a female fla! ma!e&
3hen her sis!er !ol# her !ha! !he universi!y
'as lookin0 for an a#minis!ra!ive assis!an!( i!
ma#e sense !o offer !his accommo#a!ion for
!he sui!a$le can#i#a!e& < sai# !ha! < 'oul# $e
happy !o $e her fla! ma!e&
<n a 0oo# moo#( 'e comple!e# !he relevan!
paper'ork& < coul# cope lookin0 af!er a
#isa$le# 'oman an# !he universi!y Bo$
sui!e# me !oo& his also mean! !ha! < #i# no!
nee# any kin# of !ranspor! $ecause of !he
near pro"imi!y of my 'orkplace& -or !he firs!
!ime my family ha# no say in ho' < spen! my
'a0es& .! !he !en#er a0e of !'en!yFei0h!( <
ha# finally flo'n !he nes!& -ree#om fel!
he 6rofessor lef! an# sai# !ha! < coul# !ake
my !ime !o unpack an# un'in#& < nee#e# !o
repor! !o !he por!er%s lo#0e a! Go 45 Cele!na
S!ree! a! 4pm %on !he #o!%& ,e a##e# !ha! he
hope# < 'oul# se!!le #o'n 'ell in my ne'
hrou0h !he fla!%s minuscule ves!i$ule( <
en!ere# my Cuar!ers& . !all 'ar#ro$e an# a
$am$oo cur!ain #ivi#e# !he o$lon0 $e#si!
in!o !'o sec!ions& < hun0 my coa!( sa!chel
an# Backe! on !he !hree #oor hooks& he !'oF
sea!er narro' upri0h! sofa sa! ne"! !o a small
roun# coffeeF!a$le $y !he 'in#o' fi!!e# 'i!h
in!erior shu!!ers& < s'i!che# on !he floorF
lamp !ha! ha# an am$erFcoloure# 0lo$e
sha#e& he $ilious 0reen 'alls 'ere fi!!e#
'i!h a pic!ure rail an# a #a#o rail& < 'alke#
pas! !he 'ar#ro$e !hrou0h !he $am$oo
cur!ain& he o!her si#e 'as furnishe# 'i!h a
me!alFframe sin0le $e# covere# 'i!h 'hi!e
shee!s an# a 0rey $lanke!& /n#er !he $e#
!here 'as a roun# o!!oman& /n#ernea!h !he
secon# 'in#o'( !he small( sCuare formica
!a$le func!ione# as a #esk an# si#e$oar#& .
small ho!Fpla!e plu00e# in!o a 'allFsocke!
provi#e# a $asic cookin0 facili!y& he office
s'ivelFchair creake#& Ge"! !o !he !a$le( !here
'as a 'ashFhan# $asin( 'i!h a mirror an# a
0lass shelf& . le#0e 'i#e enou0h for $ooks
an# ornamen!s connec!e# !he !'o 'in#o's&
<! seeme# !o me !ha! !he previous lo#0ers
mus! have $een ei!her civil servan!s or
s!u#en!s from ou!si#e !he ci!y& he place fel!
as crampe# as a caravan $u! i!s func!ionali!y
please# me& he fac! !ha! !he !oile! 'as
loca!e# on !he 6avla? #i# no! $o!her me !oo
much& < never e"pec!e# a lu"ury
accommo#a!ion& he $asemen!
provi#e# communal sho'ers an# laun#ry
9u!si#e( !he ci!y 'as $us!lin0 an# !he !raffic
noise increase#& he mo#ernis! municipal
offices across / :a#nice SCuare o$scure# !he
vie' from my $e#si!& < coul# no! see insi#e
$ecause !he 'in#o's 'ere covere# 'i!h a
reflec!ive film& .s !he cleaners 'i!h !heir
$rooms an# $ucke!s en!ere# !he municipal
$uil#in0( < 'on#ere# 'he!her !hey coul# see
me un!il < realize# !ha! my o'n 'in#o's
'ere covere# 'i!h !his reflec!ive film as 'ell&
.ccor#in0 !o !he s!ree!Fclock( i! 'as no'
< finishe# unpackin0 my lu00a0e F !he
polyes!er scarf an# !he fake lea!her 0loves
'en! in!o my coa! pocke!& < pu! my !ransis!or
ra#io on !he coffee !a$le an# place# my
moul#e# s!em coffee 0lass on a melamine
pla!e on !he !ier $elo'& < s!ore# my )ermanF
Czech #ic!ionary an# :ilke%s %'o S!ories of
6ra0ue% ne"! !o !he !ransis!or ra#io& here
'as no por!rai! !o han0( no pic!ure !o
#isplay& < never fel! !he nee# !o #isplay my
family on !he 'all( an# < ha# never learn! !o
apprecia!e fine ar!&
<n !he $e#room si#e( < unpacke# my sui!case(
hun0 my 0rey sui! an# $ro'n car#i0an in !he
'ar#ro$e& < fol#e# my !'o Bumpers( a $lack
rollFneck one an# a $lue vFneck one an#
pile# !hem a! !he $o!!om of !he 'ar#ro$e& <
kep! socks an# un#er'ear in !he car#$oar#
1a!a shoeF$o" !ha! < ha# $rou0h! 'i!h me&
he laun#ry 'oul# 0o in a cushion cover&
1o" an# cushion cover 'ere s!ore# in!o !he
9!!oman& oo!h$rush( !oo!hpas!e( shavin0
foam( shavin0F$rush an# com$ 'en! on!o
!he shelf a$ove !he $asin& . look in !he
mirror remin#e# me !ha! < looke#
#ishevelle# an# !ha! my clo!hes 'ere
crumple#& < ha#n%! ma#e my min# up
'he!her < 'an!e# !o 0ro' a $ear# or
'he!her < #i#n%! care& < 'en! #o'n !o !he
$asemen!( ha# a sho'er( !hen shave# an#
chan0e# in!o my 'ork sui!&
1ack in !he fla!( < line# my fa!her%s e#i!ions
of %he Communis! >anifes!o% on !he le#0e
ne"! !o my mo!her%s char!reuseFcoloure#
hock 0lass& Aas! $u! no! leas!( < arran0e# !he
small aluminium ke!!le( !he saucepan an#
!he cu!lery F leavin0 presen!s respec!ively
from !he S7.S.:>( !he army an# !he
paperFmill [ on a !ray $esi#e !he ho!Fpla!e&
.s < con!empla!e# !he relics of my pas!(
an"ie!y 0rippe# me once a0ain& 3ha! kin# of
Bo$ 'as a'ai!in0 meD <n or#er !o calm my
nerves( < !ook #eep $rea!hs an# ma#e myself
a !ea $y pourin0 ho! 'a!er over #rie# min!
leaves in!o !he s!em 0lass& < slouche# on !he
sofa( pu! on !he !ransis!or ra#io an# lis!ene#
!o a pro0ramme inves!i0a!in0 acci#en!s a!
'ork in sa'mills an# ho' !o preven! !hem&
hen < 0lance# !hrou0h !he 6ravo
3ha! !he ne'spapers #on%! !ell you is !ha!
!his is a coun!ry 'here one nee#s !o choose
'or#s 'i!h care& Spon!anei!y is #an0erous(
loose lips sink ships& .n informan! mi0h!
eaves#rop an# #enounce you& < 'as 0la# !ha!
my lan#la#y ha# no !elephone $ecause !his
mean! !ha! my family coul# no! check on
me& Some!imes( < feel !ha! i! is less painful !o
$e moni!ore# $y s!ran0ers& S!ran0ers can
never $e as personal as people 'ho are
suppose# !o $e connec!e# !o you $y $loo#& <
in!en#e# !o s!ay in !ouch $y sen#in0 a
pos!car# once a 'eek&
.! lunch!ime( >s Kova?ovQ offere# !o 0o !o
KavQrna >o#rQ (!he 1lue CafT) for a $i!e !o
ea!& < helpe# her !o 0e! #o'n !he s!airs of our
apar!men! $uil#in0 an# she hel# on!o my
arm as 'e 'ere 'alkin0 on !he co$$leF
s!ones& KavQrna >o#rQ 'as a s!a!eFo'ne#
cafe!eria loca!e# off 9l# o'n SCuare& <! 'as
!ryin0 !o convey !he a!mosphere of an ol#
!avern& 1roken clocks fes!oone# !he panelle#
'all an#( $y !he coun!er( !he can#les of !he
hu0e can#ela$ra 'ere covere# 'i!h #rippe#
'a"& .! !ime( i! 'as #ifficul! !o $elieve !ha!
'e 'ere livin0 in !he !'en!ie!h cen!ury [ i!
'as almos! easier !o ima0ine !he
melancholic emperor :u#olf << ,a$s$ur0 as
!he feu#al lor#& ]e! !his place 'as as fake as
!he #Tcor in !he 7ara#y%s livin0Froom& ,ere(
i! 'as a fan!asy vision of $ucolic cul!ure as if
cheerful coun!ryFfolks 'ere s!rollin0 aroun#
in $lue( yello' an# re# cos!umes chirpin0
son0s a$ou! hopeful sunrises an# $lue skies&
Czechoslovakia is our lan#( ,eB Slovane&
%>o#r [ $lue%( $lue as !he fla" flo'ers(
%1il [ 'hi!e%( 'hi!e as !he linen on !he
!a$les( an#
%?evern [ re#%( re# as !he melamine !rays $y
!he selfFservice coun!er&
he assis!an! $ehin# !he coun!er !ol# >s
Kova?ovQ !ha! i! 'as nice !o see her a0ain(
ha# she no! $een 'ell la!elyD She sai# she
'oul# come more of!en& he foo# 'as $asic&
3e $o!h chose a $o'l of soup 'i!h a roll of
$rea#( skippe# !he amorphous main courses
in !heir $i0 aluminium !rays( an# chose
pala?inky F pancakes F 'i!h apple compo!e
for #esser!& < poure# 'a!er from !he lar0e
ear!hen'are Bu0 in!o our !'o !um$lers as >s
Kova?ovQ pai#& < carrie# !he !rays !o our
!a$le& ;veryone in !he res!auran! a!e in
silence( so #i# 'e& . 'oman 'as speakin0 on
!he pu$lic phone in !he corner&
.f!er 'e finishe# our meal( >s
Kova?ovQ slippe# me some money for !he
'eekly 0roceries& he shoppin0Flis! 'as
perfec!ly sui!e# !o minimize Cueuin0 a! !he
shops& <n !his coun!ry( !he less you shoppe#(
!he $e!!er you 'ere off& .un! -ranci al'ays
sai# !ha! makin0 up recipes ou! of $asic
in0re#ien!s fuels one%s crea!ivi!y& here are
fif!y 'ays !o prepare po!a!oes( cookin0
apples( semolina( $eans an# #umplin0s& >y
ne' fla!Fma!e a##e# !ha! < shoul# $e!!er $e
on my 'ay !o 'ork( she 'oul# $e fine
0e!!in0 home on her o'n& <! 'as much easier
!o clim$ !he s!airs !han !o #escen# !hem&
chapter 5
(Spring 1967)
< lef! !he s!a!e res!auran!( passe# / >inu!i
house checke# !he !ime on !he ,ussi!e yn
church an# 'alke# across 9l# o'n SCuare&
.lon0 !he Cele!na( < pause# $y !he 6o'#er
o'er& he plaCue men!ione# !ha! $uil#in0
s!ar!e# in !he year 12O= an# 'as comple!e#
four hun#re# years la!er& -inally( < arrive# a!
!he universi!y a! Cele!na 45& .$ove !he #oor(
a mo!!o in Aa!in s!a!e#: %Si$i e! 6os!eris (-or
oneself an# !he ones 'ho come af!er)%& <
si0ne# in a! !he por!er%s #esk a! e"ac!ly 13&2O
h accor#in0 !o !he punchin0 clock& 132O( <
!hou0h! !ha! !his 'as a nice !ouch $ecause
6ra0ue Charles /niversi!y 'as foun#e# !ha!
year& <! is one of !he ol#es! universi!ies in
>r 7a^ek !he por!er 'as 'earin0 a
!horou0hly mo#ern uniform& 9nly !he 45!h
C coul# come up 'i!h nas!yFlookin0 0rey
ar!ificial u!ili!arian polyes!er& he man !ol#
me placi#ly !ha! !he 6rofessor 'as in !he
.ula >a"ima .ssem$ly ,all& <n !he corri#or
lea#in0 !o !he campus cour!yar#( < sa'
poli!ical pos!ers invi!in0 !o s!u#en! #e$a!es
on socialis! #emocracy( ano!her one 'as
invi!in0 !o a symposium on Comenius 'hose
'orks ha# recen!ly $een re#iscovere#& <
spo!!e# 6rofessor%s 7ara#y%s name on
ano!her flyer invi!in0 !o a presen!a!ion on
:ussian li!era!ure an# film& here 'ere
coun!less o!her no!ices rela!in0 !o !he
various lan0ua0e mo#ules on offer& o !his
#ay( 6ra0ue Charles /niversi!y re!ains a
'orl#Fclass repu!a!ion in lan0ua0e !eachin0&
here 'ere over fif!y lan0ua0es on offer in
one or ano!her form& S!u#en!s in mo#ern
clo!hes 'ere rushin0 alon0 !o 'hichever
alphaFnumerically name# room !hey 'ere
0e!!in0 !heir lec!ures from& < 'alke# across
!he campus( pas! !he former KarlF-er#inan#
/niversi!y for )ermanFspeakin0 s!u#en!s&
:ainer >aria :ilke s!u#ie# !here( an# !his is
'here la' s!u#en! -ranz Kafka me! his
fello' alumni an# frien#s >a" 1ro# an#
+ohannes /rzi#il& he KarlF-er#inan#
/niversi!y 'as #issolve# in 192= 'hen !he
#epar!men! reloca!e# !o >unich an# $ecame
Colle0ium Carolinum e&7& he .ula >a"ima
ha# al'ays $een a s!ron0 me!aphor for a
place of learnin0 !ha! survive# a !umul!uous
his!ory& he plaCue on !he 'all informe# me
!ha! !he -ascis!s close# !he universi!y in
af!er !he s!u#en! uprisin0 of Govem$er 1O!h&
1938& ;ach year( !he uprisin0 is na!ionally
commemora!e# as !he %@ay of -ree#om an#
he .ula >a"ima ha# !o $e re$uil! $e!'een
192* an# 19=5& .f!er !he 'ar( i! picke# up !he
pieces once a0ain ye! !he poli!ical si!ua!ion
has con!ri$u!e# !o i!s slo' #ecline& -or
e"ample( all s!u#en!s 'ere e"pec!e# !o !rain
a! !he army an# !his measure prove# !o $e
Cui!e unpopular in aca#emic circles& <
peepe# in!o !he .ula >a"ima !hrou0h
arche# 'in#o's in!o an una#orne# room
e"cep! for vo!ive ima0es from !he >i##leF
.0es& he s!u#en!s 'orke# on lamina!e
!a$les un#er neon li0h!s& <f < ha# har$oure#
any roman!ic no!ions of universi!y as a
feu#al relic from a 'orl# of Aa!inFspeakin0
scri$es( no' !hey 'ere $lo'n !o
he 6rofessor no!ice# me an# Boine# me Bus!
as < 'as a$ou! !o look for him insi#e !he .ula
>a"ima& 3e 'en! $ack !o !he 6or!er%s
Ao#0e& he near$y s!aircase le# #o'n !o !he
$asemen!& 1y !he s!aircase( !here s!oo# a
pi0eonFhole cup$oar# la$elle# 'i!h roomF
num$ers& >y office( room ;111( 'as loca!e#
a! !he en# of !he $asemen! corri#or $e!'een
!he care!aker%s #oor an# !he !oile!s& he
6rofessor e"plaine# !ha! !his 'as par! of !he
a#min #epar!men!& < 0uesse# apar! from
!ypin0 s!uff( < 'oul# pro$a$ly $e filin0
Aike coun!less o!hers rooms in !his
'arren( ;111 fel! narro'( 0rey( monas!ic & <!
'as li! $y neon an# sparsely furnishe# 'i!h
lamina!e furni!ure& . cellarF'in#o' 'i!h
$ars opene# !o !he inner cour!yar#& .
$lack$ir# 'as sin0in0R < imme#ia!ely
!hou0h!: %he ca0e seeks !he $ir#%& >y
previous employers mus! have !ol# !he
6rofessor !ha! < 'as a !e#ious skivvy: his
ne' Bo$ #i# no! seem any less lonesome& <n a
'ay( 'orkin0 on my o'n sui!e# me Bus! fine&
he 6rofessor a##e# !ha! my Bo$ a! !he
paperFmill Cualifie# me for !he ne' !ask&
;111%s func!ion 'as !o ensure !ha! cup$oar#s
'ere s!ocke# 'i!h enou0h paperFclips(
$leach( $rushes( paper( !oile!Fpaper( ink(
pens( pencils e!c !o keep !he opera!ions in
!he $asemen! runnin0 smoo!hly& he
cup$oar# 'as locke# $ecause of pilferin0
an# < 'as !he Keeper of !he Key& GoFone
likes !his kin# of Bo$s $ecause i! involves a
lo! of paper'ork an# #ealin0 'i!h
$ureaucracy F !he a#min eCuivalen! of
Cueuin0 for 0roceries& < 'oul# !ype le!!ers !o
!he suppliers on a Czech Consul an# an
Cyrillic ;rika& /ps!airs 'oul# #ic!a!e !heir
reCuiremen!s !o me& >y kno'le#0e of
,erou!F>ikul_k shor!han# prove# Cui!e
han#y for !akin0 no!es&
he 6rofessor su00es!e# !ha! if < fancie#
some aca#emic research( < coul# !ry an#
!ransla!e an ol# )ermanFlan0ua0e
en0ineerin0 manual from !he ,a$s$ur0 era(
an# !hen perhaps( havin0 a 0o a! !ransla!in0
i! in!o :ussian& <! 'as recen!ly re#iscovere#
insi#e !he Carolinum an# !he universi!y 'as
keen !o kno' more a$ou! !ha! aspec! of i!s
his!ory& his is ho' < learn! every!hin0 a$ou!
!he imperial se'a0e sys!em F one canno!
accuse me of no! havin0 s!u#ie# any!hin0 a!
.n# so !he #aily rou!ine s!ar!e#& -or ei0h!
hours a #ay( five #ays a 'eek( confine# in
;111( < 'as #ealin0 'i!h paper'ork an#
learnin0 a$ou! !he coarse racks (?esle)( 0ri#
cham$ers (lapa? p_sku)( primary clarifiers
(usazovac_ nQ#rV)( !he slu#0e $ar0e an#
sani!a!ion& Cons!ruc!ion on !he se'a0e
sys!em in preF'ar 6ra0ue $e0an in 188* an#
!ook !'en!y years !o $uil#& <! covere# 88&=59
sCuare kilome!ers& he se'a0e plan! 'as
loca!e# in 1u$ene? $eyon# !he >alQ
S!rana& he manual informe# me !ha! !he
loca!ion 'as firs! men!ione# in 119O an# i!
acCuire# ci!y s!a!us in 1952& he plan! i!self
'as loca!e# 'i!hin a !rian0le of !he
echnical /niversi!y( !he Cas!le an# !he
.ca#emy of -ine ar!s& < coul# s'ear !ha! a!
!imes( < coul# smell imperial effluen!s $u!
!ha! 'as Bus! my min# playin0 !ricks& <n
reali!y( 'ha! in!errup!e# !he silence an# !he
cla!!erin0 of !he !ypeF'ri!er 'ere !he soun#s
of people flushin0 !he !oile!s& < ima0ine#
'ha! !he people comin0 an# 0oin0 ne"! #oor
looke# like( or mi0h! look like( F from !heir
foo!s!eps( < also 0uesse# !he kin# of shoes
!hey 'ere 'earin0& Aa!er( < ven!ure# !o 0uess
!heir $o#y shape accor#in0 !o !he soun# of
!heir paces F heavy paces or people 'ho
!rea# cau!iously& >y ima0ina!ion 'as no!
vivi# enou0h !o pain! por!rai!s of !hose
foo!s!eps% o'ners& < #i# no! 'an! !o piece
!o0e!her fra0men!s of conversa!ion $ecause <
#i# no! 'an! !o eaves#rop&
< fel! like < 'oul# 0e! ol# very Cuickly in ;111&
3ha! sor! of promo!ion coul# < ever e"pec!D
;ven !he !ransla!ion 'as poin!less& <! 'as
nei!her ur0en! nor ear!hFsha!!erin0 an#(
'i!h more !han one hun#re# pa0es( i! fel!
like spinnin0 a $lanke! on a small loom& <
'as no! sure ho' !he !ransla!ion of !echnical
papers a$ou! sani!a!ion 'as 0oin0 !o
improve my kno'le#0e of !he )erman
lan0ua0e $u! i! 'as miles a'ay from :ainer
>aria :ilke%s %'o S!ories of 6ra0ue%& <n !he
eyes of some( a useful manual is $e!!er !han a
#eca#en! $our0eois novel&
-rom !ime !o !ime( < pause# an# my 0aze
'an#ere# lookin0 for clues& he ca$ine!
res!e# a0ains! !he 'all( 'i!h car#s an#
papers sho'in0 a! !heir open #ra'ers&
@urin0 !he #ay( < kep! !he #ra'ers open&
.nyone 'ho #i# come !o reCues! a pen or
o!her supplies ha# !o !ick !he re0is!er& <
coul# no! fin# any clue a$ou! !he person
'ho 'orke# here $efore me& < #i#n%! ask any
Cues!ions $ecause in !his coun!ry !he mos!
ano#yne 'or# can $ecome selfF
incrimina!in0& Gever for0e!: %loose lips sink
>s SochorovQ( !he li0h!Ffoo!e# courier
'orke# also as a research assis!an!& She ha#
shor! $leache# $lon#e hair an# 'ore male
clo!hin0 an# ha# no !ime !o s!op #is!ri$u!in0
memos& She 'oul# $arely sai# hello& >r
,uml F !he morose care!aker came !o !ake
ou! !oile!Frolls an# paper !o'els& ,e #i# his
roun#s 'i!h his cleanin0 car!( !icke# !he
re0is!er an# lef! ;111 af!er Cuickly moppin0
!he floor 'i!h $leach& 3herever he 'en!( !he
smell of $leach lin0ere#&
he moo# in !he $asemen! 'as so #o'n$ea!
!ha! < coul# no! help !hinkin0 !ha! < ha#
$een #emo!e# !o !his Bo$& <n hin#si0h!( my
!ime a! !he army an# a! !he paperFmill
almos! seeme# i#yllic& 3as my appearance
no! !i#y enou0hD @i# < #o any!hin0 'ron0D
hese Cues!ions came an# 'en!& < #i# no!
'an! !o specula!e !oo much a$ou! my fa!e&
9n paper( < 'as a 6rofessor%s assis!an! a!
6ra0ue Charles /niversi!y& >y 'a0es 'oul#
have $een much hi0her if < ha# s!aye# a! !he
mill( $u! !he Bo$ !i!le please# my selfF
chapter 6
(May 1967)
>y Bo$ ha# perks& -our 'eeks af!er < s!ar!e#
'orkin0( !he 6rofessor invi!e# me !o see a
concer!& < ha# never seen a classical
performance( le! alone one a! !he
:u#olfinum& he 6ra0ue Cham$er ,armony
(6K9) con#uc!e# $y Ai$or 6eIek 'oul# $e
performin0 >ozar!%s %6ra0ue Symphony% F
!he piece < hear# a! !he 7ara#y house on my
firs! evenin0 in 6ra0ue&
.s < 'as fin#in0 my 'ay in!o !he s!alls of !he
0il#e# $aroCue $uil#in0( < coul# no! !ake my
eyes a'ay from !he opulen! in!erior of !he
re# an# 0ol# @voLQk ,all& -or !he occasion( <
ha# shave# an# #resse# up smar!ly in my
freshlyFirone# sui! an# my polishe# shoes&
9l0a 7ara#yovQ( 'ho 'as 'earin0 a simple
$lack coa! over her $lue #ress an# a $ere! on
her hea# even looke# please# 'i!h meR !he
6rofessor $eame#& <rina Kova?ovQ 'as
'earin0 a mauve #ress 'i!h a !'ee# Backe!&
3e #i# no! have much !ime for conversa!ion
$ecause !he re# cur!ain rose an# !he
orches!ra s!ar!e# playin0& Go' < sa' all !he
music ins!rumen!s F cello( viola( violins(
flu!es( clarine!s( $assoons an# foun# !he
music soo!hin0 all!hou0h < #i# no!
un#ers!an# i!&
.f!er !he concer!( !he !'o 'omen an# !he
6rofessor s!ar!e# an anima!e# conversa!ion
in :ussian a$ou! !he 'arm an# e"pressive
an#an!e an# !he #ark an# !ra0ic melo#y& he
6rofessor looke# a! me an# e"plaine# !ha!
%!he apprecia!ion of $eau!y is a #emocra!ic
e"perience%& <n his 'or#s( !he purpose of
cul!ure 'as !o enli0h!en !he human min#(
!his is 'hy museums( !hea!res an# concer!
halls are su$si#ize# $y !he 0overnmen!&
-rom !hen on( !he !rio invi!e# me !o come
alon0 !o cul!ural even!s once a mon!h& 9n
one han#( !his encroache# on my free !ime&
9n !he o!her han#( < ha# no o!her frien#s in
6ra0ue& -or a 'hile( !his kep! me happy( an#
< #i#n%! min# !he !e#ium of ;111 any more& <
$ou0h! pos!car#s from every place < 'en!
an# frame# !hem myself 'i!h car#$oar# an#
s!ra' 'ork& he pic!ures $ri0h!ene# up my
room& < also craf!e# car#$oar# lan!ern
lampsha#es for !he ceilin0 li0h!$ul$s& -or !he
ne"! mon!hs( < kep! up 'i!h my personal
appearance an# fel! less lacka#aisical& <n !he
'in!er( !ire#ness cau0h! up 'i!h me $ecause
#ue !o a$sur# ni0h!mares( < #i# no! sleep
'ell a! ni0h!&
<ns!ea# of !ossin0 an# !urnin0 in my $e#( <
'oul# 0e! up a! five o%clock in !he mornin0(
leave !he house an# 'alk !hrou0h !he 9l#
o'n up !o Kampa <slan# on !he >alQ
S!rana& 1y !he river $ank( < enBoye# !he
soli!u#e as < sa! on a $ench un#er !he lin#en
!rees& <! 'as al'ays !oo #ark !o see !he
herons( #ucks an# o!her 'a!erFfo'ls( $u! <
never faile# !o hear !he $lack$ir#s
performin0 !he #a'n chorus& 3hen i!
raine#( < 'oul# 'alk aroun# Kampa <slan# !o
!he Charles 1ri#0e an# shel!er un#er !he
arches for a 'hile( #rinkin0 min! !ea from
my vacuum flask& he police s!oppe# me
almos! !hrice a 'eek an# 'oul# ask me
a$ou! my $usiness& ;ach !ime( < !ol# !hem
!ha! < use# !o 0e! up early in !he army an#
!his ans'er seeme# !o sa!isfy !hem& <n !his
coun!ry( va0rancy an# $uskin0 are ille0al&
.f!er !he la!es! encoun!er 'i!h uniform( as <
looke# across !o !he :u#olfinum( < realise#
!ha! < un#ers!oo# !he #ark moo# of >ozar!%s
6ra0ue Symphony& his ci!y 'as !ra0ic an#
mournin0 !he loss of i!s free#om& his
feelin0 lin0ere# on especially( 'hen on my
#aily 'alks( < looke# up !o !he ,rQ# Cas!le&
-or #eca#es( i! ha# $een popula!e# $y
hear!less rulers enforcin0 a$sur# le0isla!ion&
3hen in#ivi#uals in po'er no lon0er see
!hemselves as !he represen!a!ives of !heir
ci!izens an# !hey s!ar! $ehavin0 in an
ar$i!rary manner( !hen !he ci!izens can no
lon0er $e $lame# for mis!rus!in0 !he
0overnmen!& hose ci!izens realize !ha! !hey
are livin0 un#er a !yranny 'hen !he s!a!e
#eci#es !ha! !here is a nee# for an
omnipresen! police force F or one !ha! is
perceive# !o $e so F !o cur$ any resis!ance&
he po'erless $ecome !oo paranoi# an# !oo
#epresse# !o un#er!ake civic ac!ion& he
official slo0an !ha! 'e live# in a %Ai#ovQ
@emocracie F 6eople%s @emocracy% F 'as a
-rom !he ,a$s$ur0s !o !he $ir!h of !he -irs!
:epu$lic( #urin0 !he Gazi occupa!ion an#
since !he 6ra0ue Coup #%`!a!( !he Cas!le has
enforce# !he rule of !he occupyin0 forces&
3e #o no! !hin0s %!he 1ohemian 'ay%& %6ra0a
Capu! :e0ni%( !he kin0s #o no lon0er rei0n
$u! feu#al !imes are s!ill very much 'i!h us&
Go'a#ays( 'e are !he vassals of !he Sovie!
/nion an# i!s Zuislin0s&
his ne' realiza!ion unse!!le# me $ecause <
'as 'ell on my 'ay !o $ecome a Zuislin0
myself( a colla$ora!or 'ho coul# no! resis!
!emp!a!ion& <! 'as a #ifficul! para#o" !o live
'i!h& < refraine# from communica!in0 my
Cualms $ecause in a %6eople%s @emocracy%(
sufferin0 from a men!al illness such as
#epression can 0e! you sec!ione# in an
asylum& /nlike prison( you never kno' 'hen
you can leave !he asylum&
chapter 7
(!ne-"ece#$er 1967)
he 'ar in !he >i##leF;as! !ook place
#urin0 si" #ays in +une& he ne'spapers 'ere
repor!in0 #aily a$ou! i!& Govo!ny( !he KS
secre!aryF0eneral( a#op!e# an an!iF<srael
rhe!oric& his kin# of a!!i!u#e 'as no!hin0
ne'( an# some!imes < 'as no! sure 'he!her
!he issue 'as really a$ou! !he 6ales!inian
!hemselves an# <sraeli colonialism( or
'he!her i! 'as accep!a$le a0ain !o $e an!iF
semi!ic like in !he !imes 'hen +an Geru#a
#epic!e# +e'ish people as 0ree#y moneyF
len#ers& .s if every +e'ish8<sraeli person 'as
an imperialis! moneylen#erW <srael 'as a
s!ra!e0ic /S ally( an# !he Si" @ay 3ar 'as
Bus! ano!her episo#e of Col# 3ar of
9n !he 49& of +une( some!hin0 incre#i$le
happene# a! !he 3ri!er%s Con0ress& ,en#rich
!he 0overnmen! represen!a!ive mus! have
$een surprise# 'hen !he 'ri!er 6avel Kohou!
ma#e a speech comparin0 <srael%s #es!iny
'i!h !he fa!e of Czechoslovakia af!er !he
>unich .0reemen!& >r Kohou! also !alke#
a$ou! !he %hi0h level of #emocracy an#
free#om enBoye# in Czechoslovakia $efore
!he 'ar 'hen !he mos! eminen! fi0ures of
Czech an# Slovak li!era!ure freely #eci#e# in
favour of socialism& ,e a##e# !ha! !he
con!inui!y of Czechoslovak li!era!ure 'as
$roken in 1929& <n his 'or#s( !he %crea!ive
process 'as shackle#( pu! in !he service of
propa0an#a( cul!ure an# cru#e u!ili!arian
forces&% he a##e# !ha! !he 19=O press la's
'ere less pro0ressive !ha! un#er !he
,a$s$ur0 rule& ,e conclu#e# his speech $y
Cuo!in0 from a le!!er $y #issi#en! Sovie!
'ri!er .le"an#er Solzheni!syn&
;choin0 6avel Kohou!( +an 6rocha!zka(
#epu!y mem$er of !he Commi!!ee an#
former a#viser !o Comra#e Govo!n rea# a
le!!er #enouncin0 !he an!iF<srael rhe!oric&
-inally( Au#vik 7akulik sai# !ha! !he poli!ical
sys!em ha# !urne# a na!ion of ci!izens in!o a
her# of faceless( !errifie# su$Bec!s& ,e calle#
for a reform of !he 19*5 cons!i!u!ion !o
pro!ec! ci!izens a0ains! !he a$use of po'er&
he 6rofessor an# < 'ere surprise# a$ou! !he
speeches& hen my companion shru00e# his
shoul#ers $ecause !his ha# no!hin0 !o 'i!h
him& 3hile !he ins!i0a!ors 'ere su$Bec!e# !o
#isciplinary measures $y !he au!hori!ies( life
'en! on as $efore& .f!er !ransla!in0 !he 19&C
en0ineerin0 manual( < 'as ins!ruc!e# !o !ype
lis!s of 'or#s 'i!h alphaFnumeric co#es&
>ore of!en !han enou0h( < use# !he Cyrillic
;rika& < never foun# ou! 'ha! !hese lis!s 'ere
suppose# !o mean& Someone( some'here a!
6ra0ue /niversi!y mi0h! $e 'ri!in0 a
research paper $ase# on !hese !ypescrip!s&
6erhaps one #ay( !his person 'ill receive a
Go$el 6rize or 'ork as a consul!an! for an
impor!an! commi!!ee&
< 'as 0la# !ha! < 'asn%! in !he shoes of Slovak
novelis! Aa#islav >na?ko 'ho !ravelle# !o
<srael #urin0 !he summer an# #enounce# !he
an!iFSemi!ic propa0an#a $y !he SS:
0overnmen!& .s a re!alia!ion( !he
0overnmen! s!rippe# him off his ci!izenship&
.no!her 'ri!er calle# +an 1eneI 'en! on !rial
$ecause he ha# $een keepin0 con!ac!s 'i!h
na!ionals 'ho ha# emi0ra!e#& 3ors! of all(
Charles , +or#an( !he viceFchairman of !he
.mericanF+e'ish or0aniza!ion 'as foun#
mur#ere# !ha! summer& <n !he 'or#s of
Au#vik 7akulik( < 'as a faceless( !errifie#
su$Bec! an# < re0ar#e# ;111 'as my cocoon&
.n# so !he summer en#e# an# < ha# spen!
mos! of i! in#oors or $y !he river& .ll !he
plans !o !ake !he re0ional !rain an# e"plore
!he coun!ryFsi#e came !o no!hin0&
he ne' au!umn semes!er s!ar!e# an# !he
universi!y 'as a0ain $us!lin0 'i!h s!u#en!s&
his is 'hen !he 6rofessor informe# me !ha!
!he Sovie! Ga!ional -ilm Company $ase# in
>osco' 'as comin0 !o film a 7F
#ocumen!ary on Slavkov& @i# < min#
'orkin0 on several Sa!ur#ays up !o
@ecem$erD < #i#n%! min# $esi#es he invi!e#
me for lunch a! !he Corso& 3hile i! is !rue
!ha! Slavonic place names #o no! mean
much !o a 'orl# au#ience( Slavkov ma#e i!
in!o !he his!ory $ooks& <n 185=( a! !he $a!!le
of .us!erli!z( !he -rench <mperial .rmy le#
$y Gapoleon #efea!e# !he ,a$s$ur0 .rmy
le# $y Coun! Sch'arzen$er0& .! !he
su$seCuen! !rea!y of 6resslau( !he .us!rian
;mpire los! !he province of 7or#eras!erreich
'hich 'as incorpora!e# in!o !he proF
Gapoleonic )erman kin0#om of
3Jr!!em$er0& . year la!er( !he ,oly :oman
;mpire of )erman Ga!ions cease# !o e"is!&
3ha! happene# in Slavkov cause# !he en# of
)ermanFcul!ure feu#alism an# !ha! is 'hy
>ar"is! his!orians fin# !his even! very
Slavkov is a Cuie! villa0e e"cep! on !he =& of
@ecem$er 'hen !he local his!orical socie!y
reFenac!s !he 1a!!le of .us!erli!z& his is
'here 'e 'ere hea#in0 !o& he Bourney
las!e# !hree hours& 9n !he coach( !he
6rofessor spoke :ussian an# en!er!aine# !he
passen0ers 'i!h anec#o!es from his
$ook& <nVenr +anina Spove#nicQ seeme# !o
$e in!eres!e#& he 0roup of s!u#en!s !ook
no!es an# !he :ussian 7 cre' seeme#
fascina!e# as 'ell& <n !his coun!ry( i! is har#
!o !ell if someone is really lis!enin0& >uch !o
my cha0rin( < #i# no! ca!ch every!hin0
$ecause < 'as feelin0 s'ea!y an# col#( my
han#s 'ere re# an# $lue& 3hen my senses
sharpene# a0ain( !he 6rofessor 'as s!ill
!alkin0 $u! no' he 'as !ellin0 !ha! !he
SnoBmo re0ion ha# !he #ries! clima!e in
Czechoslovakia& <! 'as reno'ne# for i!s
vineyar#s an# cucum$er pa!ches& he coach
passe# a :omanic cas!le 'i!h a ro!un#a
'hich 'as $uil! in 1182 an# #e#ica!e# !o
Sain! Ca!herine& Shor!ly af!er'ar#( 'e
arrive# in Slavkov&
Slavkov is !he ori0inal name of !he place(
'hils! .us!erli!z is #erive# from Govose#lice
'hich means %ne' se!!lemen!%& )ermanF
speakin0 Au!herans 'ho foun#e# !he
>oravian Church se! up a commune in !he
area F !hey like# !he i#ea of $ein0
lin0uis!ically isola!e# an# !hey evan0elize#
!hrou0h !he use of ima0ery&
he coach finally s!oppe# in fron! of Slavkov
civic hall& here 'as a 0roup of chil#ren an#
!eena0ers 'avin0 na!ional an# Sovie! fla0s&
hey performe# a son0 calle# %9h( <f < coul#
e"press <! in Soun#% compose# $y :ussian
son0'ri!ers >alashkin an# Aishin& he
6rofessor looke# please# an# some of !he
7Fcre' pose# for pho!os 'i!h onlookers
an# mem$ers of !he ]ou!h Choir& he
6rofessor #ecline# $ein0 pho!o0raphe# an#
sai# !ha! <nspek!or Spove#nicQ 'as much
more pho!o0enic an# !ha! she 'as !he face of
!he #epar!men!& >arina SochorovQ( #ra00e#
me in!o !he sho!& his 'as 0rea! fun&
9u!si#e !he Civic ,al( a fe' volun!eers 'i!h
clip$oar#s 'ere #is!ri$u!in0 $a#0es !o !he
s!u#en!s an# !o some of !he !eena0ers as
!hey 'en! in& hen !hey 'en! insi#e !o s!u#y
!he mo#el $a!!lefiel#& he his!orical socie!y
ha# me!iculously place# fi0urines of sol#iers
an# horses& <n !he film( one 0roup of youn0
people 'oul# $e impersona!in0 !he sol#iers
of !he ,a$s$ur0 ;mpire le# $y !he mem$er
'ho playe# Coun! Sch'arzen$er0( o!hers
'oul# $e playin0 !he par! of Gapoleonic
sol#iers& >y assi0ne# !ask 'as !o coun! !he
$a#0es an# !ype #o'n !he names of !heir
hol#ers& hen !hey marche# off !o !he filmF
se! $y !he @yBe :iver ou!si#e !he villa0e& < #i#
no! 'an! !o play sol#ier F !he #ays of 'a#in0
in !he mu# 'earin0 !he 0rey uniform of !he
%eskoslovenka Ai#ova .rma#a% 'ere lon0
0one&&& 3hen someone close# !he 'in#o'( <
enBoye# my Bo$ even more&
Soon af!er'ar#( !he e"per!s arrive#&
6rofessor .le"ei <lli!ch Kulyakin( an
avuncular sof!Fspoken man 'as !he #irec!or
of !he Socie!y for .us!roFSovie! -rien#ship&
@espi!e his name( he 'as no! a Sovie! ci!izen
$u! a na!ive ,un0arian of 1al!ic e"!rac!ion
hol#in0 an .us!rian passpor!& )enosse
.mmereiner( cura!or a! !he .us!rian .rmy
>useum (Gapoleonic 3ars sec!ion)
accompanie# him& <nVenr Spove#nicQ came
aroun# an# 0ree!e# !hem& 'o e"per!s from
!he 3es! also passe# my #esk& < can va0uely
make !ha! !he ;n0lish one 'as a man of
.frican #escen! calle# :e# Somerse! from
Cam$ri#0e an# !ha! he 'as !alkin0 a$ou!
Karl >ar"%s sonFinFla' 6aul Aafar0ue 'ho
'as $orn in Cu$a& he -rench e"per! 'as a
aca#emic calle# 7i!!oria >ucchieli from
Corsica& .s nei!her e"per! coul# speak Czech
or :ussian( 6rofessor Kulyakin ac!e# as an
in!erpre!er as he 'as eCually fluen! in
;n0lish( )erman( -rench( Czech an#
:ussian& he e"per!s( consul!an!s an#
remainin0 filmFcre' 'ere invi!e# !o !he
$aroCue cas!le $y Comra#e KXn( !he local
KS chef for a po#ium #iscussion& <nV&
Spove#nicQ allo'e# me an hour lunchF$reak
so < #an#ere# aroun# !he villa0e&
-irs! < $ou0h! some pos!car#s a! a kiosk&
hen < or#ere# a re# $ee!roo! soup 'i!h
#umplin0s an# a 0lass of $eer a! !he local
KQvarna& 3his! 'ai!in0 for my foo#( < 'ro!e
0ree!in0s !o my family in Kos!elec an# !o my
lan#la#y in 6ra0ue& he ra#io 'as playin0
%<sel >a?ek% a folkloric son0 $y s!a!eFar!is!
Karel )o!! an# his >oravian ensem$le& .!
my lan#la#y%s( !he ra#io 'as al'ays 'afflin0
!hose pseu#oFfolklore son0s& < rea# !he
papers 'hich s!ill men!ione# !he Charles ,
+or#an mur#er an# !he +an 1eneI !rial&
.f!er < finishe# my lunch( < place# !he paper
$ack in!o i!s rack an# < re!urne# !o !he hall&
here < 'as alone 'i!h !he mo#el $a!!lefiel#
an# a fe' mem$ers of s!aff& < #rank some
coffee from my flask& -or a minu!e or so( <
pi!ie# !he volun!eers on !he $a!!lefiel#& hen
< #ismisse# !he !hou0h! $ecause a! leas! !his
'as make $elieve an# !hey 'oul# all come
$ack an# $e prou# !o fea!ure in a
#ocumen!ary& 1efore 'e lef!( 6rofessor
Kulyakin !ol# us !ha! he 'as lookin0 for'ar#
!o screenin0 !he #ocumen!ary a! his socie!y
in 7ienna an# !ha! our #epar!men! 'as
cor#ially invi!e#& <nV& Spove#nicQ 'as ea0er
!o accep! $u! !he 6rofessor sai# !ha! he
nee#e# !o check his sche#ule&
. fe' #ays la!er( Secre!ary )eneral Govo!ny
'as a#vise# $y his par!y !o s!an# #o'n an#
pu$lish a selfFcri!ical s!a!emen!& .le"an#er
@u$?ek $ecame his successor& Aike !he
6rofessor( he came from Slovakia( unlike !he
6rofessor( he 'as a Slovak& he par!y
#escri$e# him as more mo#era!e !han
Govo!ny an# !hey seeme# please# a$ou!
!heir choice&
6rofessor Kulyakin%s invi!a!ion !o a!!en# !he
screenin0 of !he #ocumen!ary on Slavkov
came in early +anuary& .! !he !ime( !he
6rofessor 'as in Aenin0ra# 'i!h his 'ife an#
he reCues!e# $y phone !ha! <nV&
Spove#nicQ an# < a!!en#e# !he even!&
he inVenr aske# >arina SochorovQ !o
come 'i!h us as she 'as a 0oo# #river& his
visi! !o 7ienna 'oul# $e a 0oo# oppor!uni!y
!o raise !he profile of 6ra0ue Charles
/niversi!y a$roa#&
chapter %
(an!ary 196%)
3elcome !o !he free 3es!W 3ell no! Cui!e:
!heore!ically( .us!ria is loca!e# 'i!hin !he
neu!ral zone $e!'een !he ;as! an# !he 3es!&
.us!ria likes !o call !his par! of !he 'orl#
%>i!!eleuropa F Cen!ral ;urope%( 'hich is a
far $e!!er 'or# !han %$uffer zone%& here are
several $uffer coun!ries in ;urope&
]u0oslavia is a >ar"is! $uffer s!a!e !ha! #oes
no! $elon0 !o !he 3arsa' 6ac!R .us!ria an#
-inlan# are neu!ral capi!alis! s!a!es !ha! #o
no! $elon0 !o G.9& Since a SS: person
only nee#s a na!!y 0rey passpor! !o !ravel !o
]u0oslavia an# a flashy 0reen for !he o!her
!'o coun!ries( < conclu#e# !ha! .us!ria 'as
re0ar#e# as par! of !he 3es!&
9ur car follo'e# !o ol# pa!h of !he -ranzF
+osefsF1ahn via 1u#eBovice( esk 7elenice(
)mJn#( ulln( Klos!erneu$ur0 an# 'e
arrive# in 7ienna !hrou0h !he #is!ric! of
7ienna 'as no' a fa#in0 name in !he
%;uropean Concer!% so a! leas! i! !rie# !o
main!ain i!s cul!ural repu!a!ion $y
or0anizin0 ar!s even!s& 3e #rove on !he
-rie#ens$rJcke 1ri#0e over !he @anu$e
canal& he 3ien river mean#ers un#ernea!h
!he Karlspla!z SCuare& <nV& Spove#nicQ aske#
!he car !o $e parke# in !he 1asen#orfer
S!rasse( %'here !hey $uil# !he famous
pianos%& he /niversi!y 'as loca!e# on !he
Scho!!en!or( F !he name refers !o !he <rishF
Sco!!ish missionaries !ha! se!!le# here in !he
14!h C& he me#ieval ci!y 'alls 'ere pu!
#o'n in !he 19!h C& !o form !he :in0s!rasse&

3e ha# arrive# !hree hours !oo early ye!
6rofessor Kulyakin an# )enosse .mmereiner
'ere alrea#y 'ai!in0 for us in !he lo$$y of
!he KJns!lerhaus 1uil#in0& hey shook our
han#s an#( speakin0 :ussian( !hey invi!e# us
for a coffee a! !he Karlspla!z CafT&
here 'as an opulen! smell of coffee in !he
room& -rom i!s $ay 'in#o' 'i!h !he .r!F
Gouveau arch an# 0il#e# folia0e #ecora!ion(
!here 'as a vie' #o'n over !he sou!h of !he
ci!y an# !he re#Fan#F'hi!e !rams #rivin0 up
!he 3ie#ner ,aup!s!rasse& 9n !he lef!( 'e
coul# see !he Karlskirche Church 'i!h i!s
0reen #ome an# i!s !all 'hi!e an# 0ol#en
pillar& . ma0nificen! place in#ee#&
< 'an!e# !o 'ash my clammy han#s $efore
!ouchin0 any!hin0( so 6rofessor Kulyakin
aske# )enosse .mmereiner !o sho' me !he
res!Frooms& 9$viously no$o#y 'an!e# me !o
a$scon#& .s 'e 'en! #o'n !he s!airs( my
ro!un# companion 'i!h !he 0rey sui! an# !he
roun# 0lasses 'hispere# in )erman:
M< am no! sure 'he!her you can un#ers!an#
me( 9$?an (\ci!izen) Sko#a?ek& <f you #o(
simply no# an# lis!en&N
6e!rifie#( < no##e#& ,e 'en! on sayin0:
M]our name soun#s familiar !o me& >any
years a0o( my frien# >a" Se$es!a use# !o 0o
ou! 'i!h a 0irl calle# 9livia Scha#en& ,er
$ro!her 'as calle# .#of Scha#en& Se$es!a
!ol# me !ha! Scha#en 'en! !o
Czechoslovakia 'here calle# himself .n!on
Sko#a?ek& < am no! suppose# !o !ell you all
!his $ecause you people are no! allo'e# !o
fra!ernize 'i!h .us!rian na!ionals& @o you
kno' !his .n!on Sko#a?ekDN
M6ossi$ly& @o you $y any chance kno' his
'ife%s nameDN
M,is 'ife 'as calle# >aria some!hin0 from
M3e are !alkin0 a$ou! my fa!herWN
< coul# no! #is0uise my e"ci!emen!&
.mmereiner looke# alarme#:
M]ou coul# $e in 0rea! #an0er& ]our fa!her
'as mur#ere#WN
M< kno' !ha!& < 'an! !o kno' 'ho mur#ere#
him& ;very!hin0 < kno' poin!s !o !he
,enleinis! -reikorps $ecause !hey ki#nappe#
him& 3hy am < in #an0erDN
M@on%! you kno' !ha! many former
,enleinis!s resi#e here in .us!riaDN
M< am a'are of !ha!& hey 'ere e"pelle# from
our coun!ry af!er !he 'ar& < 'oul# $e 0ra!eful
if anyone !ol# me !he name of !he
M,o' vi!al is !his informa!ion !o you( 9$?an
M>ore impor!an! !han my safe!y&N
M<f you mana0e !o visi! .us!ria on your o'n(
!hen 0o !o a place calle# %7o!ova .n!iCuarian
1ooks%& <! is on !he 3ie#ner ,aup!s!rasse
opposi!e !he /niversi!y of echnolo0y&
,o'ever( refrain from 0oin0 !here !o#ay
$ecause your superior may repor! you&N
M%7o!ova .n!iCuarian 1ookshop% on !he
3ie#ner ,aups!rasse&N
M]es& 6os!co#e 1525& <f you 0o !here( !ell
!hem !ha! you 'oul# like !o speak !o 9livia& <
implore you: un#er no circums!ances can
you !ell anyone a$ou! me& < #on%! 'an! any
Mhank you&N
M@on%! le! 6rofessor Kulyakin nor your
superior 0uess ho' 'ell you un#ers!an#
M<%ve never spoken )erman $efore&N
M,ere are !he res!Frooms( see you la!er&N
ha! #ay( < ha# reasons !o $e prou# for < 'as
a$le !o un#ers!an# spoken )erman&
,o'ever( far from $ein0 a$le !o $oas! a$ou!
my e"ploi!( < ha# !o pre!en# !o $e s!upi#&
his 'as very frus!ra!in0& < 'ashe# my
han#s( !hen 'e 'en! $ack ups!airs& < fel!
MSou#ruh (\Comra#e) Sko#a?ek is learnin0
)erman&N >arina SochorovQ sai#
M9h 'on#erfulWN .mmereiner e"claime# in
M< can !ransla!e !hin0s 'i!h a #ic!ionary on
han#( $u! < have !rou$le un#ers!an#in0 i!& <
'oul# $e los! 'i!hou! an in!erpre!er&N
MSou#ruh Sko#a?ek !ransla!e# an ,aps$ur0F
era en0ineerin0 manual for !he
universi!y&N <nV& Spove#nicQ sai#&
6rofessor Kulyakin !ransla!e# for )enosse
.mmereiner an# a##e# !ha! he 'as 0la# !ha!
Sou#ruh Sko#a?ek 'as no! relievin0 him
from his Bo$& hen he !hanke# us a0ain for
helpin0 him !o arran0e !he filmFshoo! in
Slavkov& .f!er !ha! !he conversa!ion revolve#
aroun# !he #ocumen!ary& .s !he :ussianF
lan0ua0e even! 'as a$ou! !o s!ar!( our !'o
hos!s lef! us in !he foyer of !he universi!y&
hey lef! !hrou0h !he s!a0e e"i!( an# 'e !ook
our assi0ne# sea!s in !he fron! ro' of !he
.s 6rofessor Kulyakin 'as in!ro#ucin0 !he
film an# Cuo!in0 from 6rofessor 7ara#y%s
$ook( $ehin# me( !'o Bournalis!s 'ere
!alkin0 !o each o!her in )erman&
/nfor!una!ely( < un#ers!oo# every 'or# !ha!
!he repor!er 'i!h !he lion mane 'as sayin0
!o !he pho!o0rapher in !he yello' checke#
M.n# <%m !ellin0 you( 1eilermann( !he !hief
can never $e sure of himself& -rom Silesia !o
Sou!h irol&N
Moo much poli!ics for me( Aeuch!en0ru$er& <
consi#er myself a socie!y pho!o0rapher&N
Mo#ay( 'e are lone 'olves amon0s! !he :e#
pack& < can%! spo! nei!her cele$ri!ies( nor any
of our local poli!icians& Go! even Karl 1lecha(
never min# .n!on 1enBa& 3i!hou!
cele$ri!ies( no column&N
Mhey are pro$a$ly a! !he homas 1ernhar#
lec!ure& ,e al'ays says ou!ra0eous !hin0s&N
M;very !ime < Cuo!e homas 1ernhar#( !he
paper receives s!acks of complain!s& <!%s 0oo#
for $usiness& ,o'ever( !he $oss can%! s!an#
him& ,e says 1ernhar#! is a faile# >ozar!
!enor 'ho hol#s !he 'hole 'orl# responsi$le
for his incompe!ence& ,o' much #o you $e!
!ha! he%ll $e !he ne"! fes!ival or0anizerDN
Mhere is far !oo much cul!ure in !his ci!y&
9ne can%! an!icipa!e 'here !o 0o for !he $es!
sho!s& .! leas! !he :ussian $uffe! 'as 0oo#&N
M6ai# $y !he ci!y& @on%! you ever for0e! !ha!&N
M-ranz .n!el%s $ir!h#ay par!y 'as 0oo#( pi!y
i! can%! $e his $ir!h#ay every #ay& /schi
-e$emayr 0o! a press pass for 6e!er
.le"an#er( $e! her pho!os 'ill make !he
M< ha# a 0rea! !ime a! !he .lois 1ran#s!e!!er
lec!ure& here 'as >ohnnu#eln( Saumeise
an# fine 'ine for all& -or0e! a$ou! !he lec!ure
on $ir#s an# lin0uis!ics: he Coun! 'as !here
0e!!in0 #runk an# he 'as $lu$$erin0 a$ou!
his mis!ress& he e#i!or 'as over !he moon&
M@i# < 0e! !his ri0h!D . #ocumen!ary ma#e
$y !he Sovie!s in !he SS: an# finance# $y
!he .us!rian 1roa#cas!in0 Corpora!ionDN
M. propa0an#a piece a$ou! !he Ser0ei
1on#arshuk a#ap!a!ion of 3ar an# 6eace(
an# i! focuses on a $a!!le !ha! 3; los!WN
M< suppose you coul# 'ri!e !ha! !his evenin0
remin#e# you of Sovie! occupa!ion&N
bhe film i!self is up for an 9scar !his year&b
<nV& Spove#nicQ !urne# her face !o'ar#s !he
repor!ers an# shushe# !hem& he !'o 0ossips
s!oppe# !alkin0& Aion >ane mu!!ere# !o
MGa 0eh%( Aa#y( #on%! 0e! your knickers in a
he pho!o0rapher s!oo# up( !hen 'en! !o !he
$uffe! 'here he hovere# aroun# !he po#ium
rea#y !o snap any human 'or!h his e#i!or%s
in!eres!& ,e even snappe# !he pho!o0enic
+anina Spove#nicQ in her $lack an# 'hi!e
coa!& hen our #ocumen!ary s!ar!e# an# <
!ook no!es& < !ol# !he inVenr !ha! < #i#n%!
ca!ch much of Kulyakin%s in!ro#uc!ion
speech $ecause of !hese !'o yappin0 $ehin#
us& < a##e# !ha! < coul# ask for a copy of
Kulyakin%s speech& She looke# a! my
no!e$ook !ha! rea#:
Mhe 19=* version 'i!h .u#rey ,ep$urn 'as
a roman!ic loveFs!ory 'hereas !he /SS:
version 'as $ase# on me!iculous research&
here is no room for cheap sen!imen!ali!y(
Aeo ols!oy%s 'ork #eserve# $e!!er& <s i! no! a
form of censorship !o lo'er !he !one of a
novel in or#er !o please a fickle %Sei!0eis!%D <s
i! no! humilia!in0 !o secon#F0uess pu$lic
!as!e an# !o an!icipa!e $o"Foffice salesD his
is ho' capi!alism 'orks( !his is no! ho' our
sys!em 'orks& Ser0ei 1on#arshuk%s version is
am$i!ious& <! aims a! e#uca!in0 !he pu$lic
a$ou! one of !he mos! impor!an! 'orks of
'orl# li!era!ure( as 'ell as enli0h!enin0 !he
au#ience a$ou! !he ,is!ory $ehin# i!& here
is no nos!al0ia for $y0one saris! #eca#ence(
i! is an in#ic!men! !o a corrup! $allF0o'n
socie!y 'here !he youn0 charac!ers 0ro' up
fas! an# are sen! !o !he horrors of 'ar& 3e
coul# #ra' an analo0y 'i!h !he 7iennese
1all season an# !he 7ie!nam 3ar 'here
coun!less youn0 .merican are #yin0 un#er
!he fla0 of imperialism& he #ocumen!ary
e"plores !his very an0le as 'ell as sho'in0
ho' a local his!orical socie!y reFcrea!e# !he
a!mosphere of a $y0one $a!!lefiel#& Slavkov
#eserves !o $e #ocumen!e#: <! is more !han a
loca!ion for a $a!!lefiel#& <! is a small !o'n
!ha! has seen cen!uries of !urmoil& .
eu!onic or#er $uil! !he S! Ca!herine
for!ress( i!s Czech name is men!ione# as far
$ack as 13*1& .na$ap!is!s crea!e# a commune
!o fin# !heir )o# an# cu! !hemselves off !he
'orl# $y livin0 ami#s! a Slavic popula!ion&
hey sprea# !heir messa0e !hrou0h pic!ures&
he 1aroCue cas!le is a s!ron0 me!aphor for
!he lu"ury enBoye# $y !he aris!ocracy 'ho
#'el! in !hose 11= rooms& %<n Slavkov% Fhe
oneFhour #ocumen!ary en#s 'i!h reflec!ions
$y !he peace memorial& he cons!ruc!ion of
!he la!!er 'as in!errup!e# $y !he -irs! 3orl#
3ar an# finally comple!e# in 1941 $y +osef
-an!a& <! 'as !ouchin0 !o see !he faces of !he
6ra0ue Charles /niversi!y s!u#en!s an#
Slavkov Sokol Choir as !hey 'ere sho'n
!hese loca!ions& @urin0 !he #ay !hey ha#
$een roleFplayin0 as .us!rian sol#iers on !he
1a!!lefiel#& he #ocumen!ary 'as narra!e# in
)erman $y >a" .mmereiner( an .us!rian
Gapoleonic ,is!orian a! !he .us!rian .rmy
>useum an# 6rofessor .le"eiB <lli!ch
Kulyakin of !he Socie!y for .us!roFSovie!
-rien#ship& he music score 'as a#ap!e#
from 6aul :o$eson%s %Some!imes < feel like a
mo!herless chil#% $y :e# Skipper Somerse!
an# performe# $y !he Slavkov Sokol choir&
he /niversi!y of 6ra0ue an# !he Slavkov
,is!orical Socie!y 'ere cre#i!e# in !he en#
he <nspec!or no##e#( pu! !he no!e$ook in
her $a0 an# sai#:
M<!%s fine( 'e%ll 0e! !he !e"! e#i!e# $y !he
6rofessor an# you can !ype i! 'hen 'e 0e!
< hope# !ha! < #i# no! make !oo many
3hen 'e lef! !he KJns!lerhaus( <nV&
Spove#nicQ aske# me:
M< hope !ha! you #on%! min# !his e"!ra 'ork
on a 'eeken#& <f you #on%! min# me sayin0(
you #on%! look !oo 'ell !o#ay&N
M;"!ra 'orkD 9f course no!& <%m feelin0
fine&o#ay fel! like a holi#ay& hanks !o you(
Comra#e inVenr( < a!!en# e"!raor#inary
even!s& <%ll res! 'hen 'e 0e! home&N
M< !hou0h! you 'ere #isappoin!e# 'orkin0
for our #epar!men!& 6rofessor 7ara#y is a $i!
#ifficul!( 'i!h him speakin0 :ussian mos! of
!he !ime&N
M<! has $een a pleasure 'orkin0 for !he
M)oo# !o hear !ha!& 3e%ll have !o hea# home
soon& ;arly s!ar! for me !omorro'&N
< fel! increasin0ly !ire# an# nauseous( $u!
i0nore# !he symp!oms& he inVenr aske#
>arina SochorovQ !o 0e! a $o!!le of 'a!er
from !he foyer& She came $ack a fe' minu!es
la!er sayin0 !ha! 6rofessor Kulyakin 'ishe#
us a safe Bourney home an# !ha! if 'e nee#e#
any!hin0 'hile in .us!ria( 'e shoul# no!
hesi!a!e !o con!ac! him&
3hen !he car reache# Klos!erneu$ur0
ou!si#e 7ienna( i! 'as #ark an# !he !'o
spires of !he monas!ery 'ere $ri0h!ly li!& 1y
!hen( < fel! very sick& he inVenr s!oppe# !he
car a! Kierlin0 !rain s!a!ion an# < ran !o !he
!oile!s& < #rank some 'a!er( $u! secon#s
la!er( < 'as !hro'in0 up&
he s!a!ion mas!er sa' !ha! 'e 'ere
Czechoslovaks an# sho'e# his phone askin0
%Spi!alD he 'or# in our lan0ua0es is !he
same& Spove#nicQ no##e# $u! < aske# her
no! !o fuss an# $esi#e 'asn%! !his ille0alD She
reassure# me !ha! i! ha# happene# $efore
!ha! some !ravellers fell sick a$roa#& .s lon0
as !he au!hori!ies 'ere informe#( !here
shoul# no! $e any pro$lems in seekin0
me#ical a!!en!ion an# $esi#es !he universi!y
'oul# cover !he e"penses& he s!a!ionF
mas!er #re' a ru#imen!ary map 0ivin0
#irec!ions !o !he hospi!al an# 0ave me a an
emp!y paperF$a0& :eluc!an!ly( < 'en! $ack
in!o !he car( an# 'e #rove !o Klos!erneu$ur0
<nV& Spove#nicQ 0ave 6rofessor Kulyakin%s
car# !o !he .c; recep!ionis!& 3e 'ai!e# in
!he $ay area an# !hen !he recep!ionis! aske#
!he !ria0e nurse !o 0ive me a car#$oar# sickF
$o'l an# !o !ake me !o !he cu$icle& She
a##e# !ha! !he !ransla!or 'as on his 'ay&
,alf an hour la!er( 6rofessor Kulyakin
arrive# an# !ol# <nV& Spove#nicQ !ha! he 'as
0la# !o help& he inVenr aske# him !o keep
her informe# an# !ol# me !ha! she s!ay in
!ouch& She 0ave me some money 'hich she
pu! in!o my coa! an# lef! soon af!er'ar#&
.f!er !ha!( !hin0s $ecame very $lurry& < can
va0uely remem$er 6rofessor Kulyakin
helpin0 !he nurse 'i!h !he a#mission form(
'ei0h!( hei0h! 1m81( 6rofession:
.#minis!ra!ive assis!an! a! 6ra0ue
/niversi!y( occasional smoker( occasional
#rinker( a!heis!( a##ress( ne"! of kin( an#
'ha! < ha# ea!en in !he pas! 42 hours& hen
!he !ria0e nurse moni!ore# my pulse( hear!
rhy!hm( !empera!ure an# $loo# pressure&
She !ol# !he 6rofessor !ha! < ha# a hi0h fever
an# !ha! !he #oc!or 'oul# have !o see !he
$loo# !es!s for a #ia0nosis&
chapter 9
(an!ary 196%)
3hen < 'oke up( a! a$ou! =am( < foun#
myself in $e# a!!ache# !o a po!assium #rip&
here 'ere five male pa!ien!s in !he
o$serva!ion 'ar#& 9ne ol# man( 'ho ha# a
Baun#ice# face( s!oo# up( an unli! ci0are!!e
#an0le# from !he corner of his mou!h& he
man%s #is!en#e# a$#omen looke# like a
$alloon un#ernea!h his loose yello' ni0h!F
shir!& < 'as 'earin0 such a ni0h!Fshir!
myself& < 'as s!ill feelin0 col#( s'ea!y an#
.$ove my $e#( !here 'as a si0n 'hich sai#:
MKarel Sko#a?ek [ $& 1938 [ nil $y mou!hN&
he pa!ien! ne"! !o me 'as calle# ,err 6e!er
;n0el an# he looke# 'ell for someone 'ho
'as in hospi!al& ,e 'as ea!in0 some
chocola!es an# sai# he 'oul# offer me some
$u! poin!e# a! !he si0n a$ove meR < no##e#&
,e aske# !he man 'i!h !he Baun#ice# face
'he!her < 'as a %Czecho refu0ee%& his 'as
!he firs! !ime < ever encoun!ere# !he )erman
'or# %-lJch!lin0%& .no!her man moane#
MAeave him alone( he%s a Commie& <!%s no!
$reakfas! !ime ye!&N ,err ;n0el sai# more !o
himself !han !o !he 0rumpy man( !ha! he
ha!e# commies an# 'as 0la# !o have lef!
Karls$a# in 192*& < #i# no! un#ers!an# much
of his su$seCuen! #isBoin!e# !alk& < coul#n%!
'ork ou! 'he!her he ha# $een a ,enleinis!
suppor!er or no!&
.s < 'as !ryin0 !o 0e! $ack !o sleep( 6e!er
;n0el cou0he# up $loo#& he Baun#ice#
pa!ien! ran0 !he nurse%s $ell& he male nurse
came an# rolle# !he $e# ou! of !he 'ar#& .
fe' hours la!er( !he 0rumpy man !ol# !he
Baun#ice# man !ha! ,err ;n0el ha# #ie#&
.no!her nurse chan0e# my #rip !o 0lucose
an# checke# my !empera!ure( pulse an#
$loo# pressure& < fel! #epresse# $y !he i#ea
!ha! only !he #ay $efore( < 'as sippin0 posh
coffee in an .r!FGouveau cafT an# a!!en#in0
a film screenin0& Go' < 'as in a hospi!al(
a!!ache# !o a #rip an# < ha# 'i!nesse# !he
#yin0 momen!s of a real person& he cleaner
came !o 'ipe !he floor 'i!h $leach an# !he
smell lin0ere# on for a 'hile&
he me#ical !eam 'as 'ai!in0 for !he resul!
of my $loo# !es! !o presen! me 'i!h a
#ia0nosis& he s!aff serve# $reakfas! !o !he
Baun#ice# man( one man ha# !o $e spoonFfe#
an# !he o!hers 'ere all nil $y mou!h& he
0rumpy ol# man 'as s!ill 0rumpy& < 'an!e#
!o 0e! up an# 'ash myself $u! !he nurse !ol#
me !o 'ai! un!il he coul# assis! me& < ha# !o
urina!e in a measurin0 Bu0 so !ha! !hey coul#
moni!or my flui#s&
Aa!er( !he #oc!or ma#e his roun#s 'i!h !he
hospi!al a#min 'orker( some collea0ues an#
!'o nurses& hey pulle# !he cur!ain aroun#
!he $e# !o 0ive us some privacy& he #oc!or
0ree!e# me 'i!h a frien#ly M@o$r @en( 6an
(\ >is!er) Sko#a?ek &N $u! !ha! 'as as far as
his kno'le#0e of !he Czech lan0ua0e 'en!(
!hen he e"amine# my a$#omen& < 'as more
or less a$le !o un#ers!an# !ha! < ha# an
inflamma!ion of !he pancreas $ecause all
#oc!ors use Aa!in 'or#s for #iseases& ,e
prescri$e# in!ravenous an!i$io!ics an# !ol#
!he nurse !ha! < ha# !o s!ay %nil $y mou!h%R
finally he aske# !he social 'orker
'he!her !he immi0ra!ion officer ha# $een in
!ouch an# !o sen# !he !ransla!or !o his office&
he 0roup lef!( !he nurse pulle# $ack !he
cur!ain an# !he 0roup con!inue# !he 'ar#F
roun# !o !he $e# in !he corner opposi!e
mine& < #rif!e# $ack !o sleep&
1ecause i! 'as Sun#ay( a chaplain came !o
a#minis!er communion !o !he !'o men 'ho
'ere a$le !o ea! an# pray 'i!h ano!her 'ho
'as nil $y mou!h& he 0rumpy ol# man
looke# a! !he #isplay of reli0ion 'i!h #is#ain(
pu! on his 0lasses an# rea# a #e!ec!ive novel
!ha! ha# a sleazy cover&
he a#min 'orker came a0ain shor!ly $efore
lunch!ime 'i!h 6rofessor Kulyakin an# a
nurse& < aske# him a$ou! a possi$le #a!e for
my re!urn !o 6ra0ue& 6rofessor Kulyakin
e"plaine# !ha! !he #oc!or !hou0h! !ha! <
mi0h! $e a$le !o !ravel $y !he en# of !he
'eek $u! in !he mean!ime( < nee#e# !o 0e!
$e!!er& he nurse aske# me !hrou0h
6rofessor Kulyakin 'he!her < 'as sufferin0
from 0alls!ones or ha# similar pro$lems& <
replie# !ha! < never ha# such pro$lems
$efore& he nurse !hen sai# !ha! !he #oc!or
recommen#e# !o s!op #rinkin0 alcohol an#
!ha! i! 'oul# $e much $e!!er for me if <
s!oppe# smokin0 as 'ell& >y hear! sank a!
!he i#ea of a fu!ure 'i!h nei!her #rink nor
smokes !o soo!he my nerves&
< aske# 6rofessor Kulyakin !o kin#ly $rin0
me some rea#in0 ma!erialR perhaps an ar!icle
a$ou! !he pancreas as < ha# no i#ea 'ha! i!
con!ri$u!e# !o !he human $o#y& 6rofessor
Kulyakin smile# an# sai# !ha! !ha! !he
ra!ional approach is al'ays $es! !o #efea! an
illness& ,e 'oul# look up in his :ussian
encyclopae#ia& >ean'hile( he hope# %7oina i
>ir% (3ar an# 6eace) in :ussian 'oul#
sa!isfy me& he 0rumpy man looke#
in!ri0ue#( !his #i# no! escape 6rofessor
Kulyakin%s a!!en!ion as he s'if!ly aske# !he
nurse a$ou! !he possi$ili!y of !ransferrin0 me
!o a sin0le room& he nurse sai# !ha! he
'oul# pu! !he reCues! !o !he #oc!or&
.par! from !hose visi!s( no!hin0 happene# !o
me apar! from !he nurse chan0in0 !he #rips
an# measurin0 urine ou!pu!& he <7
an!i$io!ics 0ave me a $a# !as!e in !he mou!h&
here 'as no!hin0 !o #o e"cep! 'ai!in0&
+oseph 1lumen!hal( !he Baun#ice# pa!ien! #i#
pro$a$ly no! 'ai! $u! passe# !he !ime& ,e
kep! on !ellin0 .lfons :eimichl( !he 0rumpy
man( !ha! he 'as homeless& :eimichl !ol#
him !ha! !he social 'orker 'oul# fin# him a
home& %9$#achlos% is ano!her 'or# < learn!&
<n my coun!ry( i! is a criminal offence !o live
on !he s!ree!s&
9f course < 'asn%! a refu0ee like 6e!er ;n0el(
nor a homeless person like +osef 1lumen!hal&
< 'as luckier !han my 'ar# comra#es& < 'as a
li!!le #isappoin!e# 'hen !hey 'heele# my
$e# !o a sin0le room $u! isola!ion s!ops
infec!ions from sprea#in0& < 'as s!uck 'i!h
ols!oy%s epic an# i! kep! me $usy 'hen <
'as no! sleepin0&
Aa!er !ha! evenin0( +osef 1lumen!hal poke#
his hea# in!o my room& ,e 'as reekin0 of
ci0are!!e smoke& < 'ave# a! him an# he came
in& ,e ha# a crumple# ne'spaper in his
pocke!& ,e ca#0e# a ci0are!!e an# he 0ave
me his ne'spaper( sayin0 !ha! !here 'ere
plen!y more 'here !ha! came from& hen he
shuffle# off a0ain& 3hen he 'as 0one <
remem$ere# my conversa!ion 'i!h
.mmereiner( 'as !his a !rap !o !es! my
loyal!y !o !he la' of no! fra!ernizin0 'i!h !he
localsD < #ismisse# !he i#ea $ecause 9l#
1lumen!hal #i# no! look like a snooper& ,e
'en! !o see everyone on !he 'ar# !o ca#0e
he .us!rian ne'spaper looke# o## !o me& <
ha# never seen one of !hose $ou0eois papers
$efore& <! 'as fille# 'i!h a#ver!isin0 an#
a!!en!ionFseekin0 hea#lines !ha! ha# no!hin0
!o #o 'i!h curren! affairs F only one
in!erna!ional even! ma#e i! !o !he fron! pa0e:
,ear! !ransplan! pa!ien! >ike Kasperak 'as
in cri!ical con#i!ion in 6alo .l!o hospi!al in
California& here 'ere some pho!os of
'omen 'earin0 floral #resses an# kni!F
#resses from Ge' ]ork an# >ilan fashion
'eek& . 'hole pa0e of !he paper 'as !aken
up $y !he ne' -or# ;scor! a#ver!& here also
seeme# !o $e numerous furni!ure sales an#
personal a#s& he lis!in0s hi0hli0h!e# a
co'$oy film a! !he cinema& he $ulk of !he
paper 'as ma#e of pic!ures of cele$ri!ies(
pinFup 'omen an# spor!s covera0e& here
'as a column au!hore# $y a pries! 'ho 'as
ran!in0 a0ains! ecumenism& Compare# !o my
local ra0( !here 'as no s!a!eFsponsore#
propa0an#a( Cui!e !he opposi!e( !he paper
use# an irreveren! !one !o'ar#s !he ci!y
M]es!er#ay( < 'en! !o a screenin0 of a
#ocumen!ary on!erli!z par!ly <G
:/SS<.G a! !he /niversi!y& <!%s a$ou! a small
!o'n in !he SS: ma#e $y a filmFcre' from
!he Sovie!F/nion an# 0enerously coF
6:9@/C;@ 1] ,; ./S:<.G
1:9.@C.S<G) C9:69:.<9G& he
$uffe! 'as sump!uous( !he :ussianFspeakin0
0ues!s 'ere mos!ly invi!e#& ,o' come our
C<] -.,;:S are payin0 for !his 'i!h 9/:
.d;SDN <! 'as si0ne# .ma#eus
Aeuch!en0ru$er& he pic!ure sho'e# a
#isplay of $linis an# 'ine an# 'as cre#i!e#
!o 6rimus 1eilermann& < lau0he# hys!erically&
he ne'spaper remin#e# me of )enosse
.mmereiner%s 'or#s an# !he a##ress !ha! he
men!ione#& bask for 9livia sis!er of .#olf
Scha#enb& .! leas! < 'asn%! alone in !his
s!ran0e coun!ry& hen < realize# !ha! 9livia
Scha#en 'as pro$a$ly no! 'orkin0 in !he
$ookshop on a Sun#ay evenin0&
Gever!heless( #ra00in0 my perfusion s!an#
'i!h me( < shuffle# !o !he phoneF$o" $y !he
recep!ion #o'ns!airs& < pu! a Schillin0 coin
in i! an# aske# !he #irec!ory enCuiries !o fin#
me a num$er for 7o!ova .n!iCuarian 1ooks(
3ie#ner ,aup!s!rasse( 1525 7iennab& < 'ro!e
!he num$er #o'n an# shuffle# $ack !o'ar#s
my room&
9n my 'ay !here( < passe# !he 7 room
'here !here 'as a ne's repor! a$ou! !he
musicolo0y #epar!men! in 3arsa'86olan#
#iscoverin0 +oseph ,ay#n%s Symphony in -F
>aBorF.lle0ro .n#an!e 6res!o& :esearcher
@anu!a <#azek #iscovere# !he shee! music in
!he )uzco archive an# !he 'ork 'as
premiere# in 1u#0osczcz& < 'en! in!o a !oile!
cu$icle 'here < !ore !he ar!icle on Slavkov
ou! of !he paper& < !hre' !he res! of !he
ne'spaper in !he corri#or $in& 1y !he !ime <
reache# my room( all !his ac!ivi!y ha#
e"haus!e# me an# so < slep! for a 'hile&
he ne"! #ay( af!er !he #oc!or%s roun#s an#
6rofessor Kulyakin%s visi!( < 'en! #o'ns!airs
'i!h my ci0are!!es !o !he pu$lic phone& <
calle# !he num$er an# aske# for 9livia
Scha#en& . 'oman 'i!h a sof! voice replie#
askin0( 'hom she 'as speakin0 !o& <
in!ro#uce# myself as .#olf Scha#en%s son(
curren!ly in Klos!erneu$ur0 ,ospi!al $u!
resi#en! of 6ra0ue& She sai# !ha! < ou0h! !o
$e careful an# aske# me !o name one of !he
'ar# pa!ien!s& < aske# 'hy( an# she sai# !ha!
she 'oul# come !o !he hospi!al un#er !he
pre!ence of visi!in0 !ha! pa!ien! an# !hen
look for me an# 0ive me some informa!ion
a$ou! .#olf Scha#en& < !ol# her !ha! she
coul# visi! +osef 1lumen!hal 'ho 'as a
homeless ol# man 'i!h Baun#ice& 9livia
replie# !ha! she 'oul# come #o'n !o !he
hospi!al in a fe' #ays $u! mean'hile( <
shoul# $e careful an# 0e! $e!!er&
< 'as no! en!irely convince# !ha! !he la#y
'oul# come an# visi! me& She seeme#
alarme#& < passe# !he smokin0 room an# !he
7 ne's sai# !ha! >ike Kasperak ha# #ie# F
!he men in !he room looke# 0lum as if #ea!h
in a hospi!al 'as a'ai!in0 !hem& < 'as a$ou!
!o 'alk on 'hen !he ne's rea#er announce#
!ha! !he )reek composer >ikis heo#orakis
'as appealin0 a0ains! his prison sen!ence F
he 'as char0e# of plo!!in0 !o over!hro' !he
ri0h!F'in0 )reek re0ime& his fel! a li!!le $i!
!oo close for comfor! !o me& hen( < sai# !o
myself !ha! 'e( !he pa!ien!s a!
Klos!erneu$ur0 hospi!al 'ere sli0h!ly more
for!una!e !han >ike Kasperak an# >ikis
heo#orakis& . Bunior #oc!or !ol# me !ha! <
shoul#n%! $e up an# a$ou! an# a#vise# me !o
0o $ack in!o my room& < ha# !o pre!en# no!
!o un#ers!an# )erman( so he le# me $ack
< spen! !he res! of !he 'eek plou0hin0
!hrou0h %3ar an# 6eace%( an# 0limpsin0
ne's !ha! coul# lea# !o 'ar or a! leas!
seriously compromise peace& .n ;n0lish
lec!urer calle# )eral# 1rooke 'as in a
>osco' prison servin0 five years for %an!iF
Sovie! ac!ivi!ies% an# no! even >ar0are!
ha!cher F his local >6 F nor ,arol# 3ilson(
F !he /K 6rime >inis!er F 'ere a$le !o help
him& Aeoni# 1rezhnev !ol# !he la!!er in a
%frank( cons!ruc!ive an# frien#ly% manner
!ha! he 'as concerne# a$ou! ;uropean
safe!y& 3hile < 'as rea#in0 a$ou! 6ierre%s
a#ven!ures in saris! :ussia( in Gor!h
7ie!nam( )eneral )iap an# his army of
25&555 Khmers :ou0es a!!acke# a /S marine
$ase 'i!h ar!illery an# rocke!s& .! !he same
!ime( a! a #isarmamen! conference in )eneva
8S'i!zerlan#( .us!in -isher from !he /S
0overnmen! announce# !ha! in :io .rri$a(
Ge' >e"ico8/S.( a con!rolle# un#er0roun#
nuclear e"plosion release# consi#era$le
Cuan!i!ies of na!ural 0as an# !hus he hope#
!ha! 6roBec! )as$u00y 'oul# heral# a 0rea!
fu!ure for all $y securin0 our common
ener0y nee#s&
6rofessor Kulyakin visi!e# me every #ay an#
< 'as 0ra#ually feelin0 $e!!er& he consul!an!
e"plaine# via 6rofessor Kulyakin !ha! my
pancrea!ic !rou$les 'ere cause# $y nei!her
0alls!ones nor alcohol an# !herefore i! 'as a
soFcalle# %i#iopa!hic pancrea!i!is%& >y $loo#s
s!ill nee#e# !o $e moni!ore# an# my
an!i$io!ic course !o $e finishe#& Kulyakin lef!
on -ri#ay af!ernoon 'i!h !he ne's !ha! < 'as
on !he men# an# !ha! my C:6 looke# much
$e!!er& Soon af!er'ar#( +osef 1lumen!hal
poke# his hea# !hrou0h my #oor& < 'ave#
him !o come in& ,e en!ere# !he room 'i!h a
man 'hom he in!ro#uce# as a frien# of his& <
'as no! convince# !ha! !his 'as really a
frien# of his( more like someone from !he
chaplaincy 'ho provi#e# spiri!ual comfor! !o
!he pa!ien!s& < #i# no! 0e! any such visi!ors
$ecause my a#mission form sai# !ha! < 'as
an a!heis!&
here is an assump!ion !ha! a!heism is
compulsory for people in ;as!ern ;urope&
he fac! is !ha! only .l$ania ou!la'e#
reli0ion& :eli0ion is par! of our cul!ural
heri!a0e& 9!her'ise 'e 'oul# have !aken +an
,us on 9l# o'n SCuare off his pe#es!al
an# !hro'n him in!o !he fire( an# #ro'ne#
all Gepomuk s!a!ues in !he river& 1elievers
'ere usually arres!e# 'hen !hey ran!e#
a0ains! !he re0ime( $u! !his is !he fa!e of
anyone 'ho ran!s a0ains! !he re0ime& ,avin0
sai# !ha!( in my re0ion a! leas!( reli0ion 'as
on !he #ecline( #espi!e people such as 6as!or
Auki ,roma#ka !rie# !o en0a0e people in!o
!he ecumenical #ialo0ue& <n his $ook calle#
%)ospels for .!heis!s% from 19=8( he #isplaye#
!he i#ea of Chris!iani!y an# >ar"ism fin#in0
common 0roun#& < #i# no! rea# i! $ecause
reli0ion 'asn%! really my !hin0& ,avin0 sai#
!ha!( < cer!ainly 'as no! in!eres!e# in
lis!enin0 !o +osef 1lumen!hal%s frien# 'hom
he in!ro#uce# as a )ermanFspeakin0
+ehovah%s 3i!ness&
he man clu!chin0 his copies of %@er
3ach!urm% (!he 3a!ch!o'er) looke# a! me
!hrou0h roun# spec!acles an# smile#
meekly& +osef 1lumen!hal !ol# him !o rea#
me a s!ory from !he paper& < 'as a$ou! !o
'ave $o!h of !hem ou! $u! !hou0h! i! 'oul#
$e ru#e !o #o so& he ol# man 'an#ere# off
af!er < 0ave him a ci0are!!e $u! !he youn0
reli0ious visi!or s!aye#& ,e hun0 his anorak(
an# sa! #o'n on !he armchair $esi#e my
$e#& ,e ha# sli0h!ly !ousle# ashF$lon#e hair(
an# 'ore a !i#y $u! #ra$ 0rey sui!& ,e
opene# his ma0azine an# 'hispere# in
M>r Karel Sko#a?ek( my name is S!efan
7o!ova& <%m 9livia%s son& >y mo!her aske#
me !o come an# see you&N
M9hW&& 6lease# !o mee! you( >r 7o!ova& So
you have come !o !alk !o me a$ou! .#olf
M.#olf Scha#en is my uncle& 9livia is his
sis!er& .n!on marrie# a 0irl calle# >aria from
!he Sou!h 1ohemian re0ion&N
Mha!%s him& ,e 'en! missin0 in 1938 an# he
is presume# #ea#& >y mo!her passe# a'ay
some years a0o& < have no pho!o0raph of my
fa!her&&& 3ha! a$ou! 1lumen!halDN
Mhe unfor!una!e man has #emen!ia& <!%s a
horri$le !hin0 !o say $u! !his is&&& convenien!
for us& ,e #oesn%! remem$er !hin0s&
.l!hou0h i! is !ra0ic !o en# up like !ha!( < am
no! sure !ha! you 'ill $e keen !o remem$er
!he !ru!h once you hear i!& /nlike !he poor
man( you 'ill no! for0e!& < un#ers!an# !ha!
you nee# closure& .re you sure you 'an!
hear 'ha! < have !o sayDN
< no##e#& ,e con!inue#:
Mhere is a pho!o0raph of .#olf Scha#en
insi#e !his ma0azine& < 'ro!e some $asic
informa!ion on !he $ack of !he pho!o& ,ere
is !he s!ory: .#olf 'as a freCuen! visi!or !o
my fa!her%s 'orkshop& /n!il 1932( he 'orke#
a! !he ,ochschule fJr 3el!han#el in
,eili0ens!a#!& .#olf%s ho$$y 'as
pho!o0raphy un!il he me! .lfre# -rauenfel#
an# 6rincess S!ephanie a! a social even!& .s
you may kno'( .#olf ,i!ler suppor!e#
-rauenfel#%s .us!rian Gazi par!y& heir aim
'as !o #es!a$ilize !he .us!rian 0overnmen!
an# $lame !his on !he :e#s !hus Bus!ifyin0
#eman#s for an in!erven!ion from )ermany&
heir plan #i# no! 'ork un!il 1938 'hen
>ussolini finally 0ave ,i!ler his $lessin0& <n
1932( .#olf Scha#en !ravelle# !o 'ha! use# !o
$e calle# !he Su#e!enlan# in or#er !o assis!
!he ,enleinis! -reikorps& /sin0 his cover as a
!ravelin0 insurance salesman for )enerali( he
'as par! of a liaisin0 commi!!ee 'ho
ne0o!ia!e# $e!'een several panF)erman
0roups 'ho aime# !he anne"a!ion of !heir
coun!ries !o ,i!ler%s )ermany( !hey also
e"ploi!e# !heir con!ac!s 'i!h !he 1ri!ish
/nion of -ascis!s via 6rincess S!ephanie&
his is all !he informa!ion a$ou! .#olf
Scha#en !ha! < coul# fin# a! !he
@okumen!a!ionsarchiv 'hich is run $y
Simon 3iesen!hal& his is 'hy i! !ook me
several #ays $efore < coul# come here& .s far
as < kno'( 'e #on%! have any rela!ives in
7ienna& he Scha#en family is from 6resslau&
his is !he .#olf Scha#en !ha! < kno' of( $u!
< #o hope !ha! !his 're!che# crea!ure is no!
your fa!her& < #on%! 'an! you !o risk your
safe!y for !ha! Gazi scum$a0&N
M@on%! 'orry a$ou! my safe!y( ,err 7o!ova&
hank you for your research& <! mus! have
$een #ifficul! for you& ;ven if people fin# ou!
a$ou! !his conversa!ion( !here are no 'orries
$ecause my 0overnmen! an# yours are
oppose# !o -ascism& his case is one more
proof for ,i!ler%s malevolence&&& 3ill you
sen# my respec!s !o your mo!herDN
S!efan 7o!ova smile# 'earily:
M1u! cer!ainly& <f you nee# me( <%m here for
you& 3ill you $e !ravellin0 home soonDN
M< 'ill in#ee#( !he #oc!or sai# !ha! < can 0o
home !his 'eeken#& hank you so much for
M>y pleasure&N
hen he lef!& < fel! sa# !ha! my Cues! ha#
unse!!le# !he youn0 man& /nfor!una!ely(
no$o#y can $e shiel#e# from !he !ru!h& <! is
$e!!er !o !o kno' i! an# face !he fac!s ra!her
!han !o #eny !heir e"is!ence& < looke# a! !he
pho!o0raph !ha! 'as !ucke# insi#e !he
ma0azine an# 0aspe# in horror& < kne' 'ho
!his man 'as& here 'as no !ime !o lose& <
nee#e# !o 0e! home an# confron! him& ,e
'as no! !he firs! an# he 'oul# no! $e !he las!
-ascis! infil!ra!in0 pos!F'ar s!ruc!ures&
3hoever seeks !he !ru!h mus! prepare
!hemselves !o !he fac! !ha! 'ha! !hey fin#
ou! may no! $e 'ha! !hey 'an!e# !o hear&
< !ol# !he Bunior #oc!or in char0e !ha! < ha#
ur0en! $usiness !o a!!en# a! home an#
nee#e# !o re!urn as soon as possi$le& he
#oc!or aske# me !o reconsi#er $ecause he
'oul# have preferre# me !o s!ay un!il !he
re!urn of !he consul!an! on >on#ay& .s <
insis!e#( he 'ro!e a no!e for my #oc!or in
6ra0ue 'i!h a lis! of me#ica!ion& ,e lef! me
'i!h a 'eek%s supply of an!i$io!ics& < visi!e#
1lumen!hal an# 0ave him my packe! of
ci0are!!es& hen < phone# <nV& Spove#nicQ&
chapter 1&
(an!ary 196%)
.roun# noon( < 'as finally a$le !o $oar# my
!rain& <! !ook me !hrou0h !he .us!rian
3achovia valley& <n )mJn#( < 0o! off !he
.us!rian !rain an# $oar#e# !he monorail re#
an# yello' eskoslovenskT S!Q!n_ @rQhy(
S@ !rain $ehin# !he $or#er a! eskT
7elenice& .! !he $or#er pos! of GovQ
1ys!Lice( < sho'e# !hem my passpor!&
-or!una!ely( <nV& Spove#nicQ ha# informe#
!he $or#er a0ency a$ou! my arrival&
< $oar#e# %Ser0ei% !he re0ional !rain !o
6ra0ue via 1u#eBovice an# i! !ook me $ack
in!o familiar !erri!ory& Q$or( 1eneIov&&&he
lan#scape #i# no! look much #ifferen! from
3achovia& -iel#s( hamle!s an# fores!s( a
similar vernacular s!yle& < #oze# off for a
'hile an# 'hen < 'oke up( !he !rain 'as
passin0 !he 7la!va river an# soon i! s!oppe#
a! ,lavn_ Ga#razi s!a!ion& he sun 'as
se!!in0 $a!hin0 !he ci!y in!o a col# pink sky&
< 'asn%! in a hurry !o 0e! home ye! so <
'alke# on :evolu!ion SCuare an# visi!e# S!
+osef%s church $ecause every!hin0 else 'as
close#& . s!rin0 Cuar!e! 'as rehearsin0 for a
funeral& < lis!ene# !o !he som$re music for a
'hile !hen < ma#e my 'ay home !hou0h !he
Cele!na S!ree! !hrou0h 9l# o'n SCuare& <
passe# !he yn church an# i!s fame#
as!ronomical clock( < passe# -ranz Kafka%s
house an# muse# !ha! unlike him < #i# no!
#ie in Klos!erneu$ur0FKierlin0& < 'en!
!hrou0h !he s!one arches in!o !he 1945s
$ro'ns!one $uil#in0& < clim$e# !he !'o
fli0h!s of s!eep s!airs( 'alke# alon0 !he
pavla? !o my fla!& Surprisin0ly( >s
Kova?ovQ 'asn%! a! home& < 'en! !o my
creaky $e#& .ll !ha! 'alkin0 ha# e"haus!e#
me& < hope# !ha! < 'oul# no! nee# !o 0o !o
hospi!al a0ain&
he ne"! mornin0( < 'alke# !o !he yello'
house on !he Cihelna S!ree! in !he >alQ
S!rana& < ran0 !he #oor$ell an# !he 6rofessor(
hol#in0 his pipe in his han#( fla!ly sai#: %9h(
i!%s you& @o come in&% 6avel 7ara#y ins!an!ly
0uesse# 'ha! < ha# $een up !o $ecause
ins!ea# of 0ree!in0 me( he !ol# me off for
fra!ernizin0 'i!h !he locals& < 'as no! afrai#
of him an# sho'e# him a pho!ocopy of !he
pho!o0raph an# i!s inscrip!ion a! !he $ack&
,e lau0he# a! !he i#ea !ha! his family an#
!he @okumen!a!ionsarchiv coul# have $een
so easily foole# a$ou! .n!on Scha#en%s real
,e $lame# .mmereiner for no! $ein0 a$le !o
keep his s!upi# mou!h shu! once he foun#
ou! a$ou! me in Slavkov& 9l0a kep! on
!ellin0 !he 6rofessor !o le! sleepin0 #o0s lie
$u! af!er a visi! !o esk Krumlov 'here he
sa' >aria%s !om$s!one( he 'as #e!ermine#
!o fin# me& ,e ha# a son $y 9l0a in
Aenin0ra# ( his name 'as 7la#imir( F af!er
Aenin& < shru00e# my shoul#ers an# aske#
'he!her < 'as name# af!er %Karel >ar"% ,e
no##e# an# sai# !ha! he 'as al'ays fon# of
!he Czech spellin0& .n# 'hy #i# he call
himself Sko#a?ekD ,e e"plaine# !ha! !his
'as Gikola%s i#ea& Gikola 'as so paranoi#
a$ou! $ein0 mis!aken for a ,enleinis! !ha!
he overcompensa!e# 'i!h Czechoslovak
pa!rio!ism& >aria foun# !his amusin0& he
6rofessor sai# !ha! he never care# a$ou!
na!ionali!ies $u! a#op!e# !his ne' name !o
please Gikola& %6oor Ko$lars% he muse#( %!his
cen!ury has $een har# on !hem%&
< 'an!e# !o kno' 'he!her >aria kne' a$ou!
!he 6rofessor%s un#ercover ac!ivi!ies& ,e
replie# !ha! !here 'as no 'ay >aria 'oul#
have #a!e# a poli!ical a0en!& She 'as a fun
0irl !o ou! 'i!h& hey like# #rinkin0 'ine(
0oin0 !o concer!s( !o !he !hea!re( !o !he
cinema an# rea#in0 novels( he use# !o fool
aroun# 'i!h a camera an# invi!e e"!ras from
!he !hea!re( !hose 'ere !he #ays& She 'as fun
!o $e !ha! is( un!il she $ecame pre0nan!& his
he #i# no! plan( as he 'as marrie# !o 9l0a&
,o'ever( he a0ree# !o pu! %.n!on Sko#a?ek%
on !he $ir!h cer!ifica!e an# >aria ma#e up
!he s!ory a$ou! !he ,enleinis!s ki#nappin0
.n!on an# so her repu!a!ion 'i!h Gikola an#
-ranci 'as save#&
,o' #i# < make !he connec!ion $e!'een him
an# Scha#enD 9h 'ai!( once < realize# !ha!
6resslau 'as !he name of 1ra!islava $efore
1919( !hen i! 'as easy !o pu! !'o an# !'o
!o0e!her& he famous rea!y of 1ra!islava&
-inally( < 'an!e# !o kno' 'ha! he 'as #oin0
here 'orkin0 for !he Communis! 6ar!y& ,e
lau0he# hear!ily an# !ol# me !ha! < 'as Cui!e
'elcome !o !ravel $ack !o .us!ria an# 0ive
his s!a!emen! !o !he @okumen!a!ionsarchiv&
,e !ook !he cover off a Cyrillic key$oar#
!ype'ri!er( inser!e# !'o shee!s of paper an#
a pa0e of car$on paper in $e!'een !hen he
!ype# in :ussian:
bStatement by Adolf Schaden
(Anton Skodaek)
January 1968
I was born in ratisla!a
formerly known as "resslau in
191#$ %y mother &lora was a
sin'le mother and mo!ed to
(ienna)*eili'enstadt in 1919
when I was a boy$ She considered
herself an Austrian$ She 'a!e
birth to my sister +li!ia in
(ienna (father unknown)$
In 19,-. when my mother
contracted tuberculosis and was
unable to work. we were re)
housed from our 1)room flat in
*eili'enstadt into the recently)
built /arl)%ar0)*of. which was a
bi' tenement com1le0 for
workers$ I attended the
*ochschule f2r 3elthandel
(Academy of 4ommerce) and stayed
on as a 5unior clerk$ I wanted
to study literature. but my
mother wanted me to learn 6a
1ro1er 5ob6$ 7his is 1erha1s the
best thin' that &lora Schaden
has e!er done for me because the
work1lace was 1olitici8ed$ Some
collea'ues had Austro)&ascist
sym1athies$ I re'arded *itler
and his ideas as dan'erous but
ke1t my o1inions to myself$ 3hen
that man came to 1ower in
9ermany in January 19##. I had
no doubt that once %ussolini in
Italy was on his side. Austria
would become 1art of 9ermany$
%y sister. +li!ia Schaden.
married :ukas (oto!a. a 1ortrait
1hoto'ra1her$ I used to hel1 him
out in his studio on Saturdays.
and 1hoto'ra1hy became my hobby$
I 1hoto'ra1hed the e0tras
outside the ur'theater ;
bohemians and caf< intellectuals
) for their 1ortfolios$ +n one
of these occasions. I met Alfred
&rauenfeld. the leader of the
Austro)&ascist 1arty !ia a
mutual ac=uaintance called
"rincess Ste1hanie$ *e was
charmin' and I only found out
about his 1olitical ideas after
I had met him$ A few weeks
later. I was a11roached by
/ulyakin from the 4omintern on
behalf of the >/(? $7he
4omintern is the name for the
International 3orker6s Aid
mo!ement and its aim was to
in!ite 'rou1s of forei'n workers
to come to the So!iet @nion and
or'ani8e themsel!es into small
a'ricultural or industrial
coo1erati!es$ I acce1ted to
work for /ulyakin as an informer
which the >/(? called 6Ille'al
Ae8ident6 on the condition that
%oscow 'a!e me a new identity
after my mission$ 7his is how I
ac=uired the name "a!el (arady
and my task was to befriend
Austro)&ascist students and
clerks at the *ochschule f2r
%y acti!ities caused a rift
between me and my sister because
she and her husband assumed that
I was an Austrofascist$ "olitics
s1lit many families but I knew
that my future was in the @SSA$
In 19#B. the &ebruary Ae!olution
at the /arl)%ar0 *of failed$ 7he
/arl)%ar0 *of was renamed
*eili'enstCdter *of$ 3hen the
4ommunist "arty was outlawed in
Austria. they relocated in
"ra'ue$ I had met %aria
/oblaro!D from EeskF /rumlo! at
a classical concert in (ienna.
and the 1lan to mo!e to /rumlo!
came naturally$ 7hat way. I
would ha!e a le'itimate reason
to li!e in the area and re1ort
to the 4omintern on the
*enleinists. who were 9erman)
lan'ua'e 48echofascists$ I found
em1loyment as a tra!ellin'
insurance salesman for 9enerali$
I also learnt 48ech and was
%aria 6s fianc< for four years$
3hen she became 1re'nant. I had
to admit to her that I was
already married to +l'a
(aradyo!D$ 7o sa!e face. we
mounted a story that the
*enleinists had kidna11ed and
killed me$ I settled in "ra'ue
and assisted the /"G as (arady$
:ife in "ra'ue became dan'erous
when Stalin si'ned a 1act with
*itler$ +fficially. the So!iet
@nion was now an ally of
9ermanyH in fact. it meant that
the So!iet @nion was neutral
when *itler6s 9ermany took
control of Austria. then of the
Sudetenland$ 3hen "resident
eneI went into e0ile in :ondon.
he was succeeded by the !ery
weak Jmil *Dcha who si'ned away
the 48ech 1art of 48echoslo!akia
to *itler$ 7here was nothin' I
could ha!e done in what became
known as the "rotectorate of
ohemia)%ora!ia$ I did not want
to 'o back to my nati!e town of
ratisla!a because Slo!akia6s
'o!ernment was a 1ro)*itler
1u11et re'ime led by Josef
%y 1lans to settle in the @SSA
were 1ut on hold when the war
started. I was a11ointed to the
4omintern at their :ondon bureau
to assist our ritish comrades
and liaise with 48echoslo!ak
e0iles$ 7he 4omintern had a
1olicy of non)inter!entionK for
us. the war was an im1erialist
fi'ht$ An Jn'lish 4omintern
a'ent called %aurice /$ ?odd was
a 1rofessor at 4ambrid'e
@ni!ersity and throu'h him
myself. +l'a and /ulyakin found
a safe home$ Safe is a relati!e
term because the @nited /in'dom
was bombed by the 9ermans durin'
the lit8 cam1ai'n$ 3e were
mostly in!ol!ed in 1ro!idin'
relief for ci!ilians$ 7here we
met an American student called
Jim Somerset nicknamed Aed
Ski11er who has become an
eminent e01ert on >a1oleonic
colonial history and a friend of
the @S musician "aul Aobeson$ I
did not know that in "ra'ue
*eydrich6s na8is tortured +l'a6s
sister Irina because her husband
%artin /o!a was in!ol!ed with
the student re!olt of >o!ember
In June 19B1. *itler made the
fatal mistake of declarin' war
a'ainst the @SSA. and soon
enou'h the Aed Army intelli'ence
asked the 4omintern comrades to
assist the allies$ I was in!ited
to settle in the So!iet @nion$
So!iet intelli'ence knew that
*itler was sendin' Austrian
soldiers to the most deadly
fronts. so our new mission was
to write 1ro1a'anda material in
9erman and incite Austrian
soldiers to desert the 3ehrmacht
and 5oin the Aed Army 'uerilla
led by 9eneral %ichailo!ich$ +ne
of these deserters was
Ammereiner who later also became
an eminent >a1oleonic historian$
3hen the Aed Army says that the
4ommunist brothers defeated the
>a8is. then they are correct$
7here would be no 6free Juro1e6
in the 3est without the Aed
After the war. I read literature
at the @ni!ersity of :enin'rad
and 'raduated$ %y son (ladimir
"$ (arady was born$ I mostly
tau'ht in :enin'rad and
4ambrid'e (@/)$ :ast year. I was
a11ointed (isitin' "rofessor
(uni!ersitnL 1rofessor) at the
4harles @ni!ersity of "ra'ue for
the duration of two semesters$
It has come to my awareness that
the ?okumentationsarchi! is
listin' Adolf Schaden as an
Austrofascist sym1athi8er$ &or
the sake of my sister. my ne1hew
and my son /arel. I re=uest this
error to be corrected$
I now li!e in :enin'rad. @SSA
si'nedK "a!el (arady formerly
known as Adolf Schaden alias
Anton Skodaek
witnessK /arel Skodaek. son$ M
,e 0ave !he s!a!emen! !o me an# kep! !he
copy for himself& ,e a##e# !ha! !he
universi!y pos! in 6ra0ue 'as his las! ac!ive
mission& -or a chan0e( !his 'as an
oppor!uni!y !o 'ork on a li!erary proBec! an#
ca!ch up 'i!h ol# frien#s& 9nly $y chance
#i# he fin# ou! !ha! my mo!her ha# #ie#(
!hen he searche# for me& < 'as easy enou0h
!o fin# an# he rea# a$ou! me in an SG1 file&
<! 'as 9l0a 'ho su00es!e# !ha! < coul# live
a! her sis!er%s& < realize# ho' !he 6rofessor
'as a$le !o check on me& ,is efficiency 'as
!errifyin0& 3hen he offere# me !o come 'i!h
him an# 9l0a !o Aenin0ra#( < #ecline#& -or
!he firs! !ime( he looke# puzzle#& < !hanke#
him for his e"plana!ion an# his !ime an# lef!&
,e 'as ri0h!( some!imes you have !o make a
choice $e!'een your family an# selfFin!eres!&
,o' coul# < Boin him in !he Sovie! /nion
af!er all 'ha! ha# happene# here since !he
en# of !he 'arD <n#ee#( !he 1ro!hers
#efea!e# !he Gazis $u! !hey ma#e also
!hemselves comfor!a$le in !his coun!ry&
>osco' 0losses over !he fac! !ha! i! s!arve#
millions of /krainian farmers an# !ha! i!
confisca!e# 6olish lan#s& >osco' ha# #enie#
!he ri0h!s of ci!izens in !he )@: an#
,un0ary !he ri0h! of selfF#e!ermina!ion&
3ha! has !he Communis! 6ar!y #one here
since 1928D <! has e"ecu!e# #emocra!ic
opponen!s( close# small $usinesses an#
fac!ories( in!imi#a!e# !he popula!ion( !aken
lan#s a'ay from farmers& <! 0losses over all
!his an# i! is fools like me 'ho have !o
s'allo' !he i#ea !ha! !he :evolu!ion is !he
ri0h! !hin0 !o #o even if accor#in0 !o Aenin
'e have !o kill 99P of !he popula!ion& < can
see 'hy !he 1olsheviks rose a0ains! !he sar(
$u! is !he 6role!aria! $e!!er offD 3orkers are
no lon0er serfs in a feu#al lan# $u! co0s in a
chapter 11
(Fe$r!ary-!ne 196%)
< #i# no! !ell !he 6rofessor !ha! < ha# never
seen a pic!ure of my fa!her $efore mee!in0
my .us!rian rela!ives& Go' !ha! < kno' !he
!ru!h( < un#ers!an# 'hy < 'as no! love# as a
chil#& < coul# almos! for0ive >aria for
ne0lec!in0 me& < 'as an acci#en!( !ha! 'as
all& ,o' can a 'oman love a chil# $y a man
'ho use# herD Go'a#ays( people !alk a lo!
a$ou! a$or!ion ri0h!s( some!imes < 'ish <
#i#n%! e"is!( $u! mos! of !he !ime( < am 0la#
!o $e alive& @espi!e of i! all( < !hou0h! !ha!
7ara#y 'as a $rave man 'ho fou0h! a0ains!
fascism& -or !he firs! !ime in my life( < came
aroun# !o !he !hou0h! !ha! i! 'as $rave of
!he communis!s !o or0anize !he an!iFfascis!
resis!ance an# < fel! privile0e# !o 'ork in
6ra0ue& <n !he memory of !he Comra#es( <
s!ar!e# a!!en#in0 mee!in0s&

< fel! !ha! !he family in 7ienna an# !he
@okumen!a!ionsarchiv #eserve# !o kno' !he
!ru!h a$ou! .#olf Scha#en an# !herefore <
ma#e plans !o !ravel !o .us!ria once < save#
enou0h money for a shor! holi#ay&

<nV& Spove#nica !ol# me !o !ake !'o 'eeks
off 'ork !o recupera!e from my heal!hFscare&
< 'an!e# !o sor! ou! a ne' accommo#a!ion
$u! she !ol# me !ha! < coul# s!ay a! !he fla! as
!hese lo#0in0s 'ere par! of my con!rac!&
6erhaps( < coul# pu! my name #o'n on !he
housin0 lis! an# 0e! a mo#ern fla!D < sai# !ha!
!his 'as a 0oo# i#ea an# !ha! < 'oul# 0o !o
!he housin0 #epar!men! as soon as possi$le&
. removal van came !o pick up <rina%s
furni!ure an# $elon0in0s( $u! she ha# lef!
ins!ruc!ions !o leave me 'i!h !he furni!ure
from !he $e#si!& < 'ro!e a le!!er !hankin0 her
for her 0enerosi!y as < #i# no! have her
a##ress( < lef! !he le!!er a! !he universi!y
'i!h !he 6rofessor%s mail&
< visi!e# !he heal!h cen!re in !he Cele!na
s!ree! an# af!er a 'eek( my heal!h ha#
improve# an# < 'an!e# !o 0o $ack !o 'ork& <
'as $ore# an# #i# no! feel like !ravellin0 !o
Kos!elec& < #i# no! 'an! !o share my ne'F
foun# informa!ion a$ou! my fa!her 'i!h
Gikola an# -ranci an# < coul# cer!ainly no!
visi! !hem 'i!hou! $e!rayin0 myself& he less
!hey kne'( !he $e!!er i! 'as for !hem&
.! 'ork( <nV& Spove#nicQ sai# !ha! !he
6rofessor 'ro!e a posi!ive reference for meR
accor#in0 !o him < 'as %efficien!%( %or0anize#%
an# %poli!e%& < receive# a ne' Bo$ !i!le 'hich
pu! me formally in char0e of ;111& < use# !o $e
an a#minis!ra!ion assis!an!( < 'as no' an
a#minis!ra!ion clerk& he payFrise mean!
!ha! 'i!h some $u#0e!in0 < coul# affor# !he
ren! of !he 'hole / :a#nice fla! an# < 'as
0la# !ha! < #i# no! have !o share i! 'i!h
anyone else&
@urin0 !he ne"! 'eeks or so( !he renova!ion
of my fla! kep! me $usy& < move# !he
furni!ure from !he livin0Froom par! of !he
$e#si! in!o 'ha! use# !o $e <rina%s livin0
room& < ma#e more pic!ure frames 'i!h
car#$oar# an# perspe" an# pu! my .us!rian
pos!car#s in !hem& < also craf!e# ne'
car#$oar# lampsha#es& <n !he ki!chen( < ha#
s!ill nei!her fri#0e nor cooker( $u! !he ho!
pla!e 'as sufficien!& .$ove all( pain!in0 !he
'hole fla! offF'hi!e 0ave me an enormous
sense of 'ellF$ein0& >y collea0ues a! 'ork
seeme# frien#lier& 6erhaps( my moo# 'as
pickin0 up af!er all( an# < fel! !his 'as a ne'
s!ar! for me& >ornin0 $rou0h! hope(
evenin0s en#e# in peace&
. fe' 'eeks la!er( < fel! ener0e!ic an# 'i!h
an enormous nee# !o ca!ch up on !hin0s !ha!
< ha# misse#& < 'en! a fe' !imes !o !he
:u#olfinum !o 'a!ch classical concer!s& <
hear# %>a 7las!% $y 1e#Lich Sme!ana an#
he Ge' 3orl# Symphony $y
.n!onin @voLQk& < also 'en! !o !he !hea!re
'here < sa' a come#y $ase# on %he )oo#
Sol#ier EveBk% 'hich remin#e# me of my o'n
!ime in !he army& < visi!e# !he puppe! !hea!re
'here !hey playe# he Ae0en# of SaviI of
-alkenI!eBn 'ho marrie# Kuni0un#a of
Slavonia( 'i#o' of Kin0 9!!okar <<& he play
'as a#ap!e# from !he opera $y +osef :ichar#
9ne Sun#ay( < !ook a 0ui#e# coachF!our !o
Ku!na ,ora( an hour a'ay !o !he ;as! of
6ra0ue& he !o'n is famous for several
reasons& <n 14O8( !he ca!holic a$$o! of Se#lec
'as sen! !o +erusalem $y Kin0 9!!okar <<& ,e
re!urne# 'i!h some ear!h from !he )ol0o!ha
moun!ain 'here +esus Chris! 'as crucifie#(
an# he sprinkle# i! over !he a$$ey ceme!ary&
his ma#e !he monas!ery a #esira$le place
for $urials& @urin0 !he 1lack @ea!h of 1328
an# !he ,ussi!e 'ars of 1245( !housan#s 'ere
$urie# !here& he monks ha# $een e"humin0
!he skele!ons an# s!ackin0 !he $ones insi#e
!he chapel since 1=11( 'hen in 18O5( !he
Sch'arzen$er0 family commissione# !he
'oo#carver -ran!isek :in! !o pu! !he $one
heap in or#er& Go' $ones an# skulls are
ar!is!ically #isplaye# on !he churches
archi!ec!ural fea!ures& <! is impossi$le !o
for0e! one%s o'n mor!ali!y an# spiri!uali!y in
such a place& his is pro$a$ly 'hy < !hou0h!
!ha! 'hen < #ie( < 'an! !o $e crema!e# an#
have my ashes sca!!ere# in!o !he river& < #o
no! fancy !he i#ea of havin0 a 'oo#carver
messin0 aroun# 'i!h my $ones& -or a #evou!
ca!holic( $ein0 $urie# 'i!h o!her ca!holics in
a consecra!e# place sprinkle# 'i!h holy
ear!h( !his 'as !he eCuivalen! of securin0 a
!icke! !o heaven& <n 1244( !he ,ussi!es( le# $y
)eneral +an eiVka( rose a0ains! !he Ca!holic
church an# cap!ure# Ku!na ,ora& he firs!
pro!es!an!s $elieve# !ha! each man can fin#
)o# $y !hemselves& his #i# no! please !he
es!a$lishe# church an# !he 6ope au!horise#
several crusa#es a0ains! !he ,ussi!es& <n
1922( he +an eiVka $ri0a#e F amon0s! !hem
a youn0 .le"an#er @u$?ek [ an# !he @.7
fou0h! a0ains! !he Gazis #urin0 !he Slovak
uprisin0 an# !his is 'hy !he oneFeye#
,ussi!e 0eneral is s!ill popular in pu$lic
9n ano!her of !hose cul!ural evenin0s( < sa'
a play calle# %he >emoran#um% $y 7Qclav
,avel a! !he 1alus!ra#e hea!re& he !i!le
clicke# 'i!h me in !he same 'ay as EveBk(
$ecause !his 'as !he s!ory a$ou! an
a#minis!ra!ion #epar!men! 'here !he clerks
#eal! 'i!h !he in!ro#uc!ion of a ne'
lan0ua0e calle# 6!y#epe& < foun# i! very
funny in an a$sur# 'ay& he purpose of
6!y#epe 'as !o !ake a'ay am$i0uous
meanin0s of 'or#s& Go more possi$ili!y of
#ou$leF!alk& he pro$lem 'as !ha! 6!y#epe
'as so complica!e# !ha! no$o#y 'as a$le !o
learn i!& < !hou0h! !ha! 7Qclav ,avel 'as very
clever& ,e 'as a coura0eous man $ecause he
'as !he #irec!or of a priva!e !hea!re 'hich
'as no! e"ac!ly con#one# $y !he s!a!e&
-or!una!ely( in 19*8( !he s!a!e 'as no lon0er
#ic!a!in0 people 'ha! !o say( $u! ra!her 'ha!
G9 !o say& ,avel%s plays pushe# !he
envelope as far as possi$le& %he
>emoran#um% 'as in!erna!ionally 'ellF
receive# $y cri!ics an# i! 'as sho'n in Ge'
.ll !his cul!ure ma#e me very e"u$eran! $u!
even!ually i! !ire# me ou!& >y ener0y levels
#iminishe# a0ain an# 'i!h fa!i0ue( an"ie!y
re!urne# !oo& < #i# no! 'an! !o look
incompe!en! a! my Bo$ an# < 'an!e# !he
o!hers in !he $asemen! no! !o !hink $a#ly of
me& <! may soun# like a con!ra#ic!ion( $u!
!his 'as a happy !ime& ,appiness is no!
a$ou! havin0 !he perfec! life( $u! $ein0 a$le
!o cope an# fin#in0 peace of min#&
chapter 12
(Spring 196%)
9n -e$ruary 4=& 19*8( !he !'en!ie!h
anniversary of !he 6ra0ue Coup( Secre!ary
)eneral .le"an#er @u$?ek ma#e !he
follo'in0 speech( la!er $roa#cas! !o !he
'hole coun!ry: MThe #art1 e7ists for the
/orking #eo#leB it m"st be neither abo-e, nor
o"tside societ1, b"t an integral #art of itC
>emocrac1 is not sim#l1 #ossession of the
rights and means of free e7#ression of
o#inion, b"t also the go-ernment+s attention
to the o#inion so e7#ressed, and the gen"ine
#artici#ation of e-er1one in the #rocess of
decision makingCD
.f!er all !he 'affle( !he KS ha# $een
#ishin0 ou!( in a lan0ua0e more akin !o
6!y#epe !han Czech or Slovak( i! 'as a relief
!o kno' !ha! !here 'ere people 'i!h an
ounce of common sense an# 'ho use#
or#inary 'or#s& .f!er @u$?ek%s speech( par!y
mem$ers 'ere a$le !o say vir!ually 'ha!ever
!hey 'an!e#& 3ri!ers coul# 'ri!e $ooks
'i!hou! $ein0 'orrie# a$ou! censorship&
7Qclav ,avel 'as allo'e# !o !ravel !o Ge'
]ork an# see his play performe# on an
.merican s!a0e& he once si#eFline# 6avel
Kohou! 'as happy !o 'i!ness !he
consi#era$le pro0ress of civil free#oms an#
enBoy an echo of !he hi0h level of #emocracy
an# free#om enBoye# in Czechoslovakia
$efore !he 'ar& he ne' pressFla's 'ere an
improvemen! on !he 19=O ones& +ournalis!
Au#vik 7akulik 'ro!e !ha! %he 6ra0ue
Sprin0 !urne# a her# of faceless !errifie#
su$Bec!s in!o a na!ion of ci!izens an# !he
revise# cons!i!u!ion 'as pro!ec!in0 i!s
ci!izens a0ains! !he a$use of po'er& he
cons!i!u!ional reforms up#a!e# !he ci!izens%
ri0h!s concep! formula!e# $y homas
>azaryk( !he firs! Czechoslovak presi#en!
an# foun#er of !he :epu$lic& . cro'# of
people pai# !ri$u!e !o him a! Aany Ceme!ery(
on !he ou!skir!s of 6ra0ue& his fel! like a
people%s revolu!ion( 'i!hou! !he violence of
1828& . ne' %Sprin0 of !he 6eople%& %he
6ra0ue Sprin0 [ 6raVskT +aro%&
<n .pril( < 'en! !o see 7aclav ,u#ecek play a
violin concer!o #urin0 !he 6ra0ue Sprin0
-es!ival of Classical >usic& his 'as !he firs!
!ime !ha! !he kiosks on 3enceslas SCuare
'ere sellin0 ne'spapers from !he 3es!& <
reco0nize# !he 3es!F)erman pu$lica!ions
%@er S!ern% (he S!ar) an# %@er Spie0el%(he
>irror) $ecause < ha# no!ice# !hem in
.us!ria& ,o'ever( < $ou0h! :epor!fr( my
usual 'eekly& .f!er !he concer!( < ha# a meal
a! !he .lfa ,o!elF:es!auran! an# remem$er
rea#in0 an ar!icle a$ou! !he assassina!ion of
/S civil ri0h!s ac!ivis! >ar!in Au!her Kin0 in
>emphis( /S.& < 'as a'are of se0re0a!ion
policies in !he lan# of !he free an# !ha! !he
pas!or 'as preachin0 eCual ri0h!s for people
of all races& <! 'as un$elieva$le !ha! !he /S.
#i# no! allo' people of #ifferen! races !o mi"
!o0e!her& .! home( !he 6ra0ue Sprin0
reforms mean! !ha! !he po'er of !he secre!
police (S!a!n_ Garo#n_ 1especnoc! F SG1)
'as si0nifican!ly re#uce#& .ccor#in0 !o
:epor!fr( a$ou! !'en!y mem$ers of !he
secre! police kille# !hemselves al!hou0h !he
official fi0ure 'as *& .ccor#in0 !o rumours(
as much as 14= mem$ers of !he SG1 kille#
!hemselves& < shoul# have aske# !he
6rofessor 'ha! he ha# rea# a$ou! me in !heir
MSocialism cannot mean onl1 liberation of the
/orking #eo#le from the determination of
e7#loiting class relations for a f"ller life of the
#ersonalit1 than an1 bo"rgeois democrac1C 6
socialism that corres#onds to the historical
democratic traditions of 9Aechoslo-akia, in
accordance /ith the e7#eriences of other
comm"nist #artiesCD ]e!( @u$?ek%s i#ea of !he
KS as !he only par!y 'as challen0e#& .! !he
6ra0ue /niversi!y <ns!i!u!e for Chemical
echnolo0y F 7ysokT Ekola ChemickoF
echnolo0ickQ (7SC,)( loca!e# !'en!y
minu!es a'ay from our #epar!men!(
6rofessor <van Svi!Qk crea!e# !he K&.&G& Clu$
for people ou!si#e !he Communis! 6ar!y& ,e
also #eman#e# !ha! !he case of +an >azark
#ea!h shoul# $e reFopene# $ecause he
suspec!e# !ha! !he former -orei0n Secre!ary
'as mur#ere# $y !he Secre! Services& <
applau#e# !he s!u#en!s of 6ra0ue /niversi!y
'hen !hey marche# on >ay 1s! as par! of !he
>ay @ay 6ara#e& heir $a#0es 'ere prou#ly
pinne# on !heir lapels&
@u$?ek #i# no! ou!la' !he K&.&G& ,is o'n
reforms con!inue# 'i!h chan0in0 !he fe#eral
s!ruc!ure of !he coun!ry $y incorpora!in0
>oravia 'i!h 1ohemia an# !hus formin0 a
Czech re0ion& .ccor#in0 !o @u$?ek( !he
reforms 'ere necessary $ecause !he aims of
!he 1928 :evolu!ion ha# $een achieve#: he
$our0eois elemen!s of socie!y ha# $een
#efea!e#& he economy nee#e# !o move
a'ay from heavy in#us!ry an# achieve !he
scien!ificF!echnical revolu!ion !o compe!e
'i!h !he 3es!& his mean! !ha! 'orkers
'oul# $e pai# accor#in0 !o !heir compe!ence
an# skills ra!her !han 0e!!in0 a fi"e# salary
accor#in0 !o Bo$ !i!le& <mpor!an! posi!ions
shoul# $e fille# $y capa$le( e#uca!e#
socialis! ca#res& .ll !hese reforms 'oul# $e
lea#in0 !o a %socialism 'i!h a human face%&
3hen censorship 'as a$olishe# on +une 4*&(
ne'spapers an# ma0azines 'ere a$le !o
pu$lish opinions an# commen!s on poli!ical
even!s& he ma0azine Ai!erarny Govin (Ge'
Ai!era!ure) 'as rename# Ai!erarn Ais!y
(Ai!erary 6apers) $ecause ;#var!
)ol#s!ucker( !he ne' e#i!orFinFchief sai#
!ha! !he ol# name remin#e# everyone of !he
corrup!ion !ha! e"is!e# un#er Govo!ny& 3i!h
a circula!ion of 355&555 copies( !his 'as a
very popular ma0azine& here 'ere no
repercussions a0ains!% Ai!erarny Ais!y% nor
)ol#s!ucker !herefore !he people 'ere no'
convince# !ha! @u$?ek 'as sincere a$ou! his
%Socialism 'i!h a human face% an# !ha! he
ha# enou0h po'er !o ensure !ha! i! 'as here
!o s!ay& )ol#s!ucker an# !he 3ri!er%s /nion
se! ou! !o form a commi!!ee !o inves!i0a!e
!he persecu!ion of 'ri!ers un#er )o!!'al#
an# Govo!ny%s re0imes an# reha$ili!a!e
!hem& his commi!!ee 'as hea#e# $y !he
poe! +aroslav Seiffer!&
< s!ill #i# no! have a !elevision so < #i# no!
see !he #e$a!es fea!urin0 )ol#s!ucker(
Kohou!( +an 6rocha!zka( 6arliamen!ary
.ssem$ly Chief +osef Smrkovsky an# )us!av
,usak& .n!iFSovie! polemics appeare# in !he
press an# !he >unichF$ase# :a#io -ree
;urope accelera!e# i!s /S propa0an#a& he
C<. $elieve# !ha! !he Col# 3ar 'oul# $e
'on i#eolo0ically& he SocialF@emocra!s
revive# !heir par!y& Go' KS har#liners such
as 7asil 1ilak 'ere ur0in0 @u$?ek !o re0ain
con!rol of !he si!ua!ion&
he Ko$lars in Kos!elec #i# no! share my
en!husiasm for !he 6ra0ue Sprin0 movemen!&
1y no'( Cousin :u#olf 'as a priva!e music
!u!or in Krumlov livin0 in 0en!eel pover!y
an# #evou! a$ou! his reli0ion& .s he playe#
his cello( he !ol# me ho' he s!ill fel!
penalize# $y !he re0ime an# s!a!e# !ha! for
all i!s meri!s %Socialism 'i!h a ,uman -ace%
'as s!ill >ar"is! an# !he essence of >ar"ism
'as no! compa!i$le 'i!h !he Chris!ian fai!h&
Karl >ar" #i# no! 'ri!e a$ou! humanis!
values( far from i!( he 'ro!e !ha! 19!h C social
reformers such as .u0us!e Com!e an#
:o$er! 9'en 'ere %mi##leFclass
M,o' can @u$?ek carry a KS car# an# no!
$e a'are of !ha!DN < aske#
M,e is pro$a$ly a'are of !ha!& < kno' !ha! in
@u$?ek%s peaceful min#( i! is possi$le !o $e
$o!h a Ca!holic an# a Communis!& he pries!
'ho officia!e# a! his 'e##in0 'as a comra#e
in arms in !he an!iFGazi :esis!ance& @u$?ek
#oesn%! see any pro$lem 'i!h $ein0 a
Communis! an# havin0 a Ca!holic 'ife& 1u!
!o me( !his is as irra!ional as someone 'ho
!ries !o $e a Chris!ian an# a >uslim a! !he
same !ime& he pro$lem is !ha! >ar"ismF
Aeninism has $ecome a reli0ion& <!
!ranscen#s poli!ical issues an# permea!es
priva!e life&b
b6lease e"plain&b
bhe pro$lem 'i!h %>ar"is!FAeninism% is !ha!
if you have a one par!y #ic!a!orship !hen you
mus! infil!ra!e !he par!y( emp!y i! of i!s
inhuman essence an# pu! !he humanis!
i#eals $ack& So !he fu!ure of !he KS is !o
'i!her an# #ie a! !he han#s of reform&
6erhaps i! 'ill $e re$orn as a SocialF
@emocra!ic 6ar!y similar !o !he one le# $y
>ila#a ,orakova fif!een years a0o& < can see
a #ialo0ue $e!'een !he Aef! an# Chris!ians&
-or e"ample( !his is 'ha! 6as!or Auki
,romacka is #oin0 'i!hin !he Chris!ian
6eace Council& 1u! ho' 'ill har#liners in !he
KS an# 3arsa' 6ac! s!a!es reac! !o !hese
perspec!ivesD he ol# Comin!ern par!ies
'ere never keen on SocialF@emocra!s 'hich
!hey re0ar#e# as $our0eois&N
.l!hou0h( Cousin :u#olf%s 'or#s ma#e
sense( < also $elieve# !ha! i! 'as possi$le for
!he KS !o fin# i!s o'n 'ay& Aike @u$?ek(
myself an# o!hers( par!y mem$ers en0a0e#
in #ialo0ue 'i!h frien#s an# families 'ho
ha# #ifferen! $eliefs in or#er !o main!ain a
human rela!ionship& .s for !he 3arsa' 6ac!(
surely i! 'as possi$le for our coun!ry !o
#eci#e a$ou! i!s o'n policiesD @u$?ek 'as
!alkin0 a$ou! our coun!ry $ein0 a neu!ral
'in#o'& < coul# see ho' !his mi0h! 'ork:
i!o 'as #oin0 !he same !hin0 in ]u0oslavia&
9nly pro!ec!ora!es an# colonies such as
i$e! or >ar!iniCue( #o no! have !he po'er
of poli!ical au!onomy&
he 6ar!y con!inue# i!s reforms $y
#ismissin0 Govo!ny from his pos! as
6resi#en! of !he SS:& ,is appoin!e#
successor 'as )eneral Au#vik Svo$o#a( 'ho
in 1923 'as in char0e of !he +an eiVka
$ri0a#e& he 0eneral 'as nickname# %-a!her
Chris!mas% an# !he clue a$ou! his $earin0
0if!s 'as in his name& %Svo$o#a% means
.! !he s'anky ar!F#Tco ,o!el .lcron on
3enceslas SCuare( !he forei0n
correspon#en!s 'ere 'ai!in0 for !he
conclusion of !he Czechoslovak #rama& hey
'ere fee#in0 !heir papers 'i!h !rue an#
un!rue fac!s an# of!en 0ave !heir
sanc!imonious opinions& Czechoslovakia 'as
$ein0 'es!ernize# an# all !ha! nonsense& <
coul# pic!ure !hese ar!icles 'ri!!en $y people
such as 1eilermann an# Aeuch!en0ru$er 'ho
feel no!hin0 $u! con!emp! for ;as!ernF
;uropean coun!ries& 3e shoul# #efini!ely
s!ay neu!ral( < #on%! 'an! !o see us $ecomin0
a capi!alis! coun!ry&
chapter 13 - A!g!'t 196%
.ll !ha! !ime( my collea0ues from !he
S7.S.:> an# !he army ha# $een 0uar#in0
!he <ron Cur!ain si#e of our coun!ry !o
pro!ec! us from inva#in0 )ermans& he
3es!F)erman pulle# $ack !heir !roops from
!he $or#er !o Cuell rumours from >osco'&
<n !he ;as!ern par! of our coun!ry( !he !roops
from !he ;as! )ermany( 1ul0aria( 6olan#(
,un0ary an# !he /SS: #i# no! leave a! !he
en# of !he usual manoeuvres&
Su$seCuen!ly( .le"an#er @u$?ek me! Aeoni#
1rezhnev in a villa0e calle# Cierna na# isou
on !he Slovakian8Sovie! $or#er an#
ne0o!ia!e# !he 'i!h#ra'al of !he !roops&
@u$?ek #efen#e# his reforms an# sai# !ha!
!he coun!ry 'as loyal !o Communism( !he
3arsa' 6ac! an# !he Comecon& .f!er four
#ays( !he ne0o!ia!ors reache# a compromise:
he 3arsa'= a0ree# !o 'i!h#ra' !he !roops
from !he SS: $u! in e"chan0e @u$?ek ha#
!o reFin!ro#uce press censorship( #isallo'
!he SocialF@emocra!ic 6ar!y an# check on
an!iFsocialis! !en#encies 'i!hin his par!y&
9n !he 3r# of .u0us!( !he 3arsa'= an# !he
KS si0ne# !he 1ra!islava @eclara!ion 'hich
affirme# loyal!y !o >ar"is!FAeninism an#
prole!arian in!erna!ionalism& he Sovie!
/nion s!a!e# !ha! i! 'oul# in!ervene if a
$our0eois mul!ipar!y sys!em 'as in!ro#uce#&
hen !he !roops lef! !he SS: $u! s!aye#
$ehin# i!s $or#ers&
Aa!er !ha! mon!h( on !he 41s! of .u0us!( <
hear# a commo!ion ou!si#e& he nei0h$ours
'ere shou!in0 on !he s!ree!s( !here 'ere
youn0 people on scoo!ers clamourin0 !ha!
!here 'ere Sovie! !anks in !he Geru#ova
S!ree!& <n fac!( one Cuar!er of a million
3arsa' 6ac! sol#iers 'ere marchin0 in a
coun!ry 'i!h a popula!ion of si" millions& <n
villa0es ou!si#e !o'n( pro!es!ers ha#
remove# or pain!e# over si0npos!s $u! !o no
Mhose -ascis!sW hose mur#erersWN& < rushe#
#o'n hol#in0 my !ransis!orFra#io !o my ear&
Cro'#s make me an"ious $u! < ha# !o $rave
my pho$ia an# Boin !hem& <! seeme# !ha!
everyone in 6ra0ue 'as on !he s!ree!s& Some
people 'ave# !he na!ional fla0&
Go'( a !ank arrive#( i! parke# $y !he +an ,us
s!a!ue on 9l# o'n sCuare an# poin!e# i!s
0uns on Ci!y ,all& .n0ry an# an"ious people
'i!h re# faces an# 'il# hair 'ere plea#in0(
shou!in0( pan!in0 or raisin0 !heir firs!s
a0ains! !he !ank&
Someone shou!e# a! !he 6oli!rouk (poli!ical
kommissar) 'ho 'as s!an#in0 on !he !ank%s
0an0plank: %<#i!e #omoi( rouskiBe fascis!eW (\
some mu##le of Czech an# :ussian
meanin0: %)o home you :ussian fascis!sW%)(
Someone else shou!e#:
%<mperialis!icheskayaW% (Cz8:uss:
<mperialis!sW)& he youn0 !ankF#river( 'ho
'ore a $ro'n uniform( looke# puzzle#& <f
;urope 'ere a haven of fra!erni!y( he 'oul#
no! $e our enemy&
< fel! ashame# !o have a fa!her in Aenin0ra#&
< shou!e# in :ussian:
Mgh ijklmnonlpmq rsoW tnu nh vmwsmxy o
zsqkDW (mii prinre!s!vyem vasW Ch!o !ii
#elaesh s namiDW) (:uss: 'e 'elcome# youW
3ha! are you #oin0 !o usDWN)
Ge"! !o me( a youn0 'oman in a fashiona$le
mini#ress screame#:
M{u|mqpD }uznjjmluw~k zmn vmoyW
%6a!chemouD Kon!rarevolu!sii nie! ie#ecW%
(:uss: 3hyD here is no coun!erFrevolu!ion
< looke# $ehin# me an# sa' some
$anners: +To .osco/, direction =ast 1,EFF
km+ +)obod1 called 1o"G+
he 6oli!rouk 'ho looke# a $i! like >a"im
)orki hec!ore# !he mass 'hils! $ran#ishin0
his Aenin fis!:
qmjny sxkqpW oqmjny
uznjjmluw~kkW %Smier! fascismouW Smier!
kon!rarevolu!siiW% (:uss: @ea!h !o -ascismW
@ea!h !o Coun!erF:evolu!ionW)&
. mi##leFa0e# man 'ho 'as 'earin0 an
anorak shou!e# $ack:
boqmjny oulmnokq sxkquqW oqmjny
oulmnou uznjjmluw~kkW kvnk vuquW b
%Smier! sovie!skim fascismomW Smier!
sovie!skoi kon!rarevolu!siiW <#i!e #omoiW%
(:uss: #ea!h !o Sovie! -ascismW @ea!h !o
Sovie! coun!erFrevolu!ionW )o homeW%
%vuqu sxkonul%F %#omoi( fascis!ovW% !he
cro'# echoe#&
< hear# an announcemen! on !he
ra#io : M?hen 1o" hear the national anthem,
1o" /ill kno/ that the :"ssians /ill ha-e
stormed broadcasting ho"seC ,or "s, this /ill
certainl1 mean the end b"t freedom shall
he 6oli!rouk sai# in $roken Czech:
%< am Bus! e"ecu!in0 or#ersW 3hy are you
makin0 our !ask so #ifficul!D < #on%! 'an!
!his ei!herW%
he !ankF#river looke# a! us 'i!h a puzzle#
/krainian e"pression& 3ha! #i# he( !he
6oli!rouk an# !he o!hers Sovie!s e"pec!D
3ha! #i# propa0an#a in >osco' !ell himD
ha! 'e 'ere a $unch of !rai!ors suppor!e#
$y -ascis! elemen!s in 3es! )ermanyD 9n a
'all( !here 'as 0raffi!i sayin0:
+9ain and 6bel /ere also brothersC+
MT/el-e #eo#le dead+ !he ra#io sai#
hen i! playe# a son0 $y >ar!a Ku$iIova:
+<et #eace contin"e /ith this co"ntr1C <et
/rath, en-1, hate, fear and str"ggle -anishC
)o/, /hen the last reign o-er 1o"r affairs /ill
ret"rn to 1o", #eo#le, I /ill ret"rnC The clo"d
is slo/l1 sailing a/a1 from the skiesC
=-er1one is rea#ing his o/n har-estC <et m1
#ra1er s#eak to the hearts that are not b"rned
b1 the times of bitterness like blooms in the
late frostCD %. 6rayer for >ar!a% 'as !he las!
son0 playe# $y :a#io 6ra0ue in .u0us! 41!h(
19*8 $efore i! fell !o !he han#s of repression&
.! O&2= am( !he !anks reache# !he 7inorah#a
an# sol#iers shelle# an# s!orme#
$roa#cas!in0 house& he na!ional an!hem
'as playe# !hen ra#io silence& 1y !he en# of
!ha! rainy #ay( !he 'hole coun!ry 'as
occupie# an# O4 people 'ere #ea# an#
hun#re# 'ere 'oun#e#& <n !he #ays !ha!
follo'e#( seven!y !housan# people emi0ra!e#
,ather and 6-1ear old son
Son& ,ather, /as that tanks firing in the
,ather& IesC
Son& ?ell, /h1 didn+t the :ed 6rm1 come to
hel# "sH
3hen !he ra#io resume# i!s
$roa#cas!( @u$?ek a##resse# !he na!ion an#
ur0e# !he popula!ion no! !o resis!& ,e
'an!e# !o avoi# more civilian casual!ies&
hen 'e all 'ai!e# for his ins!ruc!ions& he
SS: army sol#iers 'ere confine# !o !heir
$arracks& < !hou0h! of my former collea0ues
an# a$ou! !heir s!a!e of min#& < $riefly
!hou0h! a$ou! !he pa!rollin0 'olfF#o0s an#
conclu#e# !ha! !he $eas!s ha# no i#ea 'ha!
'as 0oin0 on& < no!ice# !ha! someone ha#
pu! a $lin#fol# on !he +an ,us s!a!ue on 9l#
o'n SCuare&

he 0overnmen! sai# !ha! !he 3arsa'= ha#
crosse# !he $or#er 'i!hou! !heir kno'le#0e(
'hils! !he Sovie! lea#ership sai# !ha! i! ha#
receive# a reCues! %for imme#ia!e assis!ance(
inclu#in0 assis!ance 'i!h arme# forces&% he
rumour in !he corri#ors 'as !ha! some KS
mem$ers( hos!ile !o @u$?ek( ha# $een
ne0o!ia!in0 $ehin# his $ack& .no!her
rumour 'as !ha! s!a!e police an# !he home
office ha# $een in con!ac! 'i!h !he Sovie!s(
!his mean! !ha! 'e ha# !o $e prepare# for
arres!s $y !he SG1& >any 'ere sure !ha! i!
'as 1rezhnev%s in!en!ion !o remove @u$?ek
from office $u! !he pu$lic suppor! 'as !oo
s!ron0& Some villa0es ha# rename#
!hemselves %Svo$o#a% an# %@u$?ek%&
he invasion 'as severely cri!icize# a$roa#&
.l$ania 'i!h#re' from !he 3arsa' 6ac!
callin0 !he invasion an ac! of %socialF
imperialism%& :omania%s )eneral Secre!ary
Gicolae Ceaucescu 'ho ha# $een on a s!a!e
visi! here !'o 'eeks earlier( harshly
cri!icize# 1rezhnev%s policies& hese !'o
coun!ries 'ere s!ran0e $e#fello's $ecause
re0ar#in0 civil ri0h!s( !heir o'n $ran# of
communism 'as even 'orse !han
1rezhnev%s( ho'ever i! 'as impor!an! !ha!
someone in ;as!ern ;urope s!a!e# !ha! !hey
#i# no! $elieve in inva#in0 o!her coun!ries&
he !ra#eFunions in 3es!ern ;urope as 'ell
as !he communis! par!ies in -rance an# <!aly
con#emne# !he invasion& he )reek
communis! par!y con#one# i!& he
6or!u0uese Communis! par!y 'as !he mos!
ou!spoken an# i!s 0eneralFsecre!ary 'as
plannin0 a visi! !o 6ra0ue&
.! !he /G special conference calle# $y
Cana#a( !he /S.( -rance( 6ara0uay an# !he
/ni!e# Kin0#om( !he Sovie! am$assa#or
+aco$ >alik rei!era!e# !ha! !his 'as a
%fra!ernal assis!ance a0ains! an!isocial forces%&
chapter 14 - A!g!'t 196%
he ne"! #ay 'as a ho! #ay( so < 'en! !o !he
ar!F#eco $a!hin0 resor! of Slovansk 9s!rov&
<! 'as a !a!!y place $u! s!ill popular 'i!h
ur$an #'ellers& Sun 'orshippers Cueue#
pa!ien!ly an# 'en! !hrou0h !he rus!y
!urns!iles& he ol# kiosk 'as han#in0 ou!
'ire $aske!s& he 'oman a! !he s!alls ren!e#
ou! $a!hin0 cos!umes an# !o'els& .s she 'as
servin0 !he person in fron! of me( ne's on
!he ra#io announce# !ha! !he 'hole
0overnmen! ha# $een arres!e# an# !aken !o
he ol#er 0enera!ion mi0h! have
remem$ere# 'ha! happene# !o +an >azaryk
in 1928& Someone a##e# !ha! in 1938( ,i!ler
ki#nappe# !he Czechoslovak presi#en! ;mil
,Qcha& 3e feare# !ha! 1rezhnev 'as 0oin0
!o sen# our 0overnmen! !o a )ula0 in
Si$eria& <n 19=*( !he ,un0arian Secre!ary
)eneral <mre Ga0y 'as kille# $y !he 3arsa'
6ac!& Go$o#y chan0e# in!o !heir s'im 'ear(
no$o#y recline# un#er !he 'illo' !rees(
no$o#ay 'as lyin0 in sun& Aike mos! people(
< 'as hunche# over my !ransis!or ra#io in
my ci!y clo!hes& he cro'# 'as alrea#y
feelin0 nihilis!ic $u! ho' can people $e
e"pec!e# !o $e op!imis!ic or even s!ay serene
in a coun!ry 'here !he economy 'as
slu00ish an# !he poli!ical hopes #ashe#D .n#
on !op of !ha!( !hese la!es! ne'sW
@i# .#olf Scha#en kno' !ha! all !his 'as
0oin0 !o happenD ,o' #i# he feel a$ou! his
people $ein0 rescuers an# persecu!orsD ,o'
#i# he feel a$ou! meD hen < !hou0h! !ha! <
'as $ein0 neuro!ic& .! $es! people #on%! care
a$ou! me as lon0 as < #on%! happen !o $e
un#er !heir nose&
<f 1reBnev%s people coul# !o a$#uc! our
Secre!ary )eneral an# !he res! of !he
0overnmen!( han#cuff !hem an# !ake !hem
!o !he Kremlin( 'ha! 'as in s!ore for !he res!
of !he KS 'ho approve# of @u$?ek%s
policiesD :a#io silence in !he coun!ry mean!
!ha! ne's #i# no! fil!er a$roa#& he !roops
also s!oppe# everyone from !akin0 priva!e
pic!ures of sol#iers an# !anks&
he Kremlin #i# no! sen# .le"an#er
@u$?ek( 6rime >inis!er ernik( an#
.ssem$ly Chief Smrkovsky( !o Si$eria(
ho'ever( !hey in!erro0a!e# !hem& 3i!h
hin#si0h!( i! 'as shre'# of >osco' no! !o
harm !hem $ecause ha# !hey #one so( a civil
'ar mi0h! have $roken ou! on our soil& 9n
.u0us! 4=!h( a full five #ays af!er !he
invasion( an official pressFrelease 'as rea#
ou! in !he ne's: M>ear fello/ 9itiAens, ?e
send 1o" toda1 o"r /arm greetings on behalf
of the /hole delegationC >isc"ssions /ent on
toda1 and /ill contin"e d"ring the nightC ?e
kno/ that 1o" are thinking of "sC ?e are
thinking of 1o" as /ellC
?e a##reciated 1o"r calm and /isdom /hich
are a great hel# to "s hereC ?e beg 1o" to go
in the same /a1C 2nce more /e send 1o" o"r
greetings and /e are thinking of 1o" at
homeC ]ours( Svo$o#a( @u$?ek( ernik(
Smrkovsky( an# !he o!hers& -rom >osco'(
.u0us! 4=!h a! 9&2= pmN
Aa!er 'e 'ere a$le !o hear @u$?ek%s voice on
!he ra#io as he 'as solemnly a##ressin0 !he
na!ion& < lis!ene# !o him a! KQvarna >o#rQ
an# remem$er ho' !he s!aff an# 0ues!s 'ere
shocke# $ecause his voice soun#e# !ire#(
'eak an# 'e sense# !ha! he coul# $arely
con!ain his !ears& ,e e"plaine# !ha! af!er
!alks in >osco'( reforms 'ere unavoi#a$le
an# !ha! !he !ask 'as heavy:
M2"r sit"ation "st no/ is -er1 com#licated
indeedC 2ne ma1 sa1 that this is tragicC Iet
o"r #eo#le e7#ect "s to do something to sol-e
the sit"ationC The #roceedings of the Slo-ak
!art1 9ongress and the .osco/ !rotocol
#ro-ed that o"r #eo#le are ca#able of
gras#ing the sit"ationC B"t /e m"st tell them
the tr"thCCC The 8"estion is& is there an1
#ossibilit1 of o"r leading nations o"t of this
sit"ationH The ans/er is& there isC Is there a
so"nd relationshi# bet/een o"r #eo#le and
o"r #art1H Ies there isC So let+s go to
/orkCJ .le"an#er @u$?ek [ ra#io speech on
!he 4=!h of .u0us!&N
-ran!isek Krie0l of !he KS refuse# !o si0n
!he >osco' 6ro!ocol $u! !his coul# no! s!op
!he reforms from $ein0 cancelle#& his
mean! !ha! 'e 'oul# 0o $ack !o ho' !hin0s
'ere 'hen Govo!ny 'as in char0e& .! !he
/G( !he mo!ion 'as 'i!h#ra'n& he /S
am$assa#or )eor0e 1all oversa' a convoy
evacua!in0 /S ci!izens from !he coun!ry& 9n
.u0us! 48!h( all Czechoslovak me#ia
pu$lishers a0ree# !o s!op !he press for a #ay&
3ri!ers an# e#i!ors su$seCuen!ly a0ree#
'i!h @u$?ek on reFin!ro#ucin0 limi!e#
censorship for a perio# of !hree mon!hs& 9n
Sep!em$er *!h( Krie0l 'as #ismisse# from
his pos!&
. #ay la!er( !he <n!erna!ional Confe#era!ion
of ra#eF/nions sen! a messa0e of
MThe International ,ree Trade Knion
9onference on 9Aechoslo-akia sal"tes the
9Aechoslo-ak #eo#le and es#eciall1 the
/orkers, and #ledges the contin"ed solidarit1
of the /hole international free trade "nion
mo-ement /ith their heroic str"ggle for f"ll
h"man and trade "nion rightsCD Statement b1
the International 9onfederation of ,ree Trade
Knions, Br"ssels, Belgi"m Se#tember 7th
.ccor#in0 !o a rumour, 6resi#en! Svo$o#a
ha# !hrea!ene# !o shoo! himself if @u$?ek
an# !he o!hers 'eren%! release#&
chapter 15
(Septe#$er-(o)e#$er 196% )
he 6ra0ue Sprin0 reforms 'ere 0ra#ually
reverse# over !he ne"! mon!hs #espi!e
'orl#F'i#e pro!es!s& .! !he 9lympics
)ames in >e"ico !ha! !ook place in 9c!o$er(
7Ura QslavskQ !he 0ymnas! silverFme#alis!
hel# a silen! pro!es! as she looke# a'ay
'hen !he Sovie! an!hem 'as playe# !o
honour !he 'inner of !he $alance $eam an#
!he floor e"ercises& <n her career( she ha#
'on seven 0ol# me#als& he me#ia
applau#e# her coura0e& he 9lympic 0ames
coul# no! hol# up !he ne"! s!ep in !he
%normaliza!ion% process&
he firs! s!ep in !he %normaliza!ion% process
'as ackno'le#0in0 !he necessi!y of !he
3arsa' 6ac! !roops s!a!ionin0 in !he SS:&
9n 9c!o$er 18!h( !he permanen! presence of
seven!yFfive !housan# !roops on
Czechoslovak soil 'as confirme#& his #i#
no! si! 'ell 'i!h !he popula!ion& ,un0arian
!roops 'ere #espise# $y !he Slovak
popula!ion& he ;as! )ermans remin#e# !he
ol#er popula!ion of !he !imes 'hen ,ey#rich
an# !he Gazis occupie# !he coun!ry an#
shou!e# in )erman& Some 3arsa' 6ac!
!anks 'ere #au$e# 'i!h S'as!ikas& Chil#ren
!hre' s!ones a! !he sol#iers& S!u#en!s a##e#
0raffi!i on !he 'alls& +:ed Brothers, go back to
1o"r reser-ationsG+& < passe# a $akery 'i!h a
$ricke#Fup 'in#o'( !here 'as a pos!er on
!he 'all !ha! sai#: 19LE (s/astikaM 196E (red
starM& .nonymous poe!ry 'as flyFpos!e#&
<n my opinion as a simple ci!izen( !he fac!
!ha! !he $ro!hers #i# ran#om checks on
or#inary people 'as par!icularly ou!ra0eous&
]ou coul# no! even look a! pos!ers an#
0raffi!i 'i!hou! $ein0 Cues!ione# $y
pa!rollin0 police or !anks& 9nly a year $efore(
< ha# $een annoye# a! !he police snoopin0
on me on Kampa <slan#& 1u! 'i!hin a 'eek( <
'as s!oppe# a fe' !imes( !'ice $y a Sovie!
an# four !imes $y a )erman& < fel! i! 'as ou!
of or#er for !hem !o !rea! my ci!y as !heir
play0roun#& < refuse# !o speak !heir
lan0ua0e& < only make an effor! 'i!h a
forei0n lan0ua0e 'hen < 'an! !o !alk !o
frien#s& < 'an!e# !o shou!: M]ou $as!ar#s( <
'elcome# you in 192=( an# < helpe# you 'i!h
your #amne# .us!erli!z #ocumen!ary&N
<ns!ea#( < 0ave !hem !he evil eye as !hey
checke# my papers&
< ha# $een selfFri0h!eous a$ou! my passive
resis!ance& .n even! rela!e# !o ;111 knocke#
me #o'n from my pe#es!al& < foun# a copy of
!he Sovie! 6rav#a ne'spaper in my pi0eonF
hole& Someone ha# #au$e# a S'as!ika& -irs!(
< !hou0h! !ha! !his 'as Bus! ano!her s!u#en!
or mem$er of s!aff 'ho 'as frus!ra!e# a$ou!
!he !roops& here 'as more !o !ha!& <nsi#e
!he paper( !'o lines 'ere un#erline# in re#
$iro: M6rofessor 6avel 7ara#y 'orke# for !'o
semes!ers as a consul!an! !u!or a! !he
Charles /niversi!y of 6ra0ue& ,e con#emne#
!he curren! an!iFSovie! feelin0s in !he SS:
$y sayin0: i! is !o!ally a$sur# !o compare !he
3arsa' 6ac! 'i!h !he Gazis&% an# #ecline#
fur!her commen!s on !he su$Bec!&N
< 'as #evas!a!e# an# physically sick& >y
hear! 'as racin0& < fel! like a piece of
un'an!e# lu00a0e sen! from pillar !o pos!
'i!h no chance of solace& . $raver man !han
me 'oul# have s!oo# up an# clarifie# his
posi!ion& < have never $een $rave& < lef! !he
universi!y an# 'en! !o see my #oc!or !o 0e! a
sick line& -or !he ne"! !'o 'eeks( < har#ly
'en! ou!( no! even !he lack of foo# coul#
force me ou!& < a!e po!a!oes an# porri#0e an#
#rank lo!s of min! !ea& < 'as a'are !ha! < 'as
0e!!in0 physically 'eaker $u! < #i# no! 'an!
!o 0e! $e!!er& < 'an!e# !o fa#e a'ay in!o !hin
air or me!amorphose in!o a cockroach& <
procras!ina!e# an# came !o !he same
#ilemma: 3ha! 'as < suppose# !o #o a! !he
/niversi!yD +us!ify !he 6rofessor%s 'or#sD
@eny my fa!herD Gei!her !he one nor !he
o!her 'as possi$le& < 'ishe#( .n!on ha#
never $o!here# !o !race me& -or me( !he man
'i!h !he mul!iple i#en!i!ies 'oul# al'ays he
remem$ere# as my fa!her .n!on& .n# ye!( if
he ha#n%! chan0e# my life( < 'oul# s!ill $e
askin0 Cues!ions a$ou! him an# lon0in0 !o
fill a voi#& >y in#efini!e sickFleave 'as
approve# in 'ri!in0 $y <nV& Spove#nicQ 'ho
sen! me her $es! 'ishes& 3i!h hin#si0h!( i! is
$e!!er !ha! < #i# no! !ry !o clarify my
posi!ion& here 'oul# have $een a 'i!ch
hun! a0ains! !he pro!es!ers( !herefore( < am
0la# !ha! < never ha# !o !es!ify a0ains!
Go' !ha! censorship la's 'ere reforme# !o
preF19*8 levels an# many 6ra0ue Sprin0
suppor!ers los! !heir Bo$s: +iri 6elikan 'ho
'orke# for :a#io 6ra0ue( 6rofessor
)ol#s!ucker from !he /niversi!y of 6ra0ue(
7Ura QslavskQ( 6as!or Auki ,romacka from
!he church( KS par!y mem$ers 6avel
Kohou! an# Au#vik ,anzlik& hey 'ere no!
allo'e# !o !ravel a$roa#& he coun!ry 'as
$ecomin0 a prison&
he 0overnmen! presi#ium hea#e# $y
)us!av ,usak #eclare# on !he 8!h of
Govem$er !ha! !he Czechoslovak press 'as
no lon0er allo'e# !o make any ne0a!ive
commen!s a$ou! !he 3arsa' 6ac!
in!erven!ion& he 'eekly ma0azines 6oli!ika
an# :epor!fr 'ere suspen#e#& )us!av ,usak
'as a former la'yer !or!ure# un#er !he
S!alinis! )o!!'al# 0overnmen!& Gever!heless(
i! of!en happens !ha! !he heroes of yes!er#ay
$ecome !he villains of !o#ay( an# !here 'ere
some pro!es!ers shou!in0 %)us!avpo% or
< #i# no! 'an! !o 'ai! for !he conclusion of
!he Cen!ral Commi!!ee mee!in0& 9n
Govem$er 1=!h( af!er hearin0 on :a#io -ree
;urope( !ha! !he .us!rian Chancellor +osef
Klaus 'as 0ran!in0 visas an# shel!er !o
refu0ees( < 'en! !o !he .us!rian ;m$assy& <!
'as a lon0 'alk !o 7ic!orF,u0oFS!ree! in !he
fif!h #is!ric!& 3hen < arrive# !here( !he
em$assy s!aff sai# !ha! !hey 'ere close# for
people of Czechoslovak na!ionali!y an# !he
spokesman a##e# !ha! Chancellor Klaus%s
proposi!ion con!ra#ic!e# !he i#ea of .us!rian
neu!rali!y& < suspec!e# !ha! .us!ria 'an!e# !o
avoi# a #irec! confron!a!ion 'i!h !he
3arsa' 6ac!& .f!er a lon0 'ai!( !he Cueue
no' hear# !he am$assa#or :u#olf
Kirchschla0er 'oul# 0ran! a visa !o anyone
'ishin0 !o leave !he SS: re0ar#less of !heir
na!ionali!y as lon0 as !he 0overnmen!
allo'e# !hem !o leave !he coun!ry& 1ecause <
ha# a 0reen passpor!( < 'as a$le !o 0e! a visa&
<! helpe# me !ha! Scha#en 'as $orn an
.us!rian ci!izen( an# i! also helpe# my cause
!ha! < ha# $een !o .us!ria $efore an# !ha! <
spoke )erman& hen < $ou0h! a !rainF!icke!
!o 7ienna via GovQ 1ys!Lice& 1y !ha! !ime(
some fif!y !housan# Czechoslovak na!ionals
'ere in :omania( ,un0ary or ]u0oslavia(
!hey ha# 0rey passpor!s&
3ha! ma#e me #eci#e !o emi0ra!e 'as !he
!hou0h! !ha! .n!on Scha#en coul# come
$ack here an# #ra' me in!o his 'e$ of
#ecei!( or en!ice me !o en#orse his cause& <
!hink a$ou! him an# al'ays conclu#e !ha! he
'as ri0h! !o #o 'ha! he #i#( he $elieve# in
makin0 !he 'orl# $e!!er $y Boinin0 !he
Comin!ern& ,o'ever( in .u0us! 19*8( !he
Sovie! /nion viola!e# !he free 'ill of a
coun!ry( !ook a 'hole 0overnmen! hos!a0e
an# force# a reformer !o reverse his reforms&
he Communis! 6ar!y may have ha# a fine
his!ory of resis!ance a0ains! fascism( $y
le!!in0 #o'n @u$?ek( a lea#er 'ho fou0h!
a0ains! ,i!ler an# #ismissin0 i!s mos!
eloCuen! people from key pos!s( an#
$lackmailin0 !he presi#en!( i! los! i!s soul& <
am no! reli0ious( $u! < $elieve in $earin0
responsi$ili!y for my #ecisions an# < #i# no!
'an! !o play any fur!her role& < #i# no! 'an!
!o $ecome a shill like ,usak& < #i# no! 'an!
!o $e a 0oo# la'Fa$i#in0 ci!izen in a $a#
coun!ry& 1efore !he 6ra0ue Sprin0 reforms( <
coul# Bus!ify personal compromises $ecause <
#i# no! kno' any!hin0 elseR af!er !as!in0
free#om( i! 'as impossi$le !o 0o $ack !o !he
previous mo#us operan#i&
Aa!er !ha! evenin0( < 'ro!e several le!!ers&
9ne 'as my resi0na!ion a##resse#
!o <nV& Spove#nicQ& .no!her 'as !o !he
,ousin0 @epar!men! an# !he !hir# 'as !o
.un! -ranci& < coul# no! leave 'i!hou! !ellin0
!he Ko$lars !ha! < 'oul# $e fine& < coul# no!
$rin0 myself !o visi! Kos!elec $ecause < mi0h!
have chan0e# my min# an# s!aye# !here& <n
!he le!!er !o -ranci( < nominally lef! all my
possessions in !he / :a#nice fla! !o her an#
her hus$an#& < also name# -ranci as my
financial a#minis!ra!or $ecause < kne' !ha! <
coul# no! e"chan0e my money in my
accoun! a! !he S!a!e 1ank in!o forei0n
currency a! !he Commercial 1ank of
Czechoslovakia& 1u! < kne' #eep #o'n !ha!
once < 'as 0one( my asse!s 'oul# $e seize#&
-inancial insecuri!y is 'hy many people are
#e!erre# from emi0ra!in0 a$roa#& 3hen <
lef! / :a#nice for 0oo#( < ha# rou0hly !he
same amoun! of lu00a0e as 'hen < firs!
arrive# !here ei0h!een mon!hs $efore& < $i#
fare'ell !o -ranz Kafka%s house( lef! a le!!er
a! !he 6or!er%s lo#0e a! !he universi!y& <
han#e# $ack my li$rary $ooks an# visi!e#
!he pos!Foffice !o pos! my o!her le!!ers& <
$ou0h! a series of s!amps 'hich #epic!e#
>a"im )orki( )K Ches!er!on( -ranz Kafka
an# ;rnes! ,emin0'ay& < also $ou0h! some
pos!car#s& < ha# a las! meal a! !he Corso(
passe# !he .rco an# !hen 'en! in!o !he
9n Sun#ay( Govem$er 1O!h 19*8( < $i#
fare'ell !o my ci!y& <! 'as !he anniversary of
he S!ru00le for -ree#om an# @emocracy&
1y !he !ime !he coun!ry commemora!e# !he
1939 s!u#en! uprisin0 a0ains! !he Gazis(
a$ou! hun#re# si"!yF!'o !housan# people
ha# lef! since .u0us! 19*8& hree !housan#s
!ravelle# !o .merica an# !'elve !housan#s
applie# for poli!ical asylum F soon( < 'oul#
$e one of !hese !'elve !housan#s&
chapter 16
((o)e#$er 196%)
.f!er si" hours( !he !rain arrive# in 7ienna
-ranz +osef S!a!ion looke# very similar !o
6ra0ue%s !rainFs!a!ion an# 'as eCually
sha$$y an# #ilapi#a!e#& he )renzschu!z
(1or#er 6a!rol) 0ave me 'ri!!en #irec!ions !o
!he refu0ee camp of raiskirchen Bus! ou!si#e
!he ci!y& < !ook !he @Fram !o reBoin !he
1a#ner 1ahn& he @Fram passe# !he
3ie#ner ,aup!s!rasse an# < spo!!e# a yello'
$uil#in0 'i!h an arch an# a si0n !ha! sai#
%1uchan!iCuaria! 7o!ova%F %7o!ova
.n!iCuarian 1ookshop%& < planne# !o visi! !he
7o!ova family an# !ell !hem a$ou! .n!on%s
le!!er& <n !he mean!ime( < ha# !o reach
he 0a!eFkeeper in !he 0rey uniform le! me
in& he 'hi!e an# re# $uil#in0 use# !o $e a
$arrack& he clerk aske# me 'he!her <
'an!e# !o apply for poli!ical asylum& < sai#
yes an# e"plaine# my si!ua!ion al!hou0h <
#i# no! 0o in!o #e!ails a$ou! 6rofessor
7ara#y nor .n!on Scha#en& < 'as
pho!o0raphe#( fin0erprin!e# an# 'earily( <
'on#ere# 'he!her < 'oul# $e release#& <
!hou0h! !ha! !he si!ua!ion a! home 'as no!
!ha! $a#( if raiskirchen ha# $een near
!he SS: $or#er( < 'oul# pro$a$ly no! have
$o!here# 'i!h s!ayin0 in .us!ria& he
)renzschu!z 3achmann Sinkel 'as #ealin0
'i!h my file( !ypin0 'i!h !'o fin0ers or as i!%s
kno'n %z'ei -in0er .#ler Suchsys!em%& <
aske# 'he!her < coul# phone my cousin in
7ienna an# ask him for his opinion& he
3achmann looke# up an# sai# !ha! i! 'oul#
$e more comfor!a$le for me if < coul# s!ay
'i!h rela!ives ra!her !han remain in
raiskirchen i!self or shel!ers run $y !he
church or !ra#eFunions & < replie# !ha! my
.us!rian family mi0h! no! 'an! !o mee! me
a0ain& ,e sai# !ha! 'e coul# al'ays !ry&
6oli!ical asylum 'as no! necessary in or#er
!o remain in .us!ria $u! 'i!hou! i!( < coul#
no! !ravel any fur!her nor 0ain employmen!&
< 'an!e# !o earn a livin0 an# re$uil# my life&
<n !he mean!ime( < 'as 0iven a $lanke! an#
o!her necessi!ies !hen le# !o a communal
isola!ion #ormi!ory& < 'as use# !o
#ormi!ories so < s!ore# my possessions in !he
'oo#en locker an# < snooze# safe in !he
kno'le#0e !ha! < 'as no! sleepin0 a! 6ankrac
SG1 hea#Cuar!ers nor in Aenin0ra# an#
!hankfully( < 'as no! in a hospi!al 'i!h a
pancrea!ic infec!ion& < 'on#ere# if an# 'hen
< 'oul# $e a$le !o leave !his place& he o!her
people in !he room refraine# from !alkin0 !o
me an# < #i# !he same& ;veryone seeme# in a
s!a!e of shock&
Shor!ly af!er'ar#s( s!aff 'i!h !rolleys came
!o !he room an# $rou0h! us af!ernoon coffee&
< 'as 'ellFuse# !o !his rou!ine from !he
hospi!al& he coffee an# !he rolls 'i!h $u!!er
an# Bam 'ere nice& ]e!( !he asylum seekers
'ere all 'ai!in0 !o $e summone# for an
in!ervie' a! !he office& .s !he office 'as
close# #ue !o !he 'eeken#( < coul# #o
no!hin0 apar! from 'ai!in0 for $e#F!ime on
!he #ay of free#om an# #emocracy F
%svo$o#u a #emocracii%& < rea# a li!!le from
:ilke%s %'o S!ories of 6ra0ue% an# !hen < fell
fas! asleep&
9n >on#ay mornin0( < spoke !o my cousin
S!efan on !he phone& -irs!( he 'as surprise#
!o learn !ha! < 'as in .us!ria( !hen < hear#
him !alkin0 !o someone in !he $ack0roun#&
,e !hen sai# !ha! his mo!her F my aun!
9livia 7o!ova nTe Scha#en F 'oul# love !o
see me& 3oul# < #o !hem !he honour of
Boinin0 !hem a! a remem$rance ceremony
for ,err Aukas 7o!ovaD >y $loo# froze& < 'as
in!ru#in0 on a a family%s 0rief& Gever!heless( <
sai# i! 'oul# $e an honour !o pay my
respec!s !o ,err 7o!ova& S!efan sai# !ha! he
'oul# arrive 'i!hin !he ne"! nine!y minu!es
an# !ha! < shoul# look ou! for a yello'
camper van& .s < pu! #o'n !he receiver( <
specula!e# !ha! !he 7o!ova family may
ori0inally have $een calle# 7o! (!he Czech
form of 7ei!) an# !ha! !he chil#ren kep! !he
female form of !he name 'hen !hey move#
!o .us!ria& < !ol# !he por!er a! raiskirchen
a$ou! !he planne# visi! an# he sai# !ha! <
ha# !o si0n !he re0is!er an# inform !hem
a$ou! my re!urn&
.n hour la!er( my pale cousin 'i!h !he
colourless hair arrive# in a yello' van& ,e
'as 'earin0 his anorak over a $lack sui!& ,e
'ro!e #o'n his a##ress on !he por!er%s
re0is!er lis!in0 himself as my cousin on !he
pa!ernal si#e& S!efan !hen sai# !ha! i! 'as
very kin# of me !o Boin !he family on !his sa#
occasion& Aukas 7o!ova ha# $een ill 'i!h
colon cancer for many mon!hs an# #ie# a!
home& he family foun# !ime !o say 0oo#$ye
properly an# !ake no!e of his 'ishes& ,e
insis!e# on a civil ceremony $ecause he 'as
no! reli0ious an# !ha! 9livia 'as !o hol# !he
eulo0y& S!efan a##e# !ha! his fa!her mi0h!
have $een happy !o see his nephe' a! !he
ceremony& ,e 'as sa# !hou0h !ha! < 'as
really rela!e# !o .#olf an# he apolo0ize# for
fin#in0 ou! !he a'ful !ru!h a$ou! him& <
aske# him !o park his van for a minu!e&
3hen !he vehicle s!oppe#( < e"plaine# !o
him !ha! !he man < calle# .n!on ha# 'orke#
for !he Comin!ern& S!efan looke# shocke#
!hen $rea!he# a si0h askin0 if .n!on really
'asn%! a Gazi& < replie# !ha! he 'asn%! a Gazi
an# !ha! he 'orke# for !he Sovie!s& Mha!%s
a'fulW 3i!h all !hese Sovie! !anks in
6ra0ue%WN < replie# 6resi#en! Svo$o#a an#
Secre!ary )eneral @u$?ek also 'ere on !he
Sovie! si#e #urin0 !he 'ar& ,e smile# a0ain
an# !ol# me a$ou! !he la!e .us!rian ac!or
.#olf 3ohl$rJck 'ho chan0e# his name !o
.n!on 3al$rook 'hen h foun# refu0e in
;n0lan#& ,o' many more people 'ere
ashame# !o share a Chris!ian name 'i!h a
mur#erous #ic!a!orD
3e arrive# a! !he 7ienna Cen!ral Ceme!ery&
he fo0 'as coverin0 !he 0roun#s in a #ense
monochrome $lanke!& >ere 0hos!ly
sha#o's( !he small 0roup of people 'ho ha#
0a!here# !here& < 0uesse# !ha! 9livia 7o!ova
'as !he ashF$lon#e 'oman 'ho 'as
a##ressin0 !he 0roup 'i!h a shiverin0 voice [
she 'as hol#in0 a 'rea!h of re# roses& .par!
from !he hair( she $ore a s!rikin0
resem$lance !o my fa!her :
M<n !he ol# #ays $efore !he 'ar( people 'ho
kne' ,err Aukas 7o!ova 'ere fon# of him&
,e 'as a man a! home a! !he ,a'elka( !he
>ozar!( !he Sacher( !he 6rJckl( !he <mperial(
!he Aan#!mann cafTs& ,e #re' car!oons of
ar!is!s an# 'ri!ers of !he #ay an# me! many
ar!is!s such as 'a!ercolouris! Karl Sch'e!z&
/n!il 1932( ]ou mi0h! have seen Aukas an#
my $ro!her .#olf pacin0 9l# 7ienna& heir
le0acy are pos!car#s of a 'orl# $efore i! 'as
#es!roye# $y !yranny an# 'ar& 3hen my
$ro!her move# a'ay( Aukas 'orke# as a
$ook $in#er& he 'ar sa' Aukas as a
reluc!an! sol#ier& ,e 'as sho! in !he $ack on
!he ;as!ern -ron!& .f!er he 'as repa!ria!e#(
he $ecame a por!er a! !he -ranzF+osefFSpi!al&
9ne #ay( he refuse# !o salu!e a )erman Gazi
officer an# he 'as !aken !o )es!apo
hea#Cuar!ers on >orzinspla!z SCuare 'here
!he 'as severely $ea!en an# 'as sen!ence#
!o seven mon!hs of har# la$our a!
>au!hausen Camp& ,e 'as !here 'hen !he
allies li$era!e# i!& ,e coul# no lon0er ske!ch(
$u! he 'as prou# !ha! !he )es!apo never
foun# his s!ash of $ooks& 3hen !he )erman
Gazis $urn! $ooks in 1933 in 1erlin( Aukas se!
ou! !o $uy every !i!le from !he $anne# lis!
from .us!rian $ookshops& ,e vo'e# !o
ou!live !he Gazi re0ime an# have !hese
$ooks #isplaye# af!er !he 'ar& ,e 'as a man
commi!!e# !o !he ar!s an# free speech& Go
!yranny shoul# ever #es!roy !hose& .f!er !he
'ar( he opene# a shop an# prou#ly #isplaye#
!hose li!erary survivors& .s a family( 'e
'an!e# !o $uil# a monumen! !o him( $u! he
chose !o #ona!e his $o#y !o me#ical research
an# !his is 'hy 'e are assem$le# here in !his
fiel# !o remem$er him an# everyone 'ho is
#e#ica!e# !o help people& Aukas 'as a
survivor& ,e 'as a #evo!e# hus$an# an# an
inspirin0 man 'ho 'ill $e sorely misse#&N
. youn0 'oman 'i!h mousey hair 'earin0 a
!rouser sui! playe# a piece of music on a
violin 'hich < reco0nize# as %.ul# Aan0
9nly no' #i# < reco0nize Comra#e
.mmereiner amon0 !he mourners& ,e #i#
no! le! on !ha! he kne' me& ,e $riefly spoke
!o 9livia 7o!ova( !hen lef! has!ily&
9livia 7o!ova sai# Cuie!ly: MKarel Sko#a?ek(
-inally 'e mee!& <! is a pleasure !o see you&
3oul# you like !o come 'i!h usDN
Mhank you( >rs 7o!ova& Gice !o mee! you&N
b6lease call me 9livia&b
MAe! me in!ro#uce you !o my 'ife >onika&N
S!efan sai#& < shook han#s 'i!h !he violin
MGice !o mee! you( Karel&N she sai#&
M>y pleasure& ]ou playe# $eau!ifully&N
She 'as calle# >onika @BokovicF7o!ova an#
'as a musician $orn on !he Croa!ian coas! of
]u0oslavia& She 'orke# as an ushere!!e a!
!he 1ur0kino on !he :in0 an# in !he
evenin0s( she playe# violin a! a ]u0oslavianF
>ace#onian res!auran! on !he
he four of us s!eppe# in!o !he yello'
camper an# 9livia #rove firs! !o !he cinema
'here >onika 0o! off& 3e arrive# a! !he
3ie#ner ,aup!s!rasse an# 9livia parke# !he
camper in !he inner pa!io area of !he ol#
yello' $uil#in0& S!efan opene# !he $lue 0lass
#oor of !he 7o!ova 1ookshop& he crys!al
chimes !inkle# an# cau0h! some li0h!&
3e en!ere# a #ark shop $a!he# in $lue li0h!(
!he 'oo#en floor$oar#s creake# as 'e
'alke#& -loor !o ceilin0 pine $ookshelves
'i!h #ecayin0 $ooks an# paperF'are fille#
!he room& .n opaCue yello' 0lass ceilin0F
lampsha#e provi#e# !he li0h!& he !ill on !he
coun!er pro$a$ly recycle# from a museum or
a Bunk shop sa! on a 0lass !op& 6resse# alpine
flo'ers an# ol# pos!car#s coul# $e seen
un#er !he 0lassF!op& 1ehin# !he coun!er( in a
0lass ca$ine!( !here i! 'as: Aukas 7o!ova%s
collec!ion of !he $anne# 1erlin $ooks&
here( < no!ice# %>e!amorphosis% $y -ranz
Kafka( an# < sai# !ha! < use# !o live ne"! #oor
!o Kafka%s ol# house in !he 6ra0ue 9l# o'n&
< procee#e# !o #escri$e !ha! o## $lack house
'i!h !he 'hi!e fairy !ale fi0ures& 9livia 'as in
a'e so < !ol# !he pair a$ou! !he KarlF
-er#inan# /niversi!y in !he re# 1a!a
$uil#in0& S!efan aske# 'he!her < 'an!e# !o
si! #o'n an# #rink a cup of coffee& < follo'e#
him in!o !he $ackFroom an# sa! #o'n on a
#ecrepi! ol# sofa( 0lance# a! !he fa#e#
6ersian ru0 F %!he $anne# $ooks 'ere hi##en
insi#e a cache un#ernea!h !he sofa% S!efan
e"plaine# %an# !he ru0 'as aroun# !hem F my
fa!her%s favouri!e s!ory& ,e use# !o run !he
shop from !his sofa&% ,e a##e# !ha! !he
con#ense# milk 'as off an# !ha! he 'as
poppin0 in!o !he $akery an# $uy some&
< 'en! $ack in!o !he shop askin0 9livia( 'ho
'as perche# on !op of a s!epFla##er( 'he!her
< coul# 0ive her a han#& She 'on#ere# 'here
her son 'as so < !ol# her an# she sai# !ha! if <
'an!e# < coul# $rush !he floor& 3hen she
came #o'n !he s!epFla##er( she 'ro!e #o'n
!he $ookF!i!les insi#e !he le#0er a! !he
coun!er F %!he $ohemian li$rary% she a##e#& <
ha# finishe# $rushin0 !he floor( an# 'as
lookin0 a! !he o!her volumes in !he shop(
!here 'ere $ooks on philosophy( $iolo0y(
zoolo0y( $o!any( reli0ion( #ic!ionaries
encyclopae#ias( #ime novels( poli!ics an#
!hrillers& 3hen 9livia sai# !ha! !he shop
$ou0h! i!s s!ock from Bunk shops an# clearF
ou!s& < realize# !ha! !his family 'orke# in !he
same !ra#e as !he men 'ho s!rippe# <rina%s
fla! $are of all i!s con!en!s( furni!ure( $ooks
an# ornamen!s& 9livia a##e# !ha! !he place
here coul# $e very Cuie! a! !imes $u! !he
s!u#en!s from !he echnolo0ical /niversi!y
(/) enBoye# fora0in0 !hrou0h !he 15F
Schillin0F$o"es& < like# !he fac! !ha! !his
place 'as loca!e# near a universi!y an# <
$riefly !hou0h! of !he s!u#en!s a! home&
he 'in#Fchime !inkle#( S!efan 7o!ova ha#
re!urne#& ,e !ook off his anorak& ,e sai#
!ha! 'e mi0h! as 'ell 0o ups!airs( as i! 'as
cosier !han !he $ackFroom& 9livia !urne# !he
open8close# si0n on !he $ookshop%s fron!
#oor& 3e en!ere# !he fla! !hrou0h a ki!chen
furnishe# 'i!h a 'oo#en #resser #ecora!e#
'i!h pain!e# flo'ers& 3e sa! #o'n on
refec!ory $enches $y !he polishe# !a$le&
S!efan !ook ou! some placema!s from !he
#resser !hen he opene# his sa!chel an# !ook
ou! some %Semmel% 'hi!e $rea# rolls( a can of
con#ense# milk( some 0herkins( e00s an#
o!her ve0e!a$les& 3e coul# hear !he
lunch!ime commu!er !raffic an# !he pin0in0
of !he @Fram $ell !hrou0h !he open
'in#o'& he pale sun !hrou0h !he fo0 $riefly
shone !ire# rays !ha! lin0ere# on !he 0reen
!iles a$ove !he cooker& hen !he 'eak li0h!
#isappeare# a0ain&
S!efan s'i!che# on !he li0h!s& .s he prepare#
lunch( he aske# 'here < in!en#e# !o s!ay in
.us!ria& < sai# !ha! a! !he momen!( < 'as
sor!in0 !his ou! 'i!h my case 'orker in
raiskirchen& 3hen 9livia came up( S!efan
sai# !ha! < coul# use !he a!!ic room here if <
'an!e# %!ha! mi0h! $e a $i! more
comfor!a$le !han !he raiskirchen
compoun#( al!hou0h 'e 'oul# nee# !o move
!he $o"es%& 9livia sai# !ha! a lo! of !hese
$o"es $elon0e# !o .n!on an# !ha! if < s!aye#
here an# < coul# look !hrou0h !hem&
.l!hou0h < ha# s'orn never !o live 'i!h
anyone from my family a0ain( < 'arme# up
!o !hese !'o& 9livia aske# 'he!her < coul#
#rive& < sai# !ha! < use# !o #rive a van in !he
.rmy& S!efan sai# !ha! !his 'as $rillian!
$ecause < coul# #rive !he yello' camperFvan&
< realize# 'here !ha! !alk 'as lea#in0 !o( an#
a0ains! my secon# principle of never
'orkin0 a0ain 'i!h a family mem$er( <
!hou0h! !ha! 'orkin0 'i!h !hese !'o coul#
$e fun& @eep insi#e( < 'on#ere# 'ha! .n!on
kep! in !hose $o"es in my assi0ne# ne'
.f!er lunch( S!efan an# < #rove $ack !o
raiskirchen !o pick up my $elon0in0s an#
!o comple!e forms& <n .us!ria( every
inha$i!an! nee#s !o re0is!er an official
a##ress an# !hus fill a soFcalle#
%>el#eschein%& .f!er raiskirchen( 'e 'en! !o
!he >a0is!ra! of !he -our!h @is!ric! an#
comple!e# !he forms& .f!er'ar#s( S!efan
#rove !he van $ack !o !he 7o!ova
.n!iCuarian 1ookshop& ,e ceremoniously
0roun# some coffee $eans in a 0rin#er an#
s!aye# for a cup of coffee !hen e"plaine# he
nee#e# !o 0e! home& ,e scri$$le# #o'n his
a##ress an# 'alke# !o !he @ !ramFs!op& ,e
an# >onica ren!e# a fla! in !he :a0er0asse
near !he -ranzF+osef !rain s!a!ion&
chapter 17
((o)e#$er 196%)
6araphrasin0 an o$scure au!hor( %!his is !he
s!ory of !he pil0rim 'ho came one #ay an#
s!aye# here !he #ay af!er&% < rea# some'here
!ha! !he 'or# %e"ile% has !'o meanin0s in
Aa!in: i! is a place of $anishmen! an# a place
of refu0e& 9ne minu!e( < fel! !ha! < 'oul# $e
re!urnin0 home soon( an# !he ne"! < fel! !ha!
< 'as 0oin0 !o spen# !he res! of my life in
e"ile& < realise# !ha! !his 'as Bus! !he
$e0innin0: < 'as safe in !his ne' coun!ry $u!
< ha# !o a$an#on my home& < 'oul# never
have emi0ra!e# if !he poli!ical circums!ances
ha# $een #ifferen!&
< fi0ure# !ha! !he $es! 'ay of re!ainin0 my
mo!her !on0ue 'as !o 'ork as a par!F!ime
!ransla!or( hence < #esi0ne# a callin0Fcar#
offerin0 my services !o pu! in !he shop
'in#o'& %)ermanFCzech !ransla!ion services
availa$le here%& < foun# 7ienna !o $e a
s!ran0e place $u! < coul# only ima0ine ho'
!his coun!ry fel! like !o a coun!ryman 'ho
#i#n%! speak )erman& >y only sa!isfac!ion
'as !ha! !he 3arsa'= sol#iers 'ere aliens in
my o'n coun!ry an# 'oul# have !o s!ru00le
'i!h !he lan0ua0e an# 0e!!in0 on 'i!h !he
< 'en! in!o my ne' #i0s& < hun0 my sa!chel
an# my coa! on !he coa! hook& < place# my
fe' $ooks on !he shelf $elo' !he 'in#o'Fsill
an# my ol# nicknacks in !he shoeF$o" a! !he
$o!!om of !he chil#ren%s 'ar#ro$e& < fel! !ha!
< 'as on a len0!hy lo'F$u#0e! holi#ay& he
pine $e# fel! comfor!a$le 'i!h i!s crisp linen&
he room remin#e# me of my ol# fla! in
6ra0ue& 3i!h a $i! of sourcin0 an# @<]( <
coul# conver! !his in!o a comfor!a$le home& <
!rie# no! !o invoke memories of <rina an#
6avel& -ar from i!( < also !rie# !o for0e! !he
@epar!men!( +anina Spove#nicQ( >arina( !he
por!er( !he careF!aker( !he $lack house 'i!h
!he 'hi!e pain!in0s( !he re# universi!y an#
!he yello' house 'i!h !he cherry !ree& < !rie#
no! !o !hink !oo much a$ou! !he comra#es a!
S7.S.:>( !he .rmy an# !he 6ar!y an# mos!
of all < !rie# no! !o !hink !oo much a$ou!
/ncle Gikola( .un! -ranci an# Cousin
:u#olf&&& ;very !ime < !hou0h! of !hem( < ha#
!o cry& @i# < compromise !heir safe!y $y
< like# !he $ookshop& Some of !he $ooks
remin#e# me of home& 9livia ha# only fe'
ma0azines an# novels in Czech !herefore <
rea# a fe' Czech novels in )erman:
%>e!amorphosis%( %he Cas!le% an# %he rial%
$y -ranz Kafka as 'ell as %Sa!urnin% $y
S#enUk +iro!ka& .nima!e# $y my rea#in0
ma!erials( < even!ually sho'e# my
pho!o0raphs an# #ra'in0s of 6ra0ue !o
9livia( < !ol# her more a$ou! -ranz Kafka%s
$lack house 'i!h !he 'hi!e fi0ures( !he cas!le
on !he hill an# !he a$sur# !rials of >ila#a
,orakova( +an 1eneI an# o!hers& -inally( <
sho'e# her Scha#en%s le!!er for !he
@okumen!a!ionsarchiv an# aske# her 'ha!
!o #o 'i!h i!& 6uzzle# a! firs!( she helpe# me
!ransla!e i! in!o )erman& @urin0 lunch!ime(
'e 'en! !o !he 9l# Ci!y ,all in !he
3ipplin0er )asse !o han# i! over !o !he
Simon 3iesen!hal archive& .f!er !ha!( 9livia
finally sai# !ha! .n!on 'as very $rave !o risk
his prominen! posi!ion $ecause she 'oul#
have $elieve# !ha! he 'as $oun# $y !he
official secre!s ac! from his coun!ry&
here are some people in .us!ria 'ho say
!ha! 'e shoul# move on an# s!op
reminiscin0 a$ou! !he 'ar& ,o'ever( as lon0
as !he Su#e!enF@eu!sche Aan#smannschaf!
uses sharp rhe!oric an# associa!es 'i!h farF
ri0h! clu$s( an# as lon0 as .lfre# -rauenfel#
is allo'e# !o recrui! youn0 neoFGazis in
,am$ur0( 3es! )ermany [ 'e 'ill nee# !o
!es!ify a0ains! !hem& Go! a mon!h passes
'i!hou! a revela!ion of a former 'arFcriminal
hol#in0 a prominen! posi!ion& his is an
uncomfor!a$le su$Bec!&
.! !he same !ime( i! 'as impor!an! !o s!ay in
!ouch 'i!h curren! affairs( an# no! for0e! my
home coun!ry& <! 'as #ifficul! !o e"ac!ly fin#
ou! 'ha! 'as happenin0 !here $ecause of
me#ia censorship& -orei0n correspon#en!s
from !he 3es! 'ere no! a$le !o repor! from
6ra0ue& >os! !es!imonies < rea# came from
refu0ees an# un#ercover repor!ers&
9livia 'as impresse# a$ou! my pho!o0raphs
of 6ra0ue an# frame# some of !hose for !he
shop& She also 'arne# me !ha! visi!ors from
!he SS: 'oul# pro$a$ly no! $e a$le !o visi!
us o!her'ise !hey en#an0er !heir safe!y for
fra!ernisin0 'i!h !he locals&
9n !ha! 3e#nes#ay( < 'en! shoppin0 a!
>einl for $rea#( min! !ea( cherry Bam(
>annerF$iscui!s( an# < !hou0h! a$ou! !he
e"pression %:akousk Slovansk%F an
.us!rian livin0 in 6ra0ue& 1izarrely enou0h(
'hen in 7ienna( < fel! like a Czech usin0
Kafka%s an# :ilke%s li!erary )erman& .n# ye!
!he place fel! familiar& here 'as a plaCue
commemora!in0 .n!onin @voLak 'ho live#
on !he 3ie#ner ,aup!s!rasse for a 'hile&
-if!y me!res a'ay( !here 'as !he :ilkeF6la!z
sCuare& < ha# en#e# up in !he former capi!al
of !he ,a$s$ur0 ;mpire like coun!less o!her
.us!roFSlavs& .n# ye! < ha# a fake Czech
name( a pseu#onym coine# $y an .us!rian&
-or all his cleverness( .n!on #i# no! even
!ransla!e Scha#en ri0h!( he for0o! !he ha!
over !he S in Sko#a?ek& <! shoul# have $een
Eko#a?ek or even Eko#a&
.! !he fla!( as < unpacke# !he $rea#( !he min!
!ea( !he cherry Bam( !he >annerF3affles( <
kne' < 'as s!ran#e# in an ol# imperial
an!echam$er& < #i# no! open !he $o"es
$ecause < #i# no! 'an! !o $e confron!e# 'i!h
more !ru!hs a$ou! .n!on& < like# !he fac!
!ha! !hese $o"es 'ere mine& <n#ee#( < 'as a
local( no! a Czechoslovak ci!izen on a visi!&
@espi!e all my effor!s( < 'as one of !hose
coun!erFrevolu!ionaries $ohemians !ha!
1rezhnev 'arne# !he 3arsa'= a$ou!&
chapter 1%
("ece#$er 196%)
< !ook !he O1F !ram !o !he @<] cen!re an#
$ecause i! 'as in !he vicini!y of !he
ceme!ery( < ma#e a #e!our !here& < $ou0h! a
'hi!e rose a! !he en!rance flo'er shop& -or
!hree hours( < 'alke# pas! !he 0raves of !he
< sa' !he 9r!ho#o" church !ha! looks like
!he one on !he Geva#a river in :ussia& here
'ere names in Cyrillic [ many of !hese
names $elon0e# !o :ussian mi0ran!s 'ho
fle# !he 1olsheviks in 191O&
< sa' !he monumen!s of !he 0rea! composers
[ AehQr( S!rauss( >ozar! an# 1ee!hoven 'ho
provi#e# !he soun#!rack !o a ci!y 'hich
pri#es i!self on ol#Ffashione# ele0ance&
< sa' !he final res!in0 places of famous
personali!ies( 'hose le0acy < 'ill even!ually
< sa' !he monumen!s for !he people 'ho
'ere sen!ence# !o #ea!h $y Gazi !ri$unals
$e!'een 1938 an# 192=&
< sa' !he monumen! for !he vic!ims of
.usch'i!z as many +e's 'ere #epor!e# from
!he ci!y& < visi!e# !he +e'ish ceme!ery 'i!h
some names 'ri!!en in ,e$re'& <! is a
some'ha! ne0lec!e# $ecause many rela!ives
emi0ra!e# !o !he /S. or <srael&
< sa' !he monumen! #e#ica!e# !o !he 1932
-e$ruary :e$ellion&
< sa' a monumen! #e#ica!e# !o !he civilians
'ho #ie# #urin0 Gazi occupa!ion&
< sa' !he pauper 0raves [ ro's of names
'ri!!en in $lack on 'hi!e pain!e# $oar#
s!uck in !he 0rass&
< sa' !he 0raves of !he non$ap!ise# chil#ren
'ho ha# no firs! name [ !hey 'ere calle#
%1oy d% or %)irl d% &
< finally arrive# a! !he )ar#en of
:emem$rance 'here !hey $ury !he $o#ies
#ona!e# !o me#ical research& < lef! !he 'hi!e
rose in a vase !here in !he memory of Aukas
< lis!ene# !o !he 'in# $lo'in0 !hrou0h !he
$are !rees& he ceme!ery $rou0h! home !he
reali!y of class #ivision& his 'as a s!ark
con!ras! !o !he e0ali!arian socie!y 'here <
0re' up& <n my coun!ry( !he #ea# 'here
crema!e# a! a civil ceremony an# #espa!che#
$y a s!rin0 Cuar!e!& .par! from Se#lec an# i!s
s!acke# $ones in !he chapel( < ha# rarely
visi!e# ceme!eries $efore& < ha# al'ays fel!
!oo youn0 !o $e !hinkin0 a$ou! my po!en!ial
resi#ence a! !he necropolis& .n# in fac!( <
#on%! fancy an a##ress a! !he Gecropolis&
.n# 'hy $o!her any'ayD < #on%! $elieve in
!he immor!ali!y of !he soul& >emories is
'ha! makes people immor!al&
< !ook !he O1F!ram from !he ceme!ary !o !he
@<] cen!re( an# $ou0h! some 'allpaper an#
'hi!e 0loss pain!& 3i!h !his cum$ersome
packa0e( < !ravelle# $ack !o !he Ci!y Cen!re
an# 0o! off !he !erminus a! !he
Sch'arzen$er0F6la!z& he place 'as name#
af!er !he 0eneral 'ho #is!in0uishe# himself
a! .us!erli!z& < looke# a! !he eCues!rian
s!a!ue an# !hou0h! !ha! !he las! year 'as
#ifferen!R < 'as #ealin0 'i!h Gapoleon(
Slavkov( !he /ni( a >uscovi!e 7Fcre' an#
lis!enin0 !o !he 6rofessor an# his speeches& <
re0re!!e# no! !o have rea# his voluminous
$ook( perhaps < coul# !ry !o !rack #o'n a
copyR 3hy 'as he so fascina!e# $y !his
su$Bec! ma!!erD
1y !he Sch'arzen$er0 foun!ain( < s!oo# a
'hile in fron! of !he :e# .rmy Sol#ier& 3as
he a li$era!or or 'as he ano!her imperialis!D
3as he sure !ha! he 'as fi0h!in0 for !he
ri0h! causeD 3ha! 'oul# he #o if he 'as in
!he 'ron0 armyD <! is a$sur# !o e"pec!
ans'ers from an o$Bec! 'hose $o#y is ma#e
of mol!en 'a!ches& 3ho s!ar!e# !his
!ra#i!ion of !he memorial !o !he /nkno'n
Sol#ier any'ayD ]ou mi0h! as 'ell ask your
Cues!ions !o a 'all( a 'all of lamen!a!ions( a
sain!ly vo!ive fi0ure on a $ri#0e or a ruin(
!hey 'ill never provi#e any ans'ers& he
oracle only echoe# !he soun# of my o'n
!hou0h!s& < 'alke# in!o !he 6olish Tmi0rTs
church near$y& ;ven !hou0h < 'asn%! a
Ca!holic( < like# !he soun# of !heir hymns& .!
leas! here( people coul# sho' peaceful
#evo!ion !o !heir fai!h& he fai!h of !he
#epar!e# people of Se#lec mi0h! have $een
as s!ron0 as !heirs& 3ha! a $eau!iful !ale i!
'oul# $e( if even!ually 'e coul# all 0o home
!o a $enevolen! $enefac!or an# see our love#
ones a0ain& < can%! $lame people for 'an!in0
!o $elieve in such a $eau!iful s!ory&
< lef! my $uil#in0 ma!erials in my room(
helpe# 9livia a! !he shop( 'here 'e lis!e#
s!ock& S!efan phone# !he shop !o invi!e me
for #inner& < !ook !he @F!ram !o -ranzF+osefsF
1ahnhof !o mee! him& S!efan 'an!e# !o
in!ro#uce me !o his frien#s 'ho ran !he CafT
@ri!!er >ann (he hir# >an CafT) loca!e#
insi#e !he s!a!ion& ,e love# !ha! film an#
e"plaine# ho' he me! >onika a! one of !he
'eekly screenin0s a! !he 1ur0kino& he cafT
in!erior imi!a!e# !he ochres of a Sienna
6alazzo an# !here 'ere frescoes #epic!in0
uscan lan#scapes& ,o' much 'as ochre
an# ho' much 'as nico!ine( < coul# no! !ell&
<! 'as calle# %@ri!!er >ann% $ecause i!s 'alls
'ere a#orne# 'i!h monochrome pic!ures of
!he ac!ors an# 'ri!ers connec!e# !o !he
iconic film( 'hich 'as sho! in 7ienna& <
!hou0h! i! 'as a nice !ouch !o pu! a pic!ure
of +oseph Co!!en speakin0 on !he phone
a$ove !he coinFopera!e# pu$lic !elephone&
here 'as a pho!o0raph of .li#a 7alli on a
!rain a$ove !he rail'ay !imeF!a$le& <n !he
film( !he ac!ress plays a )ermanFspeakin0
Czechoslovak refu0ee 'ho is hi#in0 from
!he au!hori!ies& .f!er !he 3ar( 'hen !he
allies occupie# .us!ria( Czechoslovaks 'ere
sen! $ack !o !heir coun!ry unless !hey 'ere
Su#e!es 'ho 'ere reluc!an!ly assimila!e#&
here a pho!o0raph sho'in0 9rson 3elles
s!an#in0 $y !he -erris 3heel& . $i! o## 'as
a pho!o0raph of ;rns! @eu!sch playin0 !he
violin a$ove !he .merican Buke$o"& < sa!
#o'n a! !he !a$le ne"! !o i!&
S!efan arrive# soon af!er'ar#s& -irs! he pu! a
coin in !he Buke$o" an# i! playe# %hose
'ere !he @ays%( a :ussian folk son0 a#ap!e#
$y !he 1ea!les an# sun0 $y >ary ,opkin& ,e
sai# !ha! he coul# never resis! choosin0 a
son0 on !ha! Buke$o"& hen he in!ro#uce#
me !o >arelene 3al#mJller 'ho ran !his
place 'i!h .l#o Cassini her commonFla'
hus$an#& hey $o!h like# !o ea! 'ell an#
!rea!e# every cus!omer 'i!h a 'arm
'elcome& hey even 'en! as far as pu!!in0
Bu0s of 'a!er an# $aske!s of slice# 'hi!e
$rea# on every !a$le& Some of !he cus!omers
#i# no! have enou0h chan0e for any!hin0
$esi#e a coffee( $u! !hey #rank some 'a!er(
a!e some $rea# an# lef! a small !ip& he
%@ri!!er >ann% 'as no! a soupFki!chen $u! a
social en!erprise proBec!& <!s mo!!o 'as !o
provi#e nu!ri!ious affor#a$le foo#& 3ha! i!
sol# mos! apar! from coffees an# soups 'as
spa0he!!i 1olo0nese( an# i!s ve0e!arian
op!ion 'here !he $eef mince 'as replace# $y
soya pro!ein& <n my coun!ry( !he re0ime
#oes no! $elieve !ha! priva!e en!erprise an#
social conscience are compa!i$le $u! proBec!
such as !hese prove# !he possi$i!y of runnin0
a priva!e en!erprise 'i!h a social conscience&
< sai# !o S!efan !ha! for all i!s faul!s( !he 3es!
#i# no! pu! ar!is!s 'ho faile# !o praise !he
re0ime fai!hfully in prison& <n fac!( )raham
)reene 'ho 'ro!e !he screenplay !o he
hir# >an ha# sympa!hies for Kim 6hil$y(
!he ;n0lish communis! spy& S!efan replie#
!ha! censorship in !he 3es! 'orks in a
#ifferen! 'ay: -or e"ample( in !he 19=5s( /S
Sena!or +oseph >cCar!hy se! ou! !o $lacklis!
any influen!ial Communis! suppor!ers in !he
me#ia an# film( !hus en#in0 !he careers of
some $i0 names from ,olly'oo#& @i# < also
kno' !ha! a couple calle# +ulius an# ;!hel
:osen$er0 'ere e"ecu!e# $ecause of !heir
communis! sympa!hiesD 3as !ha! so much
#ifferen! !o !he !rial of >ila#a ,orakovaD
he :osen$er0 sons 'ere raise# $y a !eacher
calle# .$el >eeropol 'ho 'ro!e !he son0
%S!ran0e -rui!%& %S!ran0e -rui!% !ells a$ou!
'hi!e supremacis!s 'ho lynche# $lack
people& 3ha! kin# of coun!ry of !he free is
!ha!D .n# #i# < kno' a$ou! 9pera!ion
6aperclipD .n# he 'en! on !o e"plain !ha! in
192=( !he /S army $rou0h! over Gazi
scien!is!s !o .merica such as 74 rocke!
en0ineer 3ernher von 1ro'n an# no' !ha!
same man is involve# 'i!h !he G.S. proBec!&
he #esi0ne# !ha! po'ere# !he rocke!s !ha!
'ere use# !o $li!z Aon#on( mi0h! one #ay
!ranspor! an as!ronau! !o !he moon& S!efan
sai# !ha! he 'asn%! paranoi# $u! in his
opinion( !he /S. 'as no! a real #emocracy&
<! also ha# !he #ea!h penal!y( no universal
heal!hcare( an# pursue# imperialis! policies
in Aa!in .merica& <! 'as 0e!!in0 $e!!er
!hou0h( a! leas! racial se0re0a!ion 'as
a$olishe# four years a0o !hanks !o !he effor!s
of !he la!e pas!or >ar!in Au!her Kin0&
<! 'as a lo! of informa!ion !o !ake in& <
conclu#e# !ha! :a#io -ree ;urope mi0h!
have ma#e some salien! poin! a$ou!
>ar"imFAeninism $u! i!s claim for !he
3es!%s moral hi0h0roun# coul# no! $e Cui!e
Bus!ifie#& Go 'on#er !ha! many coun!ries
'an!e# !o remain neu!ral #urin0 !he Col#
S!efan also 'en! on a !an0en! a$ou!
Gapoleon 1onapar!e of -rance& ,e e"plaine#
ho' !he -rench emperor reFes!a$lishe#
slavery on ,ai!i an# le# e"pe#i!ions a0ains!
!he firs! in#epen#en! s!a!e&&& < ima0ine#
.n!on Scha#en sayin0 similar !hin0s 'hen
he 'as S!efan%s a0e an# perhaps Cuo!in0 Karl
>ar" 'ho in an open le!!er !o .$raham
Aincoln 'ro!e: JIf resistance to the sla-e
#o/er /as the reser-ed /atch/ord of 1o"r
first election, the tri"m#hant /ar-cr1 of 1o"r
re-electionis >eath to Sla-er1CJ(18*2)& <! 'as
a relief no! !o have !o !hink a$ou! secre!
police 'ho mi0h! have !aken offence from
our a se#i!ious conversa!ion& <f neu!rali!y is
all a$ou! $ein0 a$le !o op! ou! of !he Col#
3ar( can neu!ral coun!ries claim a moral
hi0h0roun# !henD .las no( firs! $ecause even
!he S'iss arms in#us!ry supplies 'ar zones(
an# on a more philosophical level( < mus!
a#mi! !ha! #eep #o'n 'e 'ill al'ays $e
neu!ral a0ains! some!hin0& ,o'ever('e mus!
si#e alon0 !o 'ha!ever makes !he mos! sense
!o us an# $e a$le !o live as peacefully as
possi$le 'i!h our i#eolo0ical opponen!s&
<#eally( < 'oul# like !o see a 'orl# 'here
neu!ral coun!ries #o no! e"por! 'eapons !o
'ar zones& . 'eapon is no! a commo#i!y
!ha! shoul# $e e"por!e# like a $a0 of
'o #ays af!er our cafT conversa!ion( < 'en!
!o mee! S!efan ou!si#e his 'orkplace a! !he
a#min #epar!men! for !he ,ochschule fJr
3el!han#el& <! 'as no! far from !he -ranzF
+osef%s !rainFs!a!ion& he #epar!men! 'as
loca!e# insi#e a 'hi!e fac!ory $uil#in0 !ha!
ha# a porch an# seven arches& <! #a'ne# on
me !ha! .n!on use# !o 'ork in !he same
place& <f my 0eo0raphical kno'le#0e 'as
ri0h!( !hen !he KarlF>ar"F,of council es!a!e
'here !he 'orkers re$elle# in -e$ruary 1932
'as very close& his fac!ory 'as !he place
'here .n!on me! his poli!ical allies an#
enemies& Some of !hese enemies mi0h! even
have #iscusse# Aanz von Aie$enfels%
%Soo!heolo0y% an# 'en! on !o colla$ora!e
'i!h an an!isemi!ic racis! re0ime !ha! foun#
ela$ora!e# scien!ific 'ays !o mur#er a lar0e
num$er of people& 3i!hou! science(
!echnolo0y an# $ureaucracy( !he Gazi
re0ime 'oul# never have $een so efficien!&&&
<! !ook me a 'hile !o fin# ou! 'here S!efan
'orke# in !ha! vas! $uil#in0& he por!er(
,err S!an00assin0er( le! me in an# he spoke
!o !he recep!ionis! -rau Kyzelak& She sai#
!ha! my cousin 'orke# in :oom 5412=( !'o
floors #o'n&
>emories of ;111 floo#e# $ack& < pic!ure# !he
youn0 man $eaverin0 in an un#er0roun#
'arren& Go 'on#er he 'as so pale an# ha#
colourless hairW ,is office 'as !iny an#
pain!e# in !hose limeF0reen colours !ha!
s!a!es all over !he 'orl# are fon# of& he
neonFli0h! 'as far !oo #im& he ply'oo#
#esk ha# limeF0reen !u$ularFs!eel le0s an#
an assor!e# chair& here 'as an in!ernal
phone s!uck on !he 'all an# s!acks of
$o"files on !he shelves& 9n !he #esk !here
'as a !ypeF'ri!er& he clock in !his
'in#o'less office 'as !ickin0 a'ay: <! 'as
half pas! five& his is 'ha! !he %0oin0
un#er0roun#% me!aphor means& he secre!
police 'orks un#er0roun#( $ureaucracy
'orks un#er0roun#( revolu!ionaries 'ork
un#er0roun#& 9n !he 0roun#( or#inary
people 'alk a$ou!( $lissfully i0noran! of !his
!eemin0 un#er'orl#& .n# everyone is mos!ly
alone in !hese cro'#s& 6erhaps( .n!on 'as
relieve# !o $e assi0ne# on an a#ven!urous
mission in !he lan#s of Sou!h 1ohemia&
>y cousin sho'e# up( he 'as shufflin0 his
fee!& ,e looke# a! me 'i!h surprise an#
mu!!ere# !ha! he fell off !he la##er in !he
archive room an# knocke# himself ou!& .!
firs!( < !hou0h! !ha! he ha# $een #rinkin0
$ecause of his slurre# speech $u! !hen <
realize# !ha! !his 'as !he resul! of !he
concussion& ,e lean! on me an# 'e !ook !he
lif! ups!airs& he por!er sai# !ha! ,err
7o!ova 'as lucky !ha! < foun# him $ecause
he mi0h! have en#e# up spen#in0 !he ni0h!
in !he $uil#in0& -rau <rm0ar# Kyzelak sai#
!ha! such an even!uali!y coul# no! happen as
every evenin0( she #u!ifully checke#
'he!her all s!aff ha# properly clocke# ou!&
She fille# an acci#en! form an# lo00e# i! in a
$o"Ffile( !hen she !ook ou! an e"pense form
an# calle# a !a"i !o !ake S!efan !o !he
hospi!al& ,e #ecline# !he offer sayin0 !ha! he
#i# no! 'an! !o spen# !he evenin0 in !he
cro'#e# .c; $u! if !he !a"i coul# !ake $o!h
of us home( i! 'oul# $e fine& < 'as 'orrie#&
S!efan sai# la!er !ha! !his ha# happene#
$efore an# he 'oul# $e perfec!ly fine in !he
< !ook him ups!airs !o his fla!& <! 'as a small
!'oF$e#room fla! 'i!h !ire#Flookin0
furni!ure 'hich pro$a$ly came from a house
clearance& ,e e"plaine# !ha! he an# >onika
ha#n%! ha# !ime ye! !o renova!e !he place& <
offere# my help an# he accep!e# sayin0 !ha!
< coul# s!ay ren!Ffree a! 9livia%s in re!urn&
his 'as a soun# enou0h arran0emen!& <
su00es!e# !o pain! !he 'alls skyF$lue an# !he
furni!ure 'hi!e 'hich 'oul# 0ive !he place a
fresh Scan#inavian feel& ,e lau0he# an#
aske# 'he!her < 'as rea#in0 !he Sun#ay
supplemen! ma0azine of !he 3ienerFSei!un0
'i!h i!s prac!ical !ips& < plea#e# 0uil!y& 3e
cha!!e# for a $i!( !hen >onika came $ack
from her shif! a! !he cinema an# < lef! af!er a
cup of her$al coffee&
< 'en! $ack !o my a!!ic $e#si! an# con!inue#
pain!in0 !he 'alls& he archi!ec! Ae
Cor$usier ar0ue# !ha! in!erior #esi0n of a
house shoul# no! $e lef! !o !he people livin0
in i!& < #i#n%! like Ae Cor$usier an# his
concep! of a house as a machine& < cer!ainly
#i# no! 'an! my home !o feel like a prison
'here !he !hou0h!s echo an# !hrea!en !he
archi!ec!%s #elica!e scheme& . fe' #ays la!er(
S!efan an# < 'en! !o !he @<] cen!re in
;r#$er0 !o 0e! some pain!( 'allpaper an#
o!her s!uff& 3e also $ou0h! a Chris!mas !ree
an# some fairy li0h!s& < !ol# him !ha! in our
househol#( 'e never cele$ra!e# Chris!mas
kno'n as Kole#a $ecause -ranci an# Gikola
#isapprove# of Kole#a%s pa0an roo!s& 3e
$ou0h! roas!e# ches!nu!s a! a >aroni s!an# [
an# for a 'hile 'e con!empla!e# !he fes!ive
li0h!s 'hils! ea!in0 maronis ou! of a paper
$a0& < 'oul# have like# !o #rink some
)lJh'ein F mulle# 'ine F $u! < s!uck !o
#oc!or%s or#ers an# a$s!aine#& 3e lis!ene# !o
a $usker playin0 carols on an accor#eon( an#
< realise# !ha! in 6ra0ue( !here never 'ere
any $uskers $ecause $uskin0 'as ou!la'e#&
chapter 19
("ece#$er 196%)
'o 'eeks la!er( 'hile >onika 'as in
@u$rovnik visi!in0 her family( S!efan slippe#
on !he s!eps ou!si#e !he 9pera ,ouse an#
$roke one ulna an# spraine# his o!her arm&
.n am$ulance !ook him !o !he )eneral
,ospi!al& 3hen his mo!her $rou0h! him
home( S!efan ha# $o!h his arms in plas!erF
cas!s& 9livia sai# !ha! he coul# lie #o'n on
!he sofa in !he $ookshop%s $ackFroom an#
keep us company ra!her !han s!ay a! home
on his o'n& S!efan sai# !ha! !he prospec! of
'earin0 !rousers 'i!h an elas!ica!e#
'ais!$an# an# sleeveless shir!s 'as #reary&
@i# !he hospi!al have !o cu! off !he arms of
his ne' shir!D 9livia sai# !ha! she 'oul#
men# i! an# mean'hile( he coul# 'ear
Aukas% ol# coa! $ecause !he sleeves 'ere
'i#e enou0h for !he plas!erFcas!s& < a##e#
!ha! 'e 'oul# 0o !o a 0oo# re!ailer an# 0e!
him a ne' sui! once !he plas!er cas!s 'ere
off& S!efan Cuippe# !ha! he 'asn%! a $i0 opera
9livia sai# !ha! perhaps S!efan an# < coul#
sif! !hrou0h .n!on%s $o"es no' !ha! he ha#
so much !ime on his han#s& S!efan re!or!e#
!ha! openin0 $o"es fel! like Chris!mas (W)& <
$rou0h! #o'n !he heavy $o"es !o !he $ackF
room an# prepare# a carafe of 'a!er 'i!h
lime for us& S!efan ha# !his in0enious i#ea !o
#rink !hrou0h a s!ra'&
he firs! $o" con!aine# clo!hes( .n!on 'as
much slen#er in his youn0er #ays an# like#
ele0an! clo!hes& 3i!h his fashiona$le pencil
mous!ache( he looke# very much like a
ma!inee i#ol& here 'ere some o!her
personal effec!s such as an .r!FGouveau
man!el clock in !he shape of a sun$urs!( a
0ramophone( some ol# %O8 recor#s& .n!on
like# >ozar!%s music an# a $i! of 1ee!hoven(
>ar!inX an# chaikovsky&
he secon# $o" con!aine# pho!o0raphic
eCuipmen! from !he #ays .n!on use# !o
scour !he ci!y 'i!h his $ro!her inF la'& .! !he
$o!!om of !he $o"( !here 'ere !hree $o"F
3e looke# a! !he pho!os from !he firs! $o"F
file( mos! of !hem 'ere por!rai!s of e"!ras&
hey all ha# car#$oar# frames aroun# !hem&
he frames 'ere #ecora!e# 'i!h ink
#ra'in0s an# !he pic!ures 'ere si0ne#&
9livia #i# no! kno' 'ho !hese people 'ere
$u! sai# !ha! !hey looke# like por!folio
pic!ures& hey 'ere $eau!ifully compose#&
9ne sho'e# a 'oman 'i!h a ukulele(
ano!her 'oman 'as hol#in0 a $alalaika( an
.frican 'oman mo#elle# a silk #ress( a man
#resse# as a Gapoleonic sol#ier( some people
looke# like !hey 'ere reci!in0 speeches& .ll
in all( a charmin0 collec!ion of a hun#re#
!hea!rical por!rai!s& >ay$e some of !hese
people s!u#ie# ar!s or li!era!ure a! universi!y&
here 'ere some 'a!ercolour pos!car#s
pain!e# $y !he >oravian ar!is! Karl Sch'e!z(
!hey #epic!e# Cuain! scenes $y !he @anu$e&
>ay$e some of !he people in !hese pic!ures
pain!e# some of !he ima0es( an# may$e
some of !hese ar!is!s 'ere homeless an#
nee#e# !o suppor! !hemselves& < 'as a'are
!ha! ,i!ler 'as a compe!en! archi!ec!ural
'a!ercolouris! 'ho live# in !he homeless
shel!er a! !he >el#emann0asse& /n!il he lef!
7ienna in 1912( ,i!ler suppor!e# himself
sellin0 his 'ork an# his min# 'as alrea#y
$uzzin0 'i!h #es!ruc!ive ha!e an#
resen!men!& Some!imes( ar! canno! save a
he secon# file con!aine# archi!ec!ural
pho!o0raphs& 9livia !ol# us !ha! Aukas an#
.n!on receive# a commission !o !ake
pho!o0raphs of :e# 7ienna%s council homes&
. revolu!ionary i#ea a! !he !ime revolve#
aroun# a$ou! $i0 'in#o's improvin0
chil#ren%s heal!h& 9ne of !hese places 'as
!he KarlF>ar"F,of 'here !he Scha#ens live#&
. fe' years $efore( !he pain!er 9skar
Kokoschka ha# #ra'n pic!ures of sick
chil#ren livin0 in $a# housin0&
3herever Aukas 7o!ova 'en! an# 'homever
he me!( .n!on Scha#en me! !hem an#
pho!o0raphe# !hem& < pic!ure# !he pair as a
preF33<< 1eilermann c Aeuch!en0ru$er& <
fel! !ha! .n!on le# a carefree life& 6erhaps(
his mis!ake 'as !o mee! >aria Ko$larova
'ho 'as far !oo sensi$le for him& 9r his
mis!ake 'as !o use >aria Ko$larova as an
e"cuse for his un#ercover 'ork in
Czechoslovakia& 6erhaps( he 'as $ore# of
!akin0 pho!o0raphs of mo#els an#
'anna$es( or his poli!ics sa' !his as
poin!less& . man name# .#olf 'ho ha!e#
,i!ler& . commerce s!u#en! 'ho ha!e# !he
capi!alis! !ra#e( a socie!y pho!o0rapher 'ho
#islike# $ohemians& a Gapoleonic his!orian
'ho #espise# imperialis!s [ .n!on Scha#en
spen! a lo! of !ime 'i!h his i#eolo0ical
< su00es!e# !ha! 'e coul# sell !he
pho!o0raphs an# !he cameras an# !hus raise
money for !he shop& 9livia sai# !ha! !his 'as
a 0oo# i#ea& 3e coul# 0o !o !he camera shop
in !he +osefs!#!er #is!ric! an# 0e! a Cuo!e&
S!efan su00es!e# !o visi! !he Ci!y ,all an#
ask !hem 'ha! !o #o 'i!h !he commissione#
archi!ec!ural pho!o0raphs& 3e shoul# also
visi! !he 1ur0!hea!re !o fin# ou! a$ou! !he
e"!ras& .s for !he por!rai!s( S!efan su00es!e#
!ha! havin0 a fe' human faces on !he 'all
coul# infuse some life !o !he ol# $ooks on
!he shelf& .f!er all( i! 'as people like !hem
'ho use# !o o'n !hese $ooks& 3hoever
reco0nize# !hemselves or a rela!ive coul#
have !he por!rai! a0ains! a #ona!ion&
9livia place# an a#ver! !o !he local
ne'spaper !ha! rea#:
MBet/een 19LN and 19LO, 0oto-a;Schaden
#hotogra#hed as#iring actors and models at
0ienna B"rgtheatreC 9o"ld 1o" be in one of
these #ict"resH !lease -isit the 0oto-a
Booksho# and see for 1o"rselfCD
his campai0n provi#e# !he $ookshop 'i!h
pu$lici!y an# some 0oo# sales& he cameras
yiel#e# a fine profi! an# S!efan $ou0h! a
more recen! mo#el for us& ,e e"plaine# !ha!
'e !oo coul# !ake pho!o0raphs an# sell !hem
as pos!car#s in our shop& @i# < kno' ho' !o
craf! car#$oar# moun!s an# frames D
< sai# !ha! < 'oul# 0ive i! a 0o& < like# !he
i#ea of us $ein0 crea!ive& .par! from
provi#in0 us 'i!h s!ock( < foun# !his ac!ivi!y
very !herapeu!ic a0ains! melancholia& < also
like# !he fac! !ha! S!efan never 'en! $ack !o
5412=& . Bo$ is suppose# !o re'ar# us for our
'ork( a Bo$ is no! suppose# !o #es!roy !he
soul& 3hen 'orkplaces re'ar# !he 'orkers
no! only 'i!h a #ecen! 'a0e $u! also #ecen!
'orkin0 con#i!ions( !hen everyone is much
$e!!er off&
. fe' #ays la!er( < 'as pon#erin0 a$ou! !he
$ooks in !he $ookshop an# !he poin! of
'ri!in0 !hose&&& hese !hou0h!s came !o me :
M@oesn%! a s!ory suck !he essence of real lifeD
3ha! shoul# !he narra!or leave an# !ake
ou!D he 'ri!er 'oul# say !ha! 'ri!in0 is an
ar!Fform an# !herefore any s!ory is
some!hin0 ar!ificial& . concep!ual 'ri!er
'oul# !ell me !ha! !hey #on%! 'an! !o !each
any!hin0& Some 'ri!ers are in i! for !he
money an# 'a!ch !heir 'or#Fcoun!& here
are !hose 'ho can%! resis! e"plorin0 !he
su$conscious in search of !he hi##en
meanin0& Some are ma!hema!ical a$ou! !he
'hole e"perience: hypo!hesis( e"perience(
analysis( syn!hesis an# conclusion& oo
much lo0ic #rives !he min# insane as i! !ries
!o follo' !he 0ui#e( a fi0ure in 'hi!e 'ho is
hol#in0 a rose an# hoverin0 !hrou0h !ime
an# space&N&&& <f < follo'e# lo0ic( !here 'as
only one !hin0 !o #o&
6ra0ue& < 'ipe# ou! !he con#ensa!ion an#
looke# ou! of !he 'in#o'& .ll rail'ay
s!a!ions look !he same& 6rQha F !he si0n sai#&
<! seeme# like no!hin0 ha# chan0e#& .n ol#
'oman 'hom < ha# helpe# carryin0 her
sui!cases aske# me 'he!her < 'as from
6rQha& < sai# !ha! < 'as from Kos!elec& Go' <
no lon0er fel! like a !ouris! on a vaca!ion& <
'as $ack homeW -or a 'hile my life ha#
seeme# as if i! ha# $een reFrecor#e# over
an# over a0ain& 1u! no' < 'as home af!er
!ha! lon0 holi#ay in .us!ria an# !he
memories of .us!ria ha# vanishe# in!o a
he )ol#en o'n 'i!h !he !housan# spires
an# !he prole!arian palaces& he fla!s in !he
GovT >es!o ha# lar0e 'in#o's( $u!
some!imes !he frames are no! properly fi!!e#
an# !he 'in# $lo's in& he Charles 1ri#0e
an# !he 9l# o'n looke# sha$$y an#
splen#i#& he ,rQ# Cas!le s!ill sa! on !op of
!he hill& he sun 'as 0oin0 #o'n like a
0ol#en #isc $ehin# !he pink clou#s&
omorro'( < 'oul# visi! !he universi!y $u! <
kne' !ha! < ha# nei!her fla! nor Bo$& So < !ook
a room a! ,o!el ;vropa an# lef! my sui!case
!here& < sa! #o'n a! >o#rQ KQvarna an#
or#ere# a 1u#'eiser $eer& he $eer from
1u#eBovice no! !he e"ile $eer from !he /S.& <
looke# aroun# an# ha# !his feelin0 of $ein0
3ha! 'as < #oin0 hereD ,o' coul# < ever
e"pec! !o fin# happiness in !his !o'n a0ainD
Go!hin0 ha# chan0e#& < hurrie# a'ay an#
en#e# up across !he >anosav 1ri#0e on !he
>alQ S!rana an# res!e# for a 'hile $y !he
riverF$ank on Kampa <slan#& hen < 'en!
$ack !o my ho!el( collapse# on !he $e# an#
fell asleep& <! 'as a #eep sleep( no! !he usual
semiFunconscious e"perience& he ni0h!
'i!hou! s!ars covere# !he ci!y&&& hese 'or#s
'oke me up:
b6olice( open !he #oorWb
>y $loo# froze ins!an!ly& < 0o! up& S!unne#
$y sleep( < slippe# in!o my !rousers an# pu! a
shir! over my ves!& >y hear! 'as poun#in0& <
looke# a! my 'a!ch: i! 'as five o%clock in !he
mornin0& < opene# !he #oor& 'o policemen
'earin0 pale raincoa!s s!oo# in !he hall& he
inspec!or sho'e# me his i#en!ifica!ion car#:
%S!a!n_ Garo#n_ 1especnos!% F SG1 s!a!e
b]es&&&b < murmure#
bCan < see your !icke! pleaseDb !he !ram
con#uc!or aske#&
b>y !icke!D 9f course here is my !icke!&b
< 0o! off !he @F!ram a! !he >orzinspla!z
'here !he 9l# >e!ropol ,o!el use# !o s!an#
an# 'alke# $ack !o !he 7o!ova an!iCuarian
chapter 2&
("ece#$er 196%)
/n!il no' !he $ookshop fel! more or less like
a la$our of love !han some!hin0 !o $ase an
income on& 3orkin0 freelance $rou0h! risks
an# !he family ha# $alance# !he risks 'hen
S!efan 'orke# a! !he ,ochschule an#
provi#e# a re0ular income& echnically( <
survive# on a 'eekly minimum 'a0e an#
<f < 'as 0oin0 !o 'ork as a !ransla!or( in !he
same 'ay as Kulyakin( !o supplemen! my
income( < nee#e# my o'n heal!hFinsurance
an# !o fill ou! income forms& 3e 'ere
assi0ne# a caseF'orker& She e"plaine# !ha!
!he premiums for heal!h insurance cos! more
$ecause selfFemploye# 'orke# in li$eral
professions: #oc!ors( la'yers( pharmacis!s(
craf!speople( freelancers( ar!is!s an#
shopkeepers fell un#er !he same re0ula!ions(
#espi!e !he #ifferences in income&
S!efan sai# !ha! < 'orke# as !he a#min in our
shop& <n fac!( < ha# no clue a$ou! a#min in a
capi!alis! economyR my previous Bo$ involve#
keepin0 inven!ories an# < ha# !o learn !he
)erman key$oar#& S!efan e"plaine# !ha! all
'e nee#e# 'as !o scrape enou0h money !o
pay !he mor!0a0e( our insurance premium
an# a$ove all !he $ills& ,e foun# !his ne'
chap!er in his life very e"ci!in0( as if !his ne'
en!erprise 'as 0ivin0 him a ne' lease of
heal!h& he career a#viser e"plaine# !o
S!efan !ha! if his heal!h 0o! 'orse( 'e mi0h!
nee# !o look a! o!her arran0emen!s $ecause
i! ma#e no sense payin0 !he premium if i!
e"ee#e# his income&
< s!ar!e# !o realise 'hy Scha#en 'en! !o
'ork for !he ,ochschule fJr 3el!han#el an#
'hy he like# !he i#ea of !he s!a!e runnin0
!he economy& he 'ork a! !he $ookshop
remin#e# me of farmin0( e"cep! !ha! our
$ooks an# pos!car#s 'ere our crops& <! !ook
me a lon0 !ime !o 0e! use# !o !his ne' lifeF
s!yle& 3hen he move# !o Kos!elec( Gikola
Ko$lar mus! #reame# of o'nin0 a pa!ch of
lan# an# reapin0 from i!( $uil# a co!!a0e on
!his pa!ch of lan# an# raise his family&
Go'( in Kos!elec an# any'here $eyon# !he
<ron Cur!ain( such a small #ream is no!
possi$le an# seen as 'ron0( as priva!e
o'nership is ou!la'e#& SmallFhol#ers an#
shopkeepers 'ere e"propria!e# $ecause an
i#eolo0y #eeme# !ha! !ha! !hey 'ere
e"ploi!in0 !he 'orkin0Fclass& herefore(
everyone from !he 'orkin0Fclass 'ill al'ays
$e 'orkin0 for someone else& <! is s!ran0e
ho' !he same !hou0h! process is $ein0
applie# !o !he .us!rian heal!h insurance
premium sys!em& 1ecause $y #efini!ion !he
'orkin0Fclass 'ill never $e a$le !o 'ork for
!hemselves( !he feu#al sys!em !ha! >ar"
sou0h! !o a$olish( !hrive# un#er re0imes !ha!
'ere inspire# $y his !heories& <f 'e 'ere all
'orkin0 class( everyone 'oul# $e eCually
poor in an unfree 'orl#& his is !he maBor
fla' of >ar"ism&
Capi!alism an# !he marke! economy can
learn a fe' !hin0s from >ar"& <n !he #ays
'hen he 'ro!e his 'orks( !here 'ere fe'
re0ula!ions !o pro!ec! !he ri0h!s of fac!ory
'orkers an# no heal!h covera0e a! all& hey
'ere a! !he mercy of !he fac!ory o'ners& he
la!!er 'ere a$le !o choose !o $e socially
responsi$le $u! !hey 'ere no! $oun# !o pay
!heir 'orkforce fair 'a0es& Some care# a$ou!
acci#en!s an# 'ork con#i!ions( o!hers #i#
no!& .$ove all( i! 'as 0ree# an# #isplay of
riches !ha! promp!e# !he nee# for social
reforms( even revolu!ions& ]ou canno! crea!e
'eal!h $y crushin0 people& he soFcalle#
%prosperi!y !heory% 'hich s!a!es !ha!
even!ually !he poores! 'ill 0e! crum$s off !he
rich( is a fallacy& <! is e!hically 'ron0 !o le!
anyone s!arve so !ha! o!hers can live in
opulence& Social Bus!ice #oes no! happen
!hrou0h inac!ion& 3ha! >ar"ismFAeninism
coul# learn from !he -ree 3orl# i#eolo0y is
!o accep! civil ri0h!s an# a #iverse socie!y
!ha! colla$ora!es !o0e!her for !he 0oo# of all&
1u! !his is no! even %free 'orl# i#eolo0y%( i!%s
!he $asic #eclara!ion of human ri0h!s as
si0ne# $y everyone 'ho is a mem$er of !he
/ni!e# Ga!ions& .0ain( 'e shoul# no! accep!
!he false #icho!omy( if nei!her capi!alism nor
>ar"ism sui! our economic an# social nee#s(
'e nee# !o fin# ne' i#eas&
S!efan sai# !ha! our respec!ive heal!hFscares
shoul# $e a 'akeFup call !o !ake $e!!er care
of our $o#ies& 3e !en# !o a!!ach vi!al
impor!ance !o our souls an# i#eas an# !he
same kin# of a!!en!ion shoul# $e 0iven !o
our o'n $o#ies& his has no!hin0 !o #o 'i!h
vani!y or ma!erialism& < realize# !ha! < never
really informe# myself properly a$ou! !he
pancreas an# i! 'oul# make sense !o make
an appoin!men! 'i!h !he ou!pa!ien!%s clinic
a! Klos!erneu$ur0 an# < nee#e# !o see a )6
for a 0eneral check& So 'e s!oppe# a! !he
me#ical universi!y li$rary in !he +osefs!#!er
an# picke# up a small volume a$ou! !he
or0ans an# !heir func!ion& Si!ua!e#
un#ernea!h !he s!omach( !he pancreas is
$o!h an or0an !ha! $reaks #o'n !he
nu!rien!s an# a 0lan# !ha! pro#uces insulin
an# o!her impor!an! hormones& .n
un#erra!e# har#F'orker in our $o#y
machine& < 'as s!ill 0e!!in0 my hea# aroun#
!he .us!rian heal!hFsys!em 'here hospi!als
are pu$lic an# #oc!ors selfFemploye#& he
curren! heal!h sys!em 'as fun#e# in !he
in!er'ar years $y !he :e# 7ienna
0overnmen!& he firs! free heal!hFcare
sys!em in !he 'orl# 'as in!ro#uce# $y !he
Sovie!F/nion in 193O an# has $ecome a
mo#el for universal heal!hcare aroun# !he
'orl#& he /ni!e# S!a!es is a coun!ry !ha!
#oes no! provi#e free universal heal!hcare
an# people nee# priva!e heal!h insurance !o
receive !rea!men!& < $elieve !ha! access !o
heal!hcare is a $asic human ri0h!& :ich an#
poor #eserve eCual oppor!uni!ies in
9n Chris!mas ;ve( Comra#e .mmereiner
visi!e# me a! !he $ookshop 'i!h a po!!e#
%his is an .$ies si$irica [ Si$erian fir !ree [
6inacae of !he 6ine family& ]ou mi0h! 'an!
!o kno' !ha! your fa!her is curren!ly 'orkin0
in a prison camp a! 6erm 3* in Si$eria& ,e
'as sen! !here $ecause of a le!!er he 'ro!e !o
!he .us!rian @okumen!a!ionsarchiv&
1rezhnev%s au!hori!ies 'ere no! very happy
a$ou! i!& ,e%ll $e $ack in Aenin0ra# in a
year%s !ime& < !hou0h! you mi0h! 'an! !o
hear !he ne's& 9l0a( <rina an# 7la#imir are
s!ill in Aenin0ra# an# hope !o visi! him soon&
,e 'on%! leave !he /SS: $ecause of his
family $u! < #ou$! very much !ha! !hey%ll le!
him !ravel a$roa# a0ain&N
M< shoul# have s!aye# in 6ra0ueWN
MGonsense& ]ou are much safer here& 1esi#es(
he ha# !o leave 6ra0ue af!er his assi0nmen!&
]ou 'oul# have $een foolish !o Boin him in
b< 0uess he coul#n%! s!ay in 6ra0ue $ecause
!hey #i#n%! le! 7la#imir Boin him&b
bhis is ho' !he Sovie!s make sure !ha! !he
comra#es re!urn home af!er !heir con!rac!
M@o you have any ne's of 6ra0ue
M<%m no! in !ouch 'i!h <nVenr Spove#nicQ &
.f!er !he s!u#en! #emons!ra!ions( she 'as
remove# from !he a#min #epar!men!& She is
no' 'orkin0 a! esla elec!ronics an# shares
a fla! 'i!h !he $lon#e office8chauffeur 0irl&
<!%s #ifficul! !o 0e! ne's $ecause of !he ne'
,e pu! !he $ro'n packa0e on !he coun!er&
b< !hou0h! you mi0h! 'an! !his(b he sai# b<!%s
his $ook on ols!oy an# Gapoleon& ,e 0ave
me a copy 'hen 'e 'ere researchin0 for !he
#ocumen!ary& .n# i!%s no! $anne# in !he
b< never 0o! aroun# rea#in0 i!& hank you& b
bCheer up( !he ol# $oy is 0oin0 !o $e
fine& 3e 0o! ri# of ,i!ler an# his Gazis(
perhaps one #ay( your coun!ry 'ill $e ri# of
Sovie! 9ccupa!ion& his 'on%! las! forever&
9nce >osco' i!self realizes !ha! >ar"ism
nee#s a human face( !hen !hin0s 'ill 0e!
bAe!%s hope for a $e!!er fu!ure for !his 'orl#&b
.f!er he lef!( < file# b9n !he 6eaceful uses of
9u!er Spaceb( a repor! 'ri!!en $y Kur!
3al#heim( !he .us!rian forei0n secre!ary
ne"! !o b-our +us! >enb $y ;#0ar 3allace( a
!hriller a$ou! a 0roup of people 'ho plan !o
kill !he -orei0n Secre!ary if he passes an
unfair la'&
6erhaps( < curren!ly feel con!en!e# !ha! < can
0o ou! an# !alk ru$$ish 'i!hou! anyone
!ellin0 me !o $e cau!ious& ]e! < am a'are
!ha! people 'ill 0o !o $e# hun0ryR some face
illness an# mor!ali!y( o!hers face 'ar an#
repressionR an# o!hers live on !he s!ree!s or
'ai! for permission !o s!ay& < am no! $ein0
'is!ful an# i! is sai# !ha! in a 3es!ern
@emocracy( $ein0 heckle# is !he 'ors! !hin0
!ha! can happen !o a speaker& ]ou !hink of a
me!aphor 'ri!!en 'i!h a Cuill( an# a$ove you
a sea0ull lau0hs& Aachma'e flyin0 over !he
Some!imes < 'on#er 'ha! Aukas 7o!ova an#
.n!on Scha#en !alke# a$ou! #urin0 !hose
early hours a! %>a"im%s%( !he %Casasova% an#
!he %9rien!al%& < can also ima0ine !hem a! !he
$lue hour( !he happy hour F as !hey say in
!he $ars( !hey serve #rinks halfFprice $ecause
!here are har#ly any 0ues!s F !he performers
have finishe# !heir soun#Fcheck an# 'ill $e
$ack la!er for !he evenin0 performance&
S!efan sai# !ha! Aukas 7o!ova like# #rinkin0
a 0lass of 'ine a! !he $lue hour& -or a 'hile
'e lis!ene# !o !he bKleine
:un#funkorches!erb playin0 li0h!
en!er!ainmen! music !ha! 'as as ol#F
fashione# as !he $ook on our shelves&
.ccor#in0 !o a re$ellious slo0an( b>anche
>enschen sin# 'ie ein offenes 1uch: lau!er
leere Sei!enWb F some people are like an open
$ook: 'i!h lo!s of emp!y pa0esWb&
1efore S!efan lef!( < aske# him if Aukas%s
family use# !o $e calle# 7o!& ,e replie# !ha!
in#ee# !hey 'ere calle# !ha!& )ran#mo!her
-elicie 7o!ova 'as marrie# !o SimonF6e!er
7o! from 6iIek 'ho use# !o $e a preacher
'i!h !he 1ohemian 1re!hen church& 3hen
SimonF6e!er #ie#( -elicie came here 'i!h her
son& < !ol# him !ha! my $ir!h#ay 'as on +anF
,us @ay an# !hen he 'en! home !o his fla!
$y !a"i&
< miss 6ra0ue #eeply& < 'oul#n%! miss i! so
much if only < coul# visi! !he place& >y
choice !o leave 'as a personal one& <! is Cui!e
possi$le !o live an# !hrive un#er any kin# of
re0ime 'i!hou! compromisin0 your in!e0ri!y&
.! home( #issi#en!s an# pro!es!ers have
ma#e !ha! choice& 9!hers op! for passive
resis!ance& hey also kno' !ha! each one of
us shoul# have !he ri0h! !o make a personal
choice of 'here !o live an# !hrive&
So 'hy #o some people emi0ra!eD 3hy #o
people s!ayD 1ecause a human $ein0 is no! a
s!a!ic o$Bec!& <! canno! $e $oun# !o !he lan#(
even if i! chooses !o se!!le #o'n& Serfs an#
slaves use# !o $e force# !o s!ay in one
par!icular place& . free in#ivi#ual #oes no!
have a $all an# chain !ie# !o !heir ankle&
< have no i#ea 'ha! !o #o 'i!h all !his
free#om& <n a #emocracy i! is fine !o chan0e
your min#( lose i!( procras!ina!e( $e a failure(
none 'ill ever #es!roy you $ecause you are
inep!& ]ou #o no lon0er 0o !o prison for
a!!emp!in0 suici#e an# !here is no #ea!h
penal!y here& his is reassurin0& here is no
more pressure on me !o $e a mo#el ci!izen& <
like !o !hink !ha! < am a 0oo# ci!izen $ecause
i! is my personal choice& < hope !o $e selfF
sufficien! as lon0 as my heal!h is s!a$le&
9livia came $ack in!o !he shop& She s!ore#
her um$rella( coa! an# !a!!ere# $riefcase
un#er !he coun!er& < offere# her some coffee
!o 'arm her up& 3e ha# a li!!le cha! a$ou!
!he ;n0lish 'or# %$ohemian81ohemian% an#
ho' !he 'or# appears in !he li!era!ure of
3illiam Shakespeare( in #e!ec!ive s!ories $y
:o$er!FAouis S!evenson an# .r!hur Conan
@oyle& 9livia sai# !ha! li!era!ure is a 'orl# of
i!s o'n& 3e !hou0h! a$ou! Aa 1ohfme F !he
opera $y 6uccini an# !he son0 $y Charles
.znavour& She sai# !ha! some!imes she can
rela!e !o !ha! an# some!imes she feels !ha!
!here is a $arreer $ecause some ou!ra0eous
$ohemians mock !he ar!lessness of
shopkeepers& <! #epen#s really( a person
sho's in!elli0ence $y !hinkin0 $eyon#
clichTs an# poses& (.m < sho'in0
in!elli0ence $y 'ri!in0 !hisD)
9livia a##e# !ha! 'e shoul# s!ar! !hinkin0 of
s!ockin0 up on calen#ars for !he ne' year
19*9& < !ook ou! one of our forms an# !ype#
an or#er !o !he pu$lishers( num$er of copies(
<S1G( paymen! 35 #ays af!er receip! of
invoice& < !ype# on !he ol# /n#er'oo#
!ype'ri!er once $elon0e# !o -&3erfel& Go!
-ranz !he 'ri!er $u! -er#inan# 3erfel !he
accoun!an! from !he Guss#orfers!asse&
1efore #usk fell over !o'n( a ray of li0h!
shone !hrou0h !he #ark clou#s an# fil!ere#
!hrou0h !he $lue 0lass over !he #oor& his
0ave !he $ookshop an ecclesias!ical feel&
9livia foun# !his place soo!hin0& She pu! on
!he 11C 3orl# Service on !he 6.> ra#io&
3e lis!ene# !o i! for a 'hile as < lo#0e# !he
or#er in !he le#0er& She finishe# #rinkin0 her
coffee an# rinse# !he cup 'hils! < 'as
$rushin0 !he floor& 3hen every!hin0 'as
nea! an# !i#y( rea#y for !he ne"! #ay( i! 'as
!ime !o !urn !he si0n an# close !he shop& <
'en! !o my room ups!airs an# pu! !he po!
'i!h !he Si$erian fir on my #ormer 'in#o'F
sill& here 'ere no #ecora!ions $u! !he s!ars
in !he sky an# !he sno' $lanke! on !he
< shall never for0e! 'ha! happene# in my
mo!herlan#( !he Kin0#om of -or0e!!in0(
6ra0a Capu! :e0ni [ $ecause 'hen !he !ime
comes( an# i! 'ill come( !hen !he 'i!nesses
'ill come ou! of !he sha#o's an# 'ill !ell
!heir s!ories for !he fu!ure 0enera!ions an#
,is!ory !o remem$er& Si$i e! 6os!eris [
yourself an# !he ones af!er you&
.n# !hey live# happily ever af!er&
*he +nd,
-ohe#ian .i$rary
for fur!her rea#in0
Karel +arorm_r ;r$en( 1oVena Gemcova F
Czech -airy!ales (7i!alis( esk UI_n( 455=)
illus!ra!e# $y Karel ,ruIka( !ransla!e# $y
:ena!a 6eIkovQ)
Karel +arorm_r ;r$en: Sla!ovlQska a BinT
pohQ#ky (7y#ala .0en!ura C;S] esk
UI_n( ilus!race: .r!uI Scheiner
>ar!a 7oleska F Sla!ouIek
ilus!race: .r!uI Scheiner (9!!a :akovnik)
Ga#ezh#a Ga#UV#ina F SQzraky na SQhonech
(tpvmos zs jvs) pLe#oVila: 9l0a
6!QkovQ ilus!rQ!or: 7oB!Uch 1erka (S!Q!n_
nakla#a!els!v_ #U!skT knihy v 6raze 19=1)
6e!er KraB?i F 6ra0ue 1891F1921 archi!ec!ure
an# #esi0n (Ci!y .r!s Cen!re ;#in$ur0h
)a$riela 7eselQ F -ranz Kafka a 6raha8-ranz
Kafka in 6ra0ue (C!i$or :y$Qr 7erla0( 6raha
1991 pho!os -ran!iIek 6Leu?il
:ainer >aria :ilke F 'o s!ories of 6ra0ue
(S'ei )eschich!en aus 6ra0) (!ransla!e# $y
.n0ela ;s!erhammer) /niversi!y press of
Ge' ;n0lan#( ,anover /S. (1992)
S!an# Zuar!erly of !he .r!s F Ge' 'ri!in0
from Czechoslovakia ) Ge'cas!le upon yne(
/K (19*9)
7i!Uslav Gezval F 7Uci( kvU!iny( zv_LQ!ka( a
li#T pro #U!i( ilus!race: +iL_ rnka( .l$a!ros
6raha (1981)
-ran!iIek 1ranislav: 6LiB#%!e k nQm(
muzikan!i( ilus!race +iL_ rnka (.l$a!ros
6raha 1982)
<van Kl_ma F >oBe zla!a emesla (.!lan!is(
1rno( CS 1995)
<van Kl_ma F >y )ol#en ra#es (!ransla!e#
$y 6aul 3ilson) )ran!a 1ooks( Aon#on 1998
7Qclav ,avel F 9$?an 7anUk8Ci!izen 7anUk
(!ransla!e# $y +an GovQk( AevnT Knihy 4559)
S!anislav KomQrek F 6!Qci v echach v le!ech
13*5F1895 ane$ !aBems!v_ ry!ie von SacherF
>asocha (.ca#emia 455O CS)
>ilena +esenskQ F .lles is! Ae$en (zven?_ a
zevni!LM (-euille!ons un# :epor!a0en 1919F
1939) $erse!zun0 von :einhar# -ischer
(Geue Kri!ik( @ 1999)
>ar!ha )ellhorn F . S!ricken -iel# (+ona!han
Cape( Aon#on 1924)
Aa#islav >^a?ko F +ak chu!na moc Czech
!ransla!ion from Slovak: )us!av
,aB?ik8S#enUk Ko^Qk (eskoslovensk
spisova!el S-: 1995)
:ainer >aria :ilke F Sonne! !o 9rpheus
(@8;) !ransla!ion $y >@ ,er!er Gor!on
(Ge' ]ork 1924F1994)
:ainer >aria :ilke F .us0e'hl!e )e#ich!e
(<nsel( Aeipzi0 1923)
+iL_ )ruIa F )e$rauchsan'eisun0 fJr
schechien (6iper 7erla0( >unich @( 4555)
+an Geru#a F 1il#er aus #em al!em 6ra0
(.ra$esky a +inT) $erse!zun0 : ,ans
)aer!ner (1erlin83eimar @@: 19*8)
-ranz Kafka F @as /r!eil (Schocken 7erla0
1erlin 19==( -ischer 19O2)
-ranz Kafka F 3e##in0 6repara!ions in !he
Coun!ry (,ochzei!svor$erei!un0en auf #em
Aan#e ransla!e# $y: ;rns! Kaiser8;i!hne
3ilkins (Schocken 19=386en0uin ;#i!ion)
-ranz Kafka F .m!liche Schrif!en (.ka#emie(
1erlin @@: 1982)
-ranz Kafka F .forismy (e#i!e# $y :io
;0on ;r'in Kisch F @ie .$en!euer in 6ra0
(.uf$au( 1erlin 1994)
>a" 1ro# F -ranzi (Kur! 3olf 7erla0 >unich
>a" 1ro# F +u0en# im Ge$el (;ckar#( 1:@F
3i!!en 19=9)
>a" 1ro# F ycho 1rahe 3e0 zu )o!! (6aul
Solnay 7erla0 7ienna 1935)
>a" 1ro# F S!rei!$ares Ae$en (1882F19*8)
(,er$i0( >unich 19*9)
-ranz 3erfel F he Son0 of 1erna#e!!e (@as
Aie# von 1erna#e!!e) !ransla!e# $y Au#'i0
Ae'isohn (,amish ,amil!on Aon#on 192=)
-ranz 3erfel F @as Aie# von 1erna#e!!e
(.lma >ahlerF3erfel 1921)
-ranz 3erfel F @er o# #es Klein$Jr0ers
(.lma >ahlerF3erfel 19=48:eklam 4511)
Karel apek F @er Krie0 mi! #en >olchen
(7Qlka z >loky) !ransla!e# $y ;& )laser
(3eiss 1erlin81ucher0il#e )u!en$er0 19*2 )
Karel apek F he Shir!s (from 6ov_#ky z
#ruhT kapsy) !ransla!e# $y ,u!chinson c Co&
(from he 3orl#%s )rea!es! Shor! S!ories(
9#hams 6u$l& Aon#on 192O )
Karel apek F 3hy < am no! a Communis!
(6ro? GeBsem Komunis!ouD) !ransla!e# $y
>ar!in 6okorny (from h!!p:88capek&mis!o&cz
+ohannes /rzi#il F 6ra0er rip!ichon (.l$er!
Aan0en( >unich 19*5)
+aroslav ,aIek F he )oo# Sol#ier EveBk
(9su#y #o$rTho voBQka EveBka za svU!ovT
vQlky) illus!ra!e# $y +osef Aa#a !ransla!e# $y
Cecil 6arro!! (6en0uin 1ooks Aon#on 19O3)
>ichael S!avaric F
!a0'erk&lan#nahme&un0elenk (:e#c)uil!y
7ienna 4554)
S#enUk +iro!ka F Sa!urnin( !ransla!ion $y
Gor$er! Cho!as (.r!ia 6ra0ue CSS: 19=9)
+erome K +erome F 7$Ur z 6ov_#ek (Selec!e#
S!ories) !ransla!e# $y 7eronika 7olheBnovQ
(-ra0men!( 6ra0ue 1992)
>ar!in ;sslin (e#i!or) F hree ;as! ;uropean
6lays fea!& he >emoran#um $y 7Qclav
,avel) 6en0uin !ransla!e# $y 7era 1lack'ell
Aon#on 19O5
7Qclav ,avel F he <ncrease# @ifficul!y of
Concen!ra!ion (S!_Ven# >oznos!
Sous!Le#Un_) F !ransla!e# $y 7era
1lack'ell (+ona!han Cape( Aon#on 19O4)
+aromir Gavra!il (;#i!or) F he 6ra0ue Sprin0
19*8 (Cen!ral ;uropean /niversi!y 6ress(
1u#apes! ,un0ary 1998)
6o0ius 7slech F >is!r +an ,us na Koncila
Kos!nickTm (;#uar# )rT0r 6ra0ue 18O=)
3illiam Sha'cross F @u$cek an#
Czechoslovakia 1918F1995 ,o0ar!h 6ress(
Aon#on 1995)
;#i!h 6ar0e!er F he Coas! of 1ohemia
(Common :ea#er .ka#ine 6ress Ge' ]ork
]asha @avi# F Aa -ui!e en avan! #e >oscou
(C)8-9 -rance 19O4)
+aco$ :ihosek F he Chan0in0 -ace of !he
Czech :epu$lic (,o##er! 3aylan# 4552)
+osef 6roIek F eskoslovensko( pho!o0raphs
$y 9!a Klein (9r$is 6raha 19*2)
+i!ka >elicharovQF7inalrovQ F
Sumava8SJ#$ahmen ransla!e# $y ;va
1er0lovQ ( 9lympia 6ra0ue CS-: 1991)
)eor0iB 9vsBannikov F psycholo0ie CeskoF
:usk Slovn_k (/niverzi!a Karlova v 6raze(
-akul!a -ilozoficka 1983)
.n0licko Cesk8Cesko .n0lick Slovn_k
)ramma!ika -raze (-ra0men! 6ra0ue 1991)
Kapesni F Slovn_k Cizich slov pro 41& s!ole!i
(nakla#a!els!vi 6ra0ue 4558)
<n 1989( almos! !'en!y one years af!er !he
even!s #epic!e# in !his novel( !he <ron
Cur!ain fell& he peaceful even! is kno'n as
!he 7elve! :evolu!ion& )us!av ,usak
resi0ne# an# 'as replace# $y .le"an#er
@u$?ek an# 7Qclav ,avel& he CSS: cease#
!o e"is! an# $ecame Czechoslakia& <n 1995(
!he !'o provinces separa!e# !o form !he
Czech :epu$lic an# Slovakia&

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