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Andover Primary School

Eco Committee

Agenda – 27th October

1. Previous Action points

• Environmental review

o litter/waste/energy - ben, Hannah, logan, Thomas

o biodiversity/school grounds/water - lucas, kayleigh, Isabella
o Transport/health/sustaining our world - Martha, finlay, heather, kyle

2. each sub-group to feedback information from environmental review

3. decide on three areas to focus on – one must be litter

4. discuss how we will get ideas for developing our three focus areas from the
whole school

5. Start compiling a new folder. Each sub group to take responsibility for 3 sections.
Sections for new folder.

• Front cover
• Contents page
• Section 1 - The eco committee
• Section 2 - Environmental review
• Section 3 - Action plans
• Section 4 - Monitoring & evaluation
• Section 5 - Linking to the curriculum
• Section 6 - Involving whole school and wider community
• Section 7 - Eco code

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