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International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976

6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online), Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 10-17 IAEME


Mr. G.C. Pandey


Dr. Rajeev Shukla

(Professor and Head of Business Management at Shri Vaishnav School of Business Management)

Dharmendra Kumar Singh

(PhD Scholorar) Dr. C.V.RAMAN UNIVERSITY, Kargi Road Kota Bilaspur (C.G)


The trend world over is to outsource debt collection. It is good. It has worked well in the
western world where legal proceedings are systematically undertaken. There is a strong motivated
force in the private debt collectors. In India too many private and even government organizations
have outsourced the debt recovery. The private sector takes the help of specialist companies who
have an organized set up with central support team with well informed debt collectors. In the event
of mission failure the legal team jumps in to take over the debt collection. The main objective of this
paper is to know the gender effect of debtors on Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery used by
BSNL Indore.
The present study has analyzed gender effect of debtors on Social Pressure Approach to Debt
Recovery used by BSNL Indore. The study is descriptive in nature. Convenient Judgmental sampling
method used for data collection for the study.

Keyword: Debt Collection, Contract Enforcement, Consumer Credit Markets, Regulation of Credit
Markets, Credit Cards, Bank Reputation.


The trend world over is to outsource debt collection. It is good. It has worked well in the
western world where legal proceedings are systematically undertaken. There is a strong motivated
force in the private debt collectors. In India too many private and even government organizations

ISSN 0976 6464(Print)
ISSN 0976 6472(Online)
Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 10-17
Journal Impact Factor (2014): 7.2836 (Calculated by GISI)


International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976
6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online), Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 10-17 IAEME

have outsourced the debt recovery. The private sector takes the help of specialist companies who
have an organized set up with central support team with well informed debt collectors. In the event
of mission failure the legal team jumps in to take over the debt collection. Many specialist companies
have followed their own ways of debt collection. However, the service sector PSUs have been
traditionally relying on mainly three methods of revenue collection and debt recovery,

Delivery of invoices & waiting for customer to pay.
Reminders through phone and letters
Legal notices
Outsourcing the revenue collection and debt recovery.

All these methods have limitation when applied in PSU. In BSNL the revenue collection is
about 95% on an average that too over a period of six months. In BSNL on Pan India basis, there was
a huge outstanding to the tune of Rs 4800 Crores till the end of Dec 2013 [1-4]. If customers dont
pay on time or if invoices have to be constantly chased then the company accounts could easily
suffer, and in extreme cases it can have a company-wide impact on finances. Thats why debt
recovery is so important. To overcome this problem of bad debts BSNL Indore has proposed an
innovative method of debt collection named as EE-SPADR (Empowered Employees Social Pressure
Approach to Debt Recovery). In which proximity of BSNLs employees (empowered) to debtors
were first mapped and then used to create a social pressure on debtors to settle debt quickly. The
present study has analyzed gender effect of debtors on Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery
used by BSNL Indore [4][5][6-10].


Following hypotheses were stated for the study and checked at 5% level of significance.

Gender wise there is no significant difference in perception of debtors towards Behaviours of
BSNL Employees while implementing Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt
Recovery (EE-SPADR).

Gender wise there is no significant difference in perception of debtors towards Innovativeness
of Employees while implementing Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt
Recovery (EE-SPADR).

Gender wise there is no significant difference in perception of debtors towards Effectiveness of
Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery (EE-SPADR).

Gender wise there is no significant difference in perception of debtors towards creation of
adequate level of Social Pressure through Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt
Recovery (EE-SPADR).

Gender wise there is no significant difference in perception of debtors towards Social Pressure
through Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery (EE-SPADR).

Gender wise there is no significant difference in perception of debtors towards Inspiration of the
Model of Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery (EE-SPADR).

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976
6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online), Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 10-17 IAEME

Gender wise there is no significant difference in perception of debtors towards Opportunity for
Debt Settlement provided by Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery

Gender wise there is no significant difference in perception of debtors towards Communication
of Customer problems to BSNL through Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt
Recovery (EE-SPADR).

Gender wise there is no significant difference in perception of debtors towards Improvement in
image of BSNL due to Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery (EE-

Gender wise there is no significant difference in perception of debtors towards Inconvenience
caused by Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery (EE-SPADR).

Gender wise there is no significant difference in perception of debtors towards Ability of
Employees handling Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery (EE-

Gender wise there is no significant difference in perception of debtors towards applicability to
other PSUs of Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery (EE-SPADR).

The study is descriptive in nature. The Convenient Judgmental sampling method used for data
collection for the study. The data collected from 170 respondents. Sampling Unit are debtors of
BSNL. Sampling Area is Indore City of Madhya Pradesh in India.


The primary data for the study was collected with the help of structured questionnaire
comprising 12 items. Indore BSNL territory was divided in to 26 zones. All the debtors (Around
10,000 in numbers) were mapped by address to these 26 zones. Internet, banking websites, books,
magazine and journals were referred as secondary sources for collecting data for the study.


It is exhibited in Table 1 that 87.6% respondents were male and just 12.4% were Females.
This might be because in India any public utility service is taken still taken in name of Male member
of the family if they are mature.
It is exhibited in Table 2 that Gender wise there was no significant difference observed in
perception of debtors towards attributes of Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt
Recovery (EE-SPADR) adopted by BSNL Indore. Findings of the study revealed that irrespective of
gender male and female debtors have shown similar opinion towards attributes of Empowered
Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery (EE-SPADR) adopted by BSNL Indore. And
all the null hypotheses were not rejected at 5% level of significance. However, debtor gender wise
mean and standard deviation towards attributes of empowered

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976
6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online), Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 10-17 IAEME

Table 1: Gender Profiling of Respondents
Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Male 149 87.6 87.6
Female 21 12.4 100.0
Total 170 100.0 187.6

Table 2: Debtor Gender Wise T- Test for Attributes of EE-SPADR
Test Df
Sig. (2-tailed)

Q1 Equal variances assumed -.551 168 .583
Equal variances not assumed -.623 28.462 .538
Q2 Equal variances assumed -1.656 168 .100
Equal variances not assumed -1.710 26.517 .099
Q3 Equal variances assumed -1.768 168 .079
Equal variances not assumed -1.594 24.482 .124
Q4 Equal variances assumed 1.163 168 .247
Equal variances not assumed 1.207 26.625 .238
Q5 Equal variances assumed .629 168 .530
Equal variances not assumed .734 29.225 .469
Q6 Equal variances assumed .037 168 .971
Equal variances not assumed .036 25.915 .971
Q7 Equal variances assumed -.461 168 .645
Equal variances not assumed -.445 25.398 .660
Q8 Equal variances assumed .614 168 .540
Equal variances not assumed .821 33.885 .417
Q9 Equal variances assumed .846 168 .398
Equal variances not assumed 1.042 30.776 .306
Q10 Equal variances assumed -1.113 168 .267
Equal variances not assumed -1.973 57.129 .053
Q11 Equal variances assumed -.706 168 .481
Equal variances not assumed -.803 28.569 .429
Q12 Equal variances assumed .307 168 .760
Equal variances not assumed .461 40.172 .648

It is exhibited in Table A that 87.6% respondents were male and just 12.4% were Females.
This might be because in India any public utility service is taken still taken in name of Male member
of the family if they are mature.
It is exhibited in Table 2 that Gender wise there was no significant difference observed in
perception of debtors towards attributes of Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt
Recovery (EE-SPADR) adopted by BSNL Indore. Findings of the study revealed that irrespective of
gender male and female debtors have shown similar opinion towards attributes of Empowered.
Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery (EE-SPADR) adopted by BSNL
Indore. And all the null hypotheses were not rejected at 5% level of significance. However, debtor

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976
6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online), Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 10-17 IAEME

gender wise mean and standard deviation towards attributes of empowered employee based social
pressure approach of debt recovery (Table 3) revealed some degree of difference in opinion of male
and female respondents, which were not significant at 5% level of significance.
Male debtors very strongly believe (mean 1.71) that EE-SPADR is innovative though there
are great opinion differences within male debtors as indicated by SD of 1.248. This means there are
few debtors who believe that EE-SPADR is definitely innovative whereas there are few who have no
idea about it. This shows variety of debtors with knowledge and understanding of EE-SPADR and its
predecessors. Female debtors have less difference of opinion. They accept that EE-SPADR is
innovative with more consistency. This kind of response from female debtors is probably female
debtors have never been approached before by BSNL for debt recovery. They might have heard
through their male family members about difficulty in debt settlement through traditional approach.
Male debtors were also found to be relatively more satisfied with BSNL employee behaviour than
female debtors.
Similarly male debtors strongly believe that EE-SPADR is a good way of debt settlement
though there are opinion differences within male debtors. This means there are few debtors who
believe that EE-SPADR is definitely good way of debt settlement whereas there are few who have no
idea about it. This shows variety of debtors with knowledge and understanding of EE-SPADR and its
predecessors. However, Female debtors have shown greater difference of opinion. They accept that
EE-SPADR is way of debt settlement with less consistency. This kind of response from female
debtors is probably female debtors might not have liked being approached by BSNL for debt
Female debtors have less difference of opinion in accepting that EE-SPADR has created
required social pressure with more consistency. This might be due to female debtors have never been
approached before by BSNL for debt recovery. EE-SPADR must have surprised them with some
apprehension of neighbours coming to know indebtedness. They were also strongly accepted that
EE-SPADR is a successful tool of recovery with more consistency
In both male and female debtors group there were few debtors who believe that EE-SPADR
motivated them to settle debt whereas there were few who have no idea about it. This finding
revealed the varying understanding of EE-SPADR adopted by BSNL Indore. Similarly irrespective
of gender variation in responses for both groups were observed that EE-SPADR provided an
opportunity for debt settlement.
Both male and female debtors have opined that EE-SPADR helped debtors to communicate
their problems to BSNL and also that this effort of BSNL has improved debtors image towards
BSNL services. However, female have stronger opinion with more consistency than males. This can
be explained by the fact that female have less exposure to such issues as they handle only internal
issues of families and seldom get chance to express their emotional trauma that they experience
when unsettled dues keep their minds occupied. When BSNL employees approached them at their
home, they might have found a channel to express themselves and this fact made female debtors
respond strongly and more consistently than male debtors.
Female have stronger opinion with more consistency than male debtors towards convenience
caused by Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery. The opinion
difference between males & females is due to more convenience experienced by females in debt
settlement through EE-SPADR as they did not have to go to any office of BSNL for debt settlement.
The male debtors were found to be relatively more agreed than female debtors in saying that BSNL
employees were empowered to handle EE-SPADR. This might be due to the fact male must have
demanded on the spot commitment from BSNL employees which they unexpectedly got (which
might have been opposite of what they perceived of a PSU employee). Normally females are not so

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976
6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online), Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 10-17 IAEME

Irrespective of gender debtors were also found to be agreed that EE-SPADR adopted by BSNL
Indore is suitable for implementation in other PSUs where debt recovery has become a big problem.


The present study has analyzed gender effect of debtors on Social Pressure Approach to Debt
Recovery used by BSNL Indore. Findings of the study revealed that irrespective of gender male and
female debtors have shown similar opinion towards attributes of Empowered Employee Social
Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery (EE-SPADR) adopted by BSNL Indore. And all the null
hypotheses were not rejected at 5% level of significance. However, some degree of difference in
opinion of male and female respondents was revealed towards attributes of empowered employee
based social pressure approach of debt recovery. Findings of the study can be incorporated for
further implementation of Empowered Employee Social Pressure Approach to Debt Recovery (EE-
SPADR) invented by BSNL for enhancing its effectiveness and for paving the path for its wider
applicability in similar nature of other organizations.

Table 3: Debtor Gender Wise Mean and Standard Deviation Towards Attributes of EE-SPADR
Questionnaires Gender No of sample) Mean Std. Deviation
Q1 Male 149 1.6309 .66117
Female 21 1.7143 .56061
Q2 Male 149 1.6242 .73039
Female 21 1.9048 .70034
Q3 Male 149 1.8926 .82315
Female 21 2.2381 .94365
Q4 Male 149 2.4899 .93446
Female 21 2.2381 .88909
Q5 Male 149 2.0403 .94354
Female 21 1.9048 .76842
Q6 Male 149 1.9597 .86117
Female 21 1.9524 .86465
Q7 Male 149 1.8255 .73274
Female 21 1.9048 .76842
Q8 Male 149 1.8725 .79940
Female 21 1.7619 .53896
Q9 Male 149 1.9396 .92436
Female 21 1.7619 .70034
Q10 Male 149 3.7450 1.03424
Female 21 4.0000 .44721
Q11 Male 149 1.7315 .77661
Female 21 1.8571 .65465
Q12 Male 149 1.9262 1.00736
Female 21 1.8571 .57321

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976
6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online), Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 10-17 IAEME


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I am thankful to the staff of BSNL Indore for providing me feedback very readily. I am also
thankful to my dearest wife Archana & daughter Ishita for encouraging me all the time during my
research work. More than any one I am indebted to Dr Rajeev Shukla who has been my source of
inspiration for all my research work and has guided me disregarding any inconvenience that I may
have caused to him.

International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Technology (IJECET), ISSN 0976
6464(Print), ISSN 0976 6472(Online), Volume 5, Issue 6, June (2014), pp. 10-17 IAEME


Ganesh Chandra Pandey:- Mr. G C Pandey, born on 8th Jan 1958, obtained his BE Electrical in
1980 and M Tech degree in 1990 from MACT Bhopal under Barkatullah University Madhya
Pradesh. He also passed Project Management Professional exam of PMI USA in 2009. He has
undertaken many important assignments of Government of India overseas in Europe, Africa &
Middle East. At present he is pursuing PhD from CV Raman University Chhatisgarh.

Dr Rajeev Shukla:- Dr Rajeev Shukla graduated in Chemical Engineering from Government
Engineering College Raipur in 1991. He completed is MBA from Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru Institute
of Business Management of Vikram University Ujjain in 1997. He obtained PhD degree in
management from Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru Institute of Business Management of Vikram
University Ujjain in 2003. At present he is serving as Professor and Head of Business Management
at Shri Vaishnav School of Business Management (Shree Vaishnav Institute of Technology and
Science) Indore. He has served in the Industry for many years. He is a certified Energy Manager /
Auditor by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, and Government of India. He has
many important industrial Business Process Re-Engineering projects to his credit.

Dharmendra kumar:- Dharmendra kumar obtained M. Tech. Degree in Electronics Design and
Technology from Tezpur University, Tezpur, Assam in the year 2003.

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