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1. Filename: Bank.

2. Problem: Bank Churn
3. Nature of data:
Column Description
A Serial Number
B Response (1: deserter, : !o"al#
C Bran$h $ode
% &$$upation o' Customer
&$$upation Code &$$upation Code
Business 1 (ri)ate Ser)i$e 2
*o)ernment Ser)i$e 3 Student +
%e'ense , -ouse.i'e /
(ro'essional 0 &thers 1
2 A3e(4ears# Code
52 1
2.3 2
3.+ 3
+.,1 +
6 ,1 ,
7 Sex 8ale 1 7emale 2
* to 9 Satis'a$tion s$ore (:1 s$ale# on )ariable named at the top o'
ea$h $olumn. -i3her the s$ore, 3reater is the satis'a$tion o' the $lient. Non
:response is indi$ated b" a ne3ati)e s$ore. Non a)ailabilit" is indi$ated b"
a sin3le ;.
+. Background: Businesses like banks .hi$h pro)ide ser)i$e ha)e to .orr"
about problem o' <Churn= i.e. $ustomers lea)in3 and >oinin3 another ser)i$e
pro)ider. ?t is important to understand .hi$h aspe$ts o' the ser)i$e in'luen$e a
$ustomer=s de$ision in this re3ard. 8ana3ement $an $on$entrate e''orts on
impro)ement o' ser)i$e, keepin3 in mind these priorities.
,. Suggested tools: !o3isti$ re3ression, $ontin3en$" tables.

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