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Nama : Muhammad Ruslan

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris VI

Nomor peserta : 0061/II/KPI/11
Semester/Jurusan : VI KPI

Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

The honorable the headmaster of this madrasah, honourable all teachers of this
madrasah, and my be love friends.

The first we say be praise God to Allah SWT, because we have give healthy and faith, so we
can meet back in this ramadhan situation. In this occasio I want give some describe about
welcome ramadhan.
Ramadhan! Ramadhan is pure month to all Moslem.

Ramadhan have come. All of Moslem celebration it with glad and happiness. Many activity
to do celebration this month namely make a devosioner and strengthen friendship and
something dont forget is repaired heart to do shaum and tarawih pray in this month.
Shaum in this ramadhan is obligation that have to do every Moslem in the world

About this mention in Al-Quran Al-Baqarah 183.
That have meaning,
Hi the faith people, obligation to shaum to you. Such as obligation previous people
to you in order to your pious

This month is large opportunity that give the God to us to add and step up our pious
so we can the especially place in befaced the God.
Expect shaum, we have to restrained his desire. It is something difficulty, restrained
can make people to do something that worst and can damage his actof devotion shaum.

Welcome ramadhan glad and happiness. Lets go through his pure month we step up faith and
piety to Allah SWT. In order to we to be perfect humanity and reach of Lailatul Qadar I n this
ramadhan, because Lailatul Qadar is better than thousand month and every man hope can
have it.
Thus, my describe about ramadhan, if I do fault I want to say sorry and to Allah SWT
I pardon and word last I say thank you very much to All of people.

Wassalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

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