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Przemyl is one of the oldest and most beautiful Polish towns. It is

situated at the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains. There are more than
a thousand monuments, unforgettable landscapes, steep, narrow streets,
historical buildings and old churches with towers that climb ever higher.


It is believed to be the only sloping maretplace in !urope. There are
houses with the beautiful "rt #ouveau decoration, arcades and many
nineteenth century elements.


$ou simply cannot miss the fountain with a bear monument, standing in
the centre of the maret. %ountain was founded in &'() . Today it is one of
the most photographed ob*ects and also a symbol of the city.


#e+t to the ,ear %ountain you can find a figure of the -ood .oldier .ve*,
who is the protagonist of a novel by the Czech writer /aroslav 0ase. This
hero visited Przemysl during his military service.

The Roman-Catholic
Achcathe!al an!
the Gee"-Catholic
Przemyl is the only
town in Poland
where two cathedrals
of different religions
are located ne+t to
each other. "part
from that, there are
fifteen churches in the
city1 2ne of them
3The Carmelite
Church4 has an
outstanding 5ococo

The Cloc" To#e $ The

M%&e%m o' Bell& an!
The cloc tower is 6)
metres high and has got
an observation dec. In
&''( it was converted into
the Museum of ,ells and
Pipes. Przemysl7s bells
ring out on all continents
and the pipes are nown
throughout the world. It is
the only Museum of ,ells
and Pipes in Poland.

The Rail#a* Station

The main railway station in Przemysl is an e+ample of the beautiful
architecture of the "ustro80ungarian !mpire. 0ere you can feel a
substitute of the atmosphere in the -alician towns. The station was built
in the nineteenth century with the launch of a rail lin between 9viv and
:raow. Its construction was completed in &;'<. The station was
renovated in =>&>

Przemyl is a city situated on seven hills. 2ne of them is the mound of
Tatar. ?hile standing on the top, you can admire the beauty of the city.
That is why the place is a big attraction for tourists. The most beautiful
view is at night 8 both the sy and the city shine lie a million stars.

S"i Slo)e
2ne of the most interesting attractions, which brings many people to
Przemyl, is a si slope. There are 6 si runs of varying difficulty . .iers
can use the following si station facilities. There is also a gravity slide
"lpine8Coaster which is 6<>m long. It7s located near to the si slope and it
is available whole year.

It is a powerful
comple+ of defense,
the third largest
fortress in
!urope3after "ntwerp
and @erdun4.
Przemyl fortress was
under siege three
times 3thing
unprecedented in the
history of wars4. It also
underwent the longest
siege 8 the isolation
period was &A6 days


2ne of the most important sites in the city. ,eing located on a hill 3about
=A> m above sea level4 it is well visible from many parts of the city. #e+t
to the Casimirian Castle is the PrzemyslBs City Par, created in the Period
of Partitions.

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It is not e+actly located in Przemyl. :rasiczyn @illage is *ust &< m away
from Przemyl. The castle is a beautiful e+ample of 5enaissance 8
Mannerist in Poland. The castle surrounded by a big par, with many
breathtaing views, is a popular place to organise a wedding.4

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