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Olguimar Aquino Pereira

INGL 3201-L03
Narrative Paragraph
Second ra!t
"a# 1$% 201&'
(er )edding (a* to +e the +e*t
She ,a* ,earing a -eauti!ul ,hite dre**. her ,edding ,a* the -e*t da# o! m# li!e' "#
cou*in married la*t *ummer in a /atholic cathedral in /arolina' 0he ,edding ,a* a *hort
ceremon#% -ut a -eauti!ul one' A!ter the ceremon#% all o! the gue*t* ,ent to ,here the part# too1
place' )hen the -ride and her hu*-and got to the part#% ever# per*on there ,elcomed them ,ith
a *tanding ovation' Later came the ,alt2. then the dinner' )hen the -ride3* cou*in* !ini*hed
eating the# ,ent to the dance !loor. that ,a* the -e*t moment o! the night' All the cou*in* made
a circle around the -ride and *tarted 4umping to the -eat o! the techno mu*ic that the 5 pla#ed'
A!ter the cra2# *ong% I too1 the -ride and danced ,ith her m# !avorite -and3* *ong' )e ,ere
-oth *creaming the l#ric* o! the *ong' 0he !unnie*t part o! the dance time ,a* that% ,hen the
hu*-and and the ,i!e danced% the# made a choreograph#' 0he# are gee1*% *o their dance ,a*
reall# ,eird li1e a mortal com-at !ight' Ne6t to that moment came the Latino rh#thm' All the
adult* in the part# ,ent to the dance !loor' I danced a 7merengue3 ,ith m# dad' 0he la*t *ong
,a* )ithout 8ou -# 9*her' All the cou*in* made a circle ,ith the -ride and *ang the *ong' It
,a* a !un da#'

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