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Piouucei: Zeke Zelkei Biiectoi: Rae Labauie

Peifoimances: !-./012 34 55 at Bucks County Playhouse

Reheaisals begin (16.17012 89

Filming foi web-seiies begins ;<=> 8?
@A #BC./AD "' E/2 3 F11GC (SAu New Neuia

Auuitions by appointment will be helu ;<A1 5?

0pen call auuitions will be helu ;<A1 53
fiom 9B74?67
at Champion Stuuios, 2S7 West S9
Stieet, 14
Flooi, New Yoik, NY

Please note that this is pait of a tiansmeuia pioject wheie uiffeient facets of the stoiy aie being tolu
thiough a play, web seiies (SAu New Neuia) anu movie (SAu Nou Low). The ioles we aie auuitioning
foi is all thiee paits of the pioject.

"=1BC1 -/71 6216B21H F@.: B :1BHC:/.D 21C<71D BAH B 548 7@A<.1
-/A.176/2B2> 7/A/=/I<1J

Foui lucky contestants have been chosen foi iauio station WTYT 96u's Billboaiu Sitting
Contest. With only theii backpacks, 2 pizzas a uay, anu a gallon of watei, the contestants must
suivive on the catwalk in fiont of the station's billboaiu longei than all the otheis to win $96u,uuu.
As peisonalities aie ievealeu, iesouices aie cut uown, anu peisonal uiama ensues, the competition
among the billboaiu sitteis heats up.

(:1=0> K1>A/=HC: a twenty something pixie blonue aitist, living in NYC enteis the WTYT 96u
billboaiu sitting contest as a way to escape hei life anu focus on hei painting. (knowleuge of ait
scene a plus)
&=B2G ):/76C/A: a want to be hipstei in his eaily twenties is the fiont man foi the banu the Skinny
Belgas, goes up on the billboaieu in hopes of making it big. (Actoi must be able to play guitai).
#==1A (A>H12: a miu fifty yeai olu wiuow who suffeieu a stioke iesulting in hei being paialyzeu hei
left siue anu has Bioca's Aphasia. (piefei Latino oi Afiican Ameiican actiess)

&/A.B-. ;B71C &:B2=1C E/2 B66/@A.71A.L

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